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Everything posted by borate

  1. It seems that you have had different versions installed, including one that may be very long in the tooth. Start anew, with a clean slate. Use this tool to fully uninstall Videopad. Then load the latest, and see if there's an improvement. If not, please upload a portion of the project, up to the point where it fails, as suggested earlier. Someone can then attempt to analyze the problem.
  2. It shows up here. Been using a 'cleaner' utility that has deleted the files? "J:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\VideoPadCache" Look under OPTIONS|DISK|CACHE FOLDER to see where those files are stored on your PC.
  3. If your project isn't lengthy, someone will check it out. With it loaded on the time line, please click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload ALL the files that result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the zip file.
  4. When a project is exported as a video file, the dialog box lists a SAVE TO FOLDER path, which is user configurable. That's where the file should land. After the export completes, the small 'downloads' box has two links: SHOW IN FOLDER and PLAY. The former should open the 'save' folder. If this isn't happening, first CLEAR UNUSED CACHE FILES, under the OPTIONS|DISK tab, then try again..
  5. An audio track can be split, and a section dragged - to bring it back into sync. If the drag snaps back to its original position try holding down <alt> while dragging. To UNDO a mistake easily, press <ctrl-Z>. A more mainstream container/file format for VP may ease editing. Do a Net search for "WTV conversion."
  6. That's a shame. But there's a problem somewhere because VP's video - in many formats - is just fine. If you upload a project that you feel wasn't up to snuff, as outlined above, someone will check it out. You might also test the latest version, which can be done without payment - on a trial basis. If you are indeed seeing the problem that Nat described, below, try exporting as a video file first, then upload that file to YouTube, instead of using VP's direct uploader.
  7. What's the format of the source files? What's the export format and what are the encoding settings. With the project on the time line, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT and upload ALL files that result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Or first zip the files, then upload the zip file. Someone will check it out.
  8. The trial version doesn't require a code, but certain features may be unavailable.
  9. Chances are that 6.x installer is on your disk. But why not download the latest. Hardware acceleration is available in the current version. Test it both ON and OFF.
  10. Intriguing. Have you tested both states of HARDWARE ACCELERATION, under the OPTIONS|DISK tab?
  11. This recent thread may provide ideas and insight.
  12. No, that amount of material would be too cumbersome. The hope was that you might upload just enough to display the problem, if feasible, to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc. and link it publicly. "Einstein" isn't synonymous with "employee." C_major (admin) is on staff. Take his suggestion on clearing the cache.
  13. Understood. But in order for someone to troubleshoot the project a portion that displays the fault needs to be provided as instructed above. All files - including the VPJ - should be zipped and uploaded.
  14. Please follow the instructions in the earlier thread that you posted, and upload a sample that exhibits the fault. Someone will check it out.
  15. Hold down the <alt> key while dragging.
  16. It does here. Humm. You might try a full uninstall/clean reinstall. Something isn't kosher.
  17. Can't duplicate that here, Nat. Clear the cache, and in OPTIONS|DISPLAY confirm that the "show the welcome dialog when VP starts' box is checked, if that's your launch choice.
  18. Try 6.01, just released. And please upload a sample, as instructed above.
  19. At the point where the project bogs down, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT and upload all files that result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Or zip the result and upload the zip file. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will take a look at it.
  20. Looking at the clips you uploaded, one is already cropped, though the aspect ratio looks okay. So it appears that VP is just passing along what it sees. The other is full screen. Click your link, to verify. Perhaps these were not the unprocessed, direct-from-cam files??
  21. Nat has good advice. A possible alternative, considering that the video is silent... Load the initial Mp4 clip, then UNlink audio from video (right-click menu) and delete the audio track. Now drop your Mp3 onto an audio track.
  22. Upload the two raw clips, just as would have imported them to VP, and we'll take a look.
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