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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate

    Text effects

    On the text clip, click the FX icon. Then click the large green + at the top-left of the window and choose the SCALE effect. With the red-line cursor at the head of the clip, create a keyframe by clicking the smaller green + sign. Move the line to the place where you want the movement to end. Drag the right-bottom handle in the preview window, or use the sliders, to make the text as small as you like - or vanish. Create another keyframe, if necessary. Keyframes are signified by tiny squares. Preview the result and make adjustments as needed. For more info, click the ? at the top-right of VP's window. In the Effects and Transitions section you will see "Animating Video Effects."
  2. This isn't mandatory, but it may make your editing easier as the preview window will be about the size of the video being edited. You can always change it, or restore the default 768x422. Text should be on an overlay track - track 2, 3, 4, etc. - with the background clip on a lower numbered track. Typically, background is on track 1, text on track 2. Then the VIEW choices should be available.
  3. As Nat noted in his post, the INSERT IMAGE feature appears to be missing in VP recent versions. A report has been filed. Changing the preview resolution won't affect export, but only what is seen while editing. Adjust it to closely match the resolution of the clips being edited. To see the VIEW button, place the text clip on the timeline, then double-click on that clip. When exporting, first try one of the "auto" modes that are available towards the bottom of the resolution options drop-down menu. It's the export res that determines the size of the video.
  4. First, right-click in the preview window and CHANGE PREVIEW SETTINGS to match the aspect ratio of your project. Then, while in the text editor, click the VIEW icon (under the preview window) and choose CLIP AND BACKGROUND or SEQUENCE. You will then see how the text fits with the background video or image and can adjust text line spacing to fit. For video size, explore EXPORT resolution settings. Choose one from the many options that most closely matches the res and aspect ratio of your project.
  5. borate

    Deleting Unused

    Import the file to the bin (top-left). Drag the scrubber (red-line cursor) under the preview window to where the clip is to start, then click the START button. Drag it to the end point, click the END button. Drag the clip to the timeline or right click on it and PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT START, AT CURSOR, or AT END. The original file will be preserved, but can be handled as Miggy notes above.
  6. Divvying up the project isn't a bad idea. Not clear on what you mean by "adjust the original footage speed?" Experiment with first creating lower-resolution clips, and use those in editing. When satisfied, and the project is saved, replace those clips with the originals by using FILE|CHANGE FILE.
  7. Can't pin down why preview is choppy, but export is fine. Suspect it's related to speed changes. Video runs short of audio; no doubt that's intentional or the project is incomplete. There were two gaps near the head, which you can spot in STORYBOOK mode. To close them, right-click and CLOSE GAP. As a matter of practice, if this project is to be monochrome, you might want to hold off on the color title and B/W effect for each clip. After assembling the clips, create a new sequence by clicking the + sign to the right of the sequence 1 tab, above the timeline. The new sequence 2 will be blank. In the bin (top-left) click the SEQUENCES tab and drop sequence 1 onto the sequence 2 timeline. It will then contain the whole project as a single clip. (The audio track won't display, but it's there.) Then apply the B/W effect to that clip and add the color title at the head. Export sequence 2.
  8. The stuttering result is apparent. Please upload the project, per the instructions above, and someone will check it out.
  9. Do multiple exports during a single session and the export folder you choose will stick. Reopen Videopad and it will revert to the VIDEO folder. It's been suggested that the user should have the option, perhaps in the OPTIONS|DISK box, to select the default folder of their choice. Resolution appears to default to 1920 x 1080 between startups. Click the resolution chevron for the drop-down box and choose an "auto match" item or any other that you prefer. Haven't seen EXPORT|VIDEO summon "create a disk" here.
  10. It isn't clear what version 3 or 5 refers to. The latest VP incarnation is 6.24. The file stats of exported videos can be viewed as stated above.
  11. And each copy can be individually trimmed without affecting the others.
  12. Clips in the bin (top-left) can be copied. One way is to right-click the clip and COPY. Then, in an open space in the bin, right-click and PASTE CLIP. Clips on the timeline can be copied by selecting (highlighting) one or more, then pressing <ctrl-C>, to copy them. Place the scrubber (red line) where the clip is to be inserted and press <ctrl-V>. Choose one of the paste options: insert, overwrite or overlay.
  13. What VP version? The latest is here. What are your PC's stats: CPU, RAM, disk free space, video card? What is the export resolution? Lower res projects will produce faster.
  14. Use the latest version, if it's been less than six months since purchase. Right-click in the preview window and change preview resolution to a lower preset. Allow the green line above the timeline thumbnails to complete before previewing. The line represents the caching process. Close all background applications while editing and exporting. Share your project, if it's not a lengthy one, so someone can check it out. Here's how... 1. Save the project. Then, with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum. Video editing is resource intensive. It's advisable to have at least 8GB of RAM, copious free disk space, and a fast processor such as an I5 or I7.
  15. If set to ASK and adequate FROM and TO video remains on each side of the cut, to cover the dissolve length, a prompt wouldn't be expected. Varying transition lengths tested here do not overlap or shorten the video. However, when the transition length is revised in the effects window - made longer or shorter, but still with adequate excess FROM/TO video - the prompt does appear. That behavior isn't bad, but seems somewhat inconsistent with what would be expected.
  16. A keyframe is but a point on the timeline; there's no min or max # and no set # to move from A to B. e.g.: To move off-screen left to off-screen right would take only two keyframes. First keyframe at the head of the timeline - with the image off-screen left; second keyframe at the end of the timeline - with the image positioned off-screen right. Or, let's say, pic moves from off-screen left to center screen, stops for a while, then moves off-screen right. The first keyframe would be set when image is off-screen left. Move the scrubber a few seconds later and position the image center screen. Set a keyframe. Scrubber is moved a few seconds more and another keyframe is set with exactly the same image positioning. Then, finally, a keyframe at the end of the timeline with image positioned off-screen right. This logic applies to many effects, not just movement. Right-click on a keyframe square in the graph window to see options such as deleting a "curve handle" - a more advanced concept that adjusts linearity between keyframes. The closer keyframes are to one another for a specific action the quicker the action will complete.
  17. Yes, keyframing is ... key. You might use the MOTION effect. With the scrubber (red line) at the head of the project drag the pic in the preview window to the start position. Or just leave it centered, as is. Click the small green + on the toolbar, to set a keyframe. Move the scrubber to the end and then drag the image to the location where it will complete. Click the green +. That's the pan. Click the SCALE item and move the slider to the right to scale up the pic. Click the +. This is the zoom. Drag the pic up or down to reposition it, if desired. Click the green +. The result is a pan & zoom in. A tutorial. There are a number of ways to manipulate the elements: drag the image or the handles in the preview window, drag the sliders in the effects window, or drag an animation line in the graph, which can also be used to create keyframes.
  18. For individual files on the PC try a right-click on the file, click PROPERTIES and then the DETAILS tab. Or open the file in a viewer and access its properties there - likely under the FILE menu. For Videopad exports, check out the info under the COMPRESSOR, FILE SIZE and related buttons that are available when specifying export parameters.
  19. And the issue of single-channel mono audio that panned left when a stereo file was added to the project, discussed here, also appears to have been fixed.
  20. borate

    Saving a clip

    One approach would be to drop the clips into separate sequences, then export each sequence. With the project on the timeline, select the first clip that you want to isolate and press <ctrl-C> to copy it. Click the + sign to the right of the SEQUENCE 1 tab. That will create a new, blank sequence 2. Place the pointer at the head of sequence 2 and press <crtl-V> paste. Export SEQUENCE 2. Then delete the clip that's in SEQUENCE 2 and repeat the process with the second clip to be isolated...or create a third, blank sequence for that clip.
  21. Glad to hear it. A brief test here hints that this should be fixed in the next release.
  22. Under OPTIONS|EDITING tab, specify FREEZE as the clip transitioning default ... or ASK, and when asked choose freeze. The OVERLAP default may cause audio to go out of sync. Iif there isn't sufficient video at the end of the FROM clip or start of the TO clip it shortens video to accommodate the transition.
  23. No doubt. If you mute the stereo channel/s as a test the mono mp4 will probably move to the center. There's an easy workaround, while the developers address the issue.
  24. Is this the licensed (registered) version of VP? If not, there are limitations on the number of tracks and some other features after a trial period. If a track is available you should be able to drag the audio to the area beneath an existing audio track where it states "drag and drop your audio clips here to mix."
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