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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi B Yes, a bit odd. All the mp3 files chosen here download from the forum OK in Chrome. Oddly yours say unavailable. (at least in FF Post a couple.. say, an mp4 and an mp3. I'm interested in seeing if they become accessable in Chrome. Nat
  2. Hi B Swapped onto Chrome yesterday and of course Vista won't update anything now but I notice that F/B vids play when they wouldn't using FireFox and other pages load much faster e.g. This forum. Nat
  3. Hi In the example I did with VP, the gaps between words is purely guesswork as is the interval between individual letters. Obviously this is a very rough idea. and more of a mental puzzle to get something to work in a program not really designed for the task. You could increase the speed of the message though once you have it on the VP track by creating a Sequence;by clicking the + sign that follows Sequence1 x at the left end of the timeline. On loading back the sequence from the sequence bin and then right clicking on ityou can select Change the Clip Speed. Here is the same message as I posted before increased by 150%... Any better? Nat Sequence 1.mp3
  4. Hi B Close your eyes and you can hear the water coming in! Still, it works and you can compose and save any message required and set it to any speed. (Needs numbers though) Nat Message.mp3
  5. Hi OK having played with this a bit (quite good fun!) Try this in order to make a morse generator in VP... Set the default image duration to 0.5 seconds Create a text file for each letter of the alphabet. I used Ariel text; size 41 capital letters ; Red and positioned central Load the mp3 sound track and adjust the zoom to show each Morse block. Place each letter text over each Morse block and adjust the duration to equal the Morse block if shorter. Place centrally over the block if it is longer (like "E") Export the timeline....(Call it "MORSE".mp4 for example) Clear VP and then reload the export. Split the track close to the start and end of each morse block. Select all the unwanted bits one at a time and Delete(Ripple) them At this point you should have every morse block with a letter above as separate clips.(Depending on the timeline zoom the letters might not be visible but they will be there.) Drag each clip in turn from the timeline directly to the bin. (You will see a green clover icon as you do this) When finished the timeline should be empty and there should be 26 alphabet clips in the video bin plus the original mp4. Delete the original mp4 leaving just then 26 morse clips Rename each of the 26 clips with their alphabet name. They should be in order but checkeach one as you change it. If you now list them in the video bin you should now see this...... Add a blank black clip for a word space Now Save Project As giving a name like MORSE GENERATOR To use this add the clips that make up your message one at a time to the end of the timeline sequence. Use the 0.5 sec blank as the space between words. Here is an example done this way....Can you read the message? Have fun Nat
  6. Hi Before abandoning all hope why not do a system restore, choosing a date from before the time you removed things? "...I can't find AppData...." Open My Computer D-Click the C drive D-Click Users D-Click Your Name (As user) You should now see AppData D-Click AppData and D-Click Roaming You should now see NCH Software D-Click NCH Software You should now see VideoPad Nat
  7. Hi Camerart Download just the audio track from this YT clip... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J8YcQETyTw Nat (Or try the attached mp3 - if you can see it.) MORSE A-Z.mp3
  8. Hi Kel "....I am trying to move the position of a video to avoid a pole in the middle of my porch where I want to project. ..." Not very clear what you are after..... You can move a clip within the VP frame using the effects mentioned by Borate> You could even create a mask and render the area not wanted transparent...even use Split Screen, but where is the Pole? Is this something in the video or something outside on your porch? The way you expressed your question some bright spark is bound to reply....Move your projector so it misses the pole. (or cut the pole down !) Nat
  9. Hi It is possible and I repied to a similar question some years ago. It went something like this if I remember correctly... You will have to do some maths.... As an example... Suppose your project was 10 minutes long and was exported at 30 fps. This means a total of 30 x 60 x 10 = 18000 frames. If you export this as an Image Sequence you will end up with 18000 images in your selected folder...i.e. Every frame. If you want to export every second frame (9000 images) then you need to 1/2 the duration of the project (speed it up to double speed) and then export it as an image sequence. Every 5th frame means making the duration 1/5 of the original (speeding it up to 5x the speed) and so on. (Every 50 frames means increasing the speed by 50x) So, depending on your requirements Increase the speed of the project 200% ; or 500% or 5000% etc. and then export the Image Sequence. (If VP won't accept very high values in one go, do 2 speed changes.) I would create a specific folder for the jpgs. Once exported you can now reconstitute the project by loading all the images back in order. They will now play at the Still Image Duration set in Options/Media .e.g. 1 second...each image will display giving a stop motion effect. This is not the same a speeding the project to make the action quicker. Nat
  10. Hi "....Please check the dates on threads and begin a new, descriptive topic. This thread is more than six years old......" Absolutely! The earlier comments on this thread were correct at the time of writing (2014) and relate to the version of VP current at the time. (v3.xx) Much has changed since then. It can be misleading if you don't check first. Nat
  11. Hi The clip can't be converted to another format either with the usual programs (AVC, Prism etc.) I tried all the export formats with these but all resulted in failure or just a washed out frame and sometimes just the audio when played in VLC (if it played at all). The file was also too large (>100mb) to convert on a website based webm converter. Nat
  12. Hi "...Is it possible to change the frame rate in editing to be the same as the frame rate of of the edited video? ..." No, I don't think you can. The Next Frame button steps along the timeline at 33ms intervals irrespective of the fps of the clips being previewed. If you zoom in to the timeline you can set the cursor line to a point between successive 33ms jumps. Use of the next frame button then moves 33ms from that point. The irregular steps of 33ms in order to get to a next frame in other speed rated clipshas been mentioned before on the forum ....... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23698-frame-by-frame-not-at-the-good-framerate/?tab=comments#comment-56212 https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26784-exported-video-has-frame-duplicates/?tab=comments#comment-68581 ......and may be related to the clip being originally rendered at a non contant frame rate and so is required as an expediant to keep audio in synch when the clip is loaded to VP for editing . AFAIK it is rendered for export at the fps set in the export screen and so would export if this is set to the import fps (if known to be constant). However the descrepancy should not be great enough to be seen when the export is played. Nat
  13. Hi VP is not destructive editing. Your original files remain intact on your PC. In effect VP stores a list of your editing steps as a text file and makes cache file copies. When you restart editing after a break your project is reconstructed in VP using these data. Your original files remain untouched where you stored them; even on an external drive although VP will need to access this to rebuild your project. Nat
  14. Hi WRob I generally use dual preview displays when using effectsas it shows what is happening to both Clip and Sequence. This is set under Options/Display. Not exactly sure of what you are aiming for but to reposition the video.. Click the FX box at the start of the clip on the timeline. This opens the list of effects. Click the green + and select the Position effect This places a white line box around the Clip Preview frame. Grab the box and drag the clip to a new position The area exposed by the displacement will be chequered indicating that it is transparent. If the clip you repositioned in on an upper track any videos below it will be visible in the transparent area. That's it...... but what do you mean by ....put parts of the picture away? and ...to add a Zoom as an afterthought? Are you wanting to split off a section of the clip to use elsewhere in the project, perhaps with a zoom? You can split a clip and remove a section in several different ways. The simplest to understand is to move the red cursor line to the start of the section and click the scissor icon which will split the clip. Move the cursor to the end of the desired section and repeat the process. Now grab the clip between the two splits and drag it up to the clip bin. (You will see a green clover leaf when you do this) The section you want to use is now in the bin and the timeline has closed up automatically. Nat
  15. Hi Pqs The VP cache file continues to enlarge as you add projects, clips/, images, audio ,Transitions, effects , splits, and text files etc. It can comprise data from every project you have ever created unless it is cleared from time to time or reaches the limit you set in the Options/Disk re: Free disk space. That is the only limit as far as I know. After checking several recent projects from the forum I cleared the cache of 2,051 files occupying 12.25 GB! So it can build up quite rapidly. Initially the cache contains jpg copies of the clips used in the project, e.g. Actual clip = 17.4 MB and its Image in cache = 12.5 KB These values will vary according the clip but there are also smaller Index files Each additional clip adds an image and an index file. Without any editing the cache is always less than the project size. Adding effects and Transitions increase the size of the cache. But remember that the cache may also contain data from previous finished projects. Also, stepping back through the editing steps using undo does not alter the cache.....it remains as it was. So it can get pretty big and not actually reflect the project at all. Nat
  16. Hi Pqs Yes-Put in a suggestion. Although it is not a current feature in VP you can get some idea once you have started the export. The percentage is shown as export progresses so if you time a certain percentage you can then calculate the time remaining. It's only rough as you would need to export a reasonable percentage to get some worthwhile values. That depends on the size of the project and what other applications are running on the PC while rendering is takeing place. I've checked this process on quite a few occasions and find that export is pretty steady. i.e. 10% in 5 minutes means around 50 mins to complete etc. Nat
  17. Hi "......Why does the crop not fill the screen?....." The best analogy is to think of a photo that fits into a photo frame. Same shape and same size. The frame is the VP screen. Take the photo out of the frame a cut it down, to any rectangular shape (AR) you like i.e. Crop it. Now put it back into the frame..........It won't fill it any more, and you've lost the bit you cut off which will now be a black border in VP. If you enlarged it a bit first however e.g. Took it out of the frame and photocopied it to a bigger size (without any cropping), you could put the empty frame over the bigger image and adjust it to show the bit required. It would now fill the frame as before. This is equivalent to using a Zoom The difference is that VP has some controls like AR that this simple example hasn't got. Using Zoom VP will always try to fill the frame in one direction or another depending on the AR chosen. Using 16:9 which is the basic VP screen AR it will always fill it completely at the zoomed size. Nat
  18. Hi Provided the "spot" is in a fairly uniform part of the clip and it remains fixed you can cover it with a section adjacent to it... Place the spotty clip on Track 1 C;lick the FX and then open the Polygon Mask option (Tab at the top of the effectswindow) Create a mask around the spot and then move it just to the right of the spot or to an area with the same colours as the bit hidden by the spot. Tick the Mask inside box and set Feathering to zero...(Current version 8.94 leaves a grey area around the mask if fearhering is used) Click the FX and select Transparency. Set Opacity to zero. (Slide to the left) Put the red cursor line over the clip and take a Snapshot of the Sequence Preview window. This should just be the mask on a transparent background. There will be a copy now in the image clip bin Clear the timeline by deleting the clip with the mask Replace the spotted clip on Track 1 and the image of the mask above it on Track 2. Pull the image out so it has the same duration as the clip below. Add a Position effect to Track 2 and move the mask onto the spot.With dual previews you can easily monitor the result. IIt should now cover the spot and blend in. Example BEFORE with spot on the sky area.. Here is the image with mask image placed (deliberately) over the spotty clip,and at positioned the bottom so the area masked is visible.. Example after grabbing the mask and using Position to move it over the blemish so it covers "spot" Spot is virtually invisible. This procedure works most effectively if the area chosen for the mask is as close as possible in colour and tone to the area covered by the blemish. and if nothing changes a great deal for the duration of the clip like clouds moving which would then reveal the mask as the colours would change. Nat
  19. Hi Your download needed a bit of clip resolving as most of the clips files were in separate folders. You sent several vpj files also so I am not sure which one was the correct "version" However,I think some of the glitches may be due to the use of multiple tracks with the clips requiring Position and Scale effects etc. At least on my PC this makes preview playback very blocky. Try using the Split Screen effect for the overlay images as they are much easier to use for placing the images and clips and VP handles them much better that numerous images being placed individually so to speak. Have a look at here... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/33816-videopad-split-screen-wont-size-or-position-properly/ There are some hints in one of the posts if you are not sure regarding using Split Screen. At one point (if I resolved the clips for the correct vpj ) there are 4-5 tracks with individual images that each have their own Position/Scale values. VP takes time to read all that data which may affect playback and possibly export. A Split screen effect for each image (say a 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 layout) includes all your settings in one effect so IMHO it's more reliable and certainly less prone to glitches. You can of course overlay tracks with different Split screen layouts so images can be different sizes in different places on the screen. Some nice ideas in your project. Nat
  20. Hi Note that a saved project (vpj file) does not save the editing steps you made when you reload it. So, if, for example you......Loaded some clips to the timeline, added a blank to the end and then split a couple of clips.....Whilst VP was open you could step back through these moves with the undo/redo arrows. If though, you Saved the Project As and got a uniquely names vpj file and then reloaded it, there would be no undo steps available. The project reloads as though you were just starting again at the point where it was left. Nat
  21. Hi As you say there is nothing in front of the clip you want to move I assume there is a gap. Grab the clip you want to move and with Alt pressed drag it to the left (into the gap) the distance required. It shouldn't snap back when released and will move left leaving a gap behind it. You could also move ALL the RH clips left if desired by selecting them all or by grouping them If you know exactly the amount to move, you can step the cursor line to the start of the clip (or block) you want to move, note the time value in the box under the Sequence Preview window; subtract your desired movement time and the cursor line will move to that point. Do the drag as explained above with Alt pressed and the clip will snap to the cursor line and you will have moved it the required time interval. Nat
  22. Hi Is is possible that the overlays..or some of them are hiding clips or images on lower tracks that you are expecting to see? A look at the project would be useful. If you are using a lot of tracks it's sometimes difficult to see the relative position of everything. Nat
  23. Hi Use Split Screen Horizontal 2 for 2 side by side clips. As the boxes are virtually square use the Fit to Region setting. The clip (usually 16:9) is reduced to fit into the box in the centre leaving a space above and below but all the clip area is visible. Here the 16:9 clip has been placed in Box A. (Box B on the right is empty... If you want to fill the box then use Fill Region. This setting expands the clip so it fits vertically but the sides are lost Nevertheless depending on the disposition of the image contents this may be acceptable... However, if the subject is not central as here the result may not be satisfactory...(Right) The bias settings can be used to move the clip Left/Right or Up/Down to centralise the subject... The use of these controls is faster and uses less program time than using separate Position and Scale effects. They can also be used to move the clip to the top or bottom of the Box if the Fit to Region setting is used.... They can also be animated using keyframes and with imagination can simulate Tile Puzzle effects. Note that certain layouts like 2 x 2 that divide the screen equally result in 16:9 boxes each of which can accommodate the full clip without need to fit etc. Nat
  24. Hi Note that it may not have that icon. It may be just a folder icon... but the name will be similar. Nat
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