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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. nchtj


    send me an email at tj[at]nch.com.au for an unreleased version.
  2. nchtj

    COnverting to Itunes

    both our wavepad and switch software supports loading those files, please try them.
  3. nchtj

    Burning to CD

    what was the problem?
  4. nchtj

    Express Rip

    send me an email at tj[at]nch.com.au and I will send you an unreleased version to test out.
  5. nchtj


    what sorts of files are you mixing together? Do they load in Wavepad fine if you are just using the File -> Load option? The problem is likely with the files themselves, its just a matter of finding out what the issue is....
  6. Hi, You can use Golden Records to do this. The software was designed for vinyl to CD/MP3 conversion, but it has a powerful file splitter that you can use. www.nch.com.au/golden <= download golden records here Basically just open your file into Golden Records, then double click it to play it. In the dialog that opens, you will see the file splitting options there. Basically just nominate the cursor points where you want to the file to split (up to 32 points can be nominated), Then hit the "Split File at Cursor Marks in List" button and the file will be split up at all the points you specified. Now hit Ctrl+A to select all the files and hit the "Burn Audio CD" button. In the window that appears hit the "Finish" button and all your split files will now be burned to an Audio CD as .cda files.
  7. hi, no sorry there are no settings for AGC.
  8. nchtj


    Hi, Cheap(er) microphones will always produce a lot of background noise when you are recording with them. You need to purchase a reasonable mid-range mic to improve your sound quality. You basically get what you pay for buying cheaper hardware.... Tape hiss is a different story, you might try using the Noise Reduction tool in the Tools menu on the tape recording and you should get a reasonable improvement of the quality.
  9. when wavepad opens files it decompresses them to temp files so you can edit them. The temp files are created in a folder only writable by administrators. We will see what we can do for the next version to get it working ok in restricted mode.
  10. nchtj


    Once you figure out how to use it, its a great tool! 1. Load your first file. Now go to Edit menu -> Insert File -> End and then find your second file. The two files will now be merged together. 2. Find the point where the two files were joined together. Select/highlight an area around that point where you want the fading to begin and end. Now go to Effects menu -> Crossfade. 3. ok, now you need to enter values for Gap Time, Fade In and Fade Out Time. Gap Time This says how long the crossfade region will be, in milliseconds. Suggested value = 1500 Fade In Time The length of time to fade in the audio. The fade in will occur from the end of the selected region (i.e. it is a reverse fade out, the fade out will start at the end and go backwards). Suggested value = 1500 Fade Out Time The length of time to fade out the audio. The fade out will occur from the start of the selected region. Suggested value = 1500 Once you are happy with your values, now apply the crossfade. The audio will essentially be "pulled" together so the end of one music track and the start of the next track overlap. To split the files up again, select a point somewhere in that crossfade area and go to Edit menu -> Split into two at this point.
  11. hi, the alternative methods are outlined by others in the big 2 page atrac thread in this very forum, hopefully you can find something useful in there.
  12. Well we didn't invent the format, Sony did, and they made it proprietary and didn't allow others to support it, so the buck stops with them not us. You need to understand this decision is more about profit than anything, they want you to buy more of their products, therefore they will restrict the ablity of anyone else to support this format in their own products as a result. Not much we can do about it I'm afraid.
  13. It's possible you are right about wma, we will continue to examine the issue. I can tell you that there was a case a year or two ago involving the wmv/asf format, where the maker of VirtualDub was threatened with legal action from Microsoft unless he removed support for wmv/asf from his product. That's the sort of thing we want to avoid.
  14. To users with GMail accounts: GMail will NOT let me send any emails to you with attachments of type zip or exe, therefore I cannot send Express Rip to your GMail accounts. Please nominate another email address to use.
  15. 1) WMA - at this stage we are unlikely to do this, we are a little unsure about the licensing involved, if there are fees to pay to Microsoft etc.. If we find we can do it without paying fees then we will do it, otherwise we won't. 2) Output folder - that will be in the next version. 3) Delete files - next version too. 4) Conversion to different bit rates - I understand what you want, but I will have to think about this one for a bit just so I can find a way to do it that will satisfy everyone wanting to use such a feature in the future.
  16. maverick: your email address <Maverick49@gmail.com> is bouncing - I think gmail doesn't allow attachments of a certain type, either that or it does not allow attachments at all. Please give me another email address to try.
  17. If the audio is on your computer use switch to do that: nch.com.au/switch
  18. http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=834
  19. nchtj

    Voice and Music

    Hi, record your voice first into a wav file. Then load the music file into wavepad. Then go to edit menu -> mix file to mix the two files together.
  20. nchtj

    Sound problems

    Hi, In wavepad, does the audio waveform look like it normally does, or does it look smaller? If it looks smaller, use our normalization tool to increase the volume (effects menu -> normalize -> set to 100%
  21. you could try using effects menu -> normalization (at 100%) to increase the volume level of the sound.
  22. nchtj

    Loading large files

    we are working on better ways of handling very large files, hopefully we will have a solution for you in the future.
  23. does the dc offset feature work for you at all? effects menu -> dc offset
  24. our ftp server was moved recently, and some files were lost. They have just been re-uploaded now, so please try it again.
  25. if you like you can give a sample file that doesn't work to me at tj[at]nch.com.au and I will see what's wrong with it..
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