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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi If you group your text clips with the video clip to which you have associated them, and then select the "Move clip location" option when making a transition they will remain in synch. Nat
  2. Hi Put all the clips into a folder and then run "File order Randomizer" https://sourceforge....filerandomizer/ This program will place a randomised number in front of the original filename. You can choose the number of digits and It will also reverse the process if required. From there of course its just a matter of adding the renamed files into VP. Nat
  3. Hi Sam As it was only in the nature of a test I deleted it. Sorry. It was simply a load of .avis and mpeg4 all joined up to make a big file and then exported as an avi to play with. . Sorry. However it did load and play OK, but first time around with the cache empty it took a few minutes. Once in the cache though it reloaded very quickly. I don't think there is a problem. It's just I don't normally use such big files. :-) Nat
  4. HI Sam There wasn't anything else running but I think, on reflection, the "indexing" message while loading was noticable as 1) I had emptied the cache completely. 2) I was loading a 4 Gig 80 minute .avi from scratch. (Basically to see if the programme did a "No play" after 2 minutes or so due to the possible Open DML limitation on 2 Gig mentioned in another post.) BTW it played OK. :-).... and that was taking some time. Once the cache had been updated the same .avi loaded very quickly and was ready to play on the timeline almost immediately when dropped there. VP loads my normal sized clips MUCH faster than earlier versions, and I hadn't noticed that line of text before. Nat
  5. Hi Just changed up to VP 4.58 from 4.57, cleared the cache and tried to load a large .avi.file. There seems now to be a longish delay while VP loads and "indexes" the file. I never noticed this delay before or the mention of "indexing" the clip whilst adding files. If it was there it went by pretty quick. has somthing changed? (Or is it just my old PC getting slower. :-)) ) There is also message before this saying VP is loading all the effects icons .......?? Nat
  6. Hi I am currently working with a analogue>digital copy of a VHS video tape. This is an .avi of 740 megs (0.74 Giga bytes) and has a duration of 47 minutes. This loads and plays with no problems in VP 4.58. Is it the size of your .avi that is causing the problem? Try loading the avi and then clearing the cache of unused files and then see what happens. Any chance of trying a 20 minute .avi with a smaller size and seeing if that plays to the end? Nat
  7. Hi I think we need to clarify what you mean by the word "sequence" In the normal sense it is a series of individual video clips placed in order on the timeline.They are not linked in any way apart from their chronological order. However, from the standpoint of VP a "Sequence" is a collection of clips/images/effects etc. that you have edited on the timeline and which you have converted to a SINGLE CLIP using the option "Sequence" and "Add" VP creates this single clip and places it in the Sequence Bin. This now is a Sequence. Following this procedure the timeline is cleared for further editing. Sequences then, are single clips. They can be placed on the timeline like clips. i.e. You can add a sequence to another sequence on the timeline and further edit them if required. You can split them and insert them. In nearly all respects they behave like individual clips. You can even create new sequences from them. (Although processing these can take time). From the exporting point of view. (I think you mean Export when you say "Print" they behave like normal timeline clips. If you place Sequence 1 (made up of lots of CLIPS) on the timeline you can export it as normal to make a video. You can then clear the timeline by deleting Sequence 1 from it . (Don't worry - It will remain in the Sequence Bin) Now place Sequence 2 (made up of a lot of clips) on the timeline followed by Sequence 3. (made up of a lot of clips). You can export this combination of 2 sequences (just like 2 clips) to produce another video. Video 1 will be Sequence 1 Video 2 will be Sequence 2 followed by Sequence 3. Hope this clarifies things a little Nat
  8. Hi Borate You mean like this............ 25% Blur effect on the blank cropped image. Being 100% blue with no detail apart from a sharp edge, it's only the edge that shows any Blur. :-) Nat
  9. HI One way around this is to have your video on Track 1 Create a blank image in the colour of the text background you want and place it on Video track 2. Creat your text image in the coulour you want with no background and place it on Video track 3 Now use crop to reduce the size of your blank frame so it just surrounds the text by the desired amount. Add your Opacity effect to the blank frame. Your text will now have a coloured background of adjustable opacity. Line up Track 2 and Track 3 and group them so you can adjust their position on the timeline. If you want to scroll the text or animate it, use the Position effect and use the same parameters for Track 2 and Track 3 This is scrolling text in yellow with a semi transparent blue background. A feature like this in the Text editor would save these steps thouigh. :-) Nat
  10. Hi "Hi Nat, i can't find that option " "3.74" Your version of VP is fairly old and that choice was not in version 3.74, You can only choose from a list or enter a custom value in that. Select a framerate for the output the same as your input video and see what happens. This may not resolve the issue but C-major may have an answer to your problem. The latest version, just released is 4.57 and there has been a lot of changes. Nat
  11. Hi Create a New folder say, on the desktop. Backup your project to this folder in case of problems. With your three sequences on the timeline making up your 45 minute video move the cursor to your selected division point and split the timeline. "Save project as" Delete everything to the RIGHT of the split position. Close the gap and export what remains on the timeline. This will be your first video. Reload your saved project from the .vpj file you "Saved as". Delete everything to the LEFT of the split and export what remains on the timeline. This will be your second video. Nat
  12. Hi .avi is a VIDEO format and not an image, and if you check you should see that they are in your Video Files bin and not in the Image Files bin. As you are referring to them as "Slides" the presumtion is you actually want to insert them as still images. The quickest way to do this is to go into Storyboard mode. (No matter how short the slip is, it will display as a "slide") Drag the red cursor line along to the centre of the .avi "Slide" and then click the "Snapshot" button under the preview screen. This will place a .png image of the ,avi "Slide" in the Image File bin. Drag this image down to the storyboard track and drop it next to your .avi clip. Now right click on and delete the .avi clip. Change the duration of your inserted image to 8 seconds. Do this for your other .avi clips. Nat
  13. Hi Is the "Contant Frame rate" box ticked in the output parameters. This may introduce synch problems if the output framerate doesn't match the video framerate. Try outputting with this box blank. Nat
  14. Hi What does it say under the slides when you go into storyboard mode? If they are the usual format of images (jpg/bmp/tiff etc.)You should be able to simply click the value shownunder the thumbnail (whatever it is) and then enter 8 into the box that comes up labelled Clip duration. Clicking Set should then set it at that value. Before loading any clips or imagesto VP you can set the default still image duration to a global value under Tools/Options/Media/Default Still image duration.. " I can't stretch them out on the timeline, either." Should be able to do that as well! What format are these images? Nat
  15. Hi Also a point to note is that if you open a project from the Backup vpj file or a project from the usual .vpj file you will not have an active UNDO tab. This means that if you have created your sequences and placed them on the timelineline to recreate the finished article you will not be able to return to a previous arrangement of files. Once you save or backup your project you lose that ability. Nat
  16. Hi NADWW There is a slight difference (a VERY slight difference :-) ) but not enough to be noticable... e.g. A centrally placed line of size 10 text (ABCDEFG) in a 5 second text image..... Time to scroll using automatic scrolling (appearence - disppearance) = 4.6 seconds Time to scroll using position( -100 -+100 appearence - disppearance) = 2.6 seconds Time to scroll using Position (-52 to +52 appearence - disppearance) = 5.0 seconds Automatic scrolling starts just outside the frame (0.2 seconds above and 0.2 seconds below.) Position scrolling using keyframes using a full screen displacement (100% out above and 100% out below) means the text crosses the screen faster. In this case about twice as fast. This is logical as about 1/2 the screen has to scroll before the text actually appears. Using Position keyframe scrolling with the text starting just off the frame at start and ending just off the frame at end gives almost exactly the same time as the automatic scrolling. In practice you can't make it slower this way. The text clip must be extended if a significant difference is required. Nat
  17. Hi 4.48 Stabilises OK here. It doesn't however change the name of the clips which may be a little misleading. If the shake was obvious you should see a difference. Check the default folder where VP puts a copy of the stabilised clip. (See below). The crash may not have helped. Clear the cache out and reload VP if the problem persists. The latest version (4.57 just released) will stabilise your clip, replace the original clip with the renamed stabilised copy in the clip bin and replace the timeline clip with the stabilised clip **** The original clip remains in it's original folder. The stabilised clip is copied to the folder indicated under Tools/Options/Disk/Save converted files to. You can create your own folder, name it what you want, place it where you want and browse for it there. This will automatically change the VP default. **** Using a deliberately shaky clip I have checked that stabilisation actually happens and clips and timeline are replaced with the stabilised version. However I have noticed that although the clip in the bin is renamed with "Stabilised" which is useful, the clip on the timeline still seem to show the original name. This not a problem though as the function is working correctly and both clips are stabilised. Note however that if you save your project at this point and then later reload it, the stabilised clip IS reloaded as expected but the clip in the bin will have reverted back to the original name. i.e. "Stabilised" will be missing. I think this may be because pointers in the project file will always indicate the original file name but other markers must then make VP replace it with the stabilised version. NCH have added "Stabilised" to the bin clip as a reminder that this is what you have on the timeline. It's probably an oversight that it hasn't been added in again in the reloaded project. Nat
  18. Hi NDWW is quite correct. You can only control the text scroll speed by making the text clip display for longer. Drag the right hand end of the clip along to the desired position, or go into storyboard mode and change the duration value shown below the frame. DONT be tempted to slow the clip using "Change clip speed" as this simply inserts copy frames and will result in jerky movement of the text. However if you use the Position effect it will still scroll at the same speed as there is still only the same length of clip to move the text the chosen distance. e.g. Scrolling the text from Top to Bottom of the frame still has to be done in the same time no matter if you use automatic scrolling or keyframe scrolling. Nat
  19. Hi You could try this.... NCH Prism.......Open VP and select "Suite" from the toolbar or there is this...... http://www.any-video-converter.com/products/for_video_free/ Nat
  20. Hi You may be able to but it won't be to the bin directly. The first thing is to save the project as a .vpj file. The main idea will be to replace your original clips in their folder with the stabilsed clips and then reload the project. The stabilised clips will then load as though they were the originals. But there may be problems with this depending on the point at which the system crashed. Try it for a start and see if it fails. If it does fail then try this.......... First ,copy the stabilised clips to a temporary folder and work from this. (Keep the originals as is as you may need them) The stabilised clips will be in .avi format and will therefore need to be converted back to their original format. You can use a free program like Any Video Converter for this (or even VP possibly) Rename the clips (i.e. remove the word "stabilised") . They will now be the same as the original clips. (But stabilised.) Remove the original clips from their folders and replace them with the stabilised, renamed copies.This way they will be loaded by your VP project file in place of the originals. Having the original name and formatand being in the same folder they should load OK and, of course they are already stabilised. Any effects and editing you did will be present as part of the saved project, and they will also be visible in the bin. Depending on how the crash occured It may be that the .vpj file may try to load the stabilised .avi files that deshaker made and if so the project load will fail with a message regarding the file name and folder. If this happens just replace the original .avi files that you made copies from into the folder indicated by the message and try again. Nat
  21. Hi I didn't find scrolling the music across the screen particularly easy to follow visually and as you found joining the scrolling overlays together at precise points is phaffy . I simply scanned the manuscipt and then cropped the image (a .jpg) into line lengths by stave using a graphics program and then placed each of the images on the overlay track in the correct position arranging the next line to quickly dissolve into the next line as the music progressed. This is a typical image from a 720 avi. No problem at all with the resolution of the music line. I have done a few like this with no problems. Scrolling each line, as I said, actually makes it quite hard to follow the music. Nat
  22. Hi As an alternative... Click the FX button on the text clip. Click the green + and open the Transparency effect. Click the down arrow on the Select Preset box. Select Fade In and Out from the choices. Now click the green cross tab at the top of the keyframe.animation window.(Add keyframes) You will see that the fade In and Out animation line is rather basic. (Up to the middle of the clip and back down again) Just grab the line just after the start and drag it up to the top. Do the same just before the end. This should produce a nice fade in and out. Here's the animation pane before and after... BEFORE AFTER Nat
  23. HI Yes confirmed...The Out point is ignored even if audio is taken from the edited audio on the timeline. The way around this until it is sorted is to....... Edit your audio clip with your IN/OUT points and Place it on the timeline. Check the audio selection is what you want. Click the Sequence tab and Add the edited sound clip to the sequence bin. You can now make a copy that is correct from there. Nat
  24. Hi VP is excellent at producing video slidshows from images and I don't exactly understand where your problem lies as I don't see a deterioration (or hardly any) in the output of a slideshow video. Here is an example. It uses a basic tif image 4480 x 2520 (16:9) of 11meg. This is the ORIGINAL image. On the right is an enlarged part of this image. Loaded to VP I took screendumps of the PREVIEW PANE both UNZOOMED and ZOOMED to match the enlarged area above. In this example under Tools/Options/General I had the resolution of the preview set at 512 x288 (16:9) which is the lowest preview resolution. It's obvious that the zoomed in area of the preview image is not too clear. By re-setting the preview resolution to the highest value 1920 x 1080 16:9 the preview image is much better. Particularly when zoomed in as seen here.. The unzoomed frame looks hardly changed. For the best editing resolution it is therefore better to use the higher setting as I mentioned in my post above. (also c-major and Borate) The problem here is that VP has to render the previews etc at the higher value and as a consequence takes longer to do so or even pauses frequently with generating preview messages. It depends on the speed and capacity of your PC. In this test I outputted the zoom sequence as an MPEG4 at the highest resolution of 3840 x 2160 4K The encoder settings were for the highest quality (1.0) The effect employed in VP was a simple ZOOM into the frame as above, to produce a similar enlargement to the original image. Here are screenshots of frames from the exported MPEG4 VIDEO. On the left the unzoomed section and on the right the zoomed section. MPEG4 Frames Comparing the zoomed images of the MPEG4 and the original tif (even if they are converted to jpegs and have less pixels than your own) I can't see a particular loss in definition. (If anything the MPEG4 is better.) This would imply that the screened MPEG4 slideshow would look little different from images shown on screen in a more traditional way;and that's been my experience. Try the setting suggested and see if you see any difference. Nat
  25. Hi Open VP and load the video you are currently working on. Place it on the timeline if it is not already there. Move the timeline red cursor line to your insertion point. Click the "Add File" button on the toolbar and navigate to your downloaded UT video. Select it and open it. It will be added to the Video clip bin, and will appear in the "Clip Preview" pane with thumbnails below. Move the preview pane red cursor line to the start point of your snippet and then click the Red Start marker ( [ ) Move the preview pane red cursor line to the end point of your snippet and then click the Blue End marker (]) Your snippet will now be the bright section isolated between the markers. Click the litttle down arrow next to the "Place" button situated under the preview pane on the right and select to "Place on Sequence at Cursor" option. Your snippet will now be inserted into the timeline. Nat
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