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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Obviously if you increse the speed of a clip x2 (200%) you should note that the duration value halves. Does this happen? At the same time the length of the visible clip on the timeline halves... Does this happen? Using version 8.94 the exported duration of this clip is now 11 seconds (as shown) instead of 22 seconds If this is not happening then something is not working correctly. Upload and lets take a look. You didn't possibly change the speed and then press Reset instead of Set? Nat
  2. Hi 1) Have you tried simply using the time line to move the cursor line backwards or forwards a specific amount. Its marked in seconds and you can simply click on the value of the subtracted (or added) time value which will move the cursor to that point. If you want you could also do the calculation manually and enter the value obtained into the time box under the sequence preview window. This will also move the cursor the position desired. 4) On the top toolbar click the option Suite. This opens a toolbar with the various NCH video add-ons. Select the one you want and if you don't have it already installed VP will open it from the NCH site. If it says it has expired (as you installed the demo version) then simply rerun the exe file for that particular add on. The free version should load OK though. Nat
  3. Hi Unlike film where individual frames can be marked VP cannot set a marker on an individual frame on an individual track; something which could be very useful. A suggestion was put in to NCH quite recently that this ought to be implemented. As you have found Bookmarks are no use in this context and off hand I can't think of a work around that is practicable. I have re-suggested it. Currently you might possibly have to split each track in question and then group each one and then line up the splits in the different tracks using them as markers. I think you would need to work along these lines. Experiment with a few tracks and see how it might work. I have done a few multi track orchestra projects and usually simply line up the tracks one above the other adjusting the audio for each until they all synch OK and then mute the tracks not required. The most I have done in this way is three tracks so it's not anywhere near as complex a using 25 tracks. which might be a bit of a nightmare. (Done 25 as a multi screen choir project though.) Nat
  4. Hi Go to VP Options/Disk. The second box down (captured audio) is the address of the folder in which your audio files are saved. You can change this by browsing to another folder (or even the desktop) and selecting that folder as the destination. Nat
  5. Hi If you are cutting different tracks , linked or otherwise I find it more logical to use the Split button under the Sequence preview window as you then have the option to select specific tracks. Not known any part of a cut clip to self destruct. Nat
  6. Hi "....And it's not generating cache files, because that process start the moment you drag a clip on to the timeline...." Clips are loaded to the cache as soon as they start loading to the program. This involves indexing the clip, copying the clip and loading the audio The first to be loaded is the videoFileIndex.cache. As soon as the clip is complete and in the bin with the preview windows "alive" copies of the video as video.cache and the videoINDEX.cache are generated and loaded to the cache folder.The audio is then loaded to the VideoPadSoundCache... and this is before the clip is placed on the timeline. So quite a lot has to be done before you can get to work. First time around it can be quite slow and depends on the clip format and duration. If you have manually cleared the cache and this includes the VideoSoundCache folder that is now stored in the VP cache file it can hold things up a lot resulting in the "No sound until loading is complete" message If the clip has been previously loaded and the cache has remained untouched then loading time is greatly reduced. Nat
  7. Hi It does behave as you describe, ending up with blank image, and I also would have thought that you could snapshot an animated text frame. However if you want just a simple scroll of a line of text you might as well apply a Position effect and using keyframes start and and stop the animation where you want to and then fade out from there or do a full scroll with Position effect; setting start and end keyframes and then snapshot the required frame at the end..as snapshot works in this scenario. The still frame is then easily faded out. The first option is the simplest. Nat
  8. Hi "...but when I press play only the text on one of the layers shows. ...." Are you pressing "Play" on the Clip Preview screen?? This will only show the specific clip on a track (e.g. a text clip) if it is selected. Usually though, you would have the Sequence preview visible by default or possibly dual displays, so it's only a suggestion. Pressing "Play" under the The Sequence Preview screen should show all the tracks exactly the same as when you move the red cursor bar along the timeline. So what you describe is a bit odd. Nat
  9. Hi I find it very useful to set up dual displays under Options/Display. This way you can monitor the scale effect In general and also the Position of the scaled image/clip I seldom (if ever) apply the Scale effect to the Clip bin image. I apply effects to the timeline clips. (Scale works on the whole image area of course). As the AR of Scale is defaulted to remain the same, either of the Horizontal or Vertical sliders can be used to alter the size of the image/clip. You may think that this only acts on the timeline clip chosen. In fact it does, but once you have your scale the size required it can be saved for any other clips you might use. Jjust click the blue cassette icon on the effect pane and Save as an effect chain template. You can then apply it from the Template effects section to any clip/image on the timeline. Often it can be a good idea to leave clip bin image/clips etc. in their raw state as you can't monitor the effect against any background you may have. Nat
  10. Hi VP is pretty intuative but most users still find their way around it by trial and error. However they don't usually have the problems you are reporting so there seems to be something very odd going on here and I am pretty sure it's not program bugs. What is the source of your mp4 files? As mentioned upload your project and someone can take a look Either your PC or the installationof VP on your PC is fouling things up.in some way. Note also that Autosaved (or any Saved project files) are .vpj files. These are, in effect text files and are usually very small; a matter of a few tens of Kb so they actually don't take up a lot of space. Deleting these won't have had any effect.. Nat
  11. Hi Whatever is causing the crash VP should have done an autosave if ithe program crashed even if your ordinary Save Project failed.. Check out....... User name/AppData/Roaming/NCH Software/VideoPad.......The folder should have an autosaved vpj file but only if the PC or program crashed.. Nat
  12. HI Some versions back, grey outlining of a polygon mask..giving the impression that the mask was a drawn outline, was a reported problem. I believe it was fixed soon afterwards and was connected with the Feathering control. At the time I demoed it in a forum post and also in the report. I've tried again to reproduce it with VP 8.94 without success. Have a look at this post .. https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/30467-polygon-mask-leaves-an-outline-resolved/?tab=comments#comment-79896 Nat
  13. Hi It seems very strange that you have been using VP for "years" and experiencing problems all along. and yet this seems to be your first post to the forum to ask advice. The forum is here for just that purpose. VP will not scrub your project even if it crashes or you download another version..newer or older. Note also that your project will always be available if you Save Project or Save Project As regularly. It is at least two years since VP 6.10 and a lot has changed since that version. Upload as Borate describes and it might be possible to see where things may be going wrong. There is obviously something as you should be able to make videos of more than a few minutes Nat
  14. Hi This is awkward but try it this way.. Put clip with head on the timeline and draw a mask around the head. Untick Mask inside Add a transparency effect...Head is now outlined with transparent background. (Note Scale will not work correctly at this point.) Create a Sequence. Time line will clear. Load balls clip to the timeline Track 1 Load the Head Sequence to Track 2. You can now Scale and Position the head to fit on the ball Nat
  15. Hi Also note: If you Save Project for the first time VP asks for a name and then asks where you want to save the .vpj file Subsequent saves will overwrite the previous save. If you Save Project File As VP asks every time for a name and where you want to save the .vpj file. Nothing is overwritten and you can therefore have several .vpj files that will create the same project at different stages of development If you Save Portable Project As VP allows you to navigate to a prepared destination folder and saves copies of ALL the files as well as a .vpj file The .vpj file is specific for a particular project The icon is..... Clicking the icon will open that project into VP provided all the files are present in their original folders and have their original names. If you Save a Portable Project all the components will have been copied into a single folder. Nat
  16. Hi VP 8.94 Both clips play OK. here. Bird eating fish (eventually -What a good juggler! ) is silent. The Butterfly clip has sound. It's quiet background traffic but some rustling near the end. Nat
  17. Hi AS mentioned you have to highlight the text first but more than that ...You can highlight only a part of the text and make changes to that....so you can mix the properties e.g. Colours or Fonts.. Nat
  18. Hi Borate's suggestion works fine and is simpler.... "....If you first unlink A/V, then drop the audio clip to the next track it can be dragged without affecting video. ..." ..but it still leaves a section without any sound as it is moved along and it still might require trimming, but you have found a solution that works for you. As I mentioned, dragging the unlinked sound along on Audio Track 1 will create a gap. Nat
  19. HI This looks like a bug to me. Having selected a series of clips using Ctr +A , On entering -0.25 and selecting to Append the effect chain to otherselected clips..... ALL the clips correctly get the -0.25 correction BUT ALL clips EXCEPT the selected clip retain the default 0.25 correction. .... i.e. They end up with two effects as the original default is not removed.... essentially they don't change.... They get the -0.25 and the original default 0.25 meaning they return to normal. Only the selected clip from the group gets changed. I have referred this post to NCH Nat
  20. Hi Unlinking and dragging the audio is bound to create a gap as you are displacing it. (left or right) Once you have closed he gap the displaced part of the audio is covered by the clips to the right moving back. (Image 3) I only suggested The use of Audio Track 2 if you wanted to put something in the empty space left behind after the audio was dragged along and even then you don't have to use Audio track 2 as you could add some audio to Track 1 trimmed to fit. Other more complicated ways are possible if you save Audio as a New Clip ; Mute Audio Track 1 and place the copy on Track 2 then do a bit of splitting and reconstruction with that to produce a completely new audio clip. . but the method suggested is probably the simplest. Nat
  21. Hi VP would seem to be reading the channels as recorded by you r input devices. When you export click the quality option (blue link) shown to the right of the format box. This will open an encoding session window where you can select the preferred audio channels. The default is Same as input Try 2 (stereo) but check them out to which one works for you. Not sure if you can make the preview into stereo if it only recorded on right or left channel at origin. Nat
  22. Hi Try this.. Unlink the audio (1) Grab the audio and move it to the right. This will split the video track create a gap and push everything on the right up the Track. (2) Close the gap in the video track (3) 1) 2) 3) The video track remains split but the audio has now been moved along, Clips to the right have returned to their normal position. Of course the initial part of the video will not now have any sound but if you want to retain what was there initially you could simply copy the original audio and place it on Audio track 2 and clip it so it fits the silent section. Overlay it a bit with a fade out so it dissolves in. A lot will depend on the type of background sound you have. Nat
  23. Hi Think logically....... Create your first project. It can have any number of tracks/effects/transitions etc. One you are happy with it, create a Sequence by clicking the + that follows Sequence 1 x at the left end above the timeline. . This creates a single clip of your work and puts it into the Sequence clip bin. It also clears the timeline. Now do Save Project As . You now have a .vpj file of your work Open VP and start work on your second project. When ready, click Menu/File/Import Clips from Another Project as Borate has described Select your vpj file from Project 1 As well as loading all the files from the first project, it will also load the Sequence you saved. Open the Sequence bin and and load your first project (as a single clip) to a suitable point on the current one..like any other clip. Although you won't see an audio track, the sound will be there. Nat
  24. Hi You may coming up to the limitation of what VP can achieve in 32 bit. . A 64 bit version is in the offing though and should certainly improve matters. In the interim if you could try using proxy files.....These are copies (same name/location) of your 4k clips but in a smaller format (use NCH Prism) with which you do the editing. When finished, replace them with the 4K clips (in the same folder and using the same name.) The vpj file will then load the 4k files in their place and you can then export in 4k. Nat
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