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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Zoey VP 7.0 Your source file of 850 x 480 pixels has an AR of 1.7708. The normal frame used in VP is 16:9 i.e. an AR of 1.777 The difference is negligible and a mask (etc) set up on your source file should be to all intents and purposes OK in a 16:9 output. What output settings did you use? " Also what happened to the auto detect button in the render dialog in 7.0 ;_________;? " In the Export screen, click the down arrow in the Resolution box. The menu should have the "Auto match content" at the bottom above "Custom". The first shows your actual source clip size, the second will force a 16:9 option. Your source is very close to 16:9 and there should be virtually no difference. Provided your mask has been correctly set up, it should export OK. Nat
  2. Hi Miggy " . and I can't get it to exhibit the behaviors I described when I made this post. .." Par for the course! I can check something out and find a problem that's been mentioned and all of a sudden the problem goes away and I can't repeat it. Current problem is Exporting all sequences from the File menu. Borate can..I can't although we both have the (apparently) the same version of VP and I am following exactly the same steps. . I even find with some actions I lose the option from the menu as well..Weird! . Still, it's working for the main job of editing and when there is a problem or advice needed we try to help out. Nat
  3. Hi Miggy I tend to look at it this way.... Move cursor to required place in the preview and set the position and shape of the mask Create a keyframe 1 when happy Move cursor to next preview position Move points if mask is to differ from keyframe 1. If it's not going to change shape just leave it alone. Create keyframe 2 when happy.. Carry on in this way. So it's.... Create/Move/Create etc.The mask will animate between the keyframes. After the last keyframe it will not change but I generally click the button at the end of the clip although a keyframe is in fact actually made. Nat
  4. Hi B Followed your steps exactly....The 3 options in the final Export window all remain inactive. I managed to glimpse the blue bar heading just before this...It's the "Detecting most common format" , As I only have 2 short clips loaded, it only visible for an instant. Using VP 7.0 Professional Licensed software. It's not a problem as I normally reconstruct a project from any sequences I may make (don't always make sequences) and export from the timeline after checking the whole thing through. It's just an odd difference between how your V7.0 is working and the version 7.0 I have. Nat
  5. HI B I think it must an un-reset flag or something resulting from Redo....Here is a Re-run.... Open VP . New project. (File/Export All Sequences prompt is present...No action clicking this) Load two clips to Video bin (File/Export All Sequences prompt is present...No action clicking this) Clip 1 dropped on timeline. (File/Export All Sequences prompt is present... No action clicking this) Created Sequence 1 (Timeline MT and File/Export All Sequences prompt is present. This brings up non functioning options window shown in my earlier post) Clip 2 dropped on MT timeline. (File/Export All Sequences prompt is present. Blue progress bar seen for an instant immediately covered by Non usable options window. Not sure what the blue bar is doing) Create Sequence 2....... (File/Export All Sequences prompt is present but behaves as above..Window with inactive choices) Used Redo arrow to step back to empty timeline and clip bin. Stepping forwards again clips appear in bin and timeline etc. as expected but The Export All Sequences prompt is now greyed out and inactive. Something wrong there connected with redo! Unless it IS a paid option as Jimmy suggests..... Nat
  6. Hi B 1. Import two clips. OK 2.. Drop clip 1 onto track 1. OK. This creates sequence 1. OK. Timeline contains Clip 1 and Sequence bin contains Sequence 1 (No clapperboard) 2. Above the timeline click the + sign that's to the right of the sequence 1 tab, to create blank sequence 2. OK. Timeline is now empty and Sequence bin now contains Clip 1 and Sequence 2 as a Clapperboard 3. Drop clip 2 onto track 1 of sequence 2. ??. Not sure what you mean here by this bit . My inference is that sequence 2 is blank. However, I have dropped Clip 2 onto the empty timeline. Sequence bin now holds Clip1as Sequence 1 and Clip 2 as Sequence 2 (No Clapperboard) 4. Click FILE|EXPORT ALL SEQUENCES and follow the prompts. Export All sequences is blanked out! WHICH IS NOW BIZARRE!! At least before I had the prompt even if it led nowhere. There is no clapperboard in the sequence tab's bin/ That's correct.....Just sequence 1 (clip1) and Sequence 2 (Clip2) Step 3 is where it goes wrong I think....... I have two sequences in the bin but don't seem to be able to export them. Note that I have back stepped to try another angle using the Redo arrow....right back to adding the two clips to an empty VP. Do you think this might have left a flag set somewhere from the first run through? Any ideas?? Nat
  7. Hi Borate Nope! Tried it again.(May be doing something wrong possibly) Dropped a clip on the timeline and created a sequence from it by using sequence + (Now blank timeline) Repeated with a different clip. (two sequences in bin + clapperboard) Loaded the timeline with the sequences (So there is something there) Selected Sequence 1 X from the bar as shown in your clip Click green File button and selected Export all sequences. Now at this point......Something happens for an instant (looks like a blue loading bar or something a window) before the three useless choices window comes up and covers it.It happens so fast that I can't actually see it before its covered. It's not behind the window still when this is grabbed and moved. Clicking any of the three choices does nothing. Nothing has been saved to file etc. So I have always considered this an unfinished part of VP. Nat
  8. Hi Tested this with V7.0 as follows. Here it seems to work OK Placed a Video clip on Video Track 2 and a black blank black clip on Video Track 1. Made both tracks same length. Set preview cursor at start and Opened Effects for the Video clip. Added an Effect Mask. (Rectangle Polygon mask). Set keyframe Moved preview cursor cursor along the clip to middle and changed mask outline to a triangle. Created second keyframe. Moved preview cursor along the clip to end and recreated a rectangle. Set last keyframe. UNTICKED the mask inside option Added a transparency effect set to zero opacity. The video clip on Track 2 correctly animated from a rectangle that transformed into a triangle and then back into a rectangle. This also worked in reverse.(Triangle to rectangle and back) Also worked with Mask Inside set. I also repeated the test using an enlarged preview screen to set up the mask.(By dragging out the sides of the undocked window to a suitable size...Full screen cannot be used as the effects pane is hidden.) The animation also worked OK when created on this window. It was however infuriatingly slow as VP had to regenerate the clip for every point change. (This might have been my rather slow PC however.) In short I haven't manage to reproduce your experience. It is annoying if things go slowly but did you move points etc. before the last action had been registered by VP (Green bars completing etc.) Nat
  9. Hi In VP 7.0 Professional the Export all sequences option is active but has never worked as all it does is bring up the inactive Export Video window none of whose options actually work. I've mentioned this before but it remains unusable. Nat
  10. Hi As a comparison I have a similar behaviour... Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2GHz, 2.0 GB RAM NVIDEA GeForce GT 730. CPU usage similar here. Switch on PC and open the task manager Util. processeur. Links to network and shows 1-6% (Fine) Open VP and wait Shows 1-6% (Vp is the only program open.) Add a file to VP. Shows 50% - 54% whilst clip preview screen is loading then 4% when finished and waiting. Drop the clip to the timeline . Usage 100% while rendering thumbnails and green bar. Completed and waiting for any editing. 53% Exporting the clip Usage 100% Export finished usage drops back to 51% Close VP and discard work. Usage now around whicle this processes 90% All finished and back to desktop. Util processeur monitor now shows a constant 51%...?????? With respect to VP, I expect 100% usage when VP exports or loads big files. Early versions probably had a different file architecture but the later versions were adapted to process faster but this may be with reference to the time to process the file during preview, editing steps etc.. The speed of export depends largely on the file type, size and resolution chosen in the export parameters and is usage intensive. However, for me, I don't know what has changed from the initial startup when it showed 1-6% After closing VP nothing is now running (as at the start) but monitor now shows 51-54%.continuously when I expected it to drop back to 1-5%. (Anybody know why?) Nat
  11. Hi Agreed your first link this seems to look like my timeline image and shows .13.08 min. However I am a bit puzzled to note there are no thumbnails visible along the timeline and that the overlays are also blank apart from the last one even though the export is in progress. (compare with my image). Also In your original download there were several clips on the timeline but here I only see 1.I assume that this is different. If you still have the .vpj file you uploaded originally and the component files what do you get with that. Of course that still doesn't explain why an apparently normal timeline won't export correctly. I am not sure where the second image originates from but it does indicate a 40min duration. It's very odd that adding an overlay causes the complete clip to play again in the export.when only a segment is shown on the timeline and more so when it exports OK here . Can't explain this currently. Since you posted regarding this problem there has been another post reporting something similar.... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26712-unable-to-export-sequence/ and looking around another post... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26678-how-to-export-a-small-fragment-of-larger-clip/ I have notified NCH and am hoping they come in on this asking for some some details.They may want something like the .vpj file of the faulty project and version details etc. Nat
  12. Hi This sounds like the same problem that Maverick898 is experiencing. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26701-exporting-issue/ Neither Borate or myself can reproduce the situation with the file Maverick898 uploaded as it exports normally with VP 3.62 . What VP version are you using, it's shown normally bottom left of the main screen and also what file types etc are involved? Tested a sequence of several mpeg4 clips which were shortened with the IN/OUT markers from the clip bin prior to placing them on the timeline. wmv exported OK. mpeg4 (native) avi exported OK. MP4 H264 exported OK. etc. So it's a bit of a mystery. NCH may come in on this as I have filed a report. Nat
  13. Hi Your file downloaded OK at 159 Mb. Loaded to VP with no problem and with indicated duration of 13.08 mins. The timeline previewed with no repeats/loops etc. Exported as mpeg4 H264 1280 x 720 @29.97 fps, again with no problems.VP estimated size as going to be 415Mb The exported file was in fact 285Mb and had a duration of 13.08 min in VLC, This is the timeline...... These confirm what Borate found. In effect the file exported and played as expected. Nat
  14. Hi Jim The steps you are taking are correct as far as I can see and they do work correctly here.. The section on the timeline SHOULD be the bit that exports. (Exporting time and size depends on your settings )n but it should still only be the bit you isolated. I know it's of little consolation but I have duplicated what you did with a 1 hour 4Gb single MPEG4 clip and extracted a 1 min section near the end; it exported OK here. There are a couple of things however I notice regarding the file you exported. The ORIGINAL clip in the clip bin shows the first frame as is normal in the clip preview......Note the player in a distinctive white shirt. The first frame you isolate in the preview is this ...... It's obviously not the frame above and is, as expected the frame where you cut it... Nothing abnormal here... Now, although it's rather small and somewhat fuzzy, the frame (the first frame) of the exported clip (I assume it's your exported clip.....which appears below for only a fraction of a second in your video) does not show the first frame of the original clip as I would have expected if that had been erroneously exported. It seems to show the correct frame of the start of the isolated segment which would be correct..It does look like the frame above. It's certainly not the initial frame of the original clip with the prominent player in white. Disregarding the actual SIZE of the export which can be simply due to the export settings etc. It does seem from this that the export IS possibly correct. Are you certain it isn't your short segment despite its apparent size? What actually plays when this file is shown? Nat
  15. Hi Thanks for the demo vid. Very odd. VP should export just the timeline contents. ...In fact a test here using a 5 min mpeg4 exported the last 1 min before your demo finished playing! Upload your project as Borate suggests so someone can try it out. Couple of questions though..... Did you use the IN/OUT markers on the clip in the bin or the whole clip already on the timeline? (It's on the timeline at the start so can't see this) If you place the whole clip on the timeline first and then use split/split/delete unwanted bits/close gaps ..to isolate the required bit..as per my earlier post..Does it then export OK? I get the feeling it may be the actual steps you are using to do this from square 1 rather than a VP bug as it's such a common manipulation. Any chance you could set out every step in sequence e.g. Load 6 min clip to clip bin. Select clip and in clip preview use cursor and in/out markers to isolate las minute of clip. Drag the clip (now shortened) from the clip bin to video track 1..........etc. That way anybody can reproduce your moves and hopefully isolate what might have gone wrong. HNY Nat
  16. Hi http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/effects_audioeffects.html You can also manually set the volume levels along a sound clip in Clip preview. Grab the blue line at any point and drag it up or down to increase or decrease the volume by creating keyframe points. In the Compressor effects option you can set the maximum dB level using the threshhold control. Nat
  17. Hi J17 "NONE OF THESE SUGGESTIONS WORK" The topic was "How to export a fragment of a larger clip" and my reply addresses this. Are you saying that my suggestion above does not work? It's a basic routine for isolating a fragment of a larger clip (or group of clips) on the timeline. At export only what is present on the timeline, whether it be a single portion of a clip; a whole clip; multiple clips or nested sequences etc. will be exported. The size of the exported file will depend on the export settings. Nat
  18. Hi An alternative... Save the project Move cursor to start of segment requiredand click the scissors icon (Split) Move the cursor to the end of the segment and click the scissors.(Split) Click on to select and delete everything to the left of your first split Click on and delete everything to the right of the last split. This will leave just your segment on the timeline Click on and close any gaps Export the segment. Reload the saved project to get back to the whole timeline. Nat
  19. Hi My PC is: Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2GHz, 2.0 GB RAM NVIDEA GeForce GT 730. Not a particularly hi spec machine but it runs VP reasonably OK. even with quite large projects. You should not be getting such slow performance with a sequence only 15 seconds in duration. Reinstalling VP (latest version) may be a way of resolving this as will clearing the cache file. Also do you have many background jobs running and have you checked for malware? Open up the task monitor and check the performance. At rest the utility process monitor really shouldn't run at more than 50% but it can jump up to 90 odd % when the PC is working hard as it does during video editing. If yours is registering 100% all the time when VP is simply running or doing a smallish task like adding a transition or an effect then you would seem have other background jobs going that are slowing things down. An application like Process Explorer (www.sysinternals.com) might also give you a clue regarding this. Nat
  20. Hi Try Zooming in on the new join. If, after the split the resulting right hand section is visually narrower than the FX ot the X icon, the latter won't be visible. Zooming in using the scroll wheel or the zoom bar bottom right will widen the clip enough for the FX and X to be seen. Note also that if you have already added a transition to the join and subsequently move the clips apart, the transition will disappear even when you close any gap to rejoin the clips. In this case you will need to add the transition again. Nat
  21. Hi It's meant to do this. You have got cursors in different places...see below. The Clip preview window will show the image at the cursor position in the clip preview window ..not the frame of the cursor on the timeline. The cursors are not linked except in Clip Preview. The Sequence preview window will show the image of the frame of the timeline cursor and if you have got the cursors in a different place the images will be different. You have probably moved the sequence line cursor and expected the clip preview cursor to follow it...It won't. It will stay where it was set. (Like at the start of the clip) so the images will not be the same. Moving the clip preview cursor however, will reset the sequence line cursor to the same position and both previews will now be the same. Another way of looking at is..The sequence line cursor "plays" both clips but the Clip preview cursor "plays" just the selected clip, so they can easily be different. With regards to using a PIP. Use the Scale effect as it simply reduces or enlarges the whole image in size.(Crop will (obviously cut something off.) If you want to position the PIP (the clip in Video Track2) then you can monitor the result if you go into Sequence Preview and watch that image as you adjust the values in the various boxes..... As an alternative to doing this , particularly if you want to watch where you are dragging the outline box then click the Options tab and select Show dual Previews. You will then see the box on the clip in the left hand pane which you can grab and drag and the result of the manipulation in right hand sequence pane..(Make sure the sequence cursor goes vertically through both tracks of course.) Again, instead of moving the overlay by using the value boxes you could simply use the Position effect to place the PIP. Nat
  22. Hi "...But I find that no. In effects I tried to include a file '' subtitles '' but impossible..." VP does not have "subtitles" in the effects shown when the timeline clip FX button is clicked. Not sure about the Free version but in the normal version you can click the Effects tab on the top toolbar and you should see a new horizontal toolbar with the most common effects used such as Crop; Speed change;Rotate etc. At the right hand end should be "Subtitles" Selecting this option should bring up the Subtitle entry screen. If you type your text in the lower section of this screen and then press the Green + , your subtitle will be created at the cursor position and listed in the upper section. If you do not see the SUB tab in the effects toolbar then click the Home tab at the top and then the chevron at the right hand end of the toolbar. "Subtitles" should be one of the options in the drop down menu.But as I said..Not sure if the version has this. If you still can't find subtitles use Text effect instead, followed by Simple Text Overlay. This will open a text editor. Set the font;size;colour etc. and then enter text. There are also some basic positioning options. VP will generate a text image; place in the clip bin and add it automatically to the overlay track at the cursor position. You can re-edit this at any time. You can easily position the text on the timeline exactly like an image. Use the POSITION effect to position the actual text where you want against the underlying clip. You will find hints on how to do many things if you press F1 However come back to the forum if you want more detail. Nat
  23. Hi Tried different things but the grey line persists. As this is tied to the use of SCALE or other effects that incorporate SCALE use ZOOM This is how you can do it...... To make things a little simpler it's not necessary to use a transparent .png of your graded circle You can use a . jpg of suitable size. ** Create a much smaller image of your graded circle on a white background as a normal jpg Its initial size should be the same apparent size as your starting circle in the .png before your scale effect was added.** Put this image clip on Track 2 in place of your ,png image clip Adjust its duration to that the original. (Same length as the clip on Video Track 3) Now add a ZOOM effect to the graded circle image on Track 2 so that it expands to the desired size at the correct point. The zoom rectangle should start full frame be reduced so it finishes up just outlside the graded circle as shown here..... Instead of FADE at the end of this use the TRANSPARENCY effect with keyframes to get the circle image to fade just as it has filled the large C as here.......... This is the VP screen above with the .jpg on Video Track 2. ** Using a 1280 x 720 frame your graded circle would be 146 pixels across. There will be no borders visible during the zoom-in.(As there are no borders!) Best of luck Nat
  24. Hi The artifact you mention is visible and I notice you are using png files with a transparent background. These had a problem as I mentioned. Not sure how it was resolved. It is also seen with a ,jpg (made as same image but no transparency) and a transparent .gif. NCH may comment. If you shift the white blank along track 1 and the logo along tracks 3 and 4 and then drag the cursor line along the sequence you can see the grey edges of the expanding png frame of the graded circle against the black "no image video track 1" quite easily. Different sides appear depending on the size of the the rectangle It has something to do with the way VP reduces the outline of the transparent png but no idea how to prevent it. Nat
  25. HI The outline in grey a pixel or so wide is visible in the expanding rectangle. Something like this was reported a year or more ago but I think it was associated then with using a png transparent image but may have a similar origin. In this case it seems to be due (and its only thought) to the way VP calculates and retains the rectangle in a central position as it reduces in size. An accurate centre is not always achieved with every frame and one or two (or sometimes all) sides (edges) of the rectangle are left with some pixels not white or half transparent (the overlay's background is transparent) Because of this a grey line becomes visible. You may notice this more easily if you step through the preview a frame at a time at high res, the line appears on different sides in each frame. As I said it's possibly something to do with the way VP keeps the overlay central. I don't know if NCH will come in with a better (or correct) answer or even if it is something that can be cured. Nat.
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