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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi If you particularly want the Old Cinema plugin and find it doesn't work......Use the Old Film effect....... Nat
  2. Hi There was no obvious flicker of the fades noted in the VP preview. However when exported at a Variable frame rate, flicker was present particularly with the first fade in. It suggests that the Export frame rate you set may been a variable frame rate and a bit low (30fps?) Do another export and choose a higher Constant frame rate which you may find much smoother. Your project exported OK at a Constant 30fps here but also smooth with Constant 60fps. If you consider your first fade in. It's 2.6 seconds. At 30 fps that means around 70 shade increments. These would be regular increments at a constant frame rate and would be barely noticed. If the frame rate varies then the shading increments would Not necessarily be regular in frequency. And more importantly, show jumps in the degree of shading to match the changing frame rate....i.e. There would be a discernible flicker. At a higher Variable frame rate the flicker MAY go unnoticed Nat
  3. Hi If you've already read this I've had to edit it radically.. Your project loaded OK here also in VP 8.23. You have a 2 second fade in at the start of the timeline from using f . Your fade out at the end however is a Blur . Duration 4.313 seconds. ......... Using just Blur, the timeline appears again as an image at the end of the transition. You should resolve this by removing the Blur Transition) and and using the simple Fade transition. This example exported OK here. Nat
  4. Hi "... I used the fade in button on the clip itself and then I used the transition button at the end. The clips are on video track 1 . ..." You don't seem to have done anything wrong. If there is nothing on Video Track 2 to cover them up and it plays OK in the Sequence Preview window then it ought to be OK. An example set up here plays and exports OK in VP 8.23 which is the Windows version. So it may be a bug in the Mac version. Downloading it and playing it here (if it will play on Windows ) won't be much help I am afraid. I think it may have to be played on a Mac. Nat
  5. Hi How have you set up the fades? Are the clips on Video Track1 with no overlay clip? Did you use the f to fade in or a Transparency effect to fade in. How did you fade out? Nat
  6. Hi The projected file size can be reduced by selecting a lower resolution for the export (but keep the same AR) Nat
  7. Hi You may have left a short clip way along the timeline after your actual project. Delete the possible gap as per Borate's instructions or you could try this... Drag or step the cursor along to the end of your actual project...i.e. where you were expecting it to end. On the Split/bracket popup that appears when you release the cursor, click the blue bracket. This removes whatever you have to the right of the cursor position. (Clip bits etc) and ends the timeline at the cursor. Nat
  8. Hi Any clip can be reversed. Right click and select Reverse Clip If you want to reverse the whole video (timeline) then you have two choices... Export the project first and reload it. Then Reverse it Click the + sign that follows Sequence 1X. This clears the timeline and creates a Sequence in the Sequence Bin. Drag the new sequence to the timeline and then Reverse this. Nat
  9. Hi That should be working.. Check these... You have each clip on a separate track. You have applied the Split Screen effect to each clip Each clip is designated a particular corner and Cropped to region (if necessary) Now check that each track on the timeline shows the clips in their respective corners..... Place cursor line so it passes through all the tracks and check that the Sequence preview shows the clips in their specific quarters.. If everything is correctly set up the 4 clips should preview in their own sectors when the timeline is played. In this case the clips are each 16:9 and divide pretty well into the 2 x 2 matrix If this is not working another option is to use the Scale effect to reduce each clip down in size then add the Position effect to place each clip in the respective corner. One advantage of this method is that each clip will overlay the other (highest track over lower tracks) and any AR differences can be covered up, (i.e. you can paper over the cracks) and you can also make each clip a different sizes and still retain a 2x 2 matrix. If you have the above appearances and it still shows a single clip in preview....which is the track that is previewing? Nat
  10. Hi Not sure if my edit arrived but the website shows examples clips from the Professional version 6.01. Nat
  11. Hi VP 4.58 is from 2016 (I archived this version to my HD on 16/12/2016) It would seem you have actually downloaded a really old version. (The current version in 8.23) However, do you still have a vpsetup.exe file from your first (apparently satisfactory - even if old) version and if so did you obtain a license number (code) for it, or did it install from the site without an exe being downloaded? If you still have the vpsetup.exe file then you can re-run it over what you have and get back to your original version.If you uninstall everything first you will need the code to run it again. It's something you will have to take up with Steam I think. The website makes no mention of the version number apart the fact it's meant to be the Masters Edition from a release date of 2016. The supplied example clips seem to show the professional version 6.01. Nat
  12. Hi If you switch to dual previews and adjust the Clip window as wide as possible you will be able to monitor the sequence (the whole timeline) on the right and any selected clip (like a sound track clip) on the left. Select the sound track that requires adjusting. Assuming it's Track 2 that needs adjusting, It should now look a bit like this..... In this situation if you now set the red cursor to the start of the sound clip as shown and then click the Play button for the Clip preview, you will hear the selected audio play and see the sequence above it also play. The red cursor line in all three areas will travel from left to right as the sequence plays. You can then stop the playback and drag the blue line up or down as Borate has outlined to adjust the volume of the selected track at specific points.You can, however detach those windows and make them larger; up to full screen if required. That is about as close as you can get at the moment. It's clumsy and time consuming. The big drawback even for a possible manual method is that you cannot hear BOTH audio tracks at the same time which is a big fault, you only have the waveform or the video to go on and the other problem is that the clip preview is just that...a single clip so it means doing this for each audio clip.. Nat
  13. Hi The first piece advice is that as you work do a regular Save Project As to ensure that if something cocks up you can at least reload your project at the stage it was when you saved it. Every time you do a Save Project As use a new name like "Save 1" "Save 2" Save 3" etc. It's a bit difficult to sort a problem without seeing the project so follow Borate's advice. One thing you may have done is edit the video clip(s) after you have placed the accompanying audio on a lower track and you may have edited out the separate audio clip at the same time. But without looking at it, it's hard to say. The audio in the bin will always show it's full duration (unless you actually trim it there) If you can drag it down to a lower audio track and check it arrives full length. If it does then delete all the bits you seem to have that are on upper audio tracks. You could also mute any tracks containing non associated audio (like an added mp3) so you can concentrate on the actual video part of the editing. Once you are happy with the visuals along with their sound, you can add in the background music. Nat
  14. Hi Thanks. That's what the forum is for. As problems in the latest version become apparent from forum users comments they get checked out by other members here and solutions or workarounds suggested. Note that earlier versions of VP may have bugs that have already been noted and corrected in the latest version.That's why we often recommend downloading the latest version as a remedy. If some problems are considered as needing urgent attention they get reported direct to the developers and are usually corrected ASAP and that version updated. Less important bugs or enhancements generally have to wait for the next release. Nat
  15. HI Difficult to say what might be the problem here as it's most unusual for video clips not to export and not play.. What version are you using? What happens when you just add two or three video clips and a couple of images to the timeline.....do they export and play OK? The best way to resolve this is to upload your project to Dropbox or equivalent. Open your project in VP and from the File Menu Save Portable Project As... Navigate to a suitable folder (or choose Desktop) and Click Select Folder. All the component clips and a vpj.exe file of your project will be copied and saved to a dated folder. Upload this folder to dropbox and make it public.and someone on the forum can take a look and see what might be the problem.. Nat
  16. Hi Although your download was an exported test and not the VP project per se, Rag 5 previewed OK from end to end in VP 8.23 although green bar took a little while to complete. Did you check that caching was complete before you played it through? The downloaded file playted perfectly in VLC player also. It might be a machine glitch, Save the project, clear the cache and try it again. Nat
  17. Hi Looking at the 2 jpgs you posted I notice that the sound file still shows the "quaver" icon with the "eggtimer" in the corner. This suggests that the sound file on your setup (Mozart-Requium.mp3)did not complete or process fully, as it would then have shown the "waveform " icon. There has been a similar complaint where there was no sound and those icons were also present apparently without a conversion.. On that occasion also the dropbox files loaded OK and converted correctly. The mp3 in question here also downloaded and played normally in VP version 8.23 on my old Vista system.... I'll point this aspect out to the developers as well in case they haven't noticed. Nat
  18. Hi Do this... Open VP, start a New Project and create your title sequence Add the sound to the title and group the two clips. Once complete and playing as you want, click the Add Objects Tab and select Add placeholder Clip (Video Track) Grab the Placeholder clip that appears and drop it onto the timeline so it follows the Title clip...... Click the little down arrow on the right of the Templates tab and select Save Project as Template. Click OK. Your Template title will now have been created as "Untitled" (You can name it later) Close VP Open VP. Click New Project and create your video. Right click the Templates tab (Not the down arrow!) This will open a small window containing some ready to use template examples. Scroll down to your created template... It will be called "Untitled"......... Select your template and click the Apply Template button Your template will be applied to the start of the timeline and the place holder clip will have been replaced by your project... You can now adjust the position of the title clip as you wish Having created the template it can be used at any time for further projects. Come back if you are not clear or have any questions. Nat
  19. Hi Don't make it so small, or use a higher resolution png. Nat
  20. Hi having added your images to the timeline they will all have , at the outset a duration equal to the value set in the Option/Media/Default still image duration. If you want to alter individual image durations then simply grab the right hand edge of the image clip on the timeline and drag it to the right. This will length the image clip and it will play for longer. (Zooms and other effects are automatically adjusted accordingly) As an alternative you can right click on the image in question on the timeline and then select Change Duration from the menu option shown You can also switch into Storyboard mode, right click on and and change the value shown under each clip. Nat
  21. Hi Did you just zoom into the timeline (in which case it is not saved) or did you use the Zoom effect? If you add a Zoom effect to your clip(s) then that is an editing step and will be exported as part of your project. Nat
  22. Hi ".... If I adjust the audio speed to 66.7%, it seems to make the audio sound right, but it still doesn't line up 100%. Luckily the videos aren't great, but I'd like to get the audio and video to sync up. ...." Try fine adjustment of audio OR/AND the video speed so they synch better than what you managed to get already. Obviously unlink the audio first.) Increments are larger with a shorter clip so you may have less success but you may be able to get it pretty close with a much longer clip.. Also if you zoom into the timeline you can more finely adjust the position of the audio by dragging right or left. You can set the red line cursor to a precise frame using the control buttons under the Sequence preview window and then drag the audio along to the line. It will lock in place with single frame precision Nat
  23. Hi This was a problem noted with an old version of VP (I can't remember the version) but that bug was fixed. What version are you actually using? The latest can be downloaded here... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html Give a try and report if it is still happening. BTW...When this was happening the video had actually fully exported despite what the Export window said. Have you checked or has it just really stuck? Nat
  24. Hi Wendy I think the thing to establish for a start is if you can actually play bog standard files. So try this.. Go to this web page: https://file-examples.com/index.php/sample-audio-files/ Select the mp3 files by clicking the orange Select File Size tab on the right. Click Download for the top 700kb mp3 file. This will open a play bar with the music playing. Right click the bar and select Save Audio As . Navigate to a suitable folder (I generally select the Desktop.) Click the Save button. Open VP and start a New Project. Add the downloaded mp3 or drag and drop it from the desktop to the clip bin. Drag and drop the clip from the bin onto the timeline. Does VP look like this now, and does the mp3 play OK. If it is a flat audio line then you have a faulty installation. The above screenshot is using the latest version of VP 8.23 If it is working OK then do the same test with an mp4 file...... Open this web page: https://www.appsloveworld.com/download-sample-mp4-video-mp4-test-videos/ Scroll down to Mp4 Sample Videos Select the Mp4 10Mb 1280 x 720 file. Click Download This will download to your Download Folder and will take a minute or so. Open VP and select a New Project. Add the downloaded Mp4 file from the download folder Drag and drop it onto the timeline Does VP now look like this and does the clip play correctly? If you still see a flat line then something is wrong with your installation. This example was done with VP 8.23 and plays perfectly on my old Vista PC. Nat
  25. Hi Something not right. This is what I do.. Plug in the USB drive. This is Drive E (depending on the actual USB socket used) Create a folder on the E drive called VP TEMP CACHE FOLDER Open VP and go to Options/Disk Clear all unused cache files.This leaves the C Drive cache empty. Under Cache.....Cache folder (which currently contains C:\Users\Nat\Desktop/VideoPadCache) Click Browse and navigate to the E drive and then click on the VP TEMP CACHE FOLDER. This opens with nothing in it. Click the Select a folder button. You are in effect just selecting the empty folder in this case) Check the content changes in the box and then click OK........ This is followed by the message window. Click OK Close VP Open Video Pad Check the Options/Disk box. This should NOT have changed it should still shows the above Drive and folder there. Load a clip to VP and drop it on the timeline. Open Drive E:/VP TEMP CACHE FOLDER This now contains VideoPadCache Open this folder. It should contains three files produced by the project Note that I have not deleted the original cache file that I had on the C drive. As a check open this. It remains empty. No files were saved here. As a further check, verify that Options/Disk still shows the E drive cache folder as the destination folder Until I change the contents of the Cache:Cache Folder box it will remain pointed to the E drive. If yours is not doing this then there is a fault. You might try to .... Close VP and simply double click your original vpsetup.exe program. This re-installs VP over your existing program. You may not think this would alter anything but it fact it often loads an alternative variant of VP of which 2 or three exist within the exe file. It's pot luck which one might come up but it is possible that one of the A/B/C test variants will allow the changing of the cache location.I can't be sure of this but worth trying. Nat
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