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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Ah! You mean a Trailer! The world is your oyster!. You have finished and exported you project. You have your clips in the bin. Use effects to animate/split screen/ Dramatic titles, dissolves between selected sequences; dramatic music. etc.Think of those old trailers of yesteryear.😃 Have you had a look at templates? (Or just split up your project as Borate suggests and create a truncated version.) Nat
  2. Hi Your file downloaded OK and loaded to VP with no problems. 12 min audio with one png image. This exported in 2 mins as an.mp4 H264 with resolution matched to content of 600 x 800 and default quality. No problems experienced here and no glitches with the export. Nat
  3. Hi Kellylc I'm using an old Vista PC with VP 7.25..... A 23 minute audio clip with a few still images added to the timeline .....audio file processed in 11 seconds. It took 6 seconds to create a copy wav file of the audio in the bin and on the desktop and exporting the project took 15 mins (.avi mpeg4 (Native) No hangups in the export queue Sounds like a there is a problem. Try reinstall and check what background jobs are running. What does the task manager show for the CPU usage with PC at rest? MIne is 2%. 98% when exporting. BTW to there is no wav export option per se......just right click the audio track and select the top option...Save Audio Clip as New File. Nat
  4. Hi Are you Saving Project or Saving Project as ? The former overwrites the vpj file that you previously saved, (which you may have done) whilst the latter option allows you give a new name to the vpj file saved so you have a different vpj file. i.e. you can make incremental saves, each one at a different point in the development of your project. Assuming everything has been properly saved and you still have the original component clips, even if you have cleared the cache, opening any of the vpj files should reconstruct your project at the point at which it was saved. The cache is re-generated anew. If you overwrite the file each time any corruption to it (rare) will prevent you reloading the project. Incremental saves can overcome this problem. The state of the cache is of no consequence, it only speeds up the file recovery. Nat
  5. Hi Just tried the Grid over clip. Control box appeared but nothing registered on the clip. The plugin is shown in the effects screen. Nat
  6. Hi VP does have the Old Film effect........ Nat
  7. Hi It also works OK here (v 7.25) ....... However, it would seem you may have had the cursor positioned on the preceding clip and clicked the Audio for the next clip.This will prompt the message that you see.... BUT .... you don't really need to use the cursor line.... Right click the Audio track that you wish to fade out and select Fade out. In the dialogue box click the option At the end of the Audio Clip Enter the length required for the fade out. Click OK The audio track (and the audio clip preview) will show a blue line representing the volume and showing it decreasing to zero for the duration entered....... You could use the cursor to determine the length of fade out required or, if you wish, just pull the blue line keyframe marker (the little white square) in the Clip preview window right or left to alter the starting point for the fade. However selecting To the end from current fades out for the indicated duration and then returns to normal if it hasn't reached the end. Nat
  8. Hi Beta versions are "Work in progress" and are subject of continued changes. Apparently NCH had been working on the Audio Caching system of the version I was using and the "odd" files types in the cache and regular white lines across the track were timing beats. The released version of 7.25 is OK. Nat
  9. Hi Probably the simplest way is to line up your audio at the start of the timeline. SEt the red cursor line to check the alignment is accurate and set a bookmark at that precise point as a reference. Now move the cursor line to the end of the sequence and determine which way the track has to move to realign the peaks. Right click the track and select Change Clip speed. Click the up/down boxes to alter the speed value. (Lower to lengthen the track; higher to shorten the track) You should see the peaks gradually begin to line up.Referring back to your bookmark line at the start of the sequence you should note that it hardly moves. Repeat the procedure until the alignment is a good as you can get it. Nat
  10. Hi Borate Thanks for the link. However I already got the released version. That seems OK. (As I am working with some audio of my orchestra sessions we'll soon find out!) Regards Nat
  11. Hi I think this is a version bug.. I repeated the tests with several different files both mp3 and wav. I got exactly the same results.. white lines and weird cache files.... However.. As Borate got normal results with 7.25 I decided to uninstall the copy I was using and download another from the NCH Beta pre release site. This version now seems to work OK so the problem was probably a bug in the version I was using . I suspect that NCH have uploaded a new 7.25 Beta since the one I used as the initial opening project load screen also seems different. Nat
  12. Hi I reverted VP 7.24 and from a clean cache reloaded the file Amazer_Lazer.mp3. I did this test several times. Each time I cleared the cache and loaded the clip as new. Processing took just a few seconds and each time it loaded to the timeline and played perfectly without any white lines on the track. The contents of the cache was just two files..... In this respect I have to assume VP 2.24 is working correctly. I then cleared the cache and reverted once more to VP 7.25 and repeated this test. Each time the file loaded to the timeline with white lines across it as in my previous post. This time the cache held the following files.... So how is there a GRF (Graph edit file) file here? An audio file that is twice as large as presumably the same file in VP7.24 and how did I manage to get an AUDINFO file?????? I repeated this test several times and got the same result each time. I can only come to the conclusion that VP 7.25 has a bug here. Nat
  13. Hi Something a bit odd. Might be VP, the file or my PC. Version 7.25 I cleared the cache, saved and loaded your sound bite Amazer_Lazer.mp3 to VP. Once processed the clip on the timeline was crossed by numerous regular white lines.......all equally spaced..... I cleared the timeline and reloaded the clip from the bin several times. It loaded the same every time. It sounded OK however. Zoom in to your loaded clip and take a look. It might be related to the mp3 processing VP does. Might have a connection to your problem. Perhaps NCH might comment. Nat
  14. Hi If the green bar stops try moving the red cursor line to the sticking point. That sometimes gets things moving again. This also seems to work when the timeline stops loading clips when a project is loading. NOte that the green bar doesn't necessarily load left to right as one might expect, some clips load the bar when they are off the end of the screen if the timeline is zoomed in leaving earlier parts of the green line stationary. Zoom out to show the whole timeline and you may see this. Nat
  15. Hi Non Techie ".....Are there recommended color combinations for title and text pages? ...." Not that I am aware. You should be able to use any contrasting combination of colours for text and background. "...I used a yellow background with reddish lettering. ......" A yellow background with red text should work fine. Note that the editor has three choices of display... Editor background which is the full background to your text in the editor only but not in the actual sequence where the background to the text will be transparent. This will appear black if there is no background image on the lower track. Text background which is a rectangle of the selected color behind just the text. The rest of the text image will be transparentas above. Full background which is the text on a full frame background colour.This background is not transparent. "..... When you export, the letters appear to bounce around the screen. Or is there a way to stop this? ..." I haven't seen this happening. When you selected the type of text you wanted did you choose Simple Text Overlay? Some other options will show animated text. (Although I have seen "bouncing" text .) Upload an example and someone will take a look. Nat
  16. HI Non Techie If you supply the following it may be possible to set up the scenario and see whats needed here without you having download anything..... What is the actual size (pixel x pixel) of the image/clip that needs to be stretched? (Right click the thumbnail in the clip bin and look at Properties.) What is the actual size (pixel x pixel) of the other images that seem to be OK? (Right click the thumbnail in the clip bin and look at Properties.) The AR of what you see and what you get has become a little confusing with the last few versions of VP. For example the Match Monitor setting does not effect the export from VP nor the timeline appearance but the Sequence preview shows what your particular PC screen will show. (WYSIWYG) e.g. I may have a 16:9 (1280 x 720) clip imported to VP which looks fine in the Sequence preview window when set at Match Content ..... .......but I use a 1024 x 768 monitor which won't display this correctly full screen so if I set the preview display to Match Monitor the image in the preview window has black bars and shows me what my export will look like on my monitor...... The export set as 1280 x 720 (the AR of the clip) will always (irrespective of the VP preview setting) look like this on my monitor... Of course I could buy a new monitor........ If you have a mixture of ARs on the timeline or choose to export at an AR different to the content, VP will offer the choice of either Letterboxing the image (you will see it all unaltered in the export but with bars top and bottom....with a 16:9 monitor)....Cropping and Zooming the export to fit the selected AR in the whole screen or Stretching the image to fit the selected AR But note that these options are also available as video effects where they can be used to correct these type of anomalies before the project is exported. So it can all be a bit confusing. Anyway, post the requested data and a mock up sequence can easily be set up... Nat The export set as
  17. Hi delambkin Also, once you have entered the values and they have taken effect and you have closed the effect window, you can click the FX at the left end of the clip to reopen the window again to make further adjustments. Note also you can also add more effects to the same clip where they list up one above the other in the effects window. Nat
  18. Hi Load your video to Video Track 1. Open dual preview windows from Options/Display. (This is useful.) Click File ............ Select options as below...... Select from Speech Bubbles and Download..... Bubble selected appears in Image bin . There are "Speech" bubbles and "Idea" bubbles" in the NCH library. For this example I used a simple speech bubble Drag bubble image to Video Track 2. Click FX and add a Scale effect to reduce bubble to suitable size. You can monitor this in the Sequence preview side of the dual preview display Click the green + and add a Position effect to place the reduced bubble in desired position.You can monitor this in the Sequence preview window. Add a text clip Adjust size/font/colour to suit the bubble.This text image will be placed on Video Track 3 Click the FX on the text image and use the Position effect to place text inside the bubble using the Sequence preview display to monitor the result. Adjust Bubble and speech clips so they have the same length and are of a suitable duration. Group them if you feel it is necessary. Move the two image clips along the timeline so they appear together at the required time. Hope this helps Nat
  19. Hi Sharing the project may not resolve this as if there presumably is an error in the vpj file posted to dropbox (etc) it will simply reassemble the project out of order. . There will be no way of knowing if the original clip order was changed when the sender saved it apart from assuming it WAS in order when the project was saved. It's an awkward one to check out. However, like Borate I've not seen this happen before. I have just reconstructed from the vpj file a project with 95 consecutively numbered clips starting from an empty cache.Every clip was in it's correct place. (Version 7.25 ) I take it that no changes to the clip order were made to the project AFTER the vpj file was created without creating a NEW vpj file.? Another thought....If you did save the project again after changing the clip order, did you save it to a different folder but reload the first project save from the first folder? (It's unlikely as VP saves to the same default folder and it would normally overwrite) It's an odd one. Nat
  20. Hi Non Techie wnh That doesn't happen here either. (version 7.25) A 10 sec + 20 sec clip with an added 15 sec clip to the join between them gives a total clip of 45 seconds here. It's the same result using drag and drop or Borate's method of adding the clip to the red cursor line positioned at the join. However..... If you are using drag and drop, are you adjusting the 15 second clip to a position where the white arrows appear at the join? This is NOT the left edge of the visible thumbnail. It is the centre of the visible thumbnail. If you don't do that the inserted clip overwrites the timeline clip. Intuitively it should be the left hand edge of the thumbnail but NCH have decided that the centre of the thumbnail is where the start of the clip is... For example. Here is where it seems logical to drop the clip to be inserted...left edge of the dragged thumbnail lined up on the join.... At this logical position no white line with arrows appears. Unfortunately if dropped here the incoming clip overwrites the underlying clip and timeline ends up at 25 secs in length instead of 45 seconds.... However, if the clip is adjusted so it straddles the join, the white arrows on a white line appear at the join ...... When released the new clip is inserted correctly.... The timeline is now 45 seconds in length. (10+15+20) I don't think this is a bug as such, it's a UN-intuative feature of the software. Something to be aware of when inserting clips. If you are going to insert away from a join use the red cursor line to mark the spot and use Place on sequence at the cursor from the clip bin menu as outlined in Borate's post. (Although if you are still going to drag and drop to the cursor line note the advice given in this post.) Nat
  21. Hi Are we referring to a Video or Videos created with 5.01 that have subtitles or to a vpj file created in 5.01 that has subtitles? Your post seems to indicate the former, in which case the subtitles are part of the image and wont be available for editing in the subtitle editor. If the latter and bearing in mind that VP 5.01 dates from at least Feb 2017 (when VP still had the "light" GUI ) I reloaded VP 5.01 and set up a clip with several subtitles. After checking it previewed correctly I saved a vpj file. After reloading VP 7.25, this vpj file appeared to load and preview correctly. (It had no other editing to confuse things) Checking the subtitle edit window all the subtitles correctly listed in the newer format and the clip played correctly within the edit window, all subtitles appearing in the correct places. Couldn't find a fault here. Nat
  22. Hi "... i also noticed that if you do this in the "scale" effect, and move around the offset x, you do not get black bars on the side of the video. it preserves the natural background ..." Yes. Again that is logical, as if you scale up then the image becomes larger than the frame but it is not cropped....the image exists outside the frame and can therefore be moved up/down and from side to side without coming inside and giving a border. Of course in the context of the ring video, the object is small enough to do this. Had the ring been already been almost as large as the frame then scaling up would not have worked. VP is pretty versatile. Nat
  23. Hi This is an interesting problem. As I couldn't use the clip supplied on the forum I download your UT example with the blue bars. Yes. The ring moves horizontally as it turns but see my comments below. It is possible to stop the right left motion using Position effect and keyframes as suggested by Borate. AS mentioned I did this using your original UT video having first placed a central reference line transparent image on the overlay track (Of course the blues lines also moved as they were part of the video, but the ring itself, which was the important item could be made to remain in a central position on the red line...... It didn't require many keyframes and only changes in the Horizontal settings. (But see below) The image correction however meant it was out of the frame on the left and right alternately leaving a black bar (seen above at the left side of the preview window). As a consequence of this everything was moved up a track and the ring clip was added again to Video Track 1 . As it had a uniform background it effectively hid the black bars as the upper image (now an overlay) moved right and left. (But this only worked in this particular example....I did try a blank white clip but the ring image background was actually slightly grey so it was easier to use the image itself......... The last step was to remove the red line overlay image..... The resulting clip now showed the ring turning but remaining centered left/right in the frame.. BUT..... As it wasn't central on the turntable relative to the camera when the clip was shot, it not only moved right and left as it rotated it also moved forwards and backwards and consequently changed size. Furthermore, with the camera being above the plane of the ring when the clip was shot, it caused the image move up and down in the frame!!!........... The Position effect would require more adjusting.. Correcting all these motions and size changes with keyframes threaten to become quite complex..... (but probably possible .) Best Solution......Shoot the clip again making certain that the camera is carefully lined up with the absolute center of the turntable and the ring is placed exactly on the axis of rotation of the turntable. Nat
  24. Hi Just imagine you have a length of cine film on the timeline and you are using scissors. Move the cursor line to the start of the section you want to move Split the track (use the scissors) Move the cursor line to the end of the section you want to move. Split the track (Use the scissors) Move the cursor line to the position where you want to insert your cut out section Grab the cut out bit with the mouse and drag it to the cursor....it should snap onto it when close. Release the clip. The timeline will automatically restore with your cutout section in its new position. (No film cement required!) Before making these adjustments it's a good idea to always Save your project as. If the result is not to your liking, you can always reload it. (During editing you can also step back using the undo/redo arrows on the top toolbar. Nat
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