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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. i'm sure the 3 mobile shop can help you out there ! remember video isn't our speciality, audio is.
  2. no idea sorry, it was most likely a format invented by panasonic, and chances are even panasonic don't support it anymore.
  3. you're assuming switch handles video formats, which it doesn't (did you read it somewhere on our website?) if wavepad doesn't work (www.nch.com.au/wavepad) then you might be out of luck.
  4. your best bet is to ask motorola for some software.
  5. olympus made the dss format and therefore they have LEGAL control over it, which means they decide who can and who can't convert to and from their format. as it currently stands, they do not want third parties to support converting to their format. there's nothing we can do about it.
  6. i've heard of ram and rm but not rmm. we support most real media files, some files are very stubborn though and won't convert at all.
  7. their probably wma copy protected files, in which case media player can play them without any problems and nothing else can play them at all.
  8. yes thats okay with the free switch. see the switch help documentation -> General usage section for a list of what formats require switch plus.
  9. use express burn - www.nch.com.au/burn no steps involved, just load the files, and burn them
  10. nope thats correct, at least we know the links work. because your browser is automatically opening them up in media player, you should paste the links into a download program like Free Download Manager and download them that way. post #4 : if internet explorer can't download it that means it likely won't work with any other software program.
  11. i dont know and also cant find any information about that format sorry.
  12. can you convert the flac file we uploaded to this page ? http://www.nch.com.au/acm/formats.html (http://www.nch.com.au/acm/sample.CompLvl4.8000Hz.Mono.flac) if you can, then it means whatever files you have don't appear to be standard flac, or they are encoded with some strange settings that the flac decoder can't read.
  13. assuming there is only one voc format going around, we're investigating support for it for the next switch.
  14. olympus made the dss format, and they currently don't allow third parties to support it on Mac. feel free to hassle them about it because we would very much like to support it on Mac.
  15. its probably a very rare and mostly unused format, you'll likely have no luck other than through whoever you got the file from or whoever made the format (whoever that is).
  16. thats odd, cda files do not contain any music in them, they are actually links to sectors on a cd, and it is the cd itself which contains all the audio. theres nothing you can do without the cd unfortunately. i suggest you get in contact with whoever you bought it from and find out why they are giving you files in this format, as it seems a very strange format to use for distributing music over the internet. iTunes is currently the best online music store, but beware that in the majority of cases, you cannot convert ANY music bought from an online music store, because the record companies have pressured the online stores to encrypt the audio so it doesn't convert.
  17. ok it looks like it has an incorrect extension then, it is probably really a .ra file. dont worry about trying to change the extension though, it won't do anything. some real audio files are difficult to convert, it looks like you may have to use our soundtap software and record the file as you play it. get more information here: http://www.nch.com.au/soundtap/index.html or you can use recordpad, but you need to know how to set it up properly: http://www.nch.com.au/recordpad/index.html
  18. an alternative is converting mp3 to wave, and burning the wave files to cd chances are you car stereo will only accept "audio cd" files with a .cda extension, and probably can't read aiff files (or wave files) at all, so make sure you burn the cd as "audio" and not "data".
  19. its possible that the "[same as source file]" text didn't make it into the output folder listing in Mac Switch, but try to type the exact text "[same as source file]" (without the quotes), and that should work ok. and your interpretation of how the feature should work is perfectly correct.
  20. since realplayer invented the format, they can handle any of their own formats (of course). please open the .ram file in notepad and copy and paste what is inside into this thread.
  21. you can easily contact us by going here: http://www.nch.com.au/switch/support.html that link can also be found by clicking the "Support" link at the top of the Switch webpage. any chance you could send me a screenshot of what your switch looks like? send it to me via email. something very weird is going on here.
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