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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi "....I'm puzzled - you were able to play my previous files - have I misunderstood something?...." No not at all. Sorry i was asleep!! ! .......It's just that I couldn't play the video by simply clicking it......... I forgot I could download it instead like before. (but doing it now.) Normally users upload a portable project which are all the component clips and a vpj. file. It's often a better diagnostic than the finished project. The crop settings mentioned however should eliminate that RHS line. Nat
  2. Hi No..I couldn't play it because this Vista is OOD and now using the last compatible Firefox (IE is the same) and I suspect this browser won't run it..and a lot of other formats. However mixed zooms and crops should have no bearing on your project playing..just how it looks. I exported what I had as an mp4 which, normally gives a good result and it comes up as default format in my export screen and I hardly ever bother to alter it except for testing purposes. Same with the framerate. This can alter the file size a bit but it's a compromise between 30 and 60. Anyway try the crop only for those lines. Nat
  3. Hi Probably the best approach is to add an amplify effect to the audio track. Click the FX for the audio track Play the Clip Preview which will show the waveform, until Speaker 1 (the loud one)has finished. ( The red cursor line will move along under the preview and be duplicated under the effects graph pane. Create a Keyframe by clicking the first button above the graph pane with the red line on it. Grab the blue Amplify line just to the right of this keyframe marker and drag it upwards to a higher value. Play the track until just speaker 2 (the quiet one) has finished and Create a third keyframe Grab the blue Amplify line just the right of this keyframe and drag the line back to its initial level. Repeat in this way alternating the amplification level between speakers. The keyframe points can be adjusted in position and height if they are not correct. The graph will end up looking a bit like this... Hope that helps Nat
  4. Hi Unfortunately I can't play your upload as the format is incompatible but I know what you are referring to. I mentioned leaving the zoom AR at 16:9 as this keeps the section the same AR as the remainder of the project but although that effect will eliminate the top line it does leave the one on the right. I am not sure where the line(s) originate from. O.K. Instead of Zoom , use Crop. Split the video at exactly 2:26.294 This is exactly where the curl reaches the edge of the first image..... Add a crop effect to the left hand section (From the start up to the split.) Use these parameters.... These should just eliminate both lines. Note that this has no AR restraint and just the top and the right are cropped. Export This played fine in VLC. and no white lines are now visible. Due to the crop there is a tiny readjustment of the frame of the first image. This is just at the top and right... Nat
  5. Hi My VLC is a little old but running a Windows Vista machine, updates, (like a lot of apps I currently use) are no longer supported. But it still works OK. Regarding the blue background image/drawing. The white line at top and right hand side appear in the exported project that you uploaded at 8.686 seconds and seems to be associated with the fade out of the Welcome text ........ ....and remains until the end of the first Page Curl transition. In fact It actually disappears during the page Curl but the underlying curled section shows it!..... This a bit more problematic as you can use the zoom function to remove the upper line but it has to be 16:9 AR. and remain full width (or as close as possible) so the vertical line may have to remain. Split Video Track 1 at exactly 02:27.012 This is the point where the Page Curl finishes. Add a zoom effect to the section to the left of the split with AR set to 16:9. Bring in the top RH corner slightly to just remove the top line. Try the parameters shown here..... VP will very slightly enlarge the treated section but it shouldn't be noticeable, Give it a try and see how it comes out. If it seems OK do something similar with the end credits. Nat
  6. Hi Mute the existing audio track. If it's a complete track linked to the video you can right click the track and unlink it. Now you can delete it leaving just the video. Input the new audio If you have muted the current audio load the new one to the next lower track If you have unlinked and deleted the current audio load the new one to the empty track. Drag the audio left or right to synch it to the video. If the new audio is to start about 2 mins in then before you load it to the track place the cursor at the start point of the audio. Now right click the new audio in the clip bin and select to place it on the track at the cursor position. If you have opted to mute the old audio then overlay the new one at the cursor position. Nat
  7. Hi Downloaded your project, This played perfectly in VLC 3.0.8 Vetinari as far as I could determine. Rather mesmerizing project! My only critique is that the Title background (The shaded blue sky with mountain) and end title background had a fine white line at the top and right. I would suggest this could easily be removed with a tiny zoom. Three music tracks played OK and finished at the end titles at 14:28 minutes. Enjoyed. Nat
  8. Hi You cannot schedule the length of your project. VP won't say..."STOP You've got here!" However, you know beforehand that you would like it to last 45 mins. (Perhaps the length of your background music clip.) Having loaded your video clips and images to VP you can see their duration by hovering the mouse over the thumbnail in the bin... For example this clip is 5.972 seconds in length. Dragging this clip to the timeline will produce a sequence of that duration which will be shown along the top of the track.... By adding further clips the timeline will naturally increase in length....... Video clips are normally of various lengths when filmed but inherently this are fixed for each particular clip. You can split them and remove sections to make them shorter or as Borate has mentioned you can alter their speed to make them run slower or faster. Whatever is done to them in order to alter their duration is reflected in the overall length of the timeline. So by doing this you have some control to making the project finish at 45 mins. Still images, on the other hand have a default duration set by the user in Options/Media. All still image clips will take this value when placed on the timeline. You can decrease or increase this duration by simply grabbing the white boxes at either end of the clip and when a white bracket appears dragging the end of the clip out to the left or right to lengthen or shorten the clip. VP extends or reduces the overall timeline to compensate for the changes. There are other ways of directly entering specific values for still image duration but dragging out the handles is simpler. So again, this gives you away of making your project 45 mins. With regards to names.......I prefer to call the contents of all the tracks the Timeline. It is of course a sequence of clips/images/audio but as VP will allow you to save the timeline as a Sequence ...a section of your project, that can be brought back and incorporated like a new clip, the nomenclature can become a bit misleading. So for me....The Project is the whole concept and what is saved when you want to shut down VP. The Timeline is the collection of clips/images/audio you have edited on the various Tracks and Sequence is a section of the project (the current timeline in effect) saved into the VP sequence bin for later use. Doing this leaves the timeline empty. Some users will edit their project in short sections and then save each section as a sequence. When all the editing is complete on the final section they will load back all the sequences to create the final complete project. Nat
  9. Hi Old film effect..... Load the footage to VP On the timeline at the left end of your footage is a small box labelled FX. Left click this box Click the green + to Add effect/Template This opens a window with a list of effects. Scroll down and in the section labelled Artistic you should see the Old Film effect. Left click Old Film effect. This opens a further window containing the effect controls. Make sure that the top box (Enable) is ticked. Choose the other effects as required..i.e. Shake/Flicker/Spots/Lines/Black and White. Close the effects window at top right and the footage should now show the chosen Old Film effects. If something odd appears (can't think what your "box" is can you upload an image as Borate suggests. Nat
  10. Hi Hope you didn't mind. I deleted it for you. Try clicking the three dots at the top right of your post. You may see a Delete option.You should certainly be able to edit but Delete may only be available for support users. Nat
  11. Hi If you create a text clip it will automatically be positioned on the first available overlay track at the cursor position. However, if all the tracks are empty when the text is created then the text clip will be placed in the image clip bin. Once you have two tracks created (e.g. main video overlaid by text clip) then the tracks are reduced in height. Currently you cannot make them any higher, even though the empty overlay space (Drag and drop) area may seem very wide. There have been suggestions to make the tracks fit to this available height leaving a constant width strip for Drag and drop, but so far it remains as it is. Of course multiple tracks are even narrower! However, if you set up Dual displays in Options you should easily be able to monitor both the selected track clip as well as the Sequence track. Nat
  12. Hi Ancient Printer ".....Q2. Can anyone provide a fast way to split the single clip into its 110 slides and a quick way to apply the same transition to each change? ...." If all the slides/images are equally spaced in your video of the Power Point presentation here's a even easier way to extract them... Place the video on Track 1 and in Options set up Dual Preview Displays. Determine the time interval between the center of image one to the centre of image 2...Let's say it is 10 seconds Create a blank image of 10 seconds duration. (Same duration that you found above) Move the red cursor line to the centre of image 1. The image will appear in the Sequence Display. Right click the display and Take a Snapshot of the Sequence Overlay the blank image at the cursor Click the >II button to step the cursor to the end of the blank on the overlay track. This will center it on image 2 Take snapshot Slide the blank along Track 2 so it grabs the cursor line Click the >II button to step the cursor to the end of the blank This will center it on image 3 Continue in this way until you have copied all the slides. (110?) Clear the timeline and open the Image clip bin and drag all the snapshots to track 1 for editing further. You are using the blank image as a "spacer" above the main track to position the cursor on the next image. It assumes that all the images in the video are equally spaced and that the original transitions are also equal. Nat
  13. Hi Another way to selecting all the clips on the timeline.. Right click on the overlay track (or on any clip on the timeline) and then do Ctrl + A Right click on the clip bin and do Ctrl +A to select everything in the bin. Nat
  14. Hi again OK , If your slideshow film displays the slides at a fixed interval you could try this..... (Note it can work with luck... The basic idea is.....Establish the duration of each image......e.g. 10 seconds = 300 frames (30fps) Load the film to VP You have about 110 slides each of 30images/second. You want to end up (on paper) with 110 frames i.e. one frame per image.......Let's go for 10 frames per image. This means increasing the speed of the clip so it lasts around 30 seconds in total Right click the timeline and open the speed change option. Increase the value until the duration shown below the box is around 30 seconds (Might need a speed change of several 1000...just experiment) The timeline will become increasingly shorter..That's OK Now Export the video as an Image Sequence. This should copy the frames of the project into the designated folder. Depending on the exact speed change chosen there may be multiple images of each slide.So long as none are missing you can now load an example of each one (the best) into VP. You could delete the multiples from the holding folder leaving the ones you require and then load them all in one go to VP. Drag all these images (jpgs) to the timeline and re-edit as normal. Worth trying and would be somewhat quicker. Nat
  15. Hi Having a bit of a problem with Google drive currently but as you say you are editing a video film then it should be fairly straight forward. Load the film to VP and split and delete the old transitions as explained above by deleting the blue sections. I appreciate that it may be a bit time consuming but I can't think of another way that might be quicker. If any don't quite delete correctly you can always use the undo arrows at the top left of the interface. Save your work(project) frequently as you progress along the timeline so you won't have to start all over again in the event of a cockup. (Using Save Project As will allow you to use a different name for each save.) At the end of the editing session you should have a slideshow of individual clips. This is identical to having loaded all your images separately. Now you can add transitions (same or random) as mentioned above. I'll post again with a suggestion on how you can extract your slide images without splitting etc. Just bear with me a bit. Nat
  16. Hi The duration of the diamond transition (like other transitions) should alter when the transition bar above the join is lengthened or shortened. However, I am not sure if you are editing a "video" of still image clips (which would behave like a single film clip) or individual image clips. As you are describing the need to remove old transitions by splitting and deleting I assume you are editing a single slide show clip. Another thing to note is that you may not see a transition if the to and from sides of a split are the same (or no movement is occurring in the content) as would happen if you split a still image. (in effect the transition is there but goes to the same image) Fades will be visible however. Nat
  17. Hi From the point of view of deleting constant sections, there isn't a specific way to do this and have a constant interval. However this might be a little faster.. Move the cursor to the start of the deletion point Place the mouse exactly on the red cursor line in the grey overlay band above the timeline. You will see a double headed arrow. Drag the cursor to the right to the end of your selected deletion point. The selected zone will turn blue... Right click the blue region and select delete. The selected zone will be removed and the gap will automatically close. You could probably do this quite rapidly after a couple of deletes.
  18. Hi The preview resolution is fixed and can't be changed. I created a 7040 x 7040 bmp image of 141 mb which loaded normally to the timeline.... If your asf image doesn't seem to be working have you tried converting it to another format? What version of VP are you using? This example was done in VP 8.74 Incorporated into a timeline of "normal" sized video clips there was a noticeable pause to transfer the preview between a video clip and the large image. Nat
  19. Hi Transitions to all clips... Open VP and set the default Still Image Duration in Options/Media (Suggest a value of 10 seconds) In Options/Editing set the default Transition Duration to a suiyable value. (Suggest 4 seconds) Load all the images from their storage folder to the clip bin (Drag and drop the number required) Place the mouse cursor on the clip bin and click Ctrl +A This selects all the images in the bin. Drag and drop all the selected images onto the Video Track. They will all appear on the timeline with the default duration and with a transition X between them... Click on one of the transition Xs. This opens the transition list containing active thumbnails. At the bottom of the window click the down arrow and select Apply to All Clips...... The default transition duration will be shown to the right of this. Now click the transition type required. e.g. Diamond All the Xs in the selected track will now turn blue and a 4 second transition bar will appear above each join. The transition (4 seconds) will be split equally over each image... Playing the timeline now will show each clip/Image transitioning with the selected option. Don't make the transition too short. If you want to have a different transition between each image/clip select the Random option. Individual transitions can be made shorter (or longer) by grabbing one end of the transition bar when a white bracket will appear, and dragging it to the left or right. Nat
  20. Hi Ralph53 Adding images to a post was part of normal forum use. Unfortunately some users abused this feature and it was consequently removed. You can however upload an image to a host site and post the link on the forum which is what users do now. Annoying but that's life. Nat
  21. Hi No good getting in a huff with this procedure...... "....Consider: you record a video from a video camera that gives you a nice sharp video along with its annoyingly bad audio. Call this Video A and Audio A..You add a single .mp4 file that contains both of them, linked ..." I have quite a few of these when I film my orchestra playing... "..... At the same time you record beautiful bell-clear audio via a microphone into an audio file. Call this Audio B. ......" Also have a separate reasonable audio recording of the same performance converted to mp3... ".....You add this to your project as an mp3 file. What you want on your output is sharp video (Video A) and bell-clear audio (Audio B). ...." Right....... lets call them Good Video.....Poor Audio and Good Audio Place your Good video on Video Track 1.....Poor audio appears on Audio Track 1 as they are linked.... Add the Good Audio recording (mp3) to Audio Track 2 and then synch the Audio tracks...... Now simply Mute the Poor Audio and export the project. OR Unlink the Poor Audio, delete it and then export but the above is simpler. Either way the Good audio is exported with the Good Video. Can't see the problem with this. Nat
  22. Hi Tried reproducing this using VP 8.67. Sorry....I couldn't. Text remained exactly where it was positioned when vpj file was reloaded after shutting down VP. This was using Simple text overlay starting with an "O" positioning the "O" EXACTLY over a fixed point in a jpg image. As mentioned above it remained exactly positioned both in the exported clip and the project reloaded from the vpj file. The position parameters did not change either. I repeated this with the same text using a block background but this time moving it to so a corner of the block text pointed to an exact point in the jpg. As with the previous test I saw no position movement. I haven't tried this with a different font type or font size (Arial 10) but that might have a bearing although I can't see why the reloaded project should come up different. Exporting at a different resolution might also also alter the text position as compared with the preview as positions are calculated for the text overlay and VP (I presume) has to position it to the nearest calculated place which may not be the exactly the same as in the preview. Nat
  23. Hi Export as AVi. Export options are limited in the free version and WMV may not play in some viewers. Save your project regularly and you can always get it back if things go wrong. (Use Save Project As...... This will save you work at different stages if you use a recognizable name each time.) Question: Are all your clips/images on the same track without gaps between them? Even with gaps images will play for the default time shown under Options/media . What transitions have you used. If your project previewed correctly it would normally export OK but this appears not to have been the case which is unusual What player are you using? Does the exported project play correctly when loaded back to VP? Nat
  24. Hi Uberprutser Note that Crop will not put the clip back to its original frame size. if you set an AR to the Crop effect the frame shape will take on that aspect but there will be black borders as cropping inevitably removes part of the frame. The image will not be enlarged to eliminate them On the other hand using the Zoom effect, VP will enlarge the area chosen to fill the frame. This means that if your original clip was 16:9 and you use a 16:9 AR for the zoom the image will enlarge to the zoomed area and subsequently fill the frame. Zooming will, in effect crop the frame. If, however you use a different AR to the original clip then you will have black borders either at the top or bottom of the frame. If, after stabilization you see black borders, set up to show dual preview displays in Options/Display and then scrub through the clip and stop where the widest black border(s) are present in the Sequence Preview window. Add the zoom effect and set it to retain the original AR (e.g. 16:9.) Now, in the Clip Preview window drag one of the handles of the white dotted rectangle inwards to eliminate the border. If required, recenter the zoom rectangle and readjust it. It's not always necessary to recenter the box, that's up to you. The zoomed clip will remain full frame and as you have eliminated the largest border produced by stabilization the clip should be perfect when played. Nat
  25. Hi One way..... Move the red cursor line to the insertion point Select the clip you want to insert in the clip bin and choose Overlay on Sequence at Cursor This will place it on the overlay track (usually Video Track 2) Grab the clip in the overlay track and drag it down vertically down onto the main track. It should insert and move all the clips to the right along the track. Another way....... Move the red cursor line to the insertion point Grab the the clip to be inserted from the clip bin and drag it to the main track and move it to the cursor line. Drop the clip when the alignment arrows attach to the cursor line. The clip should insert and move the clips to the right along the track. Nat
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