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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. dss is a proprietary format, olympus only gives as much support to third party developers as they choose, and right now all they choose to do is give limited support for converting FROM dss on the PC platform, and no support at all on the mac. so olympus are the only people you can talk to for creating dss files.
  2. i havent tried it myself, but i believe you can run 2 instances under 2 different windows logon accounts (1 instance per account basically). see the other post you made for the timeframe answer.
  3. what format(s) are you converting from / to ? our mac programmer is temporarily absent, so i am fielding mac questions for now.
  4. you will have to do a google search for the g.726 acm codec, its not a question of whether switch supports it or not its a question of whether your windows machine supports it (since we support whatever windows supports). and to clarify your other post, G.726 is not Microsoft ADPCM, it is ITU ADPCM.
  5. it uses whatever is supported in Windows natively, and ADPCM is supported natively therefore it can already do it. i've converted to/from ADPCM many times myself, in fact i just did it then and it worked fine.
  6. we cant commit to specific dates, the volatile nature of software development means anything could happen to delay the product beyond any given date. if you want a rough ballpark figure, maybe a month, but i would emphasise that is a rough figure.
  7. perhaps give a sample file to me at and i will find out what the codec is.
  8. usually you get that message when the file isnt a "classic" mp3, its probably just an mpeg1 layer 2/2.5 file with a .mp3 extension. if you want to give me a sample file that doesnt work, you can send it to me and i will see if i can confirm what i said. other than that there's not much else we can do.
  9. WMP uses a different sound rendering method to produce the audio (DirectSound), we rely on the standard Windows drivers (MME/WDM) to render sound. It's possible in this instance that DirectSound is doing something extra to convert the file into a playable format, and the standard sound drivers are possibly not capable of doing the same thing. to confirm is this "theory" is true or false, if anyone wants to give us a sample file that doesnt work, you can send it to me
  10. hi, can you please tell us where you downloaded it from ? we tested downloading both switch and switch plus for mac yesterday and both versions were all in english, so we have no idea where you might be getting this version from.
  11. i suspect they are copy protected files. the reason quicktime can play them is because Apple makes quicktime and Apple also made the copy protection on your mpeg4 files as well, so naturally quicktime can play any copy protected Apple format you throw at it.
  12. did you select the output folder as "[same as source file]" ?
  13. very weird, i have no idea. give us the file perhaps ? {email address was here}.
  14. its been in there from nearly the first version.
  15. its a bug, we're investigating it.
  16. i think the real problem is that the component is not writing for some reason into your program files\nch swift sound\components folder and/or the registry. check you have full admin access on your computer.
  17. it should work fine, what problem are you having ?
  18. we only currently support converting to the same folder as the original file, preserving folder trees will be in the next version of switch. set the output folder to exactly "[same as source file]" to convert to the same folder.
  19. if the icon is still a musical note, then nothing happened.
  20. we're looking at supporting non-english characters in the next version, please bear with us since its quite a big implementation.
  21. we don't support converting to video formats, extracting and converting the audio from the video will be in the next switch.
  22. we'll put that in the next version, thats a good request
  23. if you are referring to the components available off our website, those are installer files and you need to double-click them to install them. also check you have write access to the registry, we check the registry to see whether the plugins are installed or not.
  24. try contacting our sales manager stephanie lee with this question
  25. http://www.nch.com.au/splitter/index.html
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