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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Check my previous post.... Yes T/N of image clips don't appear in Storyboard mode but right click the black side are and select "Show original Clip" They now appear ...but there it is STILL a glitch having to do this. Nat
  2. Hi B and JPC Not showing image clips that are on the timeline is new...VP storyboard mode used to show images didn't it? I can't see the reason for this change. Edit: ....HANG ON THOUGH!......Right click the black slide area and select Show Original Clip. The slide images should now show up. Nat
  3. Hi One way around this is... Create your text clip Delete it from the timeline (As it is normally automatically placed there. Add effects to the text clip in the bin Place the text clip on the timeline..This will have the the effects Copy the text clip already in the bin back to the bin This will have the effects etc copied as well Alter your text or any effects as required in the copied bin clip and place on the timeline...etc. Nat
  4. Hi Cache doesn't normally clear when you exit VP. Old versions used to allow you that option. You can easily check out what is happening. Just move the cache file to the desktop where you can easily find it (under Options/disk) and then physically open it and examine the contents after exiting VP. If there are files there the program is not deleting them. It's a good idea however, NOT TO CLEAR ANY CACHE FILES until you have finished all work on a project. If you do and then later return to the project to continue work by clicking your saved vpj file, the program has to waste time refilling the cache. With a big project this can take some time. If the cache still retains the clips it loads from the vpj file much much faster. It's OK to clear the cache when you start a NEW project (having finished the first) as too many files can also slow things down. Obviously if you are working on several projects intermittently don't empty the cache at all. Nat
  5. Hi The fade out of a final image or final clip should be a Cross Fade transition applied to the end of the timeline. This transition reaches full black at the join between clips i.e. at the end of the first clip when the next clip would normally fade in. As there is no following clip/image on the timeline the transition ends in black at the end of the final clip. Note that it will have the set duration. You could of course, always use a transparency effect applied to a black blank clip place on the overlay track to achieve a similar thing but a Cross Fade transition is simpler. Nat
  6. Hi VP 8.84 If you Copy a text clip from the timeline and Paste it on the timeline in a different place, and then update it, the original image in the clip bin is also updated as well as the text clips already placed on the timeline. In effect you are dealing with only one text clip. Note there is still only one text clip in the bin when you do this If you want a new text clip that is similar to the first and you don't want to rewrite out again, then simply Copy the clip you have already in the clip bin and then Paste back into the clip bin. This can then be edited without altering the originals as it is a new clip. Note that the clip bin now contains two text clips. Nat.
  7. Hi I can't reproduce your problem either. Using the same values with your font etc Enter just produces normal new line spacing. I am a bit puzzled how you have got a blue block background to the text in the editor. Settings shown in your image is for blue text with black outline. Checked both 8,84 and 7.34. Both seemed to work normally However.. Check this thread from some time ago... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/25258-text-spacing/?tab=comments#comment-62765 Nat
  8. Hi The dotted lines are there if you want to rotate or otherwise alter the clip to save you actually going into the effects option. Just click off the screen area or a blank part of the GUI and they should disappear. (Yes..I find them a bit annoying as well) Moving track..one way... Provided you haven't grouped any part of the Track with clips from another track then you should be able to shift all the clips along together. Press the SHIFT key and then left click the first clip on the track to move. This selects the clip. Keep the SHIFT key pressed and slide the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen along to the right so the last clip on the track becomes visible. Still with SHIFT pressed right click the last clip on the track. All the clips on the track will now be selected. Right click the track clip and Group the selected clips You should now be able to drag all the selected clips on the track to the right. (If they were at the start of the track you won't be able to drag them left.) Nat
  9. Hi There are many ways to use multiple tracks. In general you place your main clips onto Video Track 1. The associated audio will be added automatically to Audio Track 1 .. As it says ...You can drag and drop (or overlay) other clips (video/image or text) to the space above Video Track 1. When you do this it will become Video Track 2 and any audio becomes Audio Track 2... You can drag the clips along the track to any position you want and mute sound tracks as required. The one thing to bear in mind is that Anything on a higher track will obscure anything on a lower track and if both sets of clips have sound then both Audio tracks will mix unless one is muted. When the timeline is played think of it as looking down on the project from the top. In this instance (one clip placed above another) you will only see the upper track when the project is previewed until that clip ends then the lower clip will appear. Now, if the upper clip is made smaller in size by adding a Scale effect then some of the lower track will become visible as it will no longer be obscured. With suitable Scaling and Positioning you can obtain a picture in picture..... Here the overlay clip on Video track 2 has be scaled down in size and now appears as a PIP against the clip of the boat on Video Track 1.. By adding a Position effect it can be moved to a corner if required. By adding clips to even higher tracks, scaling them and positioning them carefully you can obtain multiple smaller images simultaneously in the Track 1 video..... Here, four overlay clips on four higher tracks have been scaled and positioned so as to have one in each corner of the main clip. By staggering the clip positions on the timeline (above) the inserted clips on the upper tracks can be made to appear and play at different intervals. (In this image the audio tracks have been reduced in height in order to show the 5 Video Tracks used.) Normally any text you add will appear on an upper track also, usually at the cursor line position and having (normally) a transparent background they can be placed in different positions on different tracks one above another and with the addition of the correct effects made to merge and animate from one to another over the main clip on Track 1. (Options are almost endless!) Clips placed on different upper tracks (any number of tracks) can each have a Split Screen effect added to them. Each clip then appearing in a separate box. (up to 25 boxes -one box per track) This is often used to produce a multi image choir or conference project.. As you can see using multiple tracks requires a bit of practice but is relatively simple in principle but can be complex. Give it a try with just a couple of overlaid clips and see what you can do. Note....Use dual preview displays as it makes it a lot easier to see your result. Of course in order for the Sequence Preview to accurately show things, the red cursor line should pass vertically through all the clips you are using at a particular point in the project. i.e. if you are expecting to see 3 overlays and only see 2, check that the cursor is passing down through ALL the overlay clips......and check also that all these clips have been scaled and placed in different positions as they will also obscure each other. That's easy to overlook! Nat
  10. HiB Up to date as they will ever be. Penalty of having an older system I suppose. Still, seems a bit odd as other popups appear. Tried a reload but no joy. Ah well! Nat
  11. Hi B No popup here with V8.84 Nor with right click; left click or Mouse over. (Block changes colour though) ?Version Variation...Var setting?? Nat
  12. Hi You can monitor the position of the keyframe initially as it coincides with the cursor position under the Clip Preview window. As you move the effects cursor line in the graph side you will see the Clip Preview cursor move in sympathy with it. The positional value of the cursor will appear below the clip preview... (here it is 0:00:03.945) After setting the effect value (or moving the Position rectangle) keyframes for the values are automatically added. Moving the effect cursor along you can reset the parameter when a new keyframe is generated. NOW..You want to move one of the previous markers. As you know you can drag it to a new visual position on the graph but you can also enter a new precise time value into the box under the Clip preview pane. The cursor line will move to that position both in the graph and also in Clip Preview. You can now grab the keyframe marker (it will turn orange) and move it to the cursor line where it will jump to the red line. The parameter value can then be altered. The Option 2 you mention is not for adjusting the Position horizontally of the keyframe marker it is for adjusting the value of the keyframe parameter, hence the mention of adjust the value of the parameter using its check-box, slider, or numerical input control. which I stated above. VP will set the cursor to the exact time position you enter but you have to adjust the marker manually vertically or enter values.
  13. Hi Big files and formats do slow things down and it's the way things are going nowadays This may not be what you want as I am sure you know already... If you are in the process of working on a big project and are returning to an editing session at a later time, don't empty the cache before continuing or before you knock off. The cache contains all the files that you are currently using (and probably files from other projects as well.) Deleting them and then re-opening the vpj file means that VP has to locate the clips listed in the vpj file; reload them to the cache and sort out the editing and effects before you can start. This takes a considerable time. If the cache is left untouched, the project will reload much faster. Check this end of this thread..... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/32837-re-caching/ Nat
  14. Hi If you haven't done a Save Project As or even Save Project and you are STILL trying to export and it's STILL stuck then switch off the PC. Sounds drastic but VP will have stored your work in a crash situation. If you have already exited VP in the normal way...simply closed it, then this won't work and you will have lost your project unless you have done previous Save. Switch back on and navigate to .. (User name)/AppData/Roaming/NCH Software/VideoPad You should find the autosave.vpj file there Double click this and it should restore your project. If it does then SAVE PROJECT AS so you won't lose it again. Note: If you exited VP in the normal way this file is deleted. VP creates it while you work and in the event of a crash (or switch off) it remains there. Nat
  15. Hi I haven't seen this fault before! But I think I can see what you mean.......The clip remains in the same position on the timeline but the contents appear shifted so the clip jumps in time (or so it seems, but not sure if it is forwards or backwards) . If the clip actually jumps forwards in time then it must finish physically in a different place on the timeline. Your video doesn't show the right hand end of the clip so it's not possible to see this. Jumping the other way i.e. towards the start of the clip might be more logical if you have trimmed the the start of the clip and it might be shifting in that direction. That doesn't seem to be the case. I can't deny it seems to be doing something. However, I can't reproduce this effect in VP 8.84 using a similar set up as your example. I cant get it to slip either forward or backward when I add an Exposure effect. To check for any movement I have set the red cursor to a particular point in the clip (Where white boat is just passing the blue boat) so it appears in the Clip Preview window but both before and after the effect is added this position remains the same. BEFORE AFTER It's a bit odd as I am using the same version as yourself. (8.84) I can't think of a remedy at the moment. Zoom into the timeline and check that it's not just a thumbnail display appearence. Nat
  16. Hi If the cache has been emptied it won't load instantly from the vpj file. A lot depends on the length of the project and the number and format of the clips and the editing but it will be longer than from a cache that has the files already there. A test here with an old (slow) Vista machine and starting with an empty cache, fully loaded a 30 minute project with 91 HD clips into VP in 14 minutes 12 seconds. The CPU ran at around 55% The cache was 217 GB and held 546 Video files and 273 sound files. Saving this as a vpj file and then reloading VP, the VPJ file loaded the project fully in .. 38 seconds The cache was now emptied of all files... The project was loaded fully back again using the vpj file...This time it took 13 minutes 36 seconds with the CPU running around 65% Obviously keeping the cache full is pretty beneficial! Nat
  17. Hi A reinstall shouldn't be necessary as emptying the cache is not a setting- it's an option you have . Once emptied (by you) however it's gone. All you can do is reload your saved vpj file (You did save one?) and wait for VP to refill the cache. Remember not to empty it again until you complete your project. Nat
  18. Hi To check what version you are using you can refer to the details on the opening Splash screen or if you miss that then look at the bottom left of the main VP window.... Re. Cache. Provided you don't empty the cache when you finish a session, loading it back from your vpj file so you can continue to work on it is very quick as the files are already present. If you have emptied the cache after a work session and you load it back later, VP has to read the vpj file, find the clips referred to on the PC and reload them to the cache before you can continue. This can cause quite a delay with a big project. Advice would be never to empty the cache until all work on the project is complete. Nat
  19. Hi Just upload a short 5-10 second clip taken in the same way as the clips in your project and which show the same behaviour when you try to export it with VP.. That way you won't be bothered with privacy worries. e.g. Some flowers in your garden. In this instance people can check out settings that will produce the correct orientation on export. Nat
  20. Hi B Thanks. Your last paragraph is something I haven't tried. I'll give that a go as it sounds like you get a proper merge. Templates aren't really designed of course to do this. Nat
  21. Hi Borate Am I right in thinking that using the import option (which I will have to try BTW . ) results in a Sequence but not exactly the Project per se. i.e. The sequence being a complete clip and not an assembly of clips and effects etc. like a normal vpj produces. If that is the case there seems little difference from simply loading an export of the original project except that the component files are loaded. Nat
  22. Hi VP can't merge projects i.e. load a second vpj file on top of an existing one, at least not in the normal sense. You can save your work as an export and load it back as a normal video file, but that defeats the object of having the component files as separate items. As far as I know you can't combine the vpj files either. However if you have a project set up you can save it as a template. This is a vpj file which VP can load back to add to an existing project. The template however must contain a space or spaces called Placeholder clips. Click Add Objects tab to load them. You can also reload a placeholder from the clip bin. By clicking the down arrow next to the Template tab you can save your template..(i.e. your project.) Here is the project with three Placeholders between two clips.. (If audio is involved then you should also have an audio Placeholder. This is saved as a Template and will be found in the Template folder... Now you can clear VP and start your second project. The caveat is that the number of Placeholders in the template should match the number and position of clips in your new project For this SIMPLE example there are three placeholders. So you will need to know in advance. OK it's clumsy However this is the principle. The new project in this example consists of two clips (a cat and a jpg image....... You can now click the Template tab, Select and Apply your Template The current project (Cat and Image) are incorporated into the Placeholders in the template. The third Placeholder in this case remains empty... The result is that your first project (template with suitable placeholders) has been merged with your current project (the two clips) to become a new current project. This is a simple example but hopefully explains the principle. More complex merges can be done using placeholders on different tracks and interspersed in the first project depending where you want to merge stuff. This can get complicated and give unexpected results but worth playing with. Nat
  23. Hi Navigate bookmarks with Ctrl + SHIFT + Rght arrow and Ctrl + SHIFT + Left arrow Nat
  24. Hi The Redo and Undo option arrows will only step back/forward in the order the timeline was processed. Obviously things like transitions and effects can usually be removed and the timeline restored. Deleted sections can be restored by dragging out the clip ends with the white brackets but this might impact on the position of other clips on the timeline. A lot depends on the complexity of the timeline, but you can usually get it back with a bit of care. Nat
  25. Hi Sorry you have lost all your work and although it's a case shutting the door after the horse has bolted...the advice is always do regular Save Project As ... You can always restore your project if you make a big cock-up. Give each a recognizable name and you should be able to go back to a point near the error. Nat
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