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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi I have given this a try with mock up video through a window whilst tilting the camera to the left and to the right as though it was attached to my bike. (I wasn't going out on my bike to do this properly as it was persisting it down.) With the video on the timeline; I found it best to .. Play through the main clip to where the first tilt just starts and Split the video at this point. Continue to where the tilt reverses (or stops) and Split again Continue in this way splitting where the tilt motion (the rotation) starts and reverses for the rest of the video.. Click the X for the first section and select the Rotation effect. Assuming the view is horizontal at this point but just starting to rotate, set a keyframe..(Click the small green + with the red line) Move the cursor line along and at regular intervals (say, on the vertical graph lines) drag the red rotation marker on the preview screen around to re-horizontalize the image. At each position create a keyframe Continue in this way for all the sections. (NOTE: You can do this using the complete video without any splits but I found I had a problem with the FOV doing 180 degree rotation, so preferred to work in smaller sections.) As the video had been split and the Zoom only worked on each section I created a sequence of the project and loaded this back to the timeline Clicked the X and selected Zoom from the effects list Keeping the AR constrained to 16-9 scroll along to the frame with the largest rotation Set the Zoom rectangle size to encompass the best part of the image Your video should now remain reasonably horizontal but all cropped to the zoom size. Nat
  2. Hi Might need to experiment first. The effects like rotation are designed to work on the whole clip. More importantly is that cropping will remove a significant part of the image area depending on the degree of rotation needed to re-orientate the full frame. Assuming you would require to maintain a full frame then Zoom instead of crop would be required. e.g. Original slanted image... Now the image has been rotated back to horizontal.... The rotation has introduced transparent corners. (Which will appear black in the sequence preview). The size of these depends on the original rotation. This example was around 15 degrees of tilt Crop will cut these corners off of course but will reduce the size of the frame......and probably won't be centralized as in this example. Instead of using the Crop effect you require to use the Zoom effect.... This will keep the final result full frame.... Constrain the AR to 16:9 to achieve this. As you can see, quite a lot of the frame is lost even with a 15 degree tilt. This example uses a single image (frame) with VP. Setting up this using keyframes, even for significant points in a clip may not be very successful. But you can try! Nat
  3. Hi Italiengen This thread has gone off topic and you really ought to start another..😉 Anyway....... An alternative possibility in reply to your question is.... Open VP and load your 2.5 hour project. (Patience ) Do not place it on the timeline. Left click the clip in the bin to select it. In Clip Preview use the cursor line to set the START and END markers to isolate the first section (1/2 hr?) of your video Click the Add button below the window to place your selection on the timeline. ****** Export the timeline in your required format. When exported completes clear the timeline (Delete) Left click the clip in the bin to select it again.......It will retain the previous START/END points. Reset the START END markers to isolate the next 1/2 hr section of your video Repeat the steps above from *** Repeat until all the project has been exported in 1/2hr segments. Note that a 2.5 hour project MAY take some time to handle... Nat
  4. HI If, during the your compilation of and editing of clips on the timeline you want to save that section of work you can save a "Sequence" . Click the Sequence tab on the toolbar Click New sequence (or New) This places the contents of the current timeline into the Sequences bin as Sequence 1. The timeline is then emptied. You can also..Click the + that follows the Sequence 1 x + at the left end of the timeline which does the same thing. You can now add further clips to the empty timeline and carry on editing a new section of your project and when satisfied with this you can save a second sequence & etc. You can export the individual sequences from the Sequences bin one at a time exactly as if they were individual clips. Save your project Open the Sequences bin Drag (or add) the required sequence to the empty timeline Export Clear the timeline and repeat for the next sequence. You can export ALL the sequences in the bin automatically one after another using Borate's instructions above. Read the thread mentioned first and report any difficulties. Nat .
  5. Hi Well......Starting with three clips loaded and all converted to sequences I still get the inactive Export Video window... None of the sequences in the bin are prompted. I have mentioned this to NCH so perhaps there will be a response. I have also tried this with VP 7.03 with the same result. Note: Clicking Export Lossless Video also brings an Export Video window with inactive boxes (Local Computer.....Google Drive......Dropbox.) The Onedrive option at the bottom does bring up a settings window though. There may be some other settings that control this behaviour but not sure. Nat
  6. Hi JR and Borate Am I going about this subject incorrectly then as there still seems to be a bug here.....in 7.02..? Loaded three clips Placed first on timeline and created a sequence....Timeline empty Placed second on the timeline and created a sequence....Timeline empty Placed third on the timeline and created a sequence......Timeline empty Note: These were only single clips with no editing but for the purpose of this test it should make no difference. At this point the timeline was empty and the sequence bin contained the sequences plus the blank.......... As far as I understand this problem, the object was now to export the sequences in the bin......(Correct?) Click the green FILE tab to bring up a menu..... The menu appears and the green FILE button turns blue..... Select Export All Sequences.... This brings up the Export Video option window...... In my version of VP (7.02) all three of these options are inactive,,,,,,, (i.e. They depress but go nowhere) Am I missing something??.......These steps above all seem quite logical but do not work. Even if I drag the Sequences down to the timeline and repeat the attempt to export them the window remains inoperative. Any comments? Nat
  7. Hi Note that when you select Pan and Zoom from the effects list the defaults are automatically set up....i.e. Start Frame is the full image outline and the End Frame is the central area. Either of these frames can be altered in size/AR/position by selecting the specific button and then clicking and moving the widgets. The preview screen will only show the outline box in the whole frame...not the effect. The clip will always begin with the Start Frame outline and finish with the End Frame outline. In my version (7.02) there is no provision to use keyframes. The Pan/Zoom encompasses the whole clip/image. Nat
  8. Hi If your first video is complete and you have exported it. You will have it as a single file on your PC. Assuming you want to use sections of this to create a shorter video you could proceed as follows. Open VP and load the old video to the clip bin In Clip Preview use the IN/OUT markers to isolate a section you require. Use the ADD button below the window to place the selected area on the timeline. Click the video in the bin again to bring up the Clip Preview window. Move the IN/OUT markers to make a new selection Use the ADD button below the window to place the new selection on the timeline (At End Start or Cursor or overlay) Proceed in this way to build up a shorter video from the old video clip in the bin. Nat
  9. Hi As an alternative if you don't want to split the audio track or unlink it...... Left click the audio track Click Clip Preview. The audio will now be visible in the preview pane. Left click the blue line to place a maker where you want the volume to decrease or the unwanted sounds to be reduced. Grab the line a little to right of the marker and drag the line down to the required level you can adjust it left or right as required.. You can then readjust the position of the markers to get the best effect. Nat
  10. Hi To add to that good advice you may find that the new audio source starts off OK but drifts out of synch. You can get it back (or at least ameliorate it) by adjusting the speed of the audio. Obviously it should be the same duration as the video clip when they start of in synch. Nat
  11. Hi VP 7.02 Can't find a problem here. Try this example.... Let's assume you have three clips on the timeline . (You may have more...🙂 Right click the centre clip and select Change Clip Speed Note the duration of the clip at 100% .......Let's say it's 14 seconds Set speed to 200% (twice as fast) Duration should now be 7 seconds.(Logical...takes half as long to play the clip now) Click Set Clip on the timeline will now be half its previous length with a duration of 7 seconds. Playing it shows it runs twice as fast. Play the clip to the point where you want it to actually start, or drag the red cursor line to this point. Place the mouse pointer to the left end of the clip at the join and you should see a white bracket pointing to the right. Grab this and drag it along to the red cursor line (It will jump into place). Release. The gap will automatically close as the clip is shortened. The clip will retain its 200% speed but start at the designated point. (This is what I believe you want to happen.) You can also truncate the end of the clip in a similar way. If this does not happen then it seems you have a glitch. Nat
  12. Hi Yes. SPOTLIGHT effect loses Radius value when the project is saved and the vpj file is reopened. All frames that had a spotlight are now Black. x,y, and Radius values are now 0.00 Confirmed and a bug report sent. Nat
  13. Hi This is quite an old thread and it would be better perhaps to start a new one. If you need to refer back to this one you can always use a link to it. (Copy/Paste the URL into your post.) With regard to the suggestions made, very little has changed. The advice above will still get you what you want. The original video with it's attached sound track is placed on the timeline. If none of the video is required Video Track 1 can be right clicked and unlinked from the audio. You can then click it again and Delete it. This will leave just the Audio Track.. Having loaded all the still images to VP they can be added to the empty Video Track 1 in the required places. You can extended or shorten them to remove any gaps and if they are now continuous you can add transitions between them like Crossfade. If you need to keep the original video then don't unlink it. Place your images on the overlay track (Video Track2) and drag them into position and extend or shorten them as required by pulling their ends in or out. Being on the upper video track they will play on top of (overlay) the original video on track 1. As they will now appear and disappear suddenly you will need to use the f tab on each clip to make them fade in and at the end you need to click the X and choose Fade effect to create a fade-out. That's the basic principle but things like using the FX Transparency effect and adapting the VP Preset Fade In and Out and applying this to all the image clips in one go requires a little more experience. Nat
  14. Hi Gabriel You obviously feel very strongly that the software is not performing as you expected it should. To be fair though this has not been the experience of the vast majority of users who find it performs OK. Nevertheless as with any complicated program glitches are to be expected and if these are reported in an informative way they can usually be put right or a work around suggested. Borate's reply to your post outlines some of the info NCH would find useful, including the version of VP you are running. To check whether the latest version (7.01) is working OK with some larger files I have just exported a 40 minute 1920 x 1080 MPEG4 60fps consisting of some 50 clips of the same type and resolution, each containing numerous edits and transitions. Proxy files were not used. This was done on an old Vista PC.... Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2GHz, 2.0 GB RAM NVIDEA GeForce GT 730. Certainly not high spec by today's standards and although editing did not proceed at a breakneck speed no excessive delays when making cuts etc.were experienced and the final mp4, exported at the same resolution etc. as original completed in around 63 minutes. This played quite OK in VLC. The excessive times your are experiencing therefore may not be due to the software. Passing on the info suggested or even the complete project as outlined by Borate would offer some prospect of determining where the problem may lie. Regards Nat
  15. Hi Sweets It sounds like your image is being placed at the start of the timeline before the start of your Audio. If this is the case you will see a blank bit of audio under the image thumbnails like here......... Provided nothing is linked or split in the audio you can simply grab the audio track and drag to the left so the image and the sound tracks start together. Alternatively you can right click in the gap and choose Close Gap in Track which achieves the same result Your image will appear on the track for a certain duration that is set up in the Options/Media/Default Still Image Duration.box. You need to make image duration the same length as your Audio now. You can see here the image doesn't last as long as the audio. The easiest way to do this (apart from changing the default value) is to use the mouse to grab the right hand end of the image thumbnails on the timeline. You should see a square bracket appear with right/left arrows. Drag the end of the image track to the right until the length of the thumbnails on the Video Track match the length of the audio Track........ Your image should now be present for the duration of the Audio and both should start at the same time. Hope this was what you were after. Nat
  16. Hi Well, not heavy handed exactly, just superfluous perhaps. I found it a bit distracting as it flickers in and out if the mouse strays across that area for any reason when there is no intention of playing the clip/sequence. e.g moving up to the top toolbar . Of course it's more visible in the enlarged undocked preview window. To be fair I can see some use if the routine Play buttons are obscured by another window like the effects pane but otherwise it's an extra that might become irritating. One can click the button just as easily as the screen. What do other users think? "Reason is mainly that for at least a few versions, we added the ability to play the preview by clicking on it." Never noticed this so obviously never thought it might be useful. Nat
  17. Hi NCH Can anyone explain why a "mouse-over" Play button has been incorporated into the preview window when a perfectly adequate Play control is present beneath the window? Nat
  18. Hi Sharon Current version is VP 7.01 with update in the pipeline. Share a project that won't export as Borate suggests..... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ and someone will download your files and take a look. Nat
  19. Hi Another approach is to use text. Pick a font that has narrow but regular characters for the example I have used Century Gothic. Use a simple letter O. Enlarge to fit around the text and use the effects options to Position it. If you want an oval then Use Scale to stretch the circle into an oval. Ready-made character can be found in the wingdings font Depending on your exact requirements you might also try the VP Speech Bubbles , Click the Green File button and choose Add Files. (Not the toolbar AddFiles!) Now select Add Images from NCH Clipart Library. and pick Speech Bubbles. Nat
  20. Hi Mike You probably know already but the version you are currently using is indicated at the bottom left of the VP screen. If you click the tiny chevron at the right of the blue Help Question mark at the top of the screen you should see in the menu options "Check for Updated Version" Click this to obtain info. Nat
  21. Hi DangerF Thanks for the info. I am aware about Svar in the registry (some users couldn't get the Flip effect but it was simply set at off in sVar , actually this registry entry is a lot shorter than it used to be. However, I still can't see why the File tab should change if I simply reinstall VP from the same vpsetup.exe.file In fact the button toggles through the various incarnations if vpset up is run repeatedly. Stll I prefer both flags off as I like the simple File button. Nat
  22. Hi c-major Yes, changing the name may make things clearer to users. Automatic Project Merge I agree that the current setup does work , provided that the template has enough placeholders to accommodate the number of clips on the timeline. However any grouped clips on the timeline are split (even if they total the length of the placeholder and excess clips are pushed in (it seems) anywhere. Here's the result in merging single Placeholder .vpj file with a timeline containing two image clips (Not grouped in this case.....) The first image is placed in the holder but second is split and inserted some way further on. This is the Placeholder .vpj file used for this example..... There is only a single Placeholder here. (they are thumbnails) But the "merge result above shows that something is wrong since I would have expected just the first image to have been inserted seeing that there was no place for the the second. But my main observation was that If the vpj file to be merged has no placeholders then it deletes the timeline and all you get is that .vpj file. As I mentioned there ought to be a proper Merge Project that will place the the merging file in a particular position in the open timeline. Nat
  23. Hi Nick - how would I know if the track was split?  Just look at the timeline...at each split in a clip there will be an FX box/Loudspeaker /link icon and a blue line. In the above image the Audio track is also split at these points. However this will not cause it to stop playing unless one of the sections has been muted in which case the loudspeaker will have a red cross... If on the other hand you see a gap in the Audio track you may have inserted a image or a silent clip. Any gap in the audio track should be easily visible... If the audio has been split and pushed apart for some reason (it shouldn't happen for an overlay) click the gap and choose to Close the Gap. With an unlinked audio track the gap will close up. Nat
  24. Hi Dave You have your edited project ....Your completed film on the timeline. So... Click the Green tab top left marked File. (You may have a slightly different green tab depending on version) The File tab will turn blue and will open a menu... (You may have a slightly different menu to this with File at the top so click that as well..) Select Save Portable project As... This will open a Folder/File selection window... navigate to and select a suitable folder (e.g. My Documents) Your project will be saved (Backed up) here in its own folder. This will have been named as the date and will contain a copy of all the clips from your project and an Untitled. vpj file. These are the files you need to send to Dropbox or other file sharing site. Borate has supplied the info for doing this. Make them public. Dropbox will provide you with a link to these files when you have uploaded them. Make a note of this link. Come back on the forum and provide the link. Someone can now download the files and reconstruct your project using the data in the vpj file and determine where you may have gone wrong and suggest a solution. Hope this helps Nat
  25. Hi nate It would be better if you upload the project files with the vpj file......Use Save Portable Project As It's a little difficult to see how you may have set up things from your video. One thing I can see is that the green bar along the top of your timeline is not complete meaning that the effects may also not be completely rendered. Note If a particular clip on the timeline has an effect like vignette, the effect should be visible in all the thumbnails associated with that clip on the timeline as well as the thumbnails in the clip preview window. Nat
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