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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. HI From the point of view of the preview image appearance, go into tools/option/display and check the Preview Format Preset.settings Set this to the highest values if you want a "clearer" preview image. Note that this may affect the speed of thumbnail rendering and produce warning messages depending on your PC. There is quite difference between 512x288 (16:9) and 1920 x 1080 (16:9) If your image is vertical and you want a vertical pan just use the ZOOM effect. Set Restraint to16:9 and draw the rectangle in to fit the image side to side and then move it to the top of the image. Open the Effects Animation screen. Slide the preview cursor left (start of clip) and set the keyframe markers. Slide the cursor lone to the right (end of clip) Drag the zoom rectangle to the bottom of the image and set the keyframe. Don't alter the size of the rectangle. The speed of the pan down the image will depend on the duration of the image. Export at the higher resolution setting Nat
  2. Hi I had a thought regarding the way VP behaves with image clips. Mixing images and video clips on the timeline means that gaps in the audio track are always created. Closing those gaps in some instances can result in the deletion of the image clip associated with the sound gap. Any thoughts on whether it might be possible that when you add an IMAGE into VP, the program creates and links a BLANK soundtrack to it? (A simple line waveform - In effect creating a muted "video" clip.) This would have the same duration as the default duration for images as set up in options but could be lengthened if the image duration is lengthened, as for example when the value is altered in the storyboard mode. It would mean that any images used would behave in exactly the same way as video clips, and no gaps would be created in the audio track, unless you made them during editing. Just interested to know what other people think. Nat
  3. Hi Mustetassu "However, if you use the OLD FILM effect and un-click Flicker/Spots/Lines/Black and White you should find that the Shake option will work on clips/images of less than a second although there are no controls." This may be the best you will get if you have to use a less than one second clip. Nat
  4. Hi That's useful to know. :-) In effect you are creating two clips from one. Having done that each "new" clip only has one sound fade; either fade in or a fade out but not both and this does seem to cure the problem. However if your clip has fade-in AND fade-out the sound can mute but unexpected fades can occur also if the speed of the clip has been altered. I think NCH are having a look at it. Nat
  5. HI Your problem here is thet the Save audio file only works on a single clip........ So what you need to get what you want is once you are satisfied with all the edits to your project (both video and audio) click the Sequence tab at the top of the screen (either of them) and select New sequence. This will clear the timeline and place all your work into the Sequence bin as a single clip. Now load the sequence from the bin back to the empty timeline. You won't see the waveform for the audio but it will be there. Left click the timeline to select it. Now click the "Clip" option on the toolbar and select "Save sequence audio as a new file" This will place a copy in the Audio clip bin and another .wav copy in your PCs Audio save folder that is set up under Tools/Options/Disc. Nat
  6. Hi Under Tools/Options/Export that the Audio fade-out box is not checked. (Although the effect would not be random as you mention.) There is a known problem also with selections from clips that incorporate sound fade-in/out from the soundtrack menu option either muting all the clip sound or fading it out in the incorrect place. http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/23929-export-audio-fade/page__hl__+sound%20+fade#entry58384 http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/23999-fade-out-function-for-audio-stopped-working/page__hl__+sound%20+fade#entry58108 Nat
  7. Hi There is no automatic way to do this. Obviously you will know if there are similar frames in your sequence so I would suggest you might try this... Place your clip on the timeline (Video Track 1) and find what you think is a suitable frame at the end of the clip. Put the cursor line at this point and split the clip. Drag the right hand portion of the clip up to the overlay track (Video Track 2) and make it 50% transparent. Move the red cursor line back to the start of Video Track 1 and find the frame you think is similar at this point. Drag the overlay clip to the left so it starts at the cursor line.Overlap it if necessary. Zoom in. You can grab the overlay track and move it a frame at a time if you are zoomed in enough. Both clips will/should be visible in the sequence preview and you can check for a match as you do this. Alternatively you can fix the overlap by a frame and move the cursor line by a frame (Next frame button under the preview screen) to check for a match. If you don't see one as you step along you can then move the overtlay another frame and start again. When you find a suitable match split the Tracks at the cursor line and delete the right hand section from Video Track 1 and the left hand section from Video Track 2 Restore the transparency to 0% (remove the effect) from Video Track 2 and then drag the clip down to the main track. Provided the frames you selected were very similar it should play reasonably smoothly. Nat
  8. Hi If, by "Project" you mean the .vpj file and you have saved your work as two .vpj files, then you can only load one of these. You cannot load one and merge another vpj file to it to make a longer video. You can import the clips that make up the second vpj file as c-major suggests but you would then have to re-construct the second project again at the end of the first one loaded. HOWEVER...... ***** One way around this is to load your second .vpj project file and create a Sequence of the whole timeline. You will finish up with all the component clips in the clip bin and the sequence from the timeline as a single clip in the Sequence bin. The timeline will be empty. Now save your work as a .vpj file project file. To get both videos together.... Load your first project .vpj file. This will construct your first video. Now Import the clips from your second video .vpj file as c-major suggests. You will now find that ALL the clips from both videos are in the clip bin and the Sequence you created of your second video in the Sequence bin. Simply add this sequence to the timeline and both videos are together. The only difference is that the Audio Track for the added sequence will appear blank, although the sound is there. "I got after Import 2 sequences but i cannot merge these sequences into ONE Video film" I am not exactly clear here by what you mean by "sequences" in this context....Did you mean "clips". If so you have not created a sequence to import as mentioned above and all you are finding are the clips, and as stated, you would have to recreate the second video from these. Try the instructions above from *****. Note: Sequences behave like a single clip in VP and can be added to the timeline in exactly the same way. i.e. Place or Drag and Drop. Nat
  9. Hi Sam My original thought was to use zoom but evenyually came up with your solution. However I don't get the line like you per se. With the copy I made of the original image I got position vertical values of 5.65 for Track 1 and -94.35 for the overlay Track This doesn't show a line so I don't think VP is at fault, but there is a difference in hue between the two sky sections which makes the join visible. The lower strip (now at the top) is slightly darker. I think that this is always going to be there whatever film copy is being used as It might be inherent in the copying device. Nat
  10. Hi "I tried it and realized that there's still going to be a missing strip between the overlay and the main video." Don't rely on the figures quoted here; they are only a guide for the image you posted. You should be able to match the frames pretty exactly without any gap or missing strip. Undock the preview window and enlarge it. Move the main track frame down so the lower overlap is just out of sight. Add the overlay clip and drag it up. Underneath you will see the main track image appear. If you drag the frame too high you will see the gap you mention. Use the vertical value control to pull it gradually down again. You should be able to get it exact. Nat
  11. Hi Place your clip on Video Track1 Click the FX box on the clip and select POSITION Undock the preview pane so you can see things clearer. You need to move the clip DOWN to remove the overlapped area. Grab the Top of the box and drag the frame down until the overlapped portion is just out of the frame. The Vertical value will be about 6.5 Horizontal value =0 Close the effects window and the preview pane. Now place the same clip on the overlay track and drag it left so it lines up with the clip on Track1. You now need to move the overlay clip UP so the overlapped portion is in the space made at the top of the clip on Track 1 Click the FX box on the overlay clip and select POSITION. Undock the preview pane so you can see things clearer. Grab the Bottom of the frame and drag it up. As it moves you will see Track 1 appear in the preview Stop when the chequerboard area appears and match the join as neatly as possible. The vertical value will be 100-6.5 The horizontal value should be 0 EDIT........Sorry hadn't noticed c-major had replied with the same solution. Nat
  12. Hi I posted a query re; this here... http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/24068-sequence-question/ I already knew about it but wanted to know why it was programmed in that way. c-major from nch replied. Nat
  13. Hi If you create a SEQUENCE of your clip(s) that has two Audio tracks, VP will combine both tracks into a single Audio Track. The sequence will now be treated as a single clip with one audio track. Loading the sequence back to the timeline will only show a blank Audio Track1 although when played the sound will be present. The "Drag and drop your audio clips here to mix" Audio track 2 is no longer visible; or indeed seems to be available for dragging further audio clips onto although more audio tracks are actually present. To proceed.... Drag and drop your new audio file to the apparently blank Audio Track 1. Here it will be visible as a waveform and mix with the unseen audio of the sequence. Once you have done this the "Drag and drop your audio clips here to mix" prompt will re-appear below Audio track 1 and you can then simply drag your new sound down from Audio Track 1 to the now visible Audio Track 2. Audio track 1 will remain apparently empty, but you can, if you wish still add audio clips to it instead of using Audio Track 3. Nat
  14. Hi I downloaded your video as an .flv file and loaded it into VP Up to 11 mins 35 (the first section of the video), the sound synchs OK but the second section of the film...(presumably after the TV adverts) was immediately out of synch. It suggests that the problem lies with the original recording and therefore would remain like this even if you converted it to an .avi (which is only a container anyway). The are 8 sections in the total video (the first being OK) so I think if you split at each each fade out (easily seen in the soundtrack) you can unlink the sound from each section and resynch it as explained above. Worth a try. I'll try the second section and see if this will work and then edit this post with a result. Later: Yes you can pull the unlinked soundtrack to the right to resynch the section. So split the video at each section and save each of them as a sequence and then work on each one as a separate sequence. It's quicker than trying to do the sections as part of the whole video.If you want to work in that way just add a blank clip of about 2 mins at the end of each section to allow space to drag the sound track into. I haven't checked but each section may have a different lag. Nat.
  15. Hi Open the link you posted: http://giphy.com/gifs/10qLozL9hkt5VC This will show your animated .gif of the hummingbird drinking nectar. Right click the image Select "Save image as" from the list of options Select a folder (e.g. Desktop) Leave the name field as giphy.gif Click Save The animated file will be saved to your desktop Double click the file to make it run or load it into VP where it will play. Removing the background may be even more difficult with this animation as there are several different shades present. Remember that the "Green Screen" effect can only deal with one shade.(The one you pick with the dropper and vary with threshold etc.) Unfortunately some of the background shades are also present in the body of the bird which would end up showing holes. The darker grey area running across behind the bird will be almost impossible to remove for the same reason. The original gif file I suggested had a monochrome background which was easier to deal with. If you want a lot of work... :-) you could extract each .gif image in the animation (123 of them!); mask the bird outline, invert the mask and then flood it with a pure shade (e.g. GREEN) and then resave the image. Do this 123 times..(the mask will be different on each image,) and use a .gif animator to re create the animation. That's a fair bit of work...... :-0 Here is just one of the frames treated in this way........ ORIGINAL: GREEN SCREEN Nat
  16. Hi From what is visible in your posted images, you seem to have some 28 video tracks running from only 17 clips. (Audio tracks are not visible but I assume there are a similar number). This seems to be a lot. VP is supposed to be able to cope with multiple tracks but there was a similar problem recently due to the number of Audio tracks. Save your project then try.... 1) Deleting all the tracks except 1-3 and see if that exports. 3) If it can manage that OK then move the clips up/or down to reduce the number of tracks. Clips can overlap without having to have their own track. Edit: That is; you can overlap Track 2 on Track 1 continuously with an occasional Track3..... .... .... .... Clip2 on Track 2 ............... Clip4 on Track 2..............Clip6 on Track2 Clip1 on Track 1 ....... Clip3 on Track 1 ......... Clip5 on Track 1 .........etc. Nat
  17. Hi Borate You are correct. For this video it would be impractical. Sorry I suggested it. It worked for the piano/orchestra audio files I was working on as these were quite short but the DH888 video is 43 minutes and even if you chose to synch somewhere near the centre, a 1% change in the speed would jump it about 25 seconds! Didn't think about that until I tried it. It's a pity you can't just grab the end of the audio clip and drag it - to squash or stretch it into synch. Nat
  18. Hi It may be related to the rendering format but really can't say. Perhaps someone with an in depth knowledge of how audio and visuals are kept together during rendering may explain. It may even have happened when the file was downloaded. To resynch you could try this...Using the example you posted above.... Unlink the sound. Run through the video (use the scrubber red line to do this) until you see the clip where the lady is speaking the "M" of "MAC" as shown in the examples above. Examine the audio peaks and stop the the sound on the peak corresponding to the "M" (Shown above) Split the sound track. Now drag the left section of the audio vertically down onto Audio track 2. Mute the right hand section on Audio track 1 so it doesn't distract. Move the red cursor line to where the woman has her lips pursed to say "MAC" You now have two reference points, the end of the first bit of audio "M" and the "MAC" of the visuals. With the reported desynchronisation, they will not be in the same place. Now change the speed setting of the track 2 audio (left hand bit) to make it play for longer (lower the speed setting a notch) or shorter (increase the speed setting) depending on the desynch. As you change the speed you should see the audio on Track 2 stretch out. or shrink back. Change the speed setting so as to get the two points together. i.e. the "M" peak coincident with the red cursor line. (Don't change the pitch) Once they are together review the video. If it's OK unmute the right hand section of the sound on track 1 and pull it along to the right of the "M" beyond the synch point.This is to give you enough room to drag the sound on Audio track 2 vertically back to Audio track 1. Check it is still in synch and then close the gap between the two audio sections. Make a note of the speed setting you have applied for first part of the sound track and apply it to the second part of the sound track. (assuming it desynchs at the same rate) This should ensure, hopefully that the second part of the sound track will now also remain in synch. Nat
  19. Hi If you are adding an effect to the video as a unit and not just a shorter clip it will take some time to render and it would affect the whole timeline. Shortish clips (30 seconds or less) generally render as you make the changes to the keyframes and can usually be played through quite quickly. If the effect you have planned is acting only on a small length of video, just split it off and add the effect to that section. It can be useful to place the processer % usage graph from the task manager on the screen as you can see at a glance whether your PC is working overtime. When it drops back to 1-2% you know rendering is complete even when the green bar is not visible. Nat
  20. Hi You can unlink the audio from the clips one at a time by right clicking each clip and selecting "Unlink from Audio" This will leave each audio clip disconnected. You can also do this from the video clip bin in which case the audio clip is copied to the Audio bin. I don't think there is a way of unlinking ALL the clips in one go. If you group the clips and try "Save Audio Clip as New File" only the audio section you click on from the group is saved. Nat
  21. Hi Borate A bit awkard if you want to refer to it later. :-) Nat
  22. Hi Could someone verify this please..... Open VP and load a video clips (with audio) to the Video File bin Load an image to the Image file bin Load a separate sound clip to the Audio file bin. Place the image onto the timeline followed by the video clip. Now click the Sequence tab and add this to the sequence bin. This clears the timeline. Open the sequence bin and place the newly created sequence on the empty timeline. Where has the Audio track gone to? The audio associated with the video clip plays but cannot be seen as a waveform. Audio Track1 is empty. Now open the Audio file bin and try to add the audio clip by dragging and dropping it. You can only place it on Audio Track 1 (even if you place it using the down arrow options) Furthermore Video track 1 is shortened to accomodate it. This means that if the audio file is a long one, the video clip already present is squashed down to invisibility which, unless you are aware that that has happed it can be a bit puzzling. :-) (Puzzled me for a start! I added quite a long audio file in comparison to the other two so that VP changed the zoom level so low the image clip almost squashed to invisibility as well!) This happens as soon as the audio being dragged gets over the track as even before it is dropped the video clip disappears! A shorter Audio file doesn't do this.... It's only when you have the clip on the (apparently) empty Audio Track 1 that you can drag it down to Audio track 2. But the Audio on Audio Track 1 for the Clip still does not appear. Is this a bug?? Nat
  23. Hi Changing the height of the preview window just stretches the cursor line with it and the "Phantom" split button still comes up on a level with the play/frame/start/end buttons. c-major "For example if you drag the cursor line and highlight a section, a "delete" button will also appear. The toolbar was actually designed with more future use in mind. " Yes it does but in the normal display there is no toolbar/strip/band to contain it. It also obscures more as it has a red delete cross next to it. :-) Borate's image shows that he is is working with a SEQUENCE and the display here has an additional strip at this position in which this button appears OK., next to "Sequence 1 x Sequence 2 x" That empty band is not present if you are working with VIDEO CLIPS on the "normal" screen timeline and that's where the Split button obscures (or 1/2 obscures the play buttons. perhaps that strip could be incorporated on all the screens. Nat
  24. HI Sam My feeling is that the "Phantom" split button doesn't really need to appear at all. IMHO it gets in the way. We have a perfectly usable "Normal" split button under the preview pane that is fixed, always visible and has a short menu of track options. Is there a reason why the other has to be there? Nat
  25. Hi Borate Thanks for confirming that. I am currently editing a mix of a piano accompaniment with an orchestral accompanient for a violin piece. Without a fade in/out for the orchestral sections its virtually impossible to get a smooth sound transition from piano to orchestra. Another thing I noticed was that if I took a section of orchestra clip that muted as explained above, when fade-in AND fade-out were added to it and then split it; separating the two halves. The first section played OK with fade-in but the second section with fade out was muted still, even though on the timeline it was now two clips! Definitely a bug. Nat
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