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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Simplest way. Play the clip to the start of the Advert (or drag the red cursor there) and Split the timeline. You can use the scissor icon that appears next to the red cursor line. Now drag or play the cursor line to the end of the Advert and Split the timeline again. The advert will now lie between the two split points. Right click the Advert and from the menu that appears select Delete. This will delete the Advert and leave a gap. Right click the Gap and select Close the Gap. The timeline will readjust without the Advert leaving a join. As Borate says there are other ways but this is the simplest. ("Advert" in this description means the section you wish to remove) Nat
  2. Hi Confirmed here with VP 6.23. Downloaded and exported as mp4 1920 x 1080 29.97fps without problem. Added still image (jpg) to track 1, Track 2 and Track 3....Exported as above with no problems. Nat
  3. Hi It's not the version of VP as it will pick up the fonts you have on your PC. Is it possible your version of Windows 8.1 hasn't got it installed? (My wife's Windows 8.1 here does not have Vivaldi......I use an old(er) Vista PC and it is there......?) Do a search in your Table of Characters or better your Font folder. (In 8.1 search font not vivaldi) If you can't find it then you will need to download it from the web here and drop it into your Font folder. https://www.wfonts.com/font/vivaldi This might be the same link as Borate supplied Nat
  4. Hi If you used it before you should have it on your PC as VP lists the the fonts in the Text entry screen.... The actual name in the list (red arrow) is quite small; you didn't miss it? On the other hand you may have inadvertently deleted it although that's not easily done by accident. If you can't see it in the font folder you may have to download it again and check its actually there. Nat
  5. Hi Well, the Beta 6.23 is there for checking things. The current version is 6.22 Inevitably when one cures or adds something to a complex program it can alter settings that were originally OK or even introduce new problems.. Even with the niggles it's pretty good. Nat
  6. Hi VP6.23 Beta...3 points... With several clips on the timeline. If one trims the start of the a clip using IN/OUT markers in the clip preview window, the clip correctly shortens but remaining clips on the timeline do not move along to close the gap created. Trimming the end of the clip behaves correctly; gap is closed as expected. Is this an oversight? Deleting a segment of a clip with Split (cursor icon) creates a gap that is not automatically closed. If you make a single split in the clip and drag the end of the split to the left to remove a section it works OK but the gap created before the next clip is not closed as it should be When you drag the split to the right to remove a section, the segment is removed OK but the gap created before the next clip is not closed. Should the gap close whenever a section is removed? Nat
  7. Hi Having just edited clips in project that require the borders to be trimmed off, is it possible to include a "Centre Zone" box for ticking that will, if the user wants it, automatically place the selected Zoom (or Crop) rectangle in the centre of the frame (irrespective of its AR). Currently it has to be positioned by eye which is a bit hit and miss (or involves higher mathematics ) There would appear to be ample room for a box like this in the lower part of the effect parameter window. Nat
  8. Hi Does that mean that the "blind" export options in 6.22 (shown below) that come up if I select Lossless Video as per my earlier post will also now be functional in the next release or is this some anomaly in my installation? (VideoPad Professional v 6.22) .... I note that Borate using Beta 6.23 is able to progress to the export page from the above window. Nat
  9. Hi How are you activating Lossless export?? In version 6.22 here , if I have loaded MPEG4 clips to the timeline and then click the Export Video button on the toolbar followed by Lossless Video from the choices, after a pause the option just goes to a window with three inactive choices ..Local computer; Google Drive and Dropbox. None of these options work. If I select Export Lossless Video from the choices under the File menu (I dont see the "sandwhich" button here in THIS version of 6.22), it takes me to the same window with the three inactive choices. i.e. It's a dead end; the prompts for which ought to be removed. (Unless your version they actually work.) I know the Lossless Video option box is in the export video window under the blue Default quality link but that's not easily noted. Is that what you are using? Nat
  10. Hi The Spanish accent marks (Tildes) are: á, é, í, ó, ú and ñ Enter text in the normal way with standard fontsand use the following key presses for accented letters. Depress the control key, keep it down and then follow it with the number code. If you use them a lot you will quickly get to remember the combination. (I use the french ones frequently.) á is Alt + 0225 é is Ctrl + Alt +e í is Alt + 0237 ó is Alt + 0243 ú is Alt + 0250 ñ is Alt +0241 e.g. Nat
  11. Hi JR The clip bits don't seem to be there now in version 6.22. Nat
  12. Hi The earlier bug reported for VP 6.21 which created tiny slivers of clip during insertion at a join now works OK in this version but..... Can someone check this out please? I think there is a bug here.... Drag and drop Clip 1onto the timeline. Drag and drop Clip 2 onto the overlay track but overlapping Clip 1 Click the f on the overlay clip and add a fade in of 2-3 seconds. Does this fade in work? The fade bar is present but I am finding that the overlay clip cuts in immediately...There is no fade in Now, without changing anything... Drag Clip 2 clip beyond the end of Clip 1. (It will snap back to the join) Play over the join. Does the Fade-in now function? Here it does. Moving the overlay clip seems to now activate the fade-in Now, again without changing anything, drag Clip 2 back to its original position overlapping Clip 1 and play the clips. Does the fade-in now function correctly? It does here If the above is happening then the fade-in feature using the f is not functioning correctly for overlays. Clip 2 should fade in the first time the f is used. Nat
  13. Hi Right click the clip in the bin. The menu that comes up will have the flip option (Vertical or Horizontal) This will also update the clip if it is already on the timeline. The Flip effect is also available in the effects list Motion and Transforms section in VP version 6.21. This will act on the timeline only. (...and Rotate will work as well.) Nat
  14. Hi " If i do not change the text content, I just put the image on the new project right? " That's correct. However If you want to change the text you won't be able to as it is just an image. BUT being a transparent png and provided the positioning is suitable in he first place you can add overlay text that will show through. For example If the .png is the main title that you use for every project like " INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAINT" (A company name even) each subsequent project about painting could have this title with "A DOOR"..."A WINDOW FRAME" etc. added beneath it. Saving your original title as a VP project file as you seem to be doing is also OK but it's project file and so can't be used to add the title again to the timeline like an image and means copying and pasting the relevant clips from the timeline. At the end of the day it's horses for courses! Nat
  15. Hi In the most recent version of VP (and possibly some of the earlier versions), inserting a clip between two others at a visible join by dragging and dropping results in the new clip inserting a tiny distance from the actual join. One is logically led to drop the clip when the white dotted line with the arrows appears. Unfortunately the actual insertion point is the head of the "grab arrow" that appears in the clip being dropped. The error becomes more marked as the timeline is zoomed in. In essence this means that a sliver of the following clip (or, depending which side of the join the drag arrow point is, the leading clip) is left at the join. With no zoom that sliver of clip is not visible but can mess up any transition placed where the join appears to be. Here is an example... Top: The join before making an insertion Middle: Man with cap is dragged to the join. The white line with arrows appear seemingly indicating the clip is at the join and ready to drop. (However note the position of the "drag arrow" It is not actually at the join. The clip has been dropped but you can see that a sliver of the following clip has been left behind. I have exaggerated the error by zooming in but at normal zoom the sliver is hardly evident......if at all. This means that trying to add a transition at the X will not work as there is insufficient space. Going into Storyboard mode clearly shows the sliver as a tiny clip of 0.027 seconds duration. The best way to avoid this problem is to position the red cursor line at the join using the >II or II< buttons in sequence preview and then use the clip right click menu option to Place on Sequence at Cursor I think this needs altering a little so that the white line with arrows only appears when the clip being inserted is actually going to be dropped at the join. i.e. an indication that it will be snapped there. Nat
  16. Hi Try the latest version...... I have a feeling that that particular problem was dealt with some time ago. Nat
  17. Hi Wolfgang This thread is quite old and VP has moved on from version 5.03. to which it relates . What version of VP are you using? The latest version is 6.21 give it a try and see if your problem persists... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/ Nat
  18. Hi What version of VP are you using? Is the black frame visible if you step to the end of the timeline a frame at a time? Is it only present in the exported project ? Nat
  19. Nationalsolo

    Ver 6.21

    Hi VP 6.21 is OK to download. Transition problem of blank area is fixed. Snap is something noted in this version..it's relatively minor but might cause odd problems see... It has been noted by NCH and presumably will be corrected in the next release. For this latest version ... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vppsetup.exe Nat
  20. Hi As it stands when you export your result it will show the whole frame with just the cropped are moving around it. If you want to see JUST the cropped area filling the screen you can use the ZOOM effect. Zoom works in a similar way to CROP in that you can outline an area and move it about with keyframes. The difference is that the "frame" will be enlarged to fill the screen..a subtle difference to the fitting the screen.. The caveat here is that the zoom frame should be Restrained to the AR as that of your video or it will be stretched or squashed. To avoid this the area used must be the same orientation and shape (Aspect ratio) as the the full screen; usually 16:9. There are controls to set this. For your particular requirement this might not do but worth looking at. Pan and Zoom will retain the AR automatically. If you don't change the size of the rectangle throughout the clip (You just drag it) it will just pan at full screen. The downside is there are only no keyframes....just start frame and end frame. I would avoid this option as I don't think it is currently working correctly. Nat
  21. Hi Simply create your text/title and place on the timeline. Do a snapshot which will save a png file to the folder set up for images in Options. This can then be used for any future project. It will, of course just be an image (but with the original transparency) however, the text will not be modifiable. Nat
  22. Hi One way to speed up the process is to reduce the preview display resolution.There is then less work for VP to do whilst the cache is updated. here that usually allows he effect to be regenerated without the message appearing.The method you seem to be using is the normal way to follow a moving object..Framing the object at regular intervals along the timeline and creating keyframes at each point. However if that still results in hangups and delays particularly if it's a video consisting of one complete clip then you could split the clip into shorter sections. Note the place where you need to make your cropped area move and just before this point split your timeline. Keep the same crop parameters at the start of the next section. and then use keyframes to make the cropped area move. Split the timeline again where the movement ceases and proceed in the same fashion to the end of the video.(or wherever.) It's a time consuming way but feasible. Here's another possibility if you want to keep the visible rectangle stationary without any cropping. You could add a blank black image to the overlay track and then create a mask of the right size in the centre. Click the Mask Inside box and then make it 0% opaque.This creates what is, in effect an open rectangle in the centre of a black frame through which the main video on Track 1 will be visible. Now apply the Position effect to the main video on Track 1 to keep the person of interest within the rectangle. This will require keyframe creation. Note that the rectangle should fit around the subject without showing the edge of the underlying video at the maximum extent of the left to right movement. This also applies to the cropping method.. Nat
  23. Hi Just a quick view of an early version of VP (2.41 ).... It's certainly progressed! Nat
  24. Hi Rude?---us? ...... and questions are NEVER silly. (Replies might be...) OK. ...Videopad is essentially designed for video editing although cutting ,pasting and mixing of only audio clips can also be done as well as control of volume and speed, plus addition of some selected audio filters. It requires a knowledge about the way VP works though but it can be done. If the audio clip once created is right clicked you can save it as a new file in a designated folder (set under Options). However, this will be in .wav format. You can use NCH Switch Audio File Converter to convert the file to another format. If you already have it then, VP can be quite useful. However, NCH Wavepad Sound Editor is the dedicated program to use for editing sound files. I think there may be a free version or at least one that can be tried out..perhaps with limited export options, or perhaps time limited. I'm not sure but obviously you would need to pay for a fully featured registered version. You can find the whole NCH suite here... https://www.nchsoftware.com/software/index.html If you want to continue using VP you can always ask for advice on the forum, somebody will generally reply. Nat
  25. Hi Miggy Normally you can reverse a clip from either prompt. If you reverse it from the right click menu option the box gets ticked in the speed change section. If you reverse the clip from the change speed dialogue box the menu option gets ticked. You can un-reverse the clip from either prompt by un-ticking. However I found a possible bug with this if you have a transition at the end of the un-reversed clip. Nat
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