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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi You should be able to cut and paste text in Czech into the subtitle option of VP. e.g. (Please excuse the translation...) However I agree this is not the same as importing an srt file but at least this option seems to work here. For this test I translated a text line with Google (hence sorry for any errors :-)) and then copy/pasted that into the VP subtitle window where it appeared as shown in the image above. To check if the font etc. was retained I then saved this subtitle as both an SRT file and an SSA file. Cleared VP and reloaded both file types with the same video. Both reloaded OK except that the SRT file needed to be reformated in size. The font (apparently) was fine. The test used the ARIAL font. Nat
  2. Hi Why you have 10 clips (different clips that is) with the same thumbnail in Storyboard mode is a bit odd. Slecting the particular thumbnail to show is however a bit confusing. The intention I think is to use this option to select the frame as the thumbnail seen in the Clip Bin before it is placed on the timeline..perhaps to prevent confusion between similar clips being selected in error. The procedure envisaged is apparently as follows..... Add the clip to the VP clip bin. Normally the first frame of the clip will be displayed as the thumbnail. In Clip Preview play, or move the cursor along to the frame required Right click the Clip preview screen image and select "Use this Frame for Thumb frame" The thumbnail image shown in the clip bin will change to the selected frame displayed in the Clip Preview screen. If the clip is already on the timeline then toggling between Storyboard mode and Timeline mode after making the selection seems (sometimes...on occasions.....may....or may not ) change the Storyboard mode thumbnail to the clip bin thumbnail. As I mentioned its a bit confusing......but the first bit works. Nat
  3. Hi OK. So far you have created a basic video and this will be on Video Track 1 (and possibly on higher tracks if you have overlaid clips) and if it has an associated soundtrack, this will be directly below it on Audio Track 1. From what you desctibe you also have an audio clip that you wish to play with your edited video. The first step is to add the audio file to VP using the Add File button on the toolbar. It will then appear in the audio clip bin. At the BOTTOM of the VP interface screen beneath Audio Track 1 you should see an unlabelled track with the text........ "Drag and drop your audio clips here to mix" If you cannot see this line your preview area need to be reduced in size a bit. So, grab the five small dots beneath the preview screen and pull them up to reduce the height of the preview space. This will then reveal the next unlabelled audio track mentioned above containing the line of text. Now drag and drop your audio clip from the audio bin to this track which will become labelled Audio Track 2. Move it left/right to the point where you wish it to start playing. Alternatively put the cursor line at the start of the video, select your audio clip and then click the black down arrow on the Place tab and use the "Overlay on Sequence at Cursor " option at the bottom. This will place your audio onto Audio Track 2 (even if it remains hidden.) Note that both tracks will play (mix) so if you want to silence one of them you can mute it by clicking the microphone icon at the left end of the track.next to the FX button and ticking the Mute box. (You could also click the microphone icon at the extreme left of the track in question. OR you could also right click the track and select "Mute Audio" from the list.) Hope this helps. Nat
  4. Hi For a newcomer to video editing some programs can seem very complex even at the outset. On the other hand, VP for a beginner is pretty intuative with an all in one interface. The basic principles are easy to grasp and implement.,,,in essence just like handling cine film...Load your video/Place it on the timeline/Cut and remove unwanted bits/Export your result ....but like any program there are more complex areas. The help videos on Youtube for example, are not always up to date with the latest version (or the operating system) and often being silent are difficult to follow. However, help from within VP is available since by Tapping F1 it brings up a help page where all of the many functions are displayed and their use explained, As with any new program of this type it takes time to learn but VP lets you get going at a basic level very quickly. At the end of the day don't hesitate to write to this forum with any editing problem or "How to" query. Don't worry about it being a completely "naff" simple query. Someone will nearly always help. Where do you want to start? Nat .
  5. Hi These steps should give you what you want..... Open VP and then use Tools/Options/Disk. In the box labelled "Save snapshots to:" enter the name of the folder where you want your images to go. (Use Browse to navigate to a suitable file or folder...e.g. The desktop) You could also create a folder beforehand if needs be. Load your video and place it on the sequence line (Video Track 1). Play it, or drag the red cursor line to the point where you want to save a snapshot of the frame. Make sure you are in SEQUENCE PREVIEW. Click the SNAPSHOT button below the preview pane. (It's got a camera icon on it) The associated down arrow will provide a choice of resolutions. The frame displayed will now be decoded and a .png image will be copied to the VP image bin ready for insertion into your timeline if required. A copy png image labelled "Snapshot - 1" will be placed in your selected folder. This is what you are after I think. Note .png images are in some ways similar to .gif images but you can convert them to other formats if required. Nat
  6. Hi It's not normal. What you see in the preview is generally what is exported.Does the defect you are seeing occur with a particular effect or is it random.? Nat
  7. Hi Calm down! Just explain what clearly the problem (or observation) is and somebody contributing to the forum will most likely reply. With regard to the "previous frame" difficulty; This is linked most probably to the FPS of your clip and the VP setting used to display the timeline. The smallest increment with VP is dependant on the FPS set under Tools/Options/Display If this is low (e.g. 15 fps) each click will move the cursor 0.067 seconds, if set to 60 fps the time increment will be 0,017 seconds. It means that clicking the "Next Frame" repeatedly may show the same frame until the cursor has moved sufficiently to actually show the next frame. As your video may also have be shot in a 29.7 fps or 25 fps etc. synching the next frame on the timeline can result in uneven clicks to see the next frame... e.g. 2..then.3...then.2...then 1..etc. What other errors are you seeing? Nat
  8. Hi Space Monkey IVXX This relates a REALY OLD POST.......but I am glad you found it useful. :-) VP has changed a LOT since the original post (2013) and most relevant bugs (if they existed) have been ironed out. Also some points from so long ago may not now be relevant. In this case it was a question on how to do something so it probably hasn't changed. Nat
  9. Hi Borate This is what is seen here..... Also the same duration in the preview pane. Is it what you expect? Nat
  10. Hi This seems like it might be a problem with the actual Video Clip. When you load the Video to the clip bin (empty timeline) and then hover the mouse over it, what duration is shown in the little info window that appears?? For example this shows an .avi clip called Bourgerel with a duration of 46 minutes 58.48 seconds. What duration does your clip show? Is it 1:30:00:000 or so or does it show 0:00:45:000 or so??? Note that in the Clip Preview window (shown here) the duration is also reproduced below the thumbnails This should show the same values i.e. Clip start- Clip end. ( 0:00:00:000 - 0:46:58.480 ) N:B These will be the marker positions before any editing has been done, so the right hand figure should match the duration value shown in he info box. Is this the case and are they the same? Nat
  11. Hi " Feeling embarrassed. " No need to be :-) Here are the basic operations if you are not sure. Open VP and load your video.You can do this by clicking the "Open" tab on the toolbar, navigating to your video and selecting it with "Open". VP will install your video in the "Clip Bin". on the left area of the main screen. (You can also drag and drop your video directly here), Your video will be highlighted (selected) in the bin and will automatically appear as a Clip Preview in the right hand pane. You can now drag and drop the clip from the bin onto the sequence line (Video Track 1) or you can select it and use the small green down-arrow to place it. On the timeline your video will be highlighted and the Clip Preview screen will now become the Sequence Preview . Adding a further clip(s) to the clip bin from your PC will repeat the different previews. You can toggle between the preview windows using the tabs above the window. Clip preview shows the thumbnails with some selection controls and play buttons. Sequence preview shows playbuttons and etc, but no thumbnails. You can show BOTH preview screens side by side by right clicking the window and choosing "Change Preview Settings" followed by ticking "Show dual previews"., or you can click Tools/Options/Display.to get the same option. You can enlarge the preview window to near full screen by clicking the small arrowed box in the top right hand corner or to Full screen by clicking the >> at the right hand end of the toolbar and selecting "Preview" So much for the basic setup......All your video (if it is a single clip) will be on the timeline and you should be in Sequence Preview. Note: If your video is actually a VP project made up of several clips and you are in CLIP PREVIEW mode you will only play and see the selected clip......not the whole video. (This may be the reason you only see a short length of your video). To play the whole video you must be in SEQUENCE PREVIEW mode but note that the starting position will be the position of the red sequence cursor line. Now----To remove 1/2 of your video which you have on the timeline; Check you are in SEQUENCE PREVIEW. Press the play button and stop at the required end point, (or drag the red cursor line to this point.) Press the "Split" button which is beneath the preview screen (and only visible in Sequence Preview). This will split your video. Right Click the end or section you want to remove. Select "Delete" from the menu. If this leaves a gap in the timeline then click the gap and select "Close the gap" from the menu. If your video IS a single clip .........then another method which is only slightly more complicated (but quicker) is to select your video on the timeline and then toggle the preview to CLIP PREVIEW. Now slide the red START marker [ to the start of your selection and the blue END marker ] to the end of your selection. If your video clip is already on the timeline it will be edited automatically; if you are doing the edit f from a clip in the clip bin you now click the "Place" button to put your selection on the timeline. (There is a down arrow for choice of various positions) Hope this makes things a bit clearer. Nat
  12. Hi Start by clearing the VP cache of unused files. (Tools/Options/Disk). Whenever you make an edit wait until the green bar above the thumbnails has finished moving. Try setting the preview to a lower resolution. (Tools/Options/Display...Preset) I cant say why the soundtrack keeps playing (NCH might though) At the end of the day it may be your PC. :-( . Does the "Stopping threads" message appear when you stop VP and discard the current project? Nat
  13. Hi " Is that the "fade" option in the transitions toolbar " Yes. You you can also pick it from the X between the clips. Using the "Fade" option is like all the transitions in that it is shared between clips. In this case it will fade out the first clip to black and then fade in the second clip. You can also create a fade that only affects a single clip using the TRANSPARENCY effect. Select the clip in question and click the FX at the left end of the clip. Click the Green Plus and from the effects list click Transparency. This will open the effects pane. Drag the red effects window cursor line to the left end of the animation pane and change the transparency to 100% using the slider.(NCH call it Opacity!) Now click the small green cross above the animation window. This will set a keyframe. Drag the effects cursor line to the right to position it a few seconds before the end of the clip Click the small green cross to set a second keyframe. Now drag the cursor line along to the end of the clip and slide the opacity to 0% Click the Small green cross again The effects animation pane should look like this..... The clip will play normally up to the second blue dot when the opacity will drop from 100% to zero. In effect it will become transparent. As there is nothing "underneath" the clip to be revealed (which could be the case if the clip was on the overlay track) it will fade to black (and export in this way). The following clip will not be affected and will appear instantly . Note that you can adjust the position of the fade out point by dragging the blue frame marker left or right as required. There are other variations but this probably the simplest. Nat
  14. Hi If the DVD looks OK on a PC monitor the problem may be your big screen TV or possibly the DVD player you are using. Is this the same for all DVDs played on the TV or just the one created via VP? If it's the former case it might mean that the set's colour saturation may need adjusting. PS> Just came on this from another forum related to Samsung sets and oversaturated colours.... " on the samsung displays.... start in movie / cinema mode. then make sure the color gamut selection (or whatever it is called) is in auto and not manual / native. then adjust the color control to your liking. At this point if Red is "over saturated" thank the broadcaster as it is not the fault of your Sammy. fun stuff!! " Nat
  15. Hi If you use the POSITION effect with your green screened image (placed on the overlay track) you can animate its movement around the screen using keyframes, setting the position between frames either by appearance in the preview pane or by position set as figures in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes. The image will move smoothly between the keyframe positions over the underlying main track clip .If you then also combine the SCALE effect the the overlay, the moving image/clip can also be enlarged or reduced in size (in effect be zoomed in or out) again either by the preview appearance or by entering the number values into the scale value boxes. As an example. this is a screenshot of the interface with a yellow bouncing ball (the image of a yellow circle on a green background; greenscreened to remove the background colour...but it could be a clip) changing in size (zooming) as it bounces around the background clip. It uses just POSITION and SCALE Nat
  16. Hi In the current version of VP (5.03) a transition between two clips is always equally divided between the clips. You cannot make a transition that starts on the right hand clip as you seem to want it to. If you try to drag the end of the transition bar on the left hand clip to the right to shorten it, the length of transition in the right hand clip also shortens. In earlier versions of VP it was possible to do do this so making the transition uneven between the clips. Unfortunatly that now can't be done. The whole transition can be added to the end of the left hand clip if the right hand clip is moved up to the overlay track, but that's not what you want. However I can't think of a way to apply a transition to the start of the right hand clip that doesn't appear at the end of the left hand clip. (Fades-yes, but not transitions) Nat
  17. Hi (Copied from one of my earlier posts.....) Hi To add an image to your post:.. First of all upload your image as a. jpg here... Pictr.com - Pictr.com Image Hosting Click START UPLOADING Navigate to your image folder and open the image. Click UPLOAD Once image appears click EMBED CODES Now copy the Image URL (The contents of the top box)....Looks like:..... https://pictr.com/images/xxxxxxxxx2017... Open the forum and when writing your thread put the cursor where you want your image to appear. Click the down arrow for "Insert other media" bottom right of your post page and select "Insert image from URL" Paste your URL into the box Click the "Insert into post" box Your image will be inserted in the post (like below) at your cursor position. Hope this helps a bit Nat
  18. Hi There was a forum entry some time ago where png or gif images with transparent backgrounds used as reduced size overlays had a thin grey line around them. I can't remember how this was resolved (I couldn't reproduce it) but anti aliasing came into the discussion. c-major might remember it as I believe he replied. Any possibility of uploading an image showing the effect you are getting? What type and resolution are the photos and what are your export settings? EDIT: Found it. This was the entry.. Nat
  19. Hi Florence There is no problem in doing this,,,, Put the video onto the timeline Play the clip (or move the red cursor line) to the point where you want to extract the image Make sure you are in SEQUENCE PREVIEW and you will see a "Snapshot" button under the preview pane. Left click the button to extract your image. (Note you can also down-arrow the button to see resolution options) Your image ( a .png) will be copied to the image bin as well as your previously selected download folder. Note that you can set your download folder under Tools/Options/Media "Copy files to:" box Hope this helps. Nat
  20. Hi You can also trim your clip in the "Clip Preview" window using the IN/OUT markers AFTER it it has been placed on the timeline. The timeline is automatically adjusted. The long way around is to use the red cursor on the timeline to mark your cuts and split the timelime using "Split" (which won't be greyed out) ) as many times as required, removing the unwanted sections and then closing any gaps. Nat
  21. Hi Hmmmm.... Does this happen with mpeg4 clips or .avi clips etc. or only with this particular clip? It's odd sinceas your DivX video loads and plays OK here. Nat
  22. Hi To add an image to your post:.. First of all upload your image as a. jpg here... Pictr.com - Pictr.com Image Hosting Click START UPLOADING Navigate to your image folder and open the image. Click UPLOAD Once image appears click EMBED CODES Now copy the Image URL (The contents of the top box)....Looks like:..... https://pictr.com/images/xxxxxxxxx2017... Open the forum and when writing your thread put the cursor where you want your image to appear. Click the down arrow for "Insert other media" bottom right of your post page and select "Insert image from URL" Paste your URL into the box Click the "Insert into post" box Your image will be inserted in the post (like below) at your cursor position. e.g. Examples of icons (VP project; mp3; VCL video: Avi Yours will differ from these probably as it depends on what program is associated with the file type. Most programs are supplied with an icon so you can identify the program that will play the file. If not Windows will supply a default icon which may be what you are seeing...... e.g. (KLM is a fictitious file type) If you load the VLC player........ http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.en-GB.html and select a video you can set it to open with VLC. Your videos will subsequently show up with the Road Cone icon (above) and when clicked to open will play with VLC. If you want to change this you can right click the icon and choose properties and from there you can modify the program associated with the file type. Hope this helps a bit Nat
  23. Hi Perhaps it might be better to clear all the NCH files out and reinstall. Vis... If the error comes up check the task manager to stop the process running. Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys and press the Esc key to launch Task Manager. (Or use Ctrl/Alt/Delete) Click the "Processes" tab and click on the "Image Name" column header. Scroll down through the list of processes to make sure the original program that gave the error message is not on the list. If it is in the list, click it and then click "End Process." If it still crashes do a complete uninstall followed by a cleanout of all NCH files and references in the registry...... Create a PC restoration point to restore back to if any problem arises. Open VP and note via tools/options/disk where the cache file is. Uninstall first using the control panel in the normal way. Check if the cache file is still there and if so drag and drop it in the waste bin. (The whole folder) Then do a search for all NCH folders and manually drag any relating to VP to the waste bin. Do a search for Videopad files and VP files etc. and drag these to the waste bin. Now (from one of my previous posts) do a regedit search for NCH videopad in the registery and delete all those.in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that relate to NCH.Videopad Then Check HKEY_CURRENT_USER /Software/NCH Software/ and delete the VideoPad folder. Then check HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/NCH Software and delete the VideoPad folder That should just about remove it all. Note the main uninstall should remove most of these anyway but check all the same as I find some do get left. If it is still there, manually delete the Videopad projects folder from "My documents" Close down and Reboot the PC and check that VP has gone. If you encounter any problems just restore back to your saved restoration point. If all seems well then if you want to, reinstall VP.This of course will place a new Videopad projects folder into "My documents" Latest version ...latest VP version Now open VP and see what happens when you drag and drop a single jpg image (for a start) into the clip bin and then from there onto the timeline. Nat
  24. Hi These export setting should work OK... Once you have finished editing.. Click Export and select Video File Save to: Enter a save destination using Browse or leave the default destination Preset: Click the down arrow and select a suitable resolution (e,g, HD 1080p) File Format: Click the down arrow and select .avi Resolution: Leave the default (1920 x 1080 - You Tube 1080p) Frame Rate: set to 25 fps Constant frame rate: Tick Click Encoder Options and under the Video compressor down arrow menu select MPEG4 (Native) Click OK Click Create That should export a video that will play in VLC as well as WMV Nat
  25. Hi Also loaded and ran OK here on old Vista system (as well as VLC, WMP and Irfanview) Nat
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