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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi If you have two (or more) audio tracks overlapping then the output is a mix of them both so decide which track you want to be heard and mute the other. To do this click the loudspeaker icon on the clip in question.(Next to the FX button) and tick the Mute box At the point where you want to change audio tracks split them both. Unmute the muted track to the right of the split.(Untick the mute box) . Now mute the other track to the right of the split. ......... Continue in this way and the playback will jump between the audio tracks. As an alternative you could unlink the tracks if they have associated video and then split and delete the unwanted sections and drag the wanted segments down to a lower track and join them up. Nat
  2. Hi You don't say what is actually happening...e.g. any messages coming up etc. Is the export progress bar still functioning? Does VP crash? Although not massive 4 GB will take some time (some hours possibly) to export so unless you know processing has actually stopped you may have to be very patient, perhaps letting VP export overnight. The number of clips (videos) in the project is not relevant. Unfortunately VP cannot load and merge previous projects (saved as .vpj files) to a current project, and there is little point in exporting completed shorter sections of the project and then reloading them to add to a final section and then exporting the whole as you will still be in the same position as you are now. With your completed edit on the timeline, you could try going into options and deleting unused cache files. This might make exporting a bit quicker. If exporting has not stopped and is just VERY slow, you will have to be patient I am afraid. Post a few more details regarding file types you are working with; the settings you are exporting at and the VP version you are using. I am sure others will come in on this. Nat.
  3. Hi I couldn't get c-majors link to work, but as he says you can use Notepad++. Although you probably already know how to do this here are the basic steps for the standard Notepad..... Open the .srt file in Notepad using "Open with.." In Notepad the file will appear something like this.. Select a repeated portion of the text eg <font colour='#000000'> Right click and Copy the selected text Click Edit Click Replace Past the text into the search box leaving the Replace with box blank Click the Replace all button This will remove all instances of the selected text from the document and re-format it. Repeat for all the other elements that are repeated e.g. </font> Time markings and text block numbers will probably have to be deleted manually as the Notepad text is different for each number portion. As they come up in separate lines, the routine text select and Backspace may be the best way to remove these. You should eventually end up with just your text. Nat
  4. Hi Just try various values for the horizontal wave. As an experiment use a centred line of alphabet size 18 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl This shouls just span the screen H Waves is the number of waves horizontally from 1-10 H Amplitude is obviously amplitude from 0 - 20. First set the V sliders to the left. If you try a setting of 10 waves at amplitude 10 and speed of 0 you will see that the line of text becomes a standing wave apparently not moving left or right. The speed setting governs the apparent wave direction. Negative values show a wave movement to the right Value of 0 No wave movement...Standing wave related to the number and amplitude settings. Positive values show a wave movement to the left. The speed of the wave being related to the degree of negativity or positivity. The same applies to the v values but a mixture can produce quite complicated movement effects. Nat
  5. Hi If VP is working normally and you have multiple audio tracks you should be able to simply select any of the tracks (left click) and choose Fade-in from the right click menu and then enter a duration value. The black volume line along the audio clip should then appear with an upward Fade-in slope at its left hand end. Re-selecting the same audio clip one more and choosing Fade-out from the menu followed by a second duration should produce another volume slope, this time at its right hand end of the audio clip. The audio should play with both Fade-in and Fade-out. (Does here) You should also be able to repeat this procedure for any other or all audio clips on any other track including the main track overlapping or not. This procedure works OK here with 4.48 and all the clips play with the indicated fades. Changing the clip speed up however, does prevent a Fade out as you mention. It also seems to happen whether or not the retain pitch box is checked or whether the fade is added before or after the speed change. I would suggest that the fade effect is actually cut off as the clip is shortened with respect to the sound track, video frames being removed to make it run faster. I checked this out with an 8 second clip having a 7 second fade out. Changing the speed to 110, the Fade out played OK but ended before the end of the clip. i.e. increasing the clip speed truncated the fade out. With a short 2-3 second fade out it is ALL cut off if the clip speed is increased significantly.The volume line is then incorrect as it doesn't alter...BUG Slowing the speed down also produces a similar problem as the fade-out starts much earlier (probably in its original point) and finishes before the clip actually ends, video frames being added throughout the clip to make it run slower. I am pretty sure this is a bug. NCH may come in on this if they test. Nat
  6. Hi "I tried to Stabilize an image but regardless of your comment it would not let me select Stabilize." Oh Dear! I said.."....or tried stabilising an image? (And yes, you can do this.)" OOPS! NO you can't do this! You're correct the option doesn't appear...obviously it's already a still! Sorry about that. I forgot I had actually used an image placed on the timeline to export as several clips with a different number of frames just to see at what point the message came up. Of course once exported they become clips in their own right....Doh!........... but they did stabilize when re-imported..when above 15 frames. ....(They became VERY still! ) Nevertheless stabilize works for me very well with version 4.48 so I can't say why yours is not. Sorry if I was misleading. Nat
  7. Hi It rather sounds as if the video file itself has become corrupted. I can provoke this message if I try to stabilize a file I have loaded that I have deliberately shortened to only a few frames although I don't know what this lower limit is. However I tested a 10 frame MPG4 which failed with the message but a 15 frame example did stabilized OK. I know in your post you have said "any" file but have you tried with a something not in your project, or tried stabilising an image? (And yes, you can do this.) Nat
  8. Hi Follow Borate's advice---Load the project and then clear unused cache files. One thing to note is that the TRANSITION option of FADE does not act on the Audio track 1. Clip1 will fade out and Clip 2 will fade in but the associated audio is not affected.( I think this is an oversight as if the visuals fade out I would expect the audio to do the same- but that is just my opinion). However, you now have to select and right click each audio clip and choose Fade out or Fade in as appropriate and make their duration equal to half of your transition time. In version 4.48 this adds a black line to the centre of each audio Clip on Audio Track 1 showing the change in sound levels.... The audio should now fade out and in with the visuals. Is this the action that is NOT working with you? Nat
  9. Hi There was a similar post regarding this effect a short time ago. Not sure how it was solved though. I can't get transparent background images (including a downloaded Mr Bean) to do this. Even white edged images against a white blank seem to look OK. Might have been the version used.... Nat
  10. Hi Also...If it's just VP that seems to play loudly, you could try clicking the Loudspeaker icon on the taskbar (bottom right hand end in Vista) and lower the volume of the slider there. This adjusts the volume of the active program (VP) but leaves other main applications (Window sounds etc) as they were. Nat
  11. Hi dbradionow "I have image comparisons, but do not know how to add here??" To do this, extract an image (or images) from the clip with the VP Snapshot and save to the PC. Open the following web site and upload an image ...... https://pictr.com/ After uploading it there - (it's free), Copy the Direct user link (https etc.) provided after it's uploaded and then, back on the forum post page, click the small green image icon on the toolbar (Its under the Smiley) This will open a URL box. Paste the direct link into the box. The image will then appear in the body of your post at the cursor position. Nat
  12. Hi I don't know if this will work.....might be worth a try with a small project Create the video and add some bookmarks. Go through the steps to export your video but don't put a disc in the drive. VP will (should) prompt for you save the video as an .iso file and use the bookmarks. When finished, unpack the image file. (You could use NCH Express Zip for this :-) ) The AUDIO.TS and VIDEO.TS files for your project should now be available. These contain the VOB files etc. Use a third party burner to create your disc. (Like Ashampoo Burning Studio Free ) Nat
  13. Hi If the clip was full frame 480 x 720 (not quite 16:9) and just oirientated vertically with the subject matter sideways on, that step would obviate Rotating the clip with effects and it would export OK after custom resize but crop borders would still appear. I forgot about the option to rotate directly from the clip bin. Thanks for the reminder :-)) However, I am probably wrong but I got the impression that the clip had a vertical image within the frame like the top image in my post above. Nat
  14. Hi If you change the preview resolution you change the VP preview window. For example if your clip is 16:9 and you change the preview to 4:3 then your clip is then resized to fit into the window but will remain 16:9 and you will have borders on all sides. On export and as there is now a clash .....clip 16:9 in a 4:3 frame you will have the choice of either Cropping the borders or resizing to fit. Resizing will export the clip as seen in the preview with borders. Cropping the borders will export the clip as 16:9 and consequently it will fill the screen but if borders or bars were present as part of the original clip they will still be there. If you Resize to fit on export it will still have borders. If you choose to Crop edges, the borders of the clip will be trimmed off and the clip enlarged to take up the space. As your image area is "fixed" so to speak in the clip this will also be enlarged with consequent loss of resolution. However... What I think you have -- it would be useful if you post an image from the raw clip so people could see it - - is a 16:9 clip with the image 480 x 270 in the centre of it. If this is the case, and its only a guess, it will inherently have borders or bars at each end as a matter of course This is what I mean... If this is the case then it is fairly easy to get your full screen image.. Add the clip to the timeline and click FX Now select ROTATE and enter 270 for the rotation. Remember that the WHOLE frame will rotate with the black borders..NOT just the image section. The sequence preview result in VP will be this.... There will be a border all around as the WHOLE clip was rotated . (See the example in the above post of my dog.) Now you need to enlarge the image area... Click the FX box and select ZOOM Drag the sides of the box in to exactly outline the image....... The sequence will now be full frame... As the image in this example is actually 480 x 720 which is not quite 16:9 the edges were dragged in manually, but you could ZOOM to exactly 16:9 by restraing the AR and lose a tiny bit of the frame to ensure the borders have been eliminated. The sequence preview is now a full screen image......... The downside to this is the Zoom which enlarges the image to cut out the borders but lowers its resolution..... Any other ideas would be welcome but I hope this helps. Nat
  15. Hi Your clip (the whole image) should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 in order to fill the VP screen without any black borders. If your clip (irrespecive of image orientation) is 480 x 720 (i.e narrow and high) there will be black bars to each side as VP adjusts the clip to fill the height of the frame as here, which is a vertical image of 480 wide by 720 high (as you are wishing to rotate your clip I have to presume yours is orientated horizontally or is horizontal within a vertical frame equivalent to this image)........... If now the frame (which is the IMAGE in this example...NOT the VP window) is rotated 270 deg using the ROTATE effect, the image remains the SAME SIZE and the result is shown here... (Your image may be now vertical in the centre of this..... The image has retained the original aspect ratio, but has NOT been enlarged (or reduced) in scale to fit the height or width of the VP screen as happened when it was first added to the timeline. You now require to add a SCALE effect to make it fill the frame. However, as the aspect ratio is not (in this case) 16:9 you may have to either lose a little of the image ; put up with a small black bar top and bottom or slightly alter the aspect ratio by expanding one side a little more than the other and introducing a slight stretch to the image. Here is the same clip scaled up to fit the screen..... Note that a small amount at top and bottom had to be cut off as 480 x 720 is not exactly 16:9 and would otherwise have left black bars. At the same time SCALE also enlarges the clip and if the resolution is not high or your rotated image was small within your original film the result can appear less clear than the original. In this example the orientation and size of the IMAGE at the start and hence the end result is obviously not the same as yours but I hope you can see how to proceed. If you still don't have any joy send an image from the unaltered clip so people can see what you are starting with. To do this extract an image of the unrotated original clip with VP (Snapshot) and post it to... https://pictr.com/ After uploading it there - it's free, Copy the Direct user link (https etc.) provided then add it to your forum post by clicking the green image button and Pasting the direct link in the box. The image will then appear in the body of your post. Nat
  16. Hi Yes...It looks like you simply added the audio file to the existing audio track...i.e. Audio Track1. If your video clip on Video Track 1 has audio associated with it on Audio Track 1, then adding another audio file at some mid point by dragging and dropping, or adding it to the cursor position if this is at some mid point, will cause VP will split the video clip and insert your new audio into split on Audio Track 1, thus creating a gap in the video. You need to drag and drop it onto Audio Track 2. This is situated immediately BELOW Audio Track 1. Nat
  17. Hi Check the task manager Processor usage performances graph. What is it running at? At rest my PC (dual core Vista) used to show 50% or so with nothing running until I stopped unwanted background tasks that ran at startup. (Updaters, scheduled things and video card stuff) Use CCleaner to check these. After stopping these running automatically at startup the PC runs at 0-1% at rest. VP rendering and exporting has greatly increased in speed, even though the processor shows 100% usage while doing this. (It's obviously around 50% faster) Rendering a video is still a time consuming job however. If you reduce the graph to a small window you can keep,it on the VP screen. It gives a good idea of how the job is going during editing. Nat
  18. Hi Sam's test showed that the continuous sound started recording with no delay.... Nevertheless, when using Narration the vocal "counts" registered against the Narration preview screen video show a definite delay of about 0.4 seconds... (Ignore the thumbnail positions as they are not relevant to the discussion.) The reference points are the timing line marks. The the video displayed numbers a exactly one second intervals.... Is this delay connected to the fact that the audio is being generated against the Narration preview image? In practice, IMHO narration per se is seldom required to be added with such precision (sound effect addition using the narration feature is another matter) so in most respects (apart from calfoncalf's application) it is only academic. All the same interesting. :-) Nat
  19. Hi I have checked this out and calf on calf is correct. The audi0 added using (at least Narration) does not synch with the visuals. I set up 11 text image clips "0"..........> "10" each with a duration of 1 second and exported it as an .avi On reloading it to VP it played OK, counting up from 0 to 10. As it now had a silent audio track, this was unlinked and deleted. Using the Record narration option I made regular taps on the mic exactly in time with the count on the screen. The "My Audio" .wav was automatically placed in the audio bin and also copied to Audio track 1. This did NOT synch with the counts being about 1/2 sec too late. As suggested this is probably be due to the sound file having to be generated in real time and consequently causing a delay with respect to the video track. The answer to this is to add a blank frame to the start of the visuals and then drag the unlinked voice recording back 1/2 second and so into synch. After relinking the audio tracks the sequence can then be trimmed. Nat Nat
  20. Hi Sam Thanks for your reply. I thought it may have been something like that. Nat
  21. Hi This may be due to the time taken for "Narration" to register within VP or the PC as you are creating a new .wav audio file and the process is not instantaneous. If this is the case the delay should be pretty constant. You should be able to drag it back to the required position so it synchronises correctly. Nat
  22. Hi Up until now I have exported my completed videos to a DVD using a third party application in which I have full control regarding menu layout, images, backgrounds and selection options. VP now has an export option that allows a menu to be added so I decided to try it out....... With a sequence edited on the timeline... Click "Export" Select "DVD Movie Disc" Drives are scanned A Disc name is added. Click "Create" "Would I like to create a menu for my disc"......Click "Create menu". I can now select a template and add a title. The templates listed (I have downloaded them all) show two types for each theme....Basic and List (or Simple andTitle). Each has its own background image or you have the choice of adding your own. So far so good. Basic/Simple shows the added Title and a Play button and although very basic this works OK, The project is exported, burned and verfied and the DVD works OK. However, List or Title templates appear from the displayed written description, to offer the ability to add several videos to the DVD. The template shows the previously entered Title and also offers a subtitle (and beneath this is the word "Unitled", presumably the name of the first video in the list, but there seems no option to create a list or add further videos or video titles. In fact the only video added is the timeline sequence. The VP Help page is not helpfull here. Are these List/Title templates actuallyfully functioning and if so EXACTLY how are more videos added to these menu templates? The disc is burned and verified OK. (Encoding stipulates Title 1 ! ) The export differs little from the Simple/Basic export. Nat
  23. HI Yes, it is a bit phaffy. :-) but exporting a wrapped around clip so it can be used repeatedly or creating a wrapped around sequence is the only possibility as it stands at the moment. You could send the idea in as a suggestion for a possible new effect but the only problem that I can see is that the VP effects only work on single clips** and the wrap around described above is essentially two (or more) clips but I'm sure it could be implemented. The selected clip would end up being twice as long of course. ** I'm not talking here about grouped clips, as in this situation the chosen effect is applied to each of the selected clips individually and not the group as a whole. Applying an effect to the group would mean either exporting it first or creating a sequence of it first. Nat
  24. Hi O.K. For a scrolling wrap around effect: (In this example using 1 clip/image) Open VP and load your clip to the timeline (Video Track1) and also the overlay track (Video track 2). Set them one above the other. Click the FX box for the Overlay clip and select POSITION. Set the effects cursor to the start of the clip and enter the Horizontal and Vertical start values as 0.00 and 0.00. Click the wiggly line buttons and set the keyframes. Slide the cursor to the right for the end of the clip and enter the values:- Horizontal 100 and Vertical 0.00. Set the keyframes and close the effects pane. Allow VP to generate the frames. If you preview this overlay track clip you will see the frame move off to the right revealing VideoTrack 1 below. Now click the FX box for Video track1 and select POSITION. Set the effects cursor to the start of the clip and enter the Horizontal and Vertical start values as -100 and 0.00. Click the wiggly line buttons and set the keyframes. Slide the cursor to the right for the end of the clip and enter the values:- Horizontal 0.00 and vertical 0.00 Set the keyframes Allow VP to generate the frames. If you now preview the sequence you will see the frame scroll off to the right immediately followed by itself. The sequence will finish with the clip once again central. Export the sequence. You can now reload the new clip that you exported and place it on the timeline repeatedly to produce a continuous scrolling effect. You could also create a Sequence and use this repeatedly but VP will take some time to process this. Nat
  25. Hi "I said in the original post about repeats of an image, didn't I?" Your subject line as you said yourself, "Speaks for itself".... MOSAIC VIDEO EFFECT Mosaics ARE repeats of an image or images and the Youtube link I posted showed a demo of several complex mosaic effects. You were not particularly clear on what you required and even c-major had to ask for clarification. We can now see that this is a wrap around scrolling effect and, yes I think it would be a useful addition to the range of effects provided by VP.. Nat
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