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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi When your PC is idle what is the CPU usage as shown in the task manager? Nat
  2. Hi I believe with the unlicenced version of VP you are able to export, at least to your PC but perhaps not in the format you were wanting as many of the export format options are supressed in that version. Try exporting a simple single clip to your desktop using the differnt formats. Provided you wait for the message to clear and VP to complete the preview build it should export OK. Nat
  3. Hi Obviously that shouldn't happen. Try reinstalling VP latest VP version Nat
  4. Hi Check the Preview Format pane Preset box under Tools/Options/Display and reset it to 512 x 288 (16:9) You may have yours set too high for your PC to have the time to generate all the thumbnail and preview images etc. If this is the case and you are trying to preview your edit it can produce the "Building Preview" message Nat
  5. Hi Just an observation on a test output.......I am running an old Vista Home Premium PC, Nvidea GeForce GT730 2.9 Gb RAM 2core CPU. At rest it uses 50% of the CPU due to Synchost activity that I am currently looking into reducing somehow. Usually at rest this should be 1-3% so I do have something slowing things down I have just exported a 30 min video consisting of 54 mpeg2 clips each sparated by a crossfade and with titles at start and finish. These clips were shot as 1280 mpeg4 but converted to mpeg2 as They appear pretty much the same when exported and played on screen They process faster Before loading any clips the VP cache file was completely emptied. The preview display was preset at 512 x 288 (16:9) to prevent "Building Preview" stoppages. The video clips were dropped en masse into the clip bin and then en masse dragged to the videotrack where they took only a few seconds to generate the thumbnails on the timeline but around 10 mins for the green bar to run the full length of the sequence. (It seemed to do this with slight pauses between each pair of clips, probably due to the fact that CPU usage was now running at a constant 100%) A crossfade was added between each clip (en masse) which took a few seconds and titles added to the overlay track to start and finish with fades in and out. I made no editing cuts. I exported this video to a PC folder as a UTube 1280 x 720p, MPEG4 (Native) in an ,avi container with a constant frame rate set at 30 and with compressor settings at HQ output.(4.0) This was a perfectly successful export. The Export Queue screen showed that each 10% of the export took 4 mins and this remained constant during the whole output period of around 40 mins. During the rendering/export period the CPU ran at 100%. The resulting Video played back perfectly with WMP. There were no "Failure" messages. It would be useful to know what export settings the failed videos were using and if the message was produced by a problem related to the export destination (UTube/facebook etc.) or if it occurred when exporting to the PC. Nat
  6. Hi Under Tools/Options/Media,,, check the "Automatically normalize audio volume" box. I think this is ticked by default but can't say how effective this option is. (Or where it takes its baseline volume from.) Nat
  7. Hi This thread is almost12 months old and a lot has changed with VP since then. It would be better to start a new thread. :-) Nat
  8. Hi You don't say if this is after export or during preview..Anyway... Presuming you have saved your project..If not then "Save Portable Project As" (where all your files are saved into folder of your choosing along with the,vpj file) Open VP and navigate to this folder and then load one of the problematic music/song files. Drop it onto the audio track and check that it loads and converts completely and has the expected duration on the timeline and then play it. Does it play correctly? If it looks and behaves correctly then close VP, reopen it and load the project (,vpj) file saved above. Now check the same music file on the audio track. Is it all there and does it play correctly when you preview your video? Nat
  9. Hi Once you have set the IN/OUT points using the Clip Preview screen and "Placed" the resulting clip section onto the timeline, the IN/OUT points will remain associated with it. If you now want to use the same clip again just select it again from the clip bin. (You will still see the original IN/OUT points in the clip preview screen but you can now ignore them.) You now select a new section of the clip by simply moving the IN/OUT points to new positions and then "Place" that on the timeline. Your first selection already on the timeline will remain unaffected. Obviously if you want to use the whole clip just move the markers to the start and end of the clip and "Place" The down arrow next to "Place" will give you options to where you may want to position your selection.. Nat
  10. Hi If these are simply images (bmp/jpg/png/tif etc) they should load (even big ones) and display in VP almost straightaway unless there is some restriction in the version you are using. What format are your raw images and what size? Nat
  11. Hi Do you actually see a sound track (the waveform) on the silent clips? Are they greyed out? Are either of the microphone icons red? Select the faulty sound track and click "Clip Preview", Does it appear in the preview pane and if so does it play? It should play here even if muted, ( unless muted directly from the soundtrack.) But the icons would indicate that anyway. I think the first thing to establish is that there IS a visible soundtrack with the faulty video. Your post doesn't make that clear. Nat
  12. HI I have a Videopad project folder (empty) that is at leat 4 years old (created 20/3/2013!) in my document folder.(It obviously never got overwritten when I installed later versions of the software.) It is still there even though I have deleted old versions of VP and installed newer versions. It's the default folder for your saved projects. If you save a project and stipulate a folder other than the default (or you browse for a folder) That folder becomes the default until you change it again. If you save your project as a portable project a new folder or your own can be set up which will also remain the default for that type of project save. If you manually delete the "My documents" videopad projects folder it will appear to have been removed but it will be regenerated when VP is run again. If you uninstall VP from the control panel I would have expected the old, original Videopad project folder to be deleted. As I still have the old dated folder in "My documents" this may not be the case. However if you subsequently reinstall VP after uninstalling a version, it will be obviously regenerated as mentioned above (but why mine still has the old creation date I have no idea) If you want to remove completely VP you could try this.... Create a PC restoration point to restore back to if any problem arises. Open VP and note via tools/options/disk where the cache file is. Try uninstalling first using the control panel in the normal way. Check if the cache file is still there and if so drag and drop it in the waste bin. Then do a search for all NCH folders and manually drag any relating to VP to the waste bin. Do a search for Videopad files and VP files etc. and drag these to the waste bin. Do a regedit search for NCH videopad in the registery and delete all those.in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that relate to NCH.Videopad Then Check HKEY_CURRENT_USER /Software/NCH Software/ and delete the VideoPad folder. Then check HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/NCH Software and delete the VideoPad folder That should just about remove it all. Note the main uninstall should remove most of these anyway but check all the same. If it is still there, manually delete the Videopad projects folder from "My documents" Close down and Reboot the PC and check that VP has gone. If you encounter any problems just restore back to your saved restoration point. If all seems well then if you want to, reinstall VP.This of course will place a new Videopad projects folder into "My documents" Worth a try Nat
  13. Hi Your .vpj file (project file) seems to be missing an mp3 file called "Icehunt-Hover"(Feat.Helen Tess).mp3 and the two Pop! Sound Effect .wav files have not been used. Nevertheless none of the clips on the timeline appear to have a zoom effect added to them. Nat
  14. Hi Did you link the clips and only apply the zoom to the first clip thinking you were doing both? Did you add the first zoom OK and after adding the second zoom possibly click the X for the effect in error for the X that closes effects window?? These are both probably not the case as you would notice something was wrong Nat
  15. Hi It looks like VP didn't save any data at all in the .vpj file the file created is empty. (Check how big it is by listing it with its details - It will probably be 0kb). I have no idea why this is and of course VP won't recognise it or open it. Sorry :-( It seems you may have to start over again. Nat
  16. Hi If you deleted it you wouldn't see it on your PC and Recuva might probably find it. This doesn't seem a case of a deleted file as you say it exists on your drive. It may just be corrupted and not recognised Try right clicking the file and then "Open with" and selecting Notepad. This should (normally) bring up the text of the .vpj file. It will look something like this....e.g. version=10 hindex=808 folders=4 h=8&name=Images&hfolder=0&open=0&type=2&selected=0 h=7&name=Audio%20Files&hfolder=0&open=0&type=5&selected=0 h=6&name=Video%20Files&hfolder=0&open=0&type=3&selected=1 h=5&name=Sequences&hfolder=0&open=0&type=6&selected=0 clips=3&relativepaths=0 h=9&type=6&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&name=Sequence%201&note=&hfolder=5&duration=7007&in=0&out=7007&thumb=0&seqcachename=Seq9_1494263309_18467&thumbpos=0&selected=1 h=109&type=5&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&name=ASP1-002.mpg&path=C%3A%5CUsers%5CPP%5CDesktop%5CVP%20TEST%20FILES%5CASP1-002.mpg&note=&creationtime=1479313013&hfolder=7&hlinked=111&in=0&out=7007&hadlinkedvideo=1&thumbpos=4500 h=111&type=3&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&name=ASP1-002.mpg&path=C%3A%5CUsers%5CPP%5CDesktop%5CVP%20TEST%20FILES%5CASP1-002.mpg&note=&creationtime=1479313013&stereoformat=0&stereostretch=0&bFlippedVert=0&bFlippedHorz=0&rotation=0&arStretchNum=0&arStretchDen=0&arCropNum=0&arCropDen=0&hfolder=6&hlinked=109&in=0&out=7007&thumb=4500&hadlinkedaudio=1&thumbpos=4500 tracks=2 h=11&type=2&name=Audio%20Track%201&output=1&solo=0&volume=100&pan=0&collapsed0=0&collapsed1=0&collapsed2=1&collapsed3=0&collapsed4=0&collapsed5=0&collapsed6=0&locked=0&hsequence=9 h=12&type=1&name=Video%20Track%201&output=1&solo=0&collapsed0=0&collapsed1=0&collapsed2=0&collapsed3=1&collapsed4=0&collapsed5=0&collapsed6=0&locked=0&hsequence=9 trackclips=2 h=266&type=7&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&horiginalclip=109&name=ASP1-002.mpg&offset=0&in=0&out=7007&hlinked=265&fadeinduration=0&thumbpos=4500&htrack=11 h=265&type=7&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&horiginalclip=111&name=ASP1-002.mpg&offset=0&in=0&out=7007&hlinked=266&fadeinduration=0&thumbpos=4500&htrack=12 subtitletracks=1 h=10&name=&hsequence=9 subtitleclips=0 transitions=0 effectchains=5 size=0&fadepoints=0&speedchangef=1.000000&audiopitchchange=0&voll=0&volr=0&mute=0&hclip=266 size=0&fadepoints=0&speedchangef=1.000000&audiopitchchange=0&voll=0&volr=0&mute=0&hclip=265 size=0&fadepoints=0&speedchangef=1.000000&audiopitchchange=0&voll=0&volr=0&mute=0&hclip=9 size=0&fadepoints=0&speedchangef=1.000000&audiopitchchange=0&voll=0&volr=0&mute=0&hclip=109 size=0&fadepoints=0&speedchangef=1.000000&audiopitchchange=0&voll=0&volr=0&mute=0&hclip=111 groups=0 bookmarks=0 revision=374166 This for a single unedited clip on the timeline called ASP-002. If yours is not a huge project with lots of effects copy it to the forum and NCH might be able to see if its corrupted or not. At least copy the first 20-30 lines and the last 20-30 lines. Nat
  17. Hi Seems as if the .vpj file is faulty. Normally there shouldn't be any problem if you saved your project (your .vpj file) to an external drive. It should load exactly as if it was saved to your main PC drive if you use the same PC.. This works OK here. Plug in your drive to the PC that is running VP. Open the drive and check that you actually have a .vpj file. Now open VP and navigate to the .vpj file. Select it. ...It should open even if it cant find your clips. (Remember If you use a different PC your clips may not be there.) You may be able to open the project from the auto saved .vpj files which is independant of the user saved .vpj file. However, I think these are deleted when VP is exited normally and are only prompted for if the program crashes which I don't thik is the case with this problem Check the "Welcome" screen that opens with VP. Recent projects are listed..hopefully with yours. Use the original PC of course Worth a try but it may give the same result. If the project is not huge you could also open the faulty .vpj folder into notepad and upload it so NCH could take a look at it. Note: that if you are intending to use different PCs when you work with your projects it is probably best to save your work using "Save Portable Project as" Create a new named folder on the drive (e.g. "My Project") and use "Save Portable Project as" Select this new folder and Save. ....All the project files including all the clips and images used as well as .vpj file will be saved in a dated folder within "My Project" Each time you subsequently save use "My Project" as the containing folder. Each time you use "Save Portable Project" you will create a new dated folder containing the complete project. The .vpj files in any of these dated folders will open the particular project on any PC as each of the dated folders is complete copy . (The PC used must have VP running....and preferably the same version) Nat
  18. Hi Another method but which leaves all the tracks intact and doesn't make any gaps......... Place the clips on the tracks as Borate says..e.g. Left on Track 1, Centre on Track 2 , Right on Track 3 Main sound on Sound track 4. Synch all the tracks by listening to the audio or watching the visuals.. Mute the sound for Tracks 1, 2 and 3. Leave Audio Track 4 (main sound) alone. Split all the Video tracks at start and end of each cutaway. Select the unwanted sections of track and then using the Transparency effect set the OPACITY for these segments to 0%. This will leave the required section of video visible without losing any synch. @@@ i.e. If you want just the section on Track1 to play, blank out (Opacity = 0%) the corresponding sections of Track 2 and Track 3. On playing the sequence your video will now cut from track to track showing only the sections you left untouched. @@@ NOTE: If you have a principle Video track (Right- for example) place this on Track 3 at the top as it will overplay the lower tracks which won't then need to be made trasparent. Done quite a bit of this with my orchestra... Nat
  19. Hi Sam Yes, changing the AR under options...... Well, I WAS missing that point! :-) . Doing that makes the zoom work exactly as expected for 4:3 clips. It keeps them 4:3 within the 16:9 frame when zooming without any distortion. One just has to remember to "Resize to Fit" when exported. Nat
  20. Hi Sam and Borate " To avoid stretching, the AR of the rectangle must be the same as output(preview) AR. " OK, I know where you are coming from.. But is the action properly implemented? This is not a complaint, just an observation. Should my 4:3 image be converted into a 16:9 image when loaded to the image bin? Here left is an 800 x 600 pixel (4:3) image of a red circle on a yellow background. On the right I have opened the zoom effect and set AR restraint to 4:3. (Nothing else.) You can see that the thumbnail sequence (and the timeline) shows the 4:3 area stretched to 16:9 prducing red ovals. I would have expected (intuitively) to see no change at this point as I would assume I am working with my 4:3 image. If I now zoom in around the circle with the 4:3 rectangle (below left)... The output zooms in OK but retains the 16:9 distortion as seen in the thumbnails . What I would intuitively expect to see is the image on the right. The AR remaining the same at 4:3 (still with chequered border (black on output) and with no distortion. I should be dealing with the original 4:3 image not the 16:9 image that VP creates from it when it was loaded. I am most probably missing the point but it seems the thing that VP does with non 16:9 images is to load them to the bin and place them in the centre of the 16:9 frame and then make THAT the image. I know I can set the AR to 16:9 when stretching doesn't happen but as all the other AR settings produce a varying amount of distortion why have them? Nat
  21. Hi Using v 5.03. I have a clip filmed with a webcam (AR 4:3) on the timeline and want to zoom into a section of this using the ZOOM effect keeping the AR 4:3. This would seem straightforward. Keyframe 1 would have chequered zones to each side (black borders in the output) keyframe end zoomed in would have exactly the same chequered areas and consequenty the same black side bars but with the section selected enlarged in the frame. Why does VP keep the sequence preview at 16:9 and distort the 4:3 area selected? e.g. If I select restraint AR 4:3, the effect rectangle correctly resets to 4:3 outlining the image correctly.(keeping the chequered borders in the preview) But the output (sequence preview) remains at 16:9 stretching the image horizontally so as to remove the side bars.. (OK I know I can use restraint 16:9 to prevent this but why doesn't VP simply do the zoom with the selected AR keeping chequered zones and black side bars ????? It seems a bit odd that the clip preview shows a 4:3 rectangle but the output is 16:9........ Nat
  22. Hi It is also well to remember that VP has to generate the preview pane in real time as you play the video. On some slower PCs this can cause the video to pause for extended periods with a "Generating Preview" message, particularly if the 1920 x 1080 pixel option is selected. If you find this happening you may find it better to set your preview format to around 640 x 360 (16:9). Unless you undock the preview pane into an independant window using the arrow in the top right hand corner, you will see no (or very little) difference in the preview resolution. Nat
  23. Hi Obviously the video has to run (paused) whilst the narration is made. One way to do this is to place the cursor line at the point where you want the pause to start and then click the Snapshot button. The snapshot image will appear in the image bin. Now select the snapshot in the bin and then select the option available by the small green down arrow to "Place it on the sequence at the cursor position." The video will now play up to the snapshot point and the snapshot (still image) will play for the default image duration set under the options tab. You can vary this duration either by dragging the image clip ends in or out or by going into storyboard mode and changing the duration shown under the image clip. Nat
  24. Hi " 1/ Can I bypass (dissable) all FX on a clip? " To disable an effect(s) that you have applied to a clip, just click the FX button on the clip. This opens the effects pane for that clip. This displays each effect with a X in the top corner. Click the X to remove the unwanted effect.. " 2/Can I bypass (dissable) individual FX in the FX popup window? " When you clck the FX button for the clip, EACH effect you have applied is listed and each has its own cancel X.so you can remove them individually. " 3/ Can I dock the FX popup window so it's always there if I want it. It would update based on what clip I have selected. " If you click the FX button for a clip the effects pane will appear listing the effects for the clip selected. This will remain visible (although in the way) until you decide to close it. It will update with the effects properties of any clip that you select. Nat
  25. H "i When I wanna use the same clip again in the same video, I have to remove the effect or transition first. Its verry annyoing and time eating. " As Borate notes, you can only addTRANSITIONS to clips placed on the timeline. You cannot apply them to clips in the clip bin. However, you are adding (it seems) an effect to the clip when it is still in the clip bin which is not the best way to proceed. You can apply an EFFECT to a clip in the video clip bin .....but if you do this it will remain a property of the clip. (Try adding a CROP effect to a clip in the bin and you will see what I mean.) If you do this and you use that clip again further along the timeline you will also automatically add the effect as well. This is NOT the case with transitions since (as we have stated) these cannot be added to a clip in the clip bin and consequently will not migrate if the clip is reused. In general therefore it's probably best to always add a desired effect to the clip after you place it on the timeline. It should make little difference whether you work in storyboard mode or timeline mode Nat
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