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Everything posted by borate

  1. The 'light' UI interface is not available in recent versions.
  2. Select the desired audio clips, then drag them down to a new audio track. Use the slider at the left of that track to reduce the volume of those clips.
  3. Perhaps in the future? But now there's this.
  4. This thread is old; best to start a new topic - with a descriptive subject and specific details. The DropBox address shown is 404 - not available.
  5. Check out Debut. Its recordings can be loaded into Videopad.
  6. One way: create a polygon mask. Click the FX icon on the clip, then small green + sign - second from the left in the toolbar. Draw the mask around the area to be shaded. Then click the larger far-left green + and choose blur, diffuse, or exposure. This will affect only the area within the mask. Make adjustments with the slider in the effects window. It might look similar to this, which blended the reflection a bit more into the background, using the exposure effect. View this tutorial. Slightly older VP version is shown but the procedure is the same.
  7. In order to display multiple tracks, the thumbnails do scale down. Click the + sign at the far left of a track, if not already in that mode, to expand the track vertically. Between the video and audio tracks there's a line. Dragging it up or down may help, if a track has been partially hidden. Try switching to STORYBOOK mode temporarily. Clicking on the transition X in a clip brings up the transition box. In its lower right-hand corner, set the length.
  8. The Express Animate page states " Export as video, flash, html5 or an animated GIF." Have you tried to export a format that VP can import?
  9. Nat, To my recollection, the initial load had only music, but when the sequence was copied to a new sequence the voice popped up on a separate track - at least on my first attempt. There were many unused files in the bin, as you noted, but can't say if those with voices were among them.
  10. Sorry, can't say. However, during discovery there was a 'hidden' audio channel with voices, which may have had an impact?? Now that you have the corrected version, it will be deleted on the server. Glad it worked out.
  11. Are you using the latest VP version? What is the export format? Have you looked to see if the export succeeded despite the hang? That has happened occasionally. Put the project up on a server and someone will test it... With the project on the timeline, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload ALL the resulting files (zip them if you like) to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc. Make the link public and post it here.
  12. In Videopad, right-click the Mp4 in the media bin and click on SAVE AUDIO CLIP AS NEW FILE. That will be a WAV that can be loaded into MixPad. To locate it, right-click the new audio file in VP and click OPEN FILE LOCATION.
  13. Edit the file in MixPad. A finished file then can be loaded into Videopad, and it should show up under the AUDIO tab in the Media bin (top-left). Is that what you need?
  14. Sequence appears to be corrupt. The file that you downloaded fixed the issue.
  15. Need ALL the files that SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT included - not just the VPJ. You might try zipping them all, then uploading the zip file.
  16. Have never seen that behavior reported. If possible, with the project on the timeline, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the results (all files) to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will attempt to duplicate what you see.
  17. My mistake. Don't click the X on the clips. Click the X (transitions button) in the toolbar. Be sure that you are clicking on the video clips. Or have clicked the focus to the clips on the timeline prior to pressing <ctrl-a>. Don't just press the <shift> or <ctrl> key prior to selecting the clips. Hold the key down while clicking them.
  18. Select multiple clips. Hold down <ctrl> and click specific clips. Or click the first clip, hold down <shift> and click the last to select that range. Or, <ctrl-a> will select all clips. Then click the X in the toolbar (not the one in the clips). The transitions screen appears. Choose one and it will prompt to APPLY TO ALL or APPLY TO ONE.
  19. No need for that here. Visitors will figure it out.
  20. As there doesn't appear to be presets to correct fisheye for specific cameras, I'd say "as you like."
  21. This free utility may solve your problem.
  22. Did you adjust the sliders, which should remove the effect? Click.
  23. Use the animation editor, setting ZOOM and POSITION effect keyframes. Keep in mind that the closer one keyframe is to the next, the faster the action will occur. Check out this and this. Also, click on the "presets" chevron, if available, and examine if one of the choices offered might help to accomplish your mission.
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