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Everything posted by borate

  1. In the media area (top-left) select them all <ctrl-A>, then drag or use the PLACE button to drop them into the timeline.
  2. They should. Once the create-text box is closed the text file should automatically add itself to the next video track. If you have only a single video track, text will be above it as track 2. Same thing for a narration file, but it's added below the video. Those individual files appear in the media area (top-left of the VP window), under the AUDIO RECORDINGS tab. Can't say why the text file is under that tab and not IMAGES tab, but that's how it appears here.
  3. Please explain more fully what you mean by "revalue."
  4. Where is info on the specific differences between the FREE (trial) version of VP and the PROFESSIONAL incarnation? This would be helpful in clearing up confusion.
  5. Looks good. But at what point does the program become 'bloated'? Is it marketing's aim to compete with Premiere or even PowerDirector? Or instead to focus on being an easy to master tool that has just enough bells and whistles to satisfy the average home movie maker.
  6. Good to hear. But keep in mind that there will be limitations after the trial period expires, if you have not purchased a license. This, from the NCH WEBsite... "VideoPad Video Editing Software The "Master's Edition" registration has all features - unlimited audio tracks and plugins. You can use a single installation of VideoPad (on a single computer) without restrictions. The "Home Edition" registration has all the features of VideoPad Master's Edition except support for plugins, and you are limited to two simultaneous audio tracks." Policy may have changed but in the past, after trial expiration, VP will export in only a limited number of formats.
  7. borate


    <Crl-C> will copy a selection. <Ctrl-V> will paste it into the timeline. If what you're attempting is to precisely line up to a split, use the icon under the preview window that positions the red line at the nearest split. To mute a section, first right-click and UNLINK from video. Then split out the portion to be muted and delete it, leaving a gap. Or drag the newly split clip to another audio track and mute that track.
  8. In what manner did you "save" the file? If you exported as a video file you can add that file - essentially a clip - to the VP time line. Videopad project (data) files have a .vpj extension.
  9. borate

    DVD titles

    Very fine. Consider revising the HELP file to reflect the current/proposed status.
  10. borate

    DVD titles

    Two Mp4 clips on the timeline. Named bookmarks have been created for each. The aim is to export to DVD Movie with named titles (or at least "chapter 1, chapter 2") on the BASIC (list) menu. Instructions read..."This menu will list all videos added and have a play button for each title that will play the video and then return to the menu." When creating the menu "untitled" appears on a bar below the title and subtitle, but there is no means to title it . After exporting, and choosing to "use bookmarks as chapters" the result is NO main menu listing chapters, no PLAY button - just the "untitled" bar. The two clips are on the disk. What's missing - to achieve the desired MAIN menu/TITLES objective?
  11. Here's the path that I see for this file... "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components\x264enc7\x264enc7.exe"
  12. It's under the Editing tab, in OPTIONS. UNcheck the box.
  13. Indeed. Be sure to SAVE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT (overwrite), as you will want a different incremental file name for each save. Any sequence can be saved in this manner. Check back here if it doesn't work out as expected.
  14. Not certain whether this addresses your issue, but it should help clarify... Are you saving as a Video File? If so, that will make your project (or partial project) into a single clip. The clips it contains cannot be manipulated as they were originally. If, instead, under the FILE menu, you Save Project File As or Save Portable Project As the discrete clips are retained. These are VPJ (data) files. The difference between these two save options is that for former writes only a VPJ file. When that's clicked VP loads clips from their original locations. The latter saves not only the VPJ file but all the source clips as well - in a single folder. Videopad loads from in that folder when its VPJ file is clicked. Starting from a new Videopad screen, if VPJ project file #1 is loaded, it will be placed on the timeline as sequence #1. If then you want to add VPJ project file #2, click the FILE menu and IMPORT CLIPS FROM ANOTHER PROJECT. They will load as sequence #2. Each sequence can be further edited. To see a specific sequence click its SEQUENCE tab, just above the timeline. Once all sequences are loaded and you are satisfied that the project is ready for export, simply combine all sequences into a single sequence... Click the + sign to the right of a SEQUENCE tab that's above the timeline. This will clear the timeline and create a new, blank sequence. Now click the SEQUENCE tab in the media area (top left) and all sequences will be listed. Select (highlight) the sequences that you want to combine, Right-click and PLACE CLIPS ON SEQUENCE. Now export your new sequence.
  15. Precisely. The source for this test was the Windows Wildlife.wmv file (1280 x 720) with Mp4 export set to the TV NTSC defaults, The "low" preview was made at the lowest preset resolution (4 x 3); the "high" at the highest (16 x 9). 30fps. Both outputted at 320 x 240, but their bit, data rates and file sizes were slightly different. When the files are played from the server the "low" (4 x 3) is letterboxed, the "high" (16 x 9) is full frame.
  16. Does the TS folder contain VOB files? Try importing them.
  17. Wavepad, another NCH tool, works well for that. Files can be transferred between WP and Videopad.
  18. First easy thing to try: clear unused cache files, under OPTIONS|Disk tab. If no joy, check back here for other suggestions.
  19. Is the transition duration within limits - a pop-up box will appear when clicking the transition if it's not. Change the duration. Also switch to Storybook mode and confirm that there isn't a fragment of a clip left over between the clips you intend to transition.
  20. Two transition modes are available, similar to other editors. You want the "generate freeze frame" mode, under OPTIONS|Editing tab|Video Clip Transitions. If there is video pad available beyond the transition start of the FROM clip and prior to the emergence of the TO clip, there will be no freeze. Even if there's no pad, the freeze may not be evident if the transition is short. Use the overlap mode and clips may be moved, as you can testify.
  21. For clarity, I should have said that the screen display of final product, comparing output of low and high preview settings, looks to be at different resolutions. As for file sizes for the 30" 720HD source test:: the preview high-res output is 6.36Mb vs. 5.25 for the low-resolution. On closer scrutiny, rendering time increased with the preview high-res setting as well. About 17 for high and 13 for low. So, without changing export settings, which were 320 X 240, it appears that preview settings do have an impact. Perhaps that's as it should be?. NCH techs may elaborate.
  22. borate


    On occasion a "failure" here has actually succeeded. Did you check the file?
  23. As you know, video editing is resource intensive. BSOD are usually hardware related, and I've spotted no similar reports in the forum. It may be time to shop, considering NotADevWinkWink's comments, that your 8300 won't accept a higher-end video card, and that your projects are increasing in sophistication.
  24. Using the same export settings, a 30 second Mp4 clip took about the same amount of time to export whether preview was set to lowest or highest. The completed videos were different sizes, so the preview setting does affect export. Doesn't directly answer your query, but it's another piece of info.
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