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Everything posted by borate

  1. 1) F11 takes a snapshot of the sequence, not the clip preview. 2) You can right click the clip preview and select Take Snapshot of Clip. This should take a snapshot of the clip preview. 3) You can use File menu -> Clip -> New Freeze Frame Image from Preview or File menu -> Sequence -> New Freeze Frame Image from Preview. In some versions of the user interface, these choices - CLIP and SEQUENCE - are shown on a separate menu bar, not under FILE.
  2. Those new clips are uncompressed WAV files, to preserve highest quality. Though there's no provision within VP to convert them, numerous tools can. Try WavePad.
  3. Speed applies to the clip, not to the transition. In fact, the fade may shorten - relative to the increased speed of the clip. If you truly want a two-second fade on a sped-up clip you might... 1. set speed 2. export the clip 3. import it back into VP, replacing the original. 4. apply the fade.
  4. Several files were tested in VP 6.31, AAC export set at 192, which resulted in 177-197 kbps. Sounded fine on a decent PC speaker set up. Upload your clean, original file and link it here. Someone will export it and take a listen.
  5. Check out the capabilities of WavePad. Fiddle with compression.
  6. Yes, the FX remained. In a test of another project that had no effects but similar issues, removal of the transitions led to success.
  7. borate

    VIdeopad crashes!

    Does this help?
  8. Yes, that result was seen here in another recent project that exhibited a similar fault. But, of course, that's an unacceptable fix. It's being worked on...
  9. Changed all fades to crossfades and deleted the extraneous clip. No change - truncated at about 3:16. This is a deeper issue that the techs will soon solve.
  10. Got word that the devs have been able to replicate the fault. Oddly, the project exports okay using VP 6.31 in Windows 7. Same machine, same hardware at 10. 10 is on a platter and 7 is on an SSD (with much less free space). Slightly different video drivers and, perhaps, Direct-X version.
  11. Perhaps. Yet several recent projects have had the export issue. Another user had only fade transitions between his clips, as I recall. No effects. Export succeeded after they were removed. Or, with fades intact, the process was successful only after applying the sequence splitting/combining workaround.
  12. More testing with 6.31 successfully exported at 16x9 resolutions below 1920. At that res or higher the file was truncated. Frame rates and compressor seemed not to matter. No changes had been made to TAC's project.
  13. Video editing is resource intensive. What are your PC's specifications: CPU, GPU, RAM, free space on C:\? Lowering preview resolution may help. Right-click in the preview window to change it. Try toggling hardware acceleration on or off, under OPTIONS|EDITING tab, to see if that makes a difference. Check this out as well. If possible, share a project where the freezing is evident. To do that follow the instructions in the "Tips for getting help..." post near the top of this forum.
  14. If you share the project, as instructed above, someone will check to see if they see what you see.
  15. The link was good. 55 files. VP saw them all and loaded them into the project, just as it did earlier.
  16. Things to try... If a clip's video and audio are linked, right-click and UNLINK them. To the left of the audio track, click the "lock." That should prevent video changes from affecting audio. There's also a change clip feature. In the clip bin, right-click the clip, click CHANGE or REPLACE FILE. Locate the new clip and click on it.
  17. Again, wasn't able to spot the problem. The developers are looking into it. A 1920 X 1080P export went well, after fiddling. You show me a home where the buffalo roam ... and I'll show you a might messy house.
  18. borate


    See "Tips for getting help..." near the top of this forum for instructions on how to post a link to an image. How much free space is available on the C:\ disk? And the specs of your PC??
  19. During export there are many choices listed in the PRESET drop-down menu. Choose the one that fits your needs.
  20. No reports on this, as far as I know. Share that video and someone will check it out. To do that, see the post titled "Tips for getting help..." near the top of this forum. It explains how to upload your project files.
  21. Checked several times, using 6.31. Doesn't do that here. Always ripples the clips that follow, even if speed is altered (faster or slower) on only the first clip in the sequence.
  22. borate


    What are your PC's specs: CPU, GPU, free space on C:\, RAM? Video editing is resource intensive.
  23. You've made changes. No harm checking the latest incarnation of your project. See "Tips for getting help..." near the top of the forum for instructions on how to upload.
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