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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi The idea of "Themes" would involve a lot of work I think and users seem to be reasonably happy with the current layout. The interface looks OK to me but I suppose I am biased as I have watched evolve of a number of years so I am of the same opinion as Ivan .......but I would make the blue Left/right arrows visible in the clip bin headings, They only appear when you hover the mouse over them. Nat
  2. Hi I find that WMP doesn't play MP4 files and I use VLC. Just export your video with the same parameters (format fps etc. as an .avi file) WMP will play that. Nat
  3. Hi Borate Doh! Of course... Nat
  4. Hi Using version 5.02 the Motion Blur works fine here and It is visible in both Preview and Sequence.panes, (In fact it is the same clip, split in the middle with the effect applied to one of the two sections.) The change between the treated section and the untreated one is obvious. Check the clip you are using. A lot depends on the speed of the subject and the level of blur applied. Low levels may not be too noticable as would be the case of slow subject movement. (Obviously it won't work on static images. :-) ) Try it out with a clip of something moving quite fast across the field of view and blur set to 800 Nat
  5. Hi The Transition fades are designed to work between clips, So if you have a single clip and you apply, for example a crossfade transition it will fade-out and then stop as there is no joining clip to fade-in into.This is the same for other transitions. They work at the end of a clip and into the next clip. Obviously if you have only a single clip and you want to do a fade-in using a transition,you need to add a blank before that clip and add a Cross fade to it. If you make the blank 1 sec duration and the crossfade 2 seconds and then select to not move the clips, your video will nicely fade in for two seconds. If you want to fade in a clip and dont want to use a blank then you can do it using a Transparency effect. Click the FX button and select Transparency. Extend the keyframe panel Check that the effects red cursor is at the start of the clip Set Opacity slider to 0% (Clip becomes transparent) Set a keyframe by clicking the small green cross top left of the keyframe panel. Move the red cursor along for the required fade-in duration. (e.g. 2-3 seconds) Now slide Opacity along to 100% (clip becomes visible again) Your keyframe pane will look like this..... Your video will now fade-in when you play it. You can easily adjust the duration of your fade-in by moving the top blue maker to the right or left. Fade-outs are done in the same way (on the same screen .. by clicking the opacity line to create a new point and then dragging it to a different position.) Nat
  6. Hi If no cropping of your own video is not required Borate's solution will work fine. If on the ther hand you need to crop your image then the border (as you found) still only goes around the full frame. In this case you will require another couple of steps. Put your background video on the main video track (Video track 1) Put a blank frame to the Overlay track (Video track 2) and make it a suitable coulour for your border. (Note it will cover the main track. (Let's Call this the "border image" ) I made this one green so you could see it.) Click the FX button for this "border image"and the choose the Crop effect Crop the "border image" to roughly the required size and in such a way it is in the corner of the frame Add your face clip to Video track 3 Click the FX button for Video Track 3 and choose the Crop effect. Crop your face clip the desired amount. Now add the Scale effect and adjust to the size required Now add the Position effect and drag it so it sits over the border image in the position required. Open the "border image" effects pane again and adjust it's crop effect so you have a suitable border around your scaled down image. You can also adjust the face clip position so the border is equal all around. e.g. Nat
  7. Hi You could try this as a possible workaround......... Create your video as you have done on several tracks (and which you say won't export) but once you are satisfied with it, convert the whole lot to a sequence. This will leave all the tracks empty. Load the sequence back now to Track1, (it should now load back on a single track) and then export it. (The sound will be there but for some reason Audio Track 1 will appear empty) Nat
  8. Hi You can also try this assuming you do not want to crop or alter your main video. Put the main video on Video Track1 Add a Blank frame to Video Track 2 (the overlay track) and drag it out to the desired duration. Add your requiredtext to Video Track 3. Use the controls to place it at the top of the frame. At this point you will just see your text on the blank frame. Your main video will be hidden by the overlay tracks. Click the FX button on the left end of Video Track 2 and select CROP Grab the bottom of the rectangle that comes up and drag it up to reveal your main video track image as far as is needed. You should now have your text on a band at the top of the frame. Use the same method for text on a band at the bottom of the frame. Nat
  9. Hi andrzej You have a clip/video that you have edited on the timeline. To export this as an mp4 to your computer....... Click "Export Video File" down arrow as shown in your image above to get the export list. In the list that you now have have click the top option...."Video File" This will bring up the "Export video" window Enter the "Save to" folder where you want the mp4 to be saved to. (You can also browse to it) Click the "Preset" down arrow button and choose the type and format of your mp4 file Click the "File format" down arrow and choose mp4 Click the "Resolution" down arrow and choose the format you require Click the "Frame Rate" down arrow and choose your framerate value from the list. Click "Encoder Options" and choose a "Quality Rate" Click OK Click "Create" Your video should now save to your selected folder. Which of these steps doesn't actually work? As you may be polish....... :-) Hope this is all there..... Nat Masz plik wideo / wideo, który został edytowany na osi czasu. Aby wyeksportować to jako mp4 do komputera ....... Kliknij przycisk "Eksportuj plik wideo" w dół, jak pokazano na obrazku powyżej, aby uzyskać listę eksportu. Na liście, którą masz teraz, kliknij górną opcję .... "Plik wideo" Spowoduje to wyświetlenie okna "Eksportuj wideo" Wpisz folder "Zapisz w", w którym chcesz zapisać mp4. (Możesz też przeglądać go) Kliknij przycisk "Preset" ze strzałkami w dół i wybierz typ i format pliku mp4 Kliknij strzałkę w dół "Format pliku" i wybierz mp4 Kliknij strzałkę w dół "Resolution" i wybierz żądany format Kliknij strzałkę w dół "Szybkość klatek" i wybierz wartość ramki z listy. Kliknij "Opcje enkodera" i wybierz "Jakość Cena" Kliknij przycisk OK Kliknij przycisk "Utwórz" Twój film powinien zostać zapisany w wybranym folderze.
  10. Hi Further to that... You can have ANY colour for the FULL BACKGROUND option. Just click the colour box below the text Outline colour box - you will be presented with the Windows shade pane with the option to make up ANY shade to contrast with your text. If the FULL BACKGROUND option is chosen then the whole text image (if placed on the overlay track) will cover the underlying video. There will be no chequered area. If the option changed to TEXT BACKGROUND then your coloured area will just become a rectangle slightly larger than your text. (Not to be confused with Text outline) In this case the area outside that smaller coloured rectangle will be transparent and show the chequered pattern If the option EDITOR ONLY is selected then only the editor will show the coloured background. In this case the text, when placed on the timeline will have the normal complete transparent (chequered) background. Nat
  11. Hi " That will cut the rest of the video to the end? " No. Using the IN/OUT markers is CLIP SPECIFIC. It doesn't affect the whole video. This means you use them in CLIP PREVIEW for selecting a piece of a clip between the markers... The highlighted section of the thumbnail line under the clip preview pane can be inserted into the timeline using the green PLACE button. If the clip you are editing is already on the timeline the edit is automatically done by VP.......... If the section you want to remove is just at the start or end of a clip you will only need to set one of the markers. The example above shows both markers being used to select a centre portion of the clip. If the unwanted section covers more than one clip, you can either deal with each clip individually as above or split/ select/delete the unwanted portions and close the gaps produced directly on the timeline as describes in the earlier post. Hope this helps Nat
  12. Hi If you want to trim a section of a clip BEFORE it is placed on the timeline.. Select (left click) the clip in the media list pane on the left. This will then preview in the CLIP preview pane on the right. Play the clip (or drag the red cursor) to the Start of your selection and click the button marked "Start". This will darken the unwanted part of the clip to the left of the cursor and set the red start marker [ Play the clip or drag the cursor line to the end of your selection and click the button marled "End". This will darken the left portion of the clip and set the blue end marker. ] The selected piece of clip will be highlighted. Click the "Place" button below the preview screen to place your selected piece of clip on the timeline. If your clip is already on the timeline you can follow the same procedure but check you working are in the CLIP preview pane. VP will automatically split and adjust the sequence line as you set the Start and End points. An alternative method (it's longer and not really needed) is to place the whole clip on the timeline and set the red cursor to each start and end point and SPLIT the sequence at these points. Select the portions not required and delete them. Click any gaps and close them. Nat
  13. Hi " Is there a way to make the outline on subtitles thicker? Without changing the font? " The outline is fixed in size. " Also, is there a way to decrease the space between subtitle lines (not by changing the font size)? " In short NOT WITH A SINGLE SUBTITLE ENTRY. The work-around for this if you want more than one line of text with closer (or greater) separation than the standard two line subtitle is... (and it's a bit phaffy...) Set the cursor to the position for the first subtitle line Enter the subtitle. Use the Adjust Margins box to move the line of text up the screen to a suitable height from the bottom screen border.. Reset the cursor to the same position (Go to start) I< Enter the second line of text. (Add) Reset cursor to start again and both lines of text will appear in the same place one on top of the other. Select which line to move up or down and use the Adjust margin value for that line to move the subtitle line in question. You can separate the lines as little or as much as you want............ e.g. from a slight overlap....... ----------------------------------------------------------- ...to very close........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......to separated. Nat
  14. HI Obviously your title should play. Not knowing your settings I suggest you try creating a dummy title just to see if things are correctly working and check if you have missed something out..... Save your project as a .vpj file. Close and reopen VP and set up a New project. Check image display time....Click Tools/Options/Media. Change Default still image to a suitable duration for the test e.g. 5 seconds Add some clips to the test project and drag them to the timeline. Add a title... Click Add Text Set Font and size. Colour/ border etc. Text in centre. etc. No scrolling etc. Type the text. As you have clips on the timeline the text will be placed at the start on Video Track 2 (the overlay track) and the text image will be placed in the image bin. Your title will overlay the first clip as shown below... Play the sequence. Your title will (should) play from the start for 5 seconds superimposed on your first clip If you want it to play on its own before the first clip you can simply drag it from video Track 2 and drop it at the start of Video Track 1. (Below) In the above example the title plays for the designated duration on its own before the first clip. If this seems to work for you then reload your project from the .vpj file. Delete your title image (or clip) from the sequence and/or the image bin and try again using the above steps. Nat
  15. Hi Ok. Ignoring the sound aspect.....With say, three clips on the timeline you should be able to. Grab a 4th clip in the clip bin Drag it down to the timeline (Video Track 1)..Don't let it go yet... Here it will be shown as a light blue ghost with grey arrows on the trailing edge.......... You can then drag it left or right to any Start position and then release it VP will now insert the clip in the selected position. The timeline will split and your insert will be made. It doesn't need to be at an existing join, it can be at any point. Nat
  16. Hi The top and bottom bars will not appear in a normal video but will appear in an image of a screen dump used in a video,or a direct video copy is made of VP in action. In the latter cases the two strips will not be moving and can easily be removed by using the Crop effect. So do the crop first............. Select the clip on the timeline Click the FX Click the green PLUS Select the Crop effect. Set the AR required (See note below) Using the preview screen as a guide, Drag the top and bottom of the red crop rectangle so the offending strips are excluded. Note: Cropping the Top and Bottom strips will alter the AR of the frame. If no restraint is used then only top and bottom are excluded. If the AR is set to 16;9 for example cropping will also crop the sides in order to maintain the AR chosen. For the blurred area you can stay on the effects pane......... Click the Mask button (Small green Plus with the black dot to the right of the big green PLUS) Drag the corners of the dotted red rectangle so the outline surrouns the object to mask. You can drag at any part of the dotted mask line to make different shapes. This creates in effect an "image" (or object) within the frame. With the "Mask inside " box ticked it will take the focus of further effects. Click the big green PLUS Select the Blur effect. This will blur the masked area. like the top image in my previous post. You should now have a video with the strips at the top and bottom cropped off and the sensitive area suitably blurred. If the sensitive area actually moves in the video you will have to use keyframes to keep the mask positioned correctly as the clip plays. Hope this helps Nat
  17. Hi Inserting a clip is the same as... Putting the cursor at the required point. Spltting the timeline Dragging the clip to the split and releasing it. VP will move the right hand section of the timeline to the right and place the new clip into the space created. If the timeline clip has a soundtrack this will be split as well. If the inserted clip has a soundtrack this will aso be placed into the newly created gap. The gap created in the soundtrack is maybe not what you want so..... If you drag and drop your new clip onto an overlay track it will play over the timeline clip when the sequence is played..(It will overlay the main track) This will insert the new clip without disrupting the main soundtrack. However if the new clip has a soundtrack it will mix where the overlap happens, so you will need to mute the overlaid track. (usually audio track 2). This method will obviously lose the main track video content during the overlay but this is unavoidable. If there are no soundtracks the insertion is easy as in the steps above. You should be able to grab a clip that is on the timeline and drag and drop it at any other place on the timeline. VP will splt and insert it automatically. It doesn't have to be at the cursor line necessarily. Check also that you are not dragging anything accidentaly onto the overlay track.. Nat
  18. Hi " I have crop, then blur then mask in that order. " The order in this case is important. If you crop first and then add a mask, subsequent effects will act on the masked area. Inverting the mask by unticking Mask inside and any subsequent effects (like Blur) will act on the area outside the mask. If you want to blur a section out of a cropped frame there is no problem. Crop the frame Add the mask and shape to fit over the object in the cropped area. Tick Mask inside Add Blur effect. Ticking Mask inside, will apply the effect to the mask . (See above) e.g. Unticking Mask inside will invert the mask and the subsequent effect will act on the cropped area e.g. The order here is Crop/Mask/Blur. I am not sure why NADWW is suggesting to clear the mask. If you apply Crop/Blur/Mask this example will not work. What are you aiming for precisely...? Nat
  19. HI " how do you apply more than one effect to a clip at the same time? " Select (left click) the clip on the timeline that requires the effects Click the FX box on the clip in question to open the effects window. Click the green PLUS to add an effect. Select the effect required (e.g. Crop) Click the Restraint box and select the aspect ration required for the crop. Ignore this if you are cropping to a random size. In the Clip Preview pane adjust the rectangle size and position. The clip will be cropped as you do this. When it appears as you want it click the green PLUS one more and select the Blur effect. Both effect panes will appear one above the other with Blur at the top. Use the slider to adjust the blur. Both effect will now be incorporated in the selected clip. More effects can be added in this way. This includes adding a mask......I replied to an earlier post re: using a mask: To isolate the masked area (now blurred) you must remember that the unmasked area should be made transparent. If you don't do this the mask will not be seen. So you need to (in effect) invert the mask and then apply the Transparency effect to everything but your blurred mask. (The reverse would render the mask transparenty) You may find my link regarding this useful. Note: VP now has a pixel blur effect for areas of clips (only round or rectangular). Nat PS. If you require a moving blur then you should create the cropped blurred mask from the clip and place on the overlay track with the full clip lined up below. You will then require to use keyframes to update the mask position so it keeps the relevant area of the main clip constantly covered.
  20. Hi I can't reproduce this with 5.01 but when you created the transitions, which option did you use for them.....Freeze or Move the clip location. (although I tried with both settings.) Also what length were the clips and what was the transition duration applied to them? Nat
  21. Hi Could be a codec problem with the older version of VP that you are using. VP version 5.01 will load and play .webm videos with vorbis encoded sound track with no problems as shown below.. ......... ...........so you might need to upgrade to this latest version. Nat
  22. Hi Borate I don't see a "Custom " preset box under the Zoom effect... (VP 5.01) How did you get it up? Nat
  23. HI Place your 16:9 clip on the timeline. Click the FX box in the left lower corner of the clip. This opens the Effects window Click the large green + sign and select "Zoom" from the list. This opens the Zoom effect window and places a dotted box around the preview image with handles at each corner and on each side. The side handles, if used will alter the AR of the frame;the corner handles will alter the size of the rectangle. You want to retain the AR at 16:9 so........ Click the Restraint box down arrow and choose 16:9. This deletes the corner handles of the rectangle leaving just the side ones. If required, slide the red cursor line in the zoom effect window (or play the clip in the preview pane) to the where you want the zoom to start. Adjust the zoom to the required size and drag it to the desired position. It will retain the 16:9 AR. Click the Add Keyframe tab. (Small green + ) This sets a keyframe at the current zoom settings at the start position. Slide the red cursor line to the zoom end position and adjust the size and position of the zoom rectagle a second time. Click the keyframe tab to fix the end zoom position. Close the effects window and play the clip. Your clip should now play to the start position selected, zoom in (or out) and finish zooming at the second keyframe position. It will retain the 16:9 AR throughout. Nat
  24. Hi (VP v. 5.01) If you go into Tools/Options/Display then click the Preset box down arrow you can select the preview display resolution from the list. This will remain in force until you decide to change the values or reinstall the software. Edit Nat
  25. Hi " I'm not sure exactly how to set this up how you did. If you can explain it to me, that would be much appreciated. " Click Export tab Click Video File. (Can be changed. There are a variety of options) Browse to a folder to save to. (Can be changed) File Format mp4 (Can be changed) Resolution 320 x 240 (Low Resolution) (Can be changed)..This is the lowest resolution Frame Rate 29.97 TV NTSC (Can be changed) Encoder Options ...Restore Defaults = H246 and Quality 18 (Different settings can be chosen) OK Create Crop or resize (If asked) You should now see the Export queue and progress bar. VP will export and save the Mp4 to the chosen folder. You can change the export parameters as required in order to get a different format and quality. Nat
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