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Everything posted by borate

  1. You looked under FILE menu|RECENT PROJECTS? Be sure to back up regularly, using SAVE AS, with an incremental number, so as to not overwrite the previous file.
  2. Above the media bin, click the SEQUENCE tab and click on your sequence. In the preview window, just below the thumbnails, you will see a red bracket (at the left of the selected area) and a blue bracket (at the right). Drag the red one far left. Drag the right one far right. This should remove the grey area and allow full export of the timeline.
  3. Drop the background image onto track one, and make it any length you like. Drop the green screen image onto track two, open the EFFECTS box and adjust the sliders for best presentation. In reality, other colors than green can be used. The 'key' to clean keying with this tool is to have marked contrast between the desired and undesired portions of the image.
  4. borate

    Audio Help

    Please upload a short project so folks can check it out. Click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the result - all files - to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Create a shared/public link and post it here.
  5. I've never run across that, Nat. But there are some tools in Wavepad. If they don't do the job, PM me.
  6. Can you supply a link so folks can take a look? Try creating a video file - to YouTube standards - and uploading that, instead of a direct VP upload. Report results here.
  7. Precisely what I found. Thanks for looking into it.
  8. While experimenting with this another anomaly surfaced... Select several clips, click EFFECTS, then chose an effect (SCALE, as an example). VP prompts to apply to one, X number or to all clips. Yet no matter what choice is made, the effect is applied to only a single clip.
  9. Upload your elements to Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and post a public link here, so someone can experiment. You tried SCALE and CROP?
  10. Several years ago saving (as VPJ file) appeared to be unhampered in the free version. But, non-registered software allowed export in only a limited number of formats - AVI and WMV, as I recall. This may have changed, but try those formats. What is the length of your project?
  11. Odd. Try a reinstall, using this file. Right-click it and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR, for the install.
  12. See what Express Burn does for you. And, if space is tight, this utility might be useful.
  13. Right-click on the track, then click the UNLINK item.
  14. Played in sync, without pause, in both VP preview and Mp4 output in Windows Media Player. But I question the multiple audio tracks. Laid down your Mp3 as a single track, then exported an Mp4 at the detected resolution, using default encoding settings. Result was pretty much in sync when viewed on various media players. No freeze. This may be related to PC resources. Close all other programs when working with the project. Lower preview resolution (right-click in the window) may produce better results from within VP.
  15. You tacked onto a two-year old thread; it's best to start anew. But since we're here, please click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Zip all the results and upload to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will analyze your project.
  16. You may find VP's encoding flexibility to be an advantage, when you become more familiar with it. Some other programs offer only limited presets.
  17. For your test you should not be required to upgrade.
  18. A problem in the project as loaded is that the second effect is an overlay, which overrides the main video, obscuring its effect. Instead, bring up the overlay's effect box and click the SAVE AS CHAIN icon in the toolbar. Delete the overlay track. Bring up the main track's effect box and click the green + sign; add the chained effect that you just saved, which will be at the bottom of the effect choices. Now you have both effects on the main track, and they track as intended. There's a bit of black flicker early on in the left car's effect, but you may be able to work with the keyframes to eliminate that. The result.
  19. My error; you uploaded corectly. Had in mind that there would be more than one source file.
  20. No, that's the same result as your earlier attempt. First, have your project loaded on the time line... FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT should result in a folder that contains all the media files + the VPJ. As the name implies, this is your project, which can be reloaded by clicking the VPJ. And it's these files that can be zipped into a single .zip archive and uploaded to the server.
  21. What's needed in your zipped upload is the source material. Include all the video/audio files + the VPJ file, not the completed Mp4. Then someone can reconstruct the project.
  22. What VP version? The latest is here. If possible, use FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Zip all the results and upload to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check it out.
  23. http://www.nch.com.au/kb/10205.html https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/support.html
  24. The black strobe at :33 is evident in the video above. But what is the intent of the vertical black bars at :25? To analyze the project, what's needed is the result of FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Zip all the files, including the VPJ, and upload to a link that can be made public here.
  25. Let someone take a look. With the project loaded click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here.
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