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Everything posted by borate

  1. In the path that you have stated, locate the INDEX.BDMV file. Right-click on it and click PROPERTIES. Verify that the READ ONLY box is not checked.
  2. On;y two files in the dropbox: the VPJ control file and an mp3 audio. Need them all to reconstruct the project. If you saved as a portable project, they should have been saved.
  3. Just for grins, when exporting, change the status of the CONSTANT FRAME RATE box by checking or UNchecking it. Any difference?
  4. With your project loaded, please click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and publicly link it here. Someone will attempt to track down the problem for you.
  5. How does it sound before you upload it? What are the export settings? If possible, upload a short exported video to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and make it public, then post the link here. Someone will check it out. Or share your Videopad project, prior to export: click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT and upload the result to the server.
  6. As Nat noted, the VPJ file tells VP where to find the files, which it cannot do if they have been moved. It may give the option to locate them manually, but of course that won't help if they've been deleted.
  7. Did you follow this step, which should display the text over the background... Click the VIEW icon below the preview window and verify that CLIP AND BACKGROUND is checked.
  8. Was it saved? Click FILE|RECENT PROJECTS and see if it is there. It's wise to regularly back up your project. See http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/finalise_backupproject.html Don't use SAVE, which will overwrite the previous save. To avoid that, SAVE AS and give it a slightly different name or incremented number.
  9. When exporting, click the small chevron to the right of FILE FORMAT. The choice is there, though it may not be available for the non-registered version of VP. On first attempt to save a video as an .apng, VP crashed. Attempt two succeeded. The result wouldn't play with Windows players, but was able to be loaded into VP - with no audio.
  10. If the file was saved as VIDEO the text is now embedded and cannot be manipulated separately. To do that, the project itself must be reloaded. That said, it should be possible to mask the earlier text, perhaps using a higher numbered track, and then superimpose (overlay) new text, using the next higher numbered track. Or you can test various effects, applied to the original material, such as scale, crop, etc.
  11. Here there are four files with that name, each a different size and each in a different ffmpeg folder.. There's ffmpeg 16, 18, 19 and 23. You need to get in touch with NCH Support - especially if you have a registered version.
  12. Very peculiar. A final thought... In lieu of manually excising all traces of VP from the PC, this tool does a pretty good job. Find the VP entry and run the uninstaller. When it prompts to delete leftover files (which it may do several times), delete them all. Then again install VP.
  13. See the 'sticky' post at the top of this forum, "Tips to get help." That has the info on posting images. There's a suggestions post.
  14. Unless you are computer literate it's best not to mess with the Windows registry (regedit). A mistake could prove nasty. After that control panel uninstall, try installing the latest version. Report back whether that succeeded in solving the problem.
  15. Your subject reads "no audio on first export" yet the body copy states "first export is a black screen with only audio." ?? If possible, use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT and upload the result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like, and share it publicly. Someone will test it.
  16. One approach... On the time line, SPLIT the video where you want the dip to occur. In the clip that is to be faded, click on FX (left-bottom corner). Click the green + sign in the upper left hand corner. Click the TRANSPARENCY effect. Click the chevron to the right of Select Preset and click FADE OUT. In the effects box move the scrubber (red line) to the far right. Click the smaller green + sign in the middle of the toolbar to create a keyframe. You should now see a line sloping from top left to bottom right. Click on that line near the end of the clip and drag it upwards to the top. This result should be something like this... Close the effects box and run the time line to see the result. Click FX to modify it. If the "Transparency" line isn't shown, as above, click the blue icon that to the left of the keyframe display To delete a keyframe, right-click it and DELETE.
  17. Interesting; it did work and now it doesn't. Though you say all suggestions from the forum have been tested, it won't hurt to do the following... 1. Launch the program with a right-click|RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR 2. Clear Unused Cache Files, in OPTIONS|DISC tab 3. Uninstall the program, using this tool. 4. Install the latest VP version. If no joy, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT and upload the result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc. and share it publicly so others can test your file.
  18. One way... Download a suitable PNG file arrow from the Net. Click here. Bring it into VP with ADD FILE and place it on the overlay track (next track up) above the video where you want it to appear. In the time line, click on the overlay arrow clip FX icon, then click the chevron to the right of the VIEW button (under the preview window). Click "text + background." Now, in the effects box, click the green + sign, far-left on the toolbar, and manipulate the arrow with SCALE, ROTATE, POSITION, etc. to get the desired effect. When satisfied, close the effects box.
  19. Track four was garbage, hanging VP. There appeared to be no legit audio file on that track.
  20. Scroll down in the audio area so you can see track 4. Right-click and delete it.
  21. Folks can take a look at your project if you include all its files. Click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT, upload the result to DropBox and make it public. The VPJ file tells the program what to do.
  22. Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab. Report back whether it helps.
  23. Using a licensed version of VP, where more than two audio tracks can be utilized, the display seems ample, if not king-sized. Click the + sign at the left of each track.
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