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Everything posted by borate

  1. Unable to replicate your issue, using version 7.53 Allowed project to fully cache Exported as Mp4 (defaults), 480x360, 25fps
  2. Could be; there have been issues in the past. File a bug report. Note that AVI export offers a range of audio compressors and format settings.
  3. AVI, using the H264 default codec, looked, sounded and seeked fine in MPC-BE, which is similar to VLC. No crashes. The audio bitrate can be increased slightly, if desired. Click the Default Quality/Filesize blue link and in the Sound Format drop-down list scroll to the top (auto detect) item. If you want a still higher bitrate, try the WMV format, which is also accepted by YouTube. Choose 320kbps in the Sound Format section. While using high quality headphones, no tests here revealed any audio artifacts - just the expected crackling. That said, it's non inconceivable that your ears are hearing high frequency sounds that mine cannot. If that's the case you might split out the audio track portions that are in question, open the audio effects window and choose EQUALIZER. Using one of the several options - visual, graphic, parametric - experiment with rolling off the highest frequencies. Also, try the AMPLIFY effect to slightly lower volume in those areas or even a little compression.
  4. Afraid you're stuck with a lengthy export, unless you can lower the resolution and/or frame rate. Didn't follow through the entire process but in version 7.53 your export was near the 25% mark in 20 minutes. So that would be around 16 minutes into the 1:03:38 project.
  5. You can certainly try Dangerfreak's suggestion, but here, using default Mp4 settings, export sounds the same as the source. No digital glitches - just the expected bag/wrapping crackling.
  6. Perhaps not necessary, but it might be wise to always wait for cachiing ... to allow a smoother preview. An export outputs only the sequence that is currently displayed on the timeline - all tracks. If Sequence 2 has been added, as instructed above, it will be the entirety of Sequence 1 as a single clip. You won't see overlays or audio waveform, but they're present. Then export Sequence 2, after making the speed change. You can also try it the way you did in the first instance, making speed changes on each Sequence 1 clip, but that wouldn't be my preference.
  7. 7.53 likely won't require more resources, but don't quote me on that. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Don't think there's a need to break up the project; wasn't here ... and it remained in sync.
  8. Just as a test, fill the gap with a blank clip. Also, before exporting, allow the green caching line that's above the thumbnails to complete. In the export menu, click the Default Quality /Filesize blue link and switch the compressor to MPEG. Test other file formats as well, such as AVI. This may be a Mac-related issue. Mention that and include the link to your project when you relay your findings to NCH. Click the chevron at the right-top of the VP window for a link to a bug form. You might also try this older version to see if it succeeds at 1080. Retain your installer and licensing info, if any.
  9. We can troubleshoot this if you share the project files. This isn't difficult, just follow the steps outlined here. Please mention what VP version is being used. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  10. Tested the new project using version 7.53 with the Sequence 2 method outlined above at 93% speed and "retain pitch" box UNchecked. It stayed in sync and sounded much better.
  11. Using version 7.53 and exporting with default Mp4 1080 settings, the project looks, uh, 'slick.' No problem, but for a gap in the track just prior to the closing slide. Go to Storyboard mode and it will be evident. Right-click it and CLOSE GAP. Quicktime is dated and no longer supported. Try MPC-BE (used here), Windows Media Player, or VLC.
  12. Those appear to be the final output, so that won't help. But on further examination it appears that the issue is one of "keeping pitch unchanged." UNcheck that box and the project should stay in sync, though the voice may be a bit too manly at 85%. As a compromise try 90-95. Whether this is a bug or not is unclear, but it has been reported. On isolated clips, with minimal speed change, any sync deviation likely wouldn't be noticed.
  13. Perhaps there is a hardware element, but can't say. Upload the PORTABLE project before the speed change and share it here if possible. We'll continue to investigate. What is the speed-reduction factor?
  14. No option for that. Click the chevron at the top-right of the VP window and file a suggestion. However, you can program a template with the transparency effect that has the desired duration. Create the curve, then click the white & blue Save folder on the effects toolbar and name it. It will look something like this... When you want that fade click the fx button on the clip or VIDEO EFFECTS on the toolbar, scroll down to the templates area and click on your saved effect. It will be applied. You can also drag the edge of a fade transition on the timeline, to change its duration.
  15. Are you direct uploading via Videopad ... or exporting a file in a YT compatible format, and using their uploader? If not the latter, give that a try. When you export to a file - perhaps an Mp4 - does playback (in Windows Media Player or the like) look good? If no joy, the best way to see what you see is to upload and share the project. Someone will check it out. The process is not difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it. Discussion continued via Private Message (PM). It appeared that the audio had been overdriven/clipped.
  16. Auto--match is but a suggestion. Since high quality isn't an issue here, it might be best to use the lowest res and frame rate that looks acceptable for both the initial Mp4 export and the final speed-reduced export.. Check the Insert transition frames check-box to add blended frames to help with the transition between video frames when the speed is reduced. Not much more you can do with the original 101 project, but try the above suggested procedure on your next effort - and shoot with better lighting. And here's another approach to mess with when you're in an experimental mood... Complete editing with NO speed changes except possibly to a few overlay clips and SAVE PROJECT AS with a unique name, should there be a need to restore. Click the + sign on the Sequence 1 tab above the tiimeline, to create a new blank sequence. With that blank Sequence 2 chosen, click the SEQUENCES tab in the bin, right-click on the Sequence 1 folder and PLACE CLIP ON SEQUENCE AT START. Sequence 2 is now a composited single clip of Sequence 1. Though the overlays and audio track won't be visible, they're there. Apply the speed change to Sequence two and export it See if it remains in sync.
  17. Good analysis by Nat. Killing other processes/programs during export might also help. It would be interesting to chart export time here, on a PC similar to yours. What format - Mp4? If possible, please share a project. Takes only minutes and can be private. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  18. It's likely that the many individual speed changes are causing sync to slip. Doubt that it's a bug. Still, the fact that preview is in sync and export is out has been noted to the developers. This may be the best and simplest solution... Build the entire project with effects but without any speed changes on the speaker's linked A/V tracks. (If needed, speed changes on the video overlays shouldn't affect tracks 1.) When editing is complete SAVE as a project and then export as an Mp4. Restart VP and load that Mp4 file. Now apply the speed change overall to that single file, with the "add frames" box checked. As a test, verify results by exporting at lowest resolution. If that looks good, then up the res to the desired value and export again. Let us know.
  19. Requested access, but be aware that this should not be necessary. Simply make the link public and, if you want it kept private, include it in a Personal Message to me. Click the envelop at the top-right of the window and type in my name.
  20. Folks do it all the time; there's no limit. Any error message? What version is in use? Reinstalling might be worth a try. Here is the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. If you take a few minutes to share a project that balks at 1080 export someone will check it out. It's not difficult... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  21. If direct YouTube uploads.fail, use the YT uploader instead. http://tinyurl.com/hcdrpts
  22. It's usually best to export with the version (or close to it) that created the project. The 5x series is dated. In recent years folks began to mix various resolutions and aspect ratios, which caused confusion, so newer versions reworked how certain effects are handled. Their order can be important and the enhancements call for an increased learning curve. While that may be frustrating at first it's not a bug. Total backward compatibility isn't guaranteed. Please do upload/share a project that has the issue, and create it with the latest version if possible. The process isn't difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it. We'll see how it does here.
  23. Not everyone experiences this, and caching has improved. In the future the CPU will be better utilized. Unless you upload and share the project little can be discerned. Not irrelevant but, yes, it does take time and effort. Folks will be glad to check it out and report the issues to the developers.
  24. These settings should give best presentation with smallest file size. You can up the frames per second (fps) to 25 if desired. Note the Crop and Zoom choice. If you prefer a 4:3 output change the resolution to 768x576.
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