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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Yelena Your original download... wedding-part 2-first version,mp4 played OK here and started with the bride getting out of the car. The only thing I felt was that the scrolling title was probably the wrong color being blue and the end title perhaps should have been placed in the screen centre and not at the top. Otherwise it seemed OK. Provided you can get both parts onto 1 DVD then you do this in a couple of ways. Load both videos (presumably there is a part one and a Part 2) into VP and place then one after the other on the timeline. and then export to DVD but before doing that step through the timeline with the red cursor line and where you want a chapter click the cursor red block. This will allow to create a series of Bookmarks that will be recognised by a suitable DVD player as Chapters. If your movie parts are complete (create Bookmarks in each as described above,) you can add them to Express Burn as separate videos. Providing the DVD capacity is sufficient the program will burn them one after the other as separate videos (with chapters). This program will also enable you to add menus. Nat
  2. Hi Are you using Auto Match Content setting for the resolution . The default here will be 1920 x 1200 for both clips. So the larger clip (1920 x 1080) will be "reduced" to 1920 x 1200. If you set other resollution (including Auto match values) one or other of the clips will have a border. I don't think this is a bug as both clips have different ARs and something must give if you don't want a border. Nat
  3. Hi Onks I forgot to mention that you can also use the Saturation effect. In this case you can achieve the gradual change from colour to B&W (or B&W to colour) without requiring an overlay clip. (As you can see VP is pretty versatile ) Using this effect is probably simpler. Use the Saturation effect in a similar way as I described the procedure for changing the clip to Black and White. Set the start keyframe to 0% saturation and further on, the second keyframe set with a saturation level to what you think gives a reasonable appearance.(say, about 25) You can drag the line down to alter the speed of the effect.....Note that the Saturation value can be set to above the the raw level in which case the colours of the clip may be too intense - you will have to check as you do it.The timeline thumbnails will give you some idea. "... however, I only wish to turn some of the picture back into colour. ..." I am not exactly clear on what you mean by this when you say "some of the picture". Do you mean a section of the clip? If you mean a section of the clip then use the the B&W effect as originally described or the Saturation effect used in the same way. If you mean a clip turned into B&W but with slight colour (i.e. a weak colour) then just apply the saturation effect at the start of the clip with a setting of around -70. The whole clip will then look pale. If not either of these please come back with more detail. Regards Nat
  4. Hi drk "....Also is there a way to have animations on screen while the film is rolling? Like a red circle on screen to highlight something while there is no pause? ..." The first thing is to create an image of a Red Circle on a transparent background. This can be a transparent png of a red circle or a jpg of a red circle on a pure colour background. Place your Main video clip on Video Track 1 Place your Circle image clip above this on Video Track2. If you use a transparent .png image no extra steps are needed. The background will show a chequered pattern. If you used a jpg image you will need to set the background transparent by using the Green Screen effect.......... Click the FX at the left end of the jpg clip on Video Track 2. This opens the Effects window Click the large green + and from the list that opens select Green Screen effect. In the Clip Preview window hover the mouse over the background..It will turn into a pipette. Click the background to make it transparent. For this to work the background must be a single colour. The background will now have a chequered pattern showing it is transparent From the File menu select Tools/Options and on the Display tab tick the box Show dual previews. Click the FX on the Video track 2 image clip followed by the large Green +. Select Position from the effects list. (It will an additional effect if you are using a jpg image) In the effects window graph move the red cursor line to the left (Start of the clip) In the Clip preview window drag the circle to outline the object. You can see the position in the Sequence preview window on the right. You can also enter values in the appropriate boxes to move the circle. Click the small green + to create a keyframe. Move the cursor along the graph and when movement in the target becomes evident re-position the circle and create another keyframe Continue in this way... Following the target/Moving the circle/Creating a keyframe Playing the resulting clip will show the target moving and being continually outlined by the circle. The smoothness of this procedure depends on the number of keyframes used. If the target moves in a straight line only a few need to be set up. Hope this helps Nat
  5. Hi drk To make it possibly a bit clearer....Note Borate's link. Here's a possible scenario you might follow....... You have a number of Hi Res video files. Normally you would have these in a single folder on your PC (e,g, a folder called "My Video Clips") Since these are Hi Res VP may find them slow to edit. Select the clips that you are going to use in your project and copy them to a new folder called "Big Files" (I usually do this so the originals are safe.) Create a new folder called "Small Files" Now use a program like Prism to reduce the size of these clips e.g. to 320 x 240 pixels. and output them to the folder "Small Files" In both of these folder you will identically named clips...one set Hi Res in "Big Files", the other set Lo Res in "Small Files" Open VP and load the Lo Res clips from "Small Files" These are the Proxy Clips Edit your project When finished Save Project File As This gives you a .vpj project file Now....Rename the "Small File" folder "Used Small Files" so VP ignores it. You could also drag it to a different folder or even the Dustbin.........These clips are now not required. Rename the "Big Files" folder "Small Files" This folder, of course will contain your Hi Res clips but VP won't know this. Load your project back from the .vpj file. The data in the .vpj file will tell VP to recreate your edited project with the files in the folder called "Small Files" As this folder now contains the Hi Res clips. Your project should now be created from them. Nat
  6. Hi Part 1 If you take all the constituent Video clips and copy them to a folder ( Folder No1.) Then use a separate software conversion program like NCH prism to convert the originals into smaller files and place them with exactly the same names into Folder No2, you should be be able to edit these smaller files. When finished save a .vpj project file. Now change the name of Folder No2 to No3 Now rename Folder No1, Folder No2 Provided all the folders are in the same location (e.g. the desktop) VP will see the larger files in the new Folder No1 as being the proxy files and should load the project with them. That's the principal. Try it with a few files for a start. Part 2 Create your animations like a red circle (You could use an enlarged zero or O in a font that gives a decent circle. You could use a separate png image with a transparent background. Or create a jpg image with a pure colour background like Green. Place the main video clip on Video track1 and the image to animate on Video Track 2. (If you use a transparent png the background will already be transparent. If you use a jpg then you can make the background transparent in VP with the Green screen effect.) In either case your image on Track2 will be seen on top of the main track clip when viewed in Sequence preview mode. Click the FX box on the Video Track 2 clip/image and use the Position effect with keyframes to move the image (circle) about to highlight the object in the Video Track 1 clip. Use Dual preview screens to monitor the positioning. If you are not sure how to do this come back on the forum for detailed instructions. Nat
  7. Hi You don't say what version of VP you are using and what type of clips you are editing but the program can usually handle unlimited clips (Within reason. ) I run with a slowish PC with the Vista OS and it works OK with several hundred clips. 24 video clips is not a lot. I have not personally encountered a problem such as you describe. (i.e. 24 video clips turning into 38 audio clips.) Seems like something is corrupted and you may have to start again from scratch. Try reinstalling the program from your setup file and clearing the cache. If that doesn't work I would suggest you uninstall your current version of VP (including the data) and install the latest version of VP (7.10) .. (Keep your original setup file if things go awry) https://www.nchsoftware.com/software/video.html Clear the cache and reload your clips. You could see what the old .vpj project file brings up with this version, but if it's the same very odd result then dump it and restart from scratch. Nat
  8. Hi You can convert all or part of any clip into Black and White using the Black and White effect. There are reservations however which I will explain below along with a workaround. So.....To change a clip.... Place the clip on the timeline Click the FX box at the left end to open the Effects window Click the large Green + to open the Effects choices Select the Black and White effect, Slide the red effects cursor line (in the keyframe graph side) to the left (Start of the clip) Set a key frame by clicking the small green cross with the red vertical line (First tab above the graph side) This fixes the start point for the Black and White effect. Note that the Enable box is ticked Slide the red cursor line along the graph to the right and stop at the point where you want the colour to return. Click the Enable box to turn off the Black and White effect.(Untick it) Your effects window should now look like this... (I have moved the red cursor line to the far right so you can see the graph better. Close the effects window The clip will now start in Black and white and will change abruptly to colour when the second keyframe position is reached. The Reservation on this effect is that it it is All or Nothing. There is no gradual change to colour. However, you can achieve something gradual like this..... Place the clip on Video track 1 Click the FX , Click the large Green + and select Black and White. The whole clip will become Black and White. Place the Same clip from the clip bin on Video track 2. This is an overlay track. Line them up. It will hide the Black and White Track when played. The timeline should look like this........ Click the FX box for the clip on Video Track 2. Click the large Green + and select the Transparency effect Mute the soundtrack for the clip on Audio Track2 by clicking the loudspeaker button at the left end next to the FX. (Otherwise both tracks will play sound) Drag the red effects cursor line to the left (The start of the clip.) Set the Opacity to 0.00% (Zero...Slide the control to the left) Set a keyframe by clicking the small green + with the vertical red line above the graph. Drag the cursor line along to the point where you want full colour to appear. Set the Opacity to 100% (Slide the control to the right) Create a second keyframe. The graph will now look like this......... At this point if you play the timeline the Colour clip will fade in too quickly, in fact straight away...so now do this........... Grab the graph line at some point just before the full colour keyframe (e.g. a few seconds before the second keyframe) and pull the line down to the bottom. The graph will now look like this....... You will see the effect on the two tracks of the timeline with the upper colour clip fading in over the Black and White copy.... The time taken for the duration of the change is set by the point chosen where the graph is dragged down. The full colour point is chosen by the position of the second keyframe. Both of these points can be adjusted on the graph by dragging the small square markers right or left. Hope this helps Nat
  9. Hi I mentioned to NCH some time ago that it was annoying to find the Effects window covering the Clip preview pane particularly when the keyframe graph was extended. Of course you can grab it and move it a more suitable position as Borate says but it's an extra step. My suggestion was to have the keyframe graph extend downwards from the Effects pane instead of out to the right and supplied a mockup image showing the result which to my mind looked a lot neater and covered nothing important. The reply was that it was felt better to leave it as it was as it was more logical and some of the controls worked in that way. Rotating Image Click the FX associated with the clip. This opens the Effects windowc Click the large green + button Select Rotation from the effects. A orientation marker will appear on the Clip Preview Grab the red marker and drag it around the red circle to rotate the image in the direction required. Note that the rotation values will alter in the Rotation effects window. For this example the value was set at 270. You may find that the image now has gone off the frame at top and bottom. It depends on the original size of the image. If this is the case you will need to Scale it down Click the FX box again (it will be blue) and then the Green + Select Scale effect. Check that Maintain AR box is ticked and slowly decrease the value of the Horizontal value until the image appears fully in the Clip preview pane. My example required a value of 60 before the image was correct. Hope this is of some help Nat
  10. Hi D It wouldn't be your project then. You nearly have it completed however Most of the hard work is done! Start by unlocking the tracks. Move Text clip (7) up vertically to say, track 4 and adjust the background Opacity to 0. This will make it play over the lower video Now with Sequence Preview open, scroll along the timeline from the start slowly by dragging the red cursor line. When you see text in sequence preview that doesn't fit, note the clip name and then select that text clip from the image bin. Readjust the formatting until it looks Ok when you scrub along the timeline with the cursor bar. Then carry on to the next text line. If a video clip is covering the text then move the text clip vertically up (like Text clip 7) As you get sections working OK just "Save your project as" with a number. Shouldn't take very long...(Honest!) Nat
  11. Hi You have a nice tribute here but it is slightly complex in the way you have arranged it. All your texts ought be placed on the upper tracks so they overlay the Video clips correctly. It is then much easier to adjust their length. Some that you have placed on Video Track 1 (like Text(7) are effectively hidden by the coincident clip on the upper overlay track. You can correct this by moving it to an upper track like Video Track 4. However, as it has a black background it will now hide the Video clip below it! To correct this slect Text Clip (7) from the image bin and change the text background......the easiest way is to set the Background Opacity to 0... Provided you don't need to overlap (overlay) them, try to keep all the video clips as far as possible on the same track. Create gaps if you need them by positioning them with the Alt key pressed. It makes editing much easier. Do the same for the text clips/images. keeping these on the upper tracks. (preferably all on Video track 2 You can then adjust them to fit the length of the video clips beneath. In general, as you have set them up things on the whole aren't too bad. Note however that the text scrolling feature in the previous VP version was faulty. In the latest (7.10) it has been corrected. The main problem you have is the Text formatting, font size and line length in the editor.. Vertical scrolling text like Text(7) should be adjusted to fit the Sequence preview screen which is not the width of the text editor window.. Remember that the text width seen in the editor depends on the font size...bigger font,longer line but less on the preview screen. Although the text line you enter may fit the editor it may overflow the screen if the font is too large or the line is too long. use the Sequence preview to monitor what the result looks like..WYSIWYG.... Text Clip (7) for example is even longer than the editor window!... This would scroll horizontally with no problem but to correctly scroll vertically as you require it will need to be rearranged in the editor as follows to appear correctly in the preview....(Note the central justification setting) (I have used xxxs to blank out names etc.) As another example Text Clip (9) also needs to be placed on a higher track with the background made transparent. The vertically scrolling text again will need to be spread over two or more lines Proceed along the timeline checking and correcting each text in a similar way as above. They are mostly formatting problems like these two examples. In each case use the red cursor line to "scrub" along the timeline to check that the text starts and finishes where you want it to and scrolls the way you want it to. If it overlaps a following clip on the lower track then either move the clip along the track (using Alt if necessary) or shorten the duration of the text clip by dragging the right hand end back a little. It will take a little while to correct it all but you should get there OK. Good Luck Nat
  12. Hi Can't say why you could drag drop clips without a "snap" with previous projects unless you were using an earlier version of VP. Earlier versions of VP did not have automatic snapping of clips unless you brought them quite close to each other. In some ways this was quite good but there may have been problems with invisibly small gaps being left between clips on occasions making transitions inoperative.when this happened. Joining the clips automatically eliminated this problem. Using the Alt key to keep the clips separated is OK once you get used to it. In a way it fixes the clip that is moved in the new position as it will now "snap" back to that position if you move it (without Alt). AFAIK there is not a setting that will allow or disallow the "snapping" apart from using the Alt key. Nat
  13. Hi DB What effect were you using? In another post you mentioned you were scaling a clip to make it smaller. (i.e. you would be setting a value for the horizontal or vertical (or both) to less than 1. In some instances this might result in black borders to the export. Check the effects you may have used and if you don't find anything follow Borates suggestions above and upload the project to dropbox or a similar site and share it with a link back here. Someone will take a look . Nat
  14. Hi You can save your effect as a Chain Template when you set it up.This option is in the Effects window and looks like a blue floppy disc icon. As you haven't seemed to have done this when setting up your Scale effect. It's not too late so. Do this.. Open your project and click on the FX box at the left hand end of the clip to which you have applied your effect. (The FX should be highlighted blue)This will open the effects window for that clip. The effect you created for that clip will now be visible with keyframes in the graph area and the values in the parameter boxes like when you set it up. Click the 4th tab along above the left hand side of the Effects window..It will be a blue cassette icon.(If you hover over this it will title up as "Save as effect chain template") Enter the name of your template in the small window that comes up followed by Save. Now whenever you want to use this effect again on a another clip or a copy clip..... Click the FX box for the clip concerned to open the Effects window Click the Green + to open the list of effects. Scroll down to the section labelled Templates. You will now see your saved template. Select this to apply it to the clip concerned. Nat
  15. Hi Subtitles are adding here OK with VP 7.10 Top... VP sequence preview with STs Bottom... Exported Clip in VLC What export options are you using for your .mp4? Nat
  16. Hi Borate is correct. If you are using clips with different resolutions, Auto match Contents will show varying values. e.g.a timeline with two different clips (1280 x720 + 1920 x 1080) shows a resolution export setting (Auto Match Content) of 1600 x 900. If you want to export at a specific resolution .. Leave the Preset at Default although YouTube 720p should also work Choose your File Format (e.g. .mp4 etc) Choose Video Quality/Filesize If the Resolution box does not show your required values click the down chevron button at the end of the box and choose 1280 x 720 720p from the list of choices. (I think this is where you may be going wrong as if Auto Match was used previously then it becomes the default and as noted above values may not be what you want.) Set required Frame rate VP should export at the selected settings. Choosing any of the Preset options in the the lower group of choices will activate the Letterbox/Crop Zoom option which would otherwise remain greyed out. Nat
  17. Hi VP 7.10 Here the resolution Auto Match Content export values are 1280 x 720 ,,,,the same as the video....... Set the Preset box to Default. Nat
  18. Hi Snapshots of Green Screened images and clips are transparent here. (VP 7.10) When you green screened the clip/image in the first place was the green screened area transparent before you took a snapshot? i.e. Did it show a checkered area in Clip Preview as well as in the timeline thumbnails? Are you looking at the subsequent snapshot in Clip Preview or Sequence Preview? The transparent area of a clip/image viewed in the Sequence Preview will appear black (in the absence of a normal clip/image on a lower track. This gives the impression that there is no transparency The transparent area of a clip/image viewed in the Clip Preview window will appear chequered as will the thumbnails on the timeline. The same applies for a snapshot of such a clip/image but in this case the thumbnail image in the bin will also show a chequered area. Have you checked this? (S'cuse the pun) With regards the default text that appears when using the Add Text tab....I agree with you;. To have to delete the already present text each time can be annoying. However it does show you where in the frame the text is at the outset as previous settings are retained. In my opinion however, it would be more useful if, when the text editor opens (and if we HAVE to have dummy text) that it is already selected and can be immediately typed over without the extra steps required to select and delete it. (The Add Title text box behaves in this way.) Of course it should be set up so editing an already entered text will not be pre-selected. Nat
  19. Hi Mike OK. Simplest approach...... Place the whole clip on Video Track 1 Play through it and split the timeline between each take. i.e. Place the red cursor line between Take1 and Take 2 and click the scissor icon. Repeat for the all the other Takes. (The split points will occur somewhere close to the timings you mention in your post I have set up an example which shows you a timeline something similar to what you will obtain but all my "Takes" are the same length for simplicity. I have coloured them as follows following your list order....Scraps are yellow; Voice 1 are Red; Voice 2 are Cyan and USE are Green. Having now split them up, the next step is to delete the Scrap Takes (Yellow in my example) Don't bother to close the gaps..... Now you are left with the usable Takes but they are out of order. So.... Grab Take 5 and drag it up to Video Track2 and move it to the left end of the track. (the start) Grab Take 2 and drag and drop it so it follows Take 5 Grab Take 6 and drag it up so that it follows Take 2 Grab Take 3 and drag it up so it follows Take 6......Etc, e.g. Position after Take is added.. Continue in this way until Track 2 contains all the Takes in the correct order... You could now group them and pull them back to Video Track1 if you wish. You may need to trim the clips a little;it depends on what you see and hear when you play the timeline. There are other ways of of getting what you want but this is the simplest. It might be cleaned up more e.g. with very short transitions...e.g. wipes or slides to give the impression that the voices are really in different locations etc. Hope this helps Nat
  20. Hi Checking further (even testing extracted single images from animated gifs) It seems that VP will always see a single .gif image as a video file of duration 0.1 sec. Noting this, the exercise in question was easily set up using a green screened jpg for the clock "hand" set to Rotate in one version and 1 second snapshots of the "hand" in different positions in another. (The separate problem of getting a transparent background in the .gif (even though it turned out unusable) was solved when I realized the DRAW program was preventing this as the jpeg of the clock face, used to determine the length of the hand was still present in one of the hidden background layers.) Some users might find an analogue countdown stopwatch animation useful... Nat
  21. Hi "Any tips? I don't know if this process has a name." Yup! It's called editing. There are several ways you could proceed depending on exactly what you have on each take. In its simplest form Take 1 is a clip..Take 2 is a clip....Take 3 is a clip etc. In which case you will have 10 clips in the Video clip bin after loading them into VP. Right click Clip 1 and add it to the timeline using Place on Sequence at End Right click Clip 6 and add it to the timeline using Place on Sequence at End Right click Clip 2 and add it to the timeline using Place on Sequence at End Right click Clip 7 and add it to the timeline using Place on Sequence at End Continue like this until all the clips are on the sequence The timeline will come out something like this... Etc. That's the simplest way but a lot depends on exactly how the takes are arranged. If Takes 1-6 are one clip and Takes 7-10 are another clip Then you will need to proceed in a slightly different way e.g. Place the clip for takes 1-6 on VideoTrack1 Move the red cursor line to end of Take 1 then split the track Move the cursor along to the end of Take 2 then split the track Continue in this way until all the takes are separated. Move them apart if necessary to make gaps. (keep Alt down whilst you do this or they may snap back together again.) Place the clip for takes 7 - 10 on Video track2 Repeat the steps above splitting Video track 2 up If you made the gaps in Video track 1 large enough you can simply drag the upper clips down into them and join them up in the right order on Video track 1. This will produce a timeline similar to the image above You could also leave them on Video track 2 arranged over the gaps you created. They are overlays in this position and will play over any clip beneath them. You could then adjust any gaps so they just overlap... The timeline will then look a little like this... Etc. Such a lot depends on how you have the takes and clips arranged. The possibilities are wide. If each side of the conversation is a complete clip with pauses consistent with the replies you could use picture in picture or split screen or a smaller insert for the clip of the person replying etc. Etc. The above are the simplest. Try them and see what you get. Good luck Nat
  22. Hi taldag When you add Video clips or Image clips to the timeline each one will appear with an FX in a box at the left end. This allows you to add an effect to the clip/image in question. Click it to open an effects window.... Click the Large green + at the top left to open the list of effects available.. Some are shown here... You want to be able to "Move" your clip. Simple movements are best produced by changing the Position of your image as the clip plays and involves the use of Keyframes. So select the Position effect from the list... This places the Horizontal and Vertical position controls in the left hand panel of the Effects window. You should also notice that the Clip Preview window shows the frame outlined with a white dotted line. The image in the Clip preview window can now be dragged to different positions.The relative Horizontal and Vertical values will be updated in the effects window as you do this. As a simple example I'll explain how to move the image to the right a short distance and then diagonally down to the right lower corner. To do this you will need to create keyframes. The position of the image will move smoothly between each keyframe that you create. Timing of the keyframes is set by the cursor position in the Clip Preview window or the graph side of the effects window. So we need to set the initial position of the image....... Slide the red cursor line to the left end of the graph. (or the clip preview cursor line to the start of the clip....They are both linked so they will move together.) Click the keyframe button. This is the first button over the graph side...a small green + with a red vertical line.... This creates a keyframe setting up the initial position of the image. A graph line will appear with markers showing where the values have been fixed. Move the red cursor line along the graph to a new position in time. In this example where you want the movement to the right to finish.(Say, around half way through the clip) Grab the image in the Clip preview window and drag it to the new position. (To the right in this example). You will see the Horizontal values change and the corresponding graph line move up as the value increases. Drop the image about half across the frame. Click the small green + again to create a new keyframe. (The markers appear by default anyway.) Move the red cursor line to the far right. (The end of the clip) Grab and move the Clip preview image diagonally down to the right (in this example) The graph lines show the changes in image movement. Just leave the corner showing in the frame. Create a final keyframe. (VP may do this automatically) Your screen should now look something like this... Note the Clip Preview image dragged down to the bottom right. Close the Effects window and play the clip. You should see your image move from keyframe1 position (The start) across to the right and then when keyframe 2 position is reached it will move diagonally down to keyframe3 position. Remember YOU set those positions and you can have as many as you like. By using more keyframes at different points along the clip and moving the image to new positions before making these keyframes you can animate many types of simple movements. More complex motion like rotation, curves etc can be set up with different effects.(Pan/Zoom/Rotate/Motion etc) and all use keyframes set up as shown above. This example only uses one effect (Position) but remember you can add more effects to the clip by clicking the Green + and choosing more. Experiment with a single clip and effect to delve into the possibilities.Try other effects as well Hope this helps Nat
  23. Hi Borate Thanks for the test. It's an odd one as to all other graphics packages it's an image. Indeed I have generated literally hundreds of .gifs to create animations that I use in talks. Checking on these, VP loads them correctly as images. This one should have been no different. The aim of the exercise was to look at the difficulty if any, in creating a "countdown clock" of an arrow rotating around a dial. VP doesn't have one in the Title examples as all of these are digital representations using numbers. My immediate thought was to use a transparent .gif for the "hand" but the Draw package wouldn't set the background transparent. Nevertheless I used it anyway intending to make it transparent with Green Screen. But as VP "saw" it as a video it didn't work. Using the same draw image saved from the program as a .jpg it worked as expected. I have to assume it's something connected with the Draw program. I'll delve a bit deeper. Nat
  24. HI If I generate a .gif image with a graphics package and add it to VP, the program adds it as a video clip of very short duration. (0:00:00.100) This means its duration cannot be altered. The Media info for this image is....... and shows it IS an image not a video. This image should show with the default image duration which is set under Options as 10 seconds. The image in question is a simple vertical arrow that I was trying to animate over a clock face. I was puzzled at first when the animation (using rotation) kept failing and then I noticed VP had placed it in the Video Clip bin which it clearly isn't. Can someone confirm this ?bug please? I should mention other .gifs produced with the same package are seen as images by VP. Nat
  25. @Jimmy Thanks for your explanation which does make sense. On single clips Fade is logical. Fade through white was the odd one to me as I would have expected it to end in white not continue to black.....but as you say it's designed to be used with two clips. A Fade to white transition might be useful to some users but I'm trying to visualize how it that behave if used with two clips. Presumably clip 2 would fade in from white as the current Fade through white does. Currently to end at white one would have to add a white blank frame and crossfade into it. Nat
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