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Everything posted by borate

  1. Share your project and someone will track this down. It's easy. What version of the program is being used? Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  2. Depending upon the position of the watermark, scale the video larger, to move the WM out of the frame. Or add a blank clip or other graphic, cropped to cover the WM, as an overlay. This might also be useful.
  3. What version of Videopad is being used? Test the current release. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Let's see the project, so it can be checked out and the problem resolved. It's not difficult, and can be private... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  4. The way to track this down is to share your project. It's not difficult, and will lessen your stress. Do this, and someone will be glad to troubleshoot it for you... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  5. Odd. Save your project, then restart VP and reload it. You also might try a reinstall. Come back here if that fails.
  6. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Don't forget to share the file (make it public) and post the link here.
  7. Research by a developer found that the two files do have differences. In the future, VP may handle them. If your DVcam provides the option of 12 bit PCM 32kHz or 16 bit PCM 48khz, try the latter. VP doesn't support the former. For now, when you encounter 'shrinkage', consider employing an external demuxer as outlined above.
  8. The (clip) bin is simply the upper-left space where those tabs lie - video, audio, images, and any new tabs that you create. It works precisely as you describe.
  9. Take the time to upload and share it and someone will check it out.*_*
  10. On the sequence clips can be selected (highlighted), then the fx button for any one of them clicked. When the effects box appears click the large green + sign and scroll to the Aspect Ratio Transforms section. Choose one of the three options. Then click the chevron to the right of the Auto Aspect Ratio field for a drop-down box of choices. Lastly, click the fourth icon from the left in the toolbar (REPLACE clip chain) to add this change to all selected clips. The fifth button on the toolbar will APPEND to existing effects. The aspect of Individual bin clips can also be changed prior to dropping them onto the sequence. Use the right-click menu. During export click the RESOLUTION box to affect the overall output. The CROP AND ZOOM button may prove useful. A little experimentation should achieve the desired result.
  11. Some thoughts... Proxy editing for large files can improve workflow, but they need not be reduced to the very lowest resolution. A global zoom might best be applied after all other effects/edits are completed and the project saved AS, so as not to overwrite earlier saves. Open a new blank sequence 2, click the SEQUENCE tab in the bin and import Sequence 1 into Sequence 2. Overlays and audio will not show, but they are there. Sequence 2 is now a single clip of all Seq 1 material. Apply the global effect. This procedure can also be employed to break a project into clips which can be exported and later assembled. That can be useful for a lengthy effort that becomes unwieldy, and may apply to your second query. If a direct YouTube upload fails, use their uploader after VP export to an approved YT format. To lift segments of a master clip, place the clip on the timeline. Split out the desired first segment, then drag it to the bin. A new clip with only that content will be added. Split out another clip and drag it ... and so on. When all the pieces are stored in the bin clear the sequence and assemble the clips onto the blank sequence.
  12. Your answer, from NCH... It is normal image stabilization uses only one processor because it is not a multithread task.
  13. Save the project regularly. Click the chevron to the right of SAVE on the toolbar and SAVE AS, giving it a unique # or name so as to not overwrite earlier saves. Or click the 'hamburger' menu at the upper-left, click FILE and SAVE PROJECT AS. And, of course, don't move or delete any source files. As an experiment you might want to test this slightly older version. It may not be able to be registered but export should still work - at least as an AVI at default settings. Some effects made with newer versions may not render. You can always reinstall your paid version and re-register with your code, if need be. Upgrades from the time of purchase are free for six-months.
  14. If you share it in a Personal Message, it won't be seen by others and will be deleted after the issue is analysed. Just click the envelope at the top-right and direct the link to me. That's the best way to try to replicate - perhaps fix - the issue.
  15. Josh has the answer, below. Need more general purchase info? See... https://www.nch.com.au/software/buyfaqcontact.html
  16. So you succeeded? What version of VP is being used? Share the project and someone will check out how it exports for them. It's not difficult... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  17. Expand the track with the slider at the bottom right. That will stretch the clip.
  18. It might be easier and better sounding to insert a sentence. But sentence or word, the procedure is the same. First, load the new word or sentence into the bin. 1. Right-click on the clip in the sequence that's to be changed and UNlink 2. Right-click the blank area to the left of the video track on the sequence and LOCK TRACK (If there are additional video tracks, lock them as well) 3. Position the cursor (the red line) at the start of the word or sentence to be replaced. Right-click the very top of the cursor (looks like a downward arrow) and SPLIT ALL TRACKS Do the same for the end of the word or sentence 4. Click the audio clip that was just created by those splits and press the <del> key on the keyboard to create a gap (or right-click | DELETE) 5. Reposition the cursor at the start of the gap (The ||< and >|| buttons below the preview window can help to do this accurately) 6. Click the audio tab above the bin, right-click the new audio clip and OVERLAY ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR This will place the new audio on its own track, below the gap, so as to not disturb synchronization Play If the word doesn't fit, re-record it and try again, as above, until it does If you make a mistake along the way, press <ctrl-Z> to backtrack
  19. borate

    Fire effect

    Adding to Nat's good suggestions, some GIF animations with transparent backgrounds succeed without chroma key (green screen). Here's an example... Fire_gif.mp4
  20. What version of Videopad is being used? What are the specs of the PC: GPU, CPU, free space on cache drive, RAM? Share the project in its current state and someone will check it out. It's not difficult... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  21. If the files are still intact, look in the source folder or the one that stores the VPJ control file. An auto backup of the project may have been made.
  22. Shouldn't take but a few minutes. Share it in a link here, as instructed above, or send me a Personal Message (PM). We'll check it out.
  23. Though it's not clear why some of your muxed files don't have the 'shrinkage' issue, a demuxing utility can process those that do. Here's a suggested procedure... 1. Use the demuxer utility to create an Mp3 file of the audio 2. Import the project 3. Unlink audio 4. Substitute the Mp3 for the entire audio track That's what worked here. Then the project was exported from an SSD drive as an Mp4 at default settings. Other formats may also succeed.
  24. All that's needed is another sample file - one that does NOT have the problem. Please upload and share it just as you did the other two.
  25. Full backward compatibility isn't always possible and it's wise to edit/export the project with the version - or a close version - to the one that created the project. Old versions are here. The best way to get help with your work is to share it. This isn't difficult, and someone will be glad to check it out. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it. If the project simply won't load, owing to this issue, zip all the source files including the VPJ control file, and upload that folder to the server.
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