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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. if this is Express Talk to Express Talk on a LAN, the only way this could happen was if the calls were being intentionally disconnected, I have never encountered this problem before unfortunately. You can try making a SIP log of your call, enable that in Talk in the Settings -> Network tab -> see the "SIP Messaging" section at the bottom. So now try and do the same call and then give us the SIP log afterwards.
  2. using Axon + VRS + Express Talk Free is what you need. Setup as many extensions in Axon as you have PCs, then set all the extensions to use call recording through VRS (which should be sitting on the same PC as VRS).
  3. the other side has rejected the call, possibly because it wasn't passed a choice of codecs that it liked. you'll have to find out what codecs the other sides wants. on our end we support GSM, G.711u, G.711a and G.726-32. "temporarily unavailable" means that contact number has gone offline just recently.
  4. I have to say this is one we've never encountered before, 501 is only returned if the phone is sending out a command the other side doesn't understand, but with Express Talk and Axon (and uplink) that should never happen. We would need a SIP log from Express Talk showing the 501 happening (in Talk go to Settings -> Networking -> see "SIP Messaging" at the bottom). Apologies for any inconvenience caused by the way.
  5. beware of firewalls people ! simply turning off a firewall does nothing, the firewall is actually still active even if turned off ! the only difference when it's off is you can't configure it, and if you have new programs installed that require new ports to be opened, they won't ever work until you start the firewall up again! so either configure your firewall to "allow all" traffic, or uninstall it !
  6. we can really only give support from the Express Talk side of things. Express Talk does generate SIP logs now, it's accessible from Settings -> Network -> see "SIP Message Logging" at the bottom. Restart Express Talk so it will try and do another register, then open the SIP log and paste the registration attempt in here.
  7. nchtj

    Conference call

    sorry we haven't yet got conferencing working via the command line, but we'll see if we can do it for the next version. If you want to do conferencing, you don't need to use IVM anymore, we have a specialised product for that now called Quorum : http://www.nch.com.au/conference/index.html
  8. the file "contacts.ini" in the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\[windows logon name]\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\Talk" contains your address book entries, so you can coppy that file when doing a backup or installing Talk on another computer.
  9. While we can only help so much with Asterisk issues (since we did not make the product), in general terms here's how registration works: 1) Express Talk will send a register request to the PBX, including a suggested expiry time for the register 2) the PBX will accept the register (after authorization) and either acknowledge the suggested expiry time OR give the softphone a different expiry time. 3) Express Talk will always "honour" whatever the expiry time is, and will only re-register at the specified time. 4) The default registration expiry time in most cases is 1 hour (3600 seconds). 5) Now if you are having problems with asterisk and getting disconnected within an hour, it is expected behaviour that Express Talk would not try to re-register again until the hour is up. If asterisk has a setting to force the registration expiry times, then shorten it to something like 300 secs or 600 secs. 6) If you can't get Express Talk to register with Asterisk, that would point to a networking/firewalling/routing issue, we have no problems using it with our Axon software.
  10. we're currently working on Express Talk for Mac OS X.
  11. unfortunately Olympus do not allow third parties to use their dss format on a Mac, they only allow you to use their own software. feel free to hassle them about it, we would very much like to support it since so many people are wanting it.
  12. you make it sound simple. switch works fine for us on Mac OS X. i was using it most of last week. this is why we are taking time to work out what the issue is, obviously there is a problem, but we have to figure out what it is. please bear with us.
  13. linksys/sipura puts the same general design into their products, so the behaviour is similar from one product to another. so in a general sense, we have them on our "more trusted" lists.
  14. upgrades are done through here: www.nch.com.au/upgrade it should be much less than what you have seen.
  15. wavepad only supports amr, it doesn't support 3gp.
  16. currently not, but we'll look at putting it in there.
  17. we are administering the forums a lot more now, its a never-ending battle since spammers will never stop.
  18. 1) just to assure you, the batch converter does work, otherwise we would have been flooded with emails about it which we haven't. please try changing the output folder to something different than the input folder. what effects did you add to it? 2) the step increments for the left and right arrows are not course they are very reasonable, making it any smaller would result in issues with sampling inaccuracies (i..e. the file would not play at exactly where you selected). this is a generic audio issue and not a wavepad issue. 3) the scrubber does exactly what you think its supposed to do, it is playing the audio at the selected point in time.
  19. we actually just pass the conversion off to the lame encoder and let the encoder decide on the final sample rate based on parameters such as input sample rate, input bit rate, channels etc. lame gave us a few issues in the past when explicitly specifying the output sample rate (i.e. it would hang/crash in some cases), so we decided not to put the option in. we're happy to re-examine it again though and see if lame is more stable these days.
  20. nchtj

    Splitting Channels

    unfortunately wavepad does not support working with individual channels at this point in time sorry.
  21. they dont use Auto Gain Controllers, they use Dynamic Range Compressors, so try that tool instead.
  22. no its nothing to do with it being the free version what format are you talking about here anyway? wave files ? you can calculate yourself how big the file should be by multiplying it out: (length of file in seconds) x (sample rate) x (number of channels) x (byte rate - 1 or 2 (8 or 16 bits)) now since you verified the sample rate and channels are the same, that must mean the byte rate has increased from 8 bits to 16 bits (which would double the size of the file). so the solution is to load the file in wavepad again, do a "save as..." and select the format "wave" and in the next window that appears, select format "PCM", and attributes "11.025kHz, 8 bit, mono".
  23. is there a link to this plugin somewhere that we can try ourselves ?
  24. nchtj


    yea sorry about that, we're investigation this one. the current workaround is as the previous poster said, just add in some silence at the end before performing the operation.
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