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Everything posted by borate

  1. Not normal. What are the PC's specs: CPU/GPU/RAM? Be sure that your video driver and Direct-X are up to date... https://www.nch.com.au/kb/10265.html Install the latest 64-bit version. If the problem persists check back here.
  2. The free version link from the home page... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vpsetup.exe
  3. VP = Videopad. Create as many bins or folders as desired. If the standard (not the 'free') download of the program is installed, but not licensed, it's a trial. Certain features will be disabled in time. There may or may not not then be an option to revert to the free version. Sometimes uninstalling via Windows Control Panel|Programs and Features will offer that choice.
  4. VP has default bins: Sequences, Video Files, Audio Files, Images... Create new bins by clicking the + sign to the right of "Images." They will be shown to the right of the existing bins. Create new folders by clicking on the yellow folder with the + sign, under the bin names in the toolbar. ADD CLIP (of the same clip type) to a selected folder. Or right-click, COPY/PASTE CLIP between folders and bins. Or drag from default folders to user-created folders. Experiment to get a feel of the quick and versatile options.
  5. From this NCH Website... VideoPad Video Editing Software The "Master's Edition" registration has all features - unlimited audio tracks and plugins. You can use a single installation of VideoPad (on a single computer) without restrictions. The "Home Edition" registration has all the features of VideoPad Master's Edition except support for plugins, and you are limited to two simultaneous audio tracks. For more information about VideoPad, please see: www.nchsoftware.com/videopad
  6. The old install file is the one you used to install Videopad. It's usually stored in "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" Newer versions can always be test driven without licensing, but they will replace your dated 7.39. Later, you can either revert or upgrade. 7.39 is available here. What was your purchase date? A newer version, within the free upgrade window, may be available. That could be the fix. The registration code was mailed at purchase. If necessary to re-register, click the MENU icon at the top-left of the window, then the Register Videopad item. If you share it, someone here will run and export your project with the latest version and report results. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  7. What version is being used? Install this one. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If that doesn't resolve this issue, come back here.
  8. The folders in VP can all be displayed in the bin. in folder or list form. Clips can be added in bulk. Simply select the ones you want, then drag them into the new folder.
  9. https://www.softwarehow.com/videopad-review/ (Sale prices may vary.) The free version lacks some effects and export formats... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vpsetup.exe The other version will be a trial. Some features eventually will be disabled, similar to the free version, unless it's licensed... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vppsetup.exe
  10. Select all clips on the track, then choose the desired effect. Some effects will instantly show up on all clips. Others will apply to only the clip whose FX was clicked. In that case click the "replace effect chain" icon on the toolbar (7th from the left) to replace the effect for the other selected clips. The 8th icon will ADD the effect to the other clips. But this process can be touchy and work differently in various VP releases. Experiment. Be sure to Save AS at each crucial step. Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar. An alternative would be to copy the track (select all, then <ctrl-C> and paste into a new Sequence - <ctrl-V>. Export that sequence. It's now a single clip that can replace the original track content.
  11. Glad you sorted it out. Your file's media info hints at the discrepancy. Note that display A/R is 4:3 while width and height are 720x480. Thus, the width vs. height is 1:5. The display A/R is 1:33.
  12. A 20-minute AVI at 854x480 was exported three times... 7.51 2:46 10.57(64) 3:06 10.60(32) 3:08 Specifying LOSSLESS AVI export (from the toolbar) in version 10.57(64) took 30 seconds. You can certainly test skipping the mp4 step.
  13. Links one and two point only to the VPJ - no source file. So can't export it or the project. Link three is apparently the 7.51 export result. At the auto-selected 960x540 resolution re-export took five-seconds using beta version 10.60(32).
  14. Imports will be the quality of the source, though preview may not display at that quality. Exports will be whatever you choose. Often it's best to match the source settings. Please share a file or two that has the issue. Someone will check it out. Upload the file/s to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum. When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."
  15. Not seeing unusual behavior here. When the pointer is placed on the red line a two-headed arrow appears. When the thin line is then dragged it will create the blue selection area. Right-click in that area to see the options it offers. If a selection isn't desired, drag the line using the 'arrow' at its top... If it's still screwy. reinstall the latest release. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  16. Each time a clip is overlaid, a new track is created.
  17. New thread begun, as you tacked onto one that was many years old. If all the source files, and a VPJ, are in the same directory (folder), zip them and upload the zipped folder to a free server, so someone can take a look... Use Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum. When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."
  18. Suggest exporting each project at close to the source settings, then export the final last step at whatever settings work best for your situation. One method is to import individual exports into VP using FILE | IMPORT CLIPS FROM ANOTHER PROJECT, which will create a new sequence for each. After all projects are loaded, click the + sign next to the last timeline sequence to add a new blank sequence. Then in the bin click the SEQUENCES tab. Add all sequences to the timeline, then export that sequence. Or simply import the individual, exported sequences, place them on the timeline (in a single sequence) and export. Remember, when exported clips are imported they will be composited - no individual edits will remain.
  19. https://www.nchsoftware.com/personalfinance/support.html
  20. The track 2 audio is likely linked to a video track. UNlink it. Right-click the track and make that choice. Or place your new video on track 2 (or a higher track) and it won't affect track one. Yet it will be seen instead of track 1 because higher tracks override lower. Record_2021_07_19_06_45_05_574.mp4
  21. Don't see that here. Placing video, an image or audio clip on a separate (overlay) track should not affect the main track. A track can be locked via a right-click at its far left, but that shouldn't be necessary. Elaborate a bit on what you mean by placing it "in line with the video track." Include a screen capture if possible. Here's how... Upload the capture file to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum. When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."
  22. It's been reported that direct Videopad to YouTube exports have been known to occasionally fail due to YouTube quotas. Try it in the middle of the night. Alternatively, export your project to a suitable format (mp4 is fine) and then use the YouTube uploader... https://www.wix.com/blog/2019/02/how-to-upload-video-youtube-guide/
  23. https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201625 Perhaps different formats are available.
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