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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi " what's a "text image"? is that different than a text-clip?  " If text is created it is placed in the clip image bin as an "image" with a transparent background. You can click it and copy it . Done like this the text becomes a copy that can be re-edited without altering the parent "text image". Just right click the image in the bin, it will open up the text editor. Now alter the text...The parent image from which the copy was made does not change. You can now add the new text to the overlay track "so, when i create a text-clip on timeline, it's automatically added to bin?" When you create text it is immediately added to the overlay track (Video Track 2) at the red cursor line position and a copy is place in the image clip bin. Its duration will be the default still image duration as set under options, but you can drag the clip ends in or out on the timeline to shorten or lengthen this. Nat
  2. Hi Create a text file and place it on the timeline Right click the thumbnail in the image clip bin and select Copy from the options. Right click the image clip bin and select Paste from the options. Each copy will be the same text but will be separate a separate file. Click each thumbnail now and re-edit the text. Place where required on the timeline. In effect you are creating new text images which is what you have to do. But this is probably a bit quicker. Nat
  3. HI The post was setting out some steps for you to check that the effect was actually working. A simple change in gain over the whole of a clip might not really be noticed. A change in gain along a clip possibly would. "How? I don't see volume" Volume is the value shown when you click the loudspeaker icon on the sound track. (Not the same as gain) It was just to check the volume level of the clip "Can't i just click toolbar > audio > audio effects > amplify? " The FX and other timeline prompts can disappear if you are zoomed out too much.But using the toolbar prompt will also work. This enables the use of effects on multiple grouped clips. The FX is for a single clip which was what I was describing as a test. "Where's effect cursor? " The effect cursor line (scrubber bar) is the red vertical line in the effects window..see my image which is the effects window.This can be moved right and left to indicate particular points in the clip. (Left is start and right is end.) "Won't the effect work with cursor in anywhere, as long as the clip is selected?" Yes. With no keyframes created the effect is applied automatically to the whole clip at the value selected. As I mentioned though with the whole clip treated you may not notice a change. Hence using keyframes at different points makes the change more evident. "Where's keyframe button?" This is the first button above the graph pane with a small green cross. Clicking this sets the selected parameter value at the red cursor line position. In effect it fixes the graph line at that point. You can now grab the line further along and drag it to a different point. When released each point becomes a keyframe where the parameter value is different. The parameter will change between these points as the clip is played. "Can't i just set the gain for the whole clip using the gain slider or typing the number?" Yes..For a single clip (with no keyframes) but not multiple clips "if my sequence has 50 clips, then i have to separately set the volume for each one?" That's about it (with this apparent bug) You can easily lower the volume of the whole Track but not all the clips grouped "Any other way to apply an effect to all clips, that will work in current version? " You could create a sequence from the clips on the timeline which, if reloaded will act as a single clip. You would then need to save the sequence audio as a new file and drop down to the timeline. Now the effect can be added to the whole of the sequence. Edit: Borate has just outlined this procedure above. :-) Nat
  4. Hi Try this.... Pick just one clip Check volume is 100 Click sound FX Click the green plus and select Amplify. (Gain = 100) Move effect cursor to start of clip (Left) Move gain slider to right to set it at 400 Click the keyframe button. Move the effects cursor halfway along the clip and create another keyframe Grab the graph line to the right of the keyframe marker and drag down to the bottom A bit further along drag it back to half way up. Should look a bit like this.... Now play the clip... You should hear the volume start loud and then drop and then rise back to normal reflecting the graph line. If this happens the effect is working........HOWEVER... If you have grouped several clips it seems that the sound effects will only affect the first clip of the block, or the clip selected first before the group is made even though VP recognizes that you have grouped a number together. This appears to be an error.(I think it has been noted before in previous versions.) A Bug report has been sent. Nat
  5. Hi The main property it seems that affects the rendering time is not frames per second but resolution. Change the resolution to the lowest value consistent with the AR. I found a 50 second mpeg4 clip exported in 2 minutes with a Highest quality option 720p but a low quality smaller frame output completed in 40 seconds. Naturally mpeg4 image quality suffered greatly and the sound was simply awful!!! (IMHO I think there is a problem here) Exporting as an avi completed perfectly in about 40 seconds as a 320 x 240 1fps file. So..try just using a smaller frame size. Nat
  6. Hi As I mentioned.... My advice is to only add subtitles after editing has been completed. As they are not linked to the clips and are time related, editing the timeline will not re-adjust them. Currently there is no way to link them. If you have edited a section in the video after you have added your subtitles, you can easily (but annoyingly) reset the RED/BLUE IN/OUT markers for each subtitle in turn from the subtitle screen list. This will reset the Start and Stop times to new values. However, the subtitles preview screen shows the whole timeline sequence not just a single clip beneath the window so you can play through it and check if the subtitles positions require correction. Each subtitle (position and duration) as it is reached during playback is shown on the thumbnail line as the highlighted area between the red/blue marker bracketss. Just drag these right or left to move or change the subtitle duration or position. If required re-save the SSA file. Nat
  7. HI Add the main video clip to the timeline. It should be Video track 1. Move timeline cursor to desired position where your text is to appear Click Add Text on the toolbar and select your scrolling option. e.g. Scrolling Left to Right. ** The Text Editor window will appear indicating it will scroll Left to right. Click the desired height position (Top Middle or Bottom). Set Text colour/size/Font etc. Swipe the default text "Title text" and type in your own text line. You should see your text in the thumbnails under the preview window and the text image in the image bin and also the text clip placed at the timeline cursor position. Close the Text editor and play the clip. The text should now scroll in from Left to right at the selected height. Adjust the duration by dragging the clip ends in or out. ** The scrolling options also appear in the Text Editor for simple text If you still don't see it scroll there is a problem. You could also try a simple text with no scrolling and then (provided it appears as an overlay) use the Position effect to scroll it. Nat
  8. Nationalsolo


    Hi VP 6.30 The Clip Preview window should show a green bar beneath row of thumbnail images containing the time markings and the Red and Blue IN/OUT square bracket markers. The preview image is obtained by either clicking a clip in the clip bin or a clip on the timeline. The Sequence Preview window does NOT show this green bar. As clips are loaded to and processed on the timeline a thinner green progress bar appears above the timeline thumbnails. Nat
  9. HI VP 6.30 My "grabber is one of the small A/D cards in a plastic case with a USB and mike plug at one end and 4 leads at the other. It has its own REC button and two leds red/blue to indicate when it is on and when it is recording. Assuming you have loaded the drivers and a suitable version of DirectX and the "grabber" version is compitable with your operating system proceed as follows... Plug in the USB and the sound jack plug into the PC mike socket. (My socket is color coded pink although the plug is green) The LED showing the "grabber" is alive should light.(Mine is blue) Plug in the White/Red/Yellow leads to the VCR or use a SCART adapter or the SVideo plug and turn on the VCR. Open VP and select New Project. Click the Record button on the toolbar and select Record Video. The Capture Video window should now open showing the name of your capture device in the top box. As mentioned in my post, here it shows UTV2820 video. Start the VCR playing. The recording on the tape should now appear playing in the preview pane. Click the red button below the image to start recording the tape. (You can to this in reverse order if you like..."grabber" first and then VCR) Click the white square button to stop recording The recorded clip will now appear in the Clip bin as My video - 0001.mpg4 and a copy will be saved to the default folder set up under Options/Disk/Captured Videos If you are still getting an error message what does this say? Nat
  10. Hi VP6.30 No problems noted with this. Whether end or center (or both) of the overlay deleted, the sequence played as expected. Nat
  11. Hi The capture device (grabber) will function with VP provided VP recognizes it. (VP 6.30 on an old Vista PC) Plug the video and sound leads into the VCR (red white and yellow plugs) and the USB and Audi jack plug into the PC. There is no need to run the player software supplied with the grabber (but install it on your PC anyway.) Open VP and click Record/Record Video. Your grabber device should be listed in the top box on the right hand side of the preview window. (For me this is UTV2820 Video) Set up options as required and press Play on the VCR. The tape image should now be seen . Click the red button below the window to record the tape. This creates a file in the Video clip bin and a copy in the default video folder as set under Options Click the white square to stop recording. Nat
  12. Hi Forum entry with something similar... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26332-left-audio-channel-only/?tab=comments#comment-66805 Might be worth reading through Nat
  13. Hi In my version of VP6.30..... Only video clips show the red and blue IN/OUT markers since they inherently of a fixed duration and can are trimmed in the Clip Preview window or by moving the ends along the timeline. They can also be truncated from their start point by altering their duration in Storyboard mode. Images and text images on the other hand having a variable duration (initially set under option) do not show IN/OUT points.(Red and Blue markers) in the clip preview screen. They are usually adjusted in duration by dragging the ends along the timeline or, if you have placed them on Video track 1 changing their duration in Storyboard mode. Simple Text images and Title images are similar. Nat
  14. HI Are all those cache files in use? If they belong to old, completed projects then they are just taking up space. So open up the vpj file for your current work, wait for VP to load it and then delete unused cache files from the Option/disc menu. If you are worried about losing your old completed work, you haven't, as provided you have all the old vpj files and all your old clips are still on the drive, the vpj file will reassemble the old project. Nat
  15. Hi It was just something that came us as part of the installation.process. As nothing worked the first time when the VHS player ran I uninstalled the grabber software and started again.(I even tried the player on the TV to check it was actually working) If the device is being recognized by VP as it seems to be try checking the grabber settings. Is there a viewer/grabber program on the installation disc and does this work? Are you running this whilst trying to connect it to VP? The Device error message will appear in red in the VP record screen if you have the grabber software already working in the background. Make sure you are only running VP and no other application that uses the device. Nat
  16. Hi VP 6.30 on a Vista PC (Rather Old!) My "grabber" is a pretty simple analogue/digital device. As well as "grabbing" directly from the VHS player using the provided software, VP will also (or should also) be able to grab the output. I can load VP. Plug in the grabber USB and mike leads and then click into Record/Record Video on the toolbar. This opens the Capture Video screen. The device name should appear in the top box on the right.........Do you see a name in this box? For my grabber device device it reads UTV2820 Video. If the box remains blank VP won't be "seeing" your grabber and the fault would appear to be the grabber installation. Once the VHS player is running, the output should appear in the displayed window. Clicking the red button will start the recording. Normally the grabber flashes red when it is in record mode but with VP this doesn't happen. VP places the resulting output directly into the Video clip bin as well as the designated folder set up under Options. Originally when I first loaded the drivers and software etc. for the grabber, I had a compatibility problem and after messing about a bit I found I had to load Windows Media Format9. (No Idea what that is.) After I had done that however it all worked OK. Nat
  17. Hi The grabber should be able to copy from VHS directly to the PC as mine does. The saved files can then be edited in VP. Does that work? Nat
  18. Hi " ...However, where I have spaces between the text clips, (as I have aligned some of them to specific ‘sound’ detail in the audio track), I am finding that the “fade in” and “fade out” options disappear if the clip is moved. ..." Using VP 6.30 (Latest) If you add a Fade in (using f) at the start of the text clip and Fade out using the TRANSITION option (X) at the end the text clip, both ends of the clip show the blue effects bar. If the clip is then grabbed and moved those bars temporarily disappear but should return when the clip is released. This happens here on the LAST text clip on the timeline BUT I have noticed that if this is done on a text clip to the left of this one the Fade out TRANSITION (using X) does not return which is a bug. It also applies to any other TRANSITION you might have added to the end of a clip. I have filed a bug report. Nat
  19. Hi VP 6.30 Agreed..It's a bug but it's not intermittent....., In the Text Editor, If Ctrl key has been pressed but then released (i.e. presumably now having no action) the Register Software window comes up when R is typed. After that it seems to come up each time R is pressed (r seems OK). If the window is then closed cursor is at start of text again. The effect is removed if Ctrl is pressed again. The edit window obviously responds to the Ctrl key being pressed and released as the thumbnails are regenerated when it is pressed. The Register software window is the bottom choice in the list under the green Menu key In my version of VP6.30 So until it's fixed don't press the Ctrl key when entering text. If you do then press it again. It's easy to touch this key when you want Shift instead.....but doing it again is the cure. Nat
  20. HI With a clip (30 fps) on the timeline the I> button under the sequence preview display will step along the sequence one frame at a time (.033 secs) whatever the zoom level. When you say "display image" are you referring to the thumbnails displayed on the timeline? Zoomed to maximum you can only move the cursor .001 seconds which shows no change in the preview as it remains on the same frame. From a practical point of view you can precisely split a sequence using the Next Frame button. The first frame of the right hand section is the frame displayed when the split is made. If you have isolated a section of a clip by making two splits and selected the central isolated portion , the thumbnail line under the Clip Preview window shows the section isolated highlighted with the remainder dark. It shows the state of the complete clip. The cursor however returns to the start of the clip (not the start of the whole video) and the window logically displays the start frame of the clip. If you want the last split point frame then switch to Sequence Preview as the timeline cursor remains at this position. Nat
  21. Hi Это очень старый предмет. Было бы лучше открыть новую запись в форуме. Также, пожалуйста, используйте английский язык. Eto ochen' staryy predmet. Bylo by luchshe otkryt' novuyu zapis' v forume. Takzhe, pozhaluysta, ispol'zuyte angliyskiy yazyk. "Try setting (if you want to save in .mp4 format) mpeg4, as shown here by example." You are contributing to an old thread from 2013. Please start a new one. Also the forum entry should be in English. Nat
  22. If you have a long video that might introduce editing delays you could possibly work like this... Place full length clip in the timeline Move cursor to end of your first section. Split and drag section to the clip bin. Timeline will shorten Move cursor to end of next section, Split and drag second section to the clip bin. Repeat until all the sections are in the bin. You can now edit each section individually as different clips and have them in different orders. As the clip images are all the same you should be able to use Clip preview right click option and "Use this Frame for the Clip Image" to set the clip bin thumbnails in order distinguish them. Nat
  23. Hi My test worked with a low res export of an mpeg2 clip. I have repeated this with a hi res mpeg4 clip using export settings same as the original clip. Clip dropped into the clip bin Clip dragged to timeline Clip in bin right clicked and Flip/Horizontal selected. Timeline, Preview image and clip thumbnail in the bin all flipped. Exported as a 1920 X 1080 Mpeg4 video file with auto matched content with frame rate Variable Smart 45 fps (Why? original was 29 fps??) THIS EXPORTED FILE DID NOT FLIP confirming that this appears to be a bug. The sound was also very broken up. Another odd thing was the export took just a couple of seconds for a 12.3 megabyte clip???? Exporting this same mpeg4 as a LOW RES 320 x 240 30fps mpeg4 clip took 14 secs to export and it flipped correctly but very broken up sound. Exporting this same mpeg4 as a 1280 x 720 30fps mpeg4 clip took longer to export and it flipped correctly but very broken up sound. Exporting this same mpeg4 as a 1920 x 1080 30fps mpeg4 clip took 2 seconds(!) to export and DID NOT FLIP and had very broken up sound. N.B. Exporting this same mpeg4 as a 1920 x 1080 30fps avi clip took much longer to export and it flipped correctly with perfect sound. The bug seems to be related to the export format and resolution I am sure NCH will comment on this. @Island Woman.....I would export your project as an .avi until this is sorted out. Nat
  24. Hi VP 6.29 Effect works OK on the exported project (mp4) if a clip, already on the timeline is right clicked in the clip bin and Flip/Horizontal is selected from the menu. The procedure also exports OK if the clip is not on the timeline and is simply right clicked from the clip bin. ".....or did you add the 'Flip' effect?" Note: The Flip effect is not available from the Effects menu as the VIDEOPAD Flipeffect SVar control in the register is toggled to off by default (which may be an oversight?). However this was the case anyway for the test above which worked OK. Nat
  25. Hi Do you verify the disc after burning? Although the software and burning options may be similar, have you tried exporting the project to your PC (mpeg4, avi etc.) and then burning with NCH Express burn?Burning to a re-writeable DVD disc as suggested is also a safe option. https://www.nch.com.au/burn/ I don't think there is a menu produced with this software but it should allow you to get a playable disc possibly. Edit.....I just noticed that the free version says it may be limited to producing CDs....but it exported a DVD OK here but without a menu. Nat
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