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Everything posted by borate

  1. Are all the clips shot identically - resolution, orientation, etc.? As suggested earlier, if you can pin it down to a specific file on which this repeatedly occurs, upload that file to a server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, make the link public and post it here. Someone will try to dupe your results.
  2. borate

    Unwanted audio.

    OPTIONS in the toolbar. The window that appears should have a DISK tab. At the bottom of its window Clear Unused Cache Files. Placement or availability may vary in older versions.
  3. borate


    This very recent thread should prove helpful.
  4. borate

    Unwanted audio.

    Scroll the time line area vertically, to be certain there isn't an extra audio track lurking...and mute or delete it if so. You might also clear the cache, under OPTIONS|DISK tab.
  5. Put one of your raw, unboxed mp4 files that has the problem up on a server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, make the link public and post it here. Someone will try to dupe your results.
  6. Nice approach NADWW describes! Dissecting it further, individual (unlinked) audio clips can be dragged down to a new sequence, which would then be handled as above. The NORMALIZE effect would then be applied, and affect only - but all - of the selected clips.
  7. Suspect a little bug, as Nat's good advice didn't work in several tests here with NORMALIZE. Despite specifying "apply to all clips" only a single clip was affected The procedure did succeed, however, with the FLANGER and ECHO effects.
  8. Back up the entire project first, just in case. Individual clips can be modified by clicking their FX button and choosing the NORMALIZE or AMPLIFY tool. Multiple clips might be handled by selecting (highlighting) them, pressing <ctrl-c> to copy, then clicking the + sign next to the sequence tab, to open a blank sequence. In that new sequence, press <ctrl-v>, to paste. Now export the sequence as an Mp4. Bring the Mp4 back into VP on an overlay (higher numbered) track, lining up the clips it contains with the originals, which can be deleted or muted. The new audio is now a single clip that can be NORMALIZED in VP or run through Wavepad prior to VP import. When done, unlink video from audio and delete any confusing blank video. To avoid messing up other tracks, lock them. If you make a mistake, immediately press <ctrl-Z> to undo.
  9. Sliding might have been a better choice of words. First the A/V were UNlinked, then the video was moved to the right on the time line, to delay it (as I recall).
  10. Indeed, the splitter is a likely culprit, with length difference relating to the delay. The file was fixed by slipping the video, to match up with audio, then exporting.
  11. This doesn't appear to be a Videopad issue. The file plays IN sync with MPC-HC and OUT of sync in WMP and in several video editors. Visit here (for a brief time) where it's fixed, and there's a comparison of the original with the corrected file, which is on the right.
  12. Don't know specifically what changed between 5.2 - 5.3, but since that time there have been core improvements, along with feature tweaks. It's a continual process...
  13. Cannot say what ails it, but there is something amiss in the original file. Here is a reconstruction that you can download. It will vanish in a few days. Right-click in the window and SAVE VIDEO AS. I spotted no problem with MUTE; worked as it should.
  14. If the project isn't large, perhaps we can take a look. With it on the time line, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload ALL the files that result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. If there are more than a half-dozen files it may be best to zip them first, then upload the zip file.
  15. These two threads may be relevant, and give you ideas for accomplishing the task...
  16. borate

    Using mask

    Invoke the polygon mask dialog box, as Nat states above. In that window there's a "Mask inside" box. UNcheck it.
  17. borate

    Using mask

    Create the mask, then UNcheck the "mask inside" box. Add the TRANSPARENCY effect and adjust the slider Place this clip over the background. Example: the nose is the masked area of a face. The rest is transparent, so the background shows through. Is this what you have in mind?
  18. borate


    If, after loading the Mp4 to the time line, you see both a video and an audio track... Right-click the audio track and UNLINK FROM VIDEO. Then you can slide either the video or audio track right or left, to sync them. To avoid unwanted changes in the track that is not being slid, click the LOCK icon to the left of that track prior to making any changes.
  19. This comes up often - gentle encouragement for NCH marketing to clarify the distinction between VP incarnations. There's this, though no mention is made of when or what export choices are disabled. The best info may be here..
  20. Using the black theme, the 'jumping' issue was tested- with numerous video and image files. But it didn't behave as solaristraveller described; the focus did not jump to the top of the clip list. It stayed put.
  21. Your system seems capable, though you didn't note the amount of free space available on the drive. Can't speak for the limitations of VP, but did load your first four untrimmed files into a 64-bit editor on Windows 10, with 900 gigs free, and it choked as well. Converted those files to 3840 x 2160 @29.97 (two at 50Mbps and two at 60Mbps). Both editors ran them smoothly. Exporting at that res is time consuming. If you work with 1920 x 1080 files, for smoother/faster handling, you can choose to export them as 3840 x 2160 @29.97. Personally, I'd steer clear of 60fps. You may not agree, but IMO there's little to be gained.
  22. Essentially the same result here, when loaded onto an SSD; the project appears to be unwieldy. There are numerous unused files in the media bin (no green check mark) and major gaps in the video track. Though the Mp4 files have an audio track, you don't seem to need it. The bit rate of the Mp4 files is in the mid six digits (3840 x 2160 @ 59.94): VP may have a problem with that. You should get better results with 1920 x 1080 @29.97 or 30 fps for your source files. To salvage the existing, loaded project, try this... Click the + sign to the right of the sequence 1 tab on the timeline to open a new blank sequence. Load the files that will be used for the first thirty seconds of so of video. Then, for each clip, right-click the audio track and UNLINK from video. Then right-click|DELETE the audio. Let the green line complete. Now export sequence 2 at 1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 fps. Give it a unique number. such as "sequence 1, 2, etc." Loss of quality should be negligible when played on a PC. This becomes a simple video only clip - likely in your DOWNLOADS folder - combining the files that were used to create it. Once exported, delete all files in sequence 2. Load the next thirty seconds or so of clips into that sequence. Repeat the load|export process until you have processed all the needed clips. Finally, clear sequence 2. Add your new Mp4 files to the media bin. Place them on the time line in order. Add your music track. There now should be a single video and a single audio track. When sequence 2 is exported, the entire project will be the result.
  23. Needs a password. Make the link public, if possible, or perhaps share the password in a personal message to me on this board. Click the mail envelope icon, then COMPOSE NEW. Don't share your PW on this forum.
  24. One method... Click on FX in the clip on the time line. Click the large green + sign. Choose the CENSOR effect and position it with the handles in the preview window or with the sliders in the effects window. Check the BLUR box in the effects window. Another way... http://keclips.com/ke-play/Keclips-videopad-video-editor-software-blur-face-tutorial-KeOKfeQp8D1MA.html
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