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Everything posted by borate

  1. Very odd. The intro was tacked onto the front of a video clip. In a second test the clip was added to the intro - with all on the same track. Then the test was repeated with the intro on the overlay track. In no case was video clip audio impacted. Upload your interview, if feasible.
  2. Export offers the choice of many preset resolutions. See if one achieves the desired effect.
  3. If video leads audio, drag the video track to the right, to make it start later. If audio leads, drag that track. Expand the time line, if need be, so small adjustments can be made. If the clip snaps back to its initial position, hold down the <alt> key while dragging.
  4. Exactly what it implies: it clears the list. Click it.?
  5. You exported a single image from Videopad? What is the file format of the image? Be sure that the TRANSPARENCY (opacity) effect has not been applied. If possible, upload it to a server like Dropbox, Pictr, MS OneDrive, Google Drive or the like. Make the to it public (share) and post that link here. Someone will check it out.
  6. If the eye doesn't see the difference, then this is probably not a concern in your usage context . No expertise claimed; others with more knowledge may weigh in.
  7. Make your choices in the various fields. Auto Detect senses and replicates the parameters of the source. File type can also be specified. Mp4 is common, using the default encoding settings.
  8. What format? What encoding? When in the export screen, did you specify ""Auto detected resolution" and "Auto detected frame rate" in those fields, respectively? Click each field for a drop-down menu that reveals the wide variety of export options.
  9. Here is your earlier linked file, which now works in VP. Give it time to load. If you have others - as long as there are not dozens - link to them as well. To download, right-click and SAVE VIDEO AS.
  10. What's the Videopad version? Here's the latest. What is the export file type? Are default settings being used? If possible, upload a project that displays this behavior. Someone will check it out. With your project on the time time line, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file.
  11. For best response, please post a single, new topic with a descriptive subject. Upload your exported, completed file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check it out.
  12. Don't use a transition to fade out. Click the FX button at the bottom-left of the clip and choose the TRANSPARENCY (opacity) effect. Open the preset dropdown and choose FADE OUT. Click the icon with the squiggly line, to expose the animation line. In the graph, near the end of the clip, drag the blue line upwards. A keyframe will be created when the mouse is released. This line is the fade trajectory. Drag the keyframe dot left or right to change the fade length. Drag it up or down to change transparency . To UNDO press <ctrl-Z>. To delete keyframes, place the pointer on the keyframe until it lights up, then right-click and DELETE.
  13. When checking for errant clips try Storybook mode; it's easier to spot them. Glad you got it solved!
  14. What version of VP? Give the latest a try. Yes, that file has no content. With your project on the time time line, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check things out. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file.
  15. Does the mouse work correctly in other programs? It's not clear what you mean when clicking on a "split part of the video." Are you clicking on a clip that has been created as a result of splitting? You say "when I zoom." That term normally refers to a zoom effect. What is being zoomed? And when you refer to the cursor, is that the scubber (the red line) and, specifically, what is meant by a return to "the middle of the editing?" A video of what is happening would be helpful, if you have that ability. Upload it to a free server, like Google Drive or MS OneDrive. Make the link public (shared) and post it here.
  16. Click the mail icon at the top right of the page, then COMPOSE NEW. Type the user name into the TO field and it will self-complete. You can send the files, or a portion thereof that exhibits the problem, to me or to c_major (admin).
  17. An alternative to posting the URL to an upload in the forum is the personal messaging feature. No files or links will be made public, but shared only with the developers.
  18. It would be enlightening for developers to test the two video tracks that preview slowly. If feasible, with your project on the time line, please click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. If there are numerous files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file. Three thoughts... Was the cache cleared prior to beginning the new project? OPTIONS|DISK. Doing so now will make loading slow, of course. Toggle video hardware acceleration on/off under OPTIONS|EDITING, to see if there's any improvement. Break up the project into usable 'chunks' - each a sequence. Assemble the sequences later. Bear in mind that a sequence - saved, or dragged into a new sequence from the bin - becomes one continuous clip, combining all the clips it contains.
  19. Using Firefox? The security warning shows up here as well, but not in the Edge browser. Doesn't seem a cause for concern. Add Pictr as an exception, then proceed as Nat describes, or use another free server.
  20. Here's the link to the 'sticky.' You can upload to DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or any public server. Be sure to make the link 'public' - if required.
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