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Everything posted by borate

  1. In recent Videopad versions the preview resolution is pre-determined. There is no manual setting.
  2. On the overlay video, click the fx button (far-left corner) and click ASPECT RATIO TRANSFORMS | LETTERBOX. Export. That solves the issue. If you are using the latest version it will be here...
  3. <shift> shouldn't be required. Use the ||< and >|| icons below the preview window to precisely position the scrubber (the red line) between clips. Then right-click on the clip (in the bin) that is to be inserted and PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR.
  4. Tried composing the text in the Hebrew editor of your choice, then pasting it into the Videopad text window? Should do the job - just watch the margins, so they fit into the video or image.
  5. The preview window shows an image of a graph. You say "it's a picture of it looking poorly." Instead of a picture (a screen grab), please upload the source png file so someone can load and test it. It's not difficult. How to include a link to screenshots (or any file) in your forum post: Upload the file to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. Copy (share) the URL and paste it into your post here. The resolution of the image that you have linked looks reasonably normal here - both in the OneDrive window and when downloaded and displayed in an image viewer.
  6. Odd indeed. Upload the project, please. Someone will check it out. See the prior post for info to supply and instructions on how to upload and share your project.
  7. Upload the project and someone will check it out... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  8. Plays, displays and exports here, using 7.51, just as Nat notes. Check your version #; there is no 7.52 AFAIK. There are six channels of audio, so that may be the cause.
  9. Upload the source file, please...not a picture of the file but the original graph itself.
  10. Making several Mp4 tests with an AVI and WMV the resulting audio bitrate is no higher than 192kbps - often 158 - whether 320 or highest quality is specified. That faintly recalls an issue that may have been touched upon some time back. A bug report has been filed. That said, audio sounds fine here when the WMV source file is compared to VP export at Mp4 default settings, playing in MPC-BE. AFAIK there have seen no recent complaints on audio quality. If you want 320kbps try WMV output and make that choice in the drop-down box.
  11. The latest VP version is 7.53 (Windows). You certain that's what you have? Preview looks just fine in every version tested here. There are a number of ways to capture the screen. One is the Windows Snipping Tool. Click START (button) and scroll down until you see it. Use it. Then open an image viewer, like Wiindows Paint and paste with <ctrl-V>. Save the file and upload it to a free server. Then paste the link here. More info... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  12. VideoPad has been known to crash due to problems with older graphics card drivers. If you are experiencing frequent crashes then you should download and install the latest drivers for your graphics hardware and update to the latest version of DirectX. AMD / ATI users: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx Intel users: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx nVidia users: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Update DirectX: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/179113 Specifically, what are the export settings? It's often best when they use the default, and match the source resolution. Upload your project or perhaps a segment that has the issue and share it here. Someone will have a look. It's not difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  13. Sorry you have had a tough time with this. But, again, urge you to simply upload and share two files... Your SOURCE video (two-minutes) and the .VPJ file that is created when you use FILE|SAVE PROJECT AS (not Portable project). Then we can test an export. With the current VP version, there are new Aspect Ratio options available in the effects window that can be tested: CROP, LETTERBOX and STRETCH. One of those, applied to your video, may solve the problem. Those aspect ratio choices are also available on the clip in the bin via the right-click menu. Once applied, the clip can then be dropped onto the timeline. And, as Nat mentions above, "If you export at a 16:9 AR (Preset: Custom Wide screen TV for example) it should come out OK"
  14. No discernible difference in quality between Mp4 (using the AAC compressor at the default) and AVI (using Mp3 Native at 44.100 at the 224kbps default), and both play in MPC-BE. Don't have VLC but a frequent helper here does and he has never reported loss of audio. There are many user choice bitrate/sound settings available in each format. As for lossless output...https://www.nch.com.au/kb/10288.html
  15. What version of Videopad is being used? In the latest preview quality is determined by the monitor's resolution and is very acceptable. In earlier incarnations, resolution could be adjusted via the right-click menu in the preview window. Upload a screen grab and post the link here.
  16. What version of Videopad is being used? Test the current version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Share the project, so others can see it as you do and solve the issue. It's not difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  17. No, once again it's the final product. The folder created by SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS looks similar to this without the "Zoom_glitch" words. THAT'S the one to upload. But it may be easier for you to use the alternative method mentioned in my last post. Simply upload the source file (your two-minute video) and the .vpj file (the one that is created when using FILE|SAVE PROJECT AS. Make both public and post the links here. Your last attempt, using another server, did not succeed. Stick with Google Drive.
  18. Nat's tutorial and analysis of the issue is right on and, yes, your most recent link is again the final product. That's not useful in reconstructing the project as you see it on the timeline. Normally, using FILE menu|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS opens an explorer (file manager) window. You choose which folder you want for storage - often the DOWNLOAD folder. This process takes only seconds. The you upload the dated saved portable folder. That can take longer, depending upon file size and project length or complexity. Your project isn't lengthy and appears to use only a single video, with text superimposed. Here's an alternative to saving it as a portable project... 1. With the project on the timeline, click FILE|SAVE PROJECT FILE AS (not portable save). Choose the same folder that contains the source video file. 2. Upload your video SOURCE file (not the final export) to the server. 3. Upload the .vpj file that resulted from the save you just did. 4. Make each of those uploaded files public.
  19. Once the PORTABLE PROJECT is downloaded we can offer suggestions. Your link demonstrates the problem, but is the exported output file, not the project file. 1. Place the project on the timeline 2. Click the 'hamburger' (3-lined menu) at the top-left of the window. 3. Click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS . 4. Upload the resulting file - which will be a folder with a number like this: 2019-12-31 06-09-10 5. Share the file (make it public) and post the shared link here. Takes patience but you will succeed.
  20. Still no ceegar on the link you posted above. It simply prompts to open the user's Google account.
  21. You're close. The link must be shared (made public) so others can access it. Try once again.
  22. Visit the Wavepad forum. http://nch.invisionzone.com/forum/6-wavepad/ And note this FAQ.
  23. Try your portable project upload/share once again please. What version of VP is being used? When editing with recent VP versions choose MATCH MONITOR, under the preview window. Compose text so that it fits within the horizontal boundaries of your images. Also, with recent versions, you might try adding the Aspect ratio|LETTERBOX effect to the two-minute video clip.
  24. What version of Videopad is being used? What format and resolution are the source files? What is the export format and resolution? To iron this out please share the project and someone will check it out for you. It's not difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  25. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a bug and has been reported. Updates/fixes are released regularly
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