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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. errr, well either something has changed on your computer or the specific files you are converting are causing problems. Do you have the latest RealPlayer installed?
  2. Hi, When you say "server", do you mean Windows Server 2003 ? What's happening here is, when you select .wav and click the Encoder Settings button, Switch actually calls up a configuration window that is supposed to come standard with all versions of Windows. It appears that your Windows Server 2003 system (or whatever it is) does not come with that dialog installed. And if this particular dialog is missing, that would probably explain why the conversion failed, because our software relies on the presence of the dialog to be able to convert from/to .wav files. There is really nothing I can do for you other than to find out if Windows Server comes with patches or something that installs the wav configuration window, which I will do of course. Re: au, aiff, gsm - yes they are currently greyed out, we will be adding settings boxes for them at a later date. Thanks for your detailed post, always helps.
  3. please read the FAQ link at the top of this forum ("File Format Support Questions"). This is our biggest question asked on these forums to date, so we put it in the FAQ pages.
  4. Sony provide the plugin that allows msv and dvf files to be converted. The plugin only applies to IC class recorders. If your recorder is not IC class then it won't work.
  5. It's illegal to convert audible files to other formats, it says so on the audible FAQ / knowledge base somewhere. As an aside, make sure you update your DirectX on your new machine, in fact go to the windows update site and update everything labelled as "critical" ( and directX too of course)
  6. Hmm this is strange, I just did a series of tests, converting a half dozen or so mp3s with different ID tags to mp3 format at a different bitrate - it worked perfectly! I am not sure how to get it to fail....
  7. There is a thread at the top of this forum called:
  8. The Switch help documentation -> General Usage section tells you what formats the software supports.
  9. you have a good point there simon, we have only just started to think "big-time" in terms of our mac development division, so we haven't made a full adjustment to our website to accomodate the change. I have passed your issue on to our website developer who will make changes as appropriate.
  10. are you using a firewall on your computer? we access the server using port 8880, so if your firewall blocks it then you will be unsuccessful. The ability to access the freedb website does not reflect your ability to access the server.
  11. iTunes and Media Player don't use freedb, they use the commercial GraceNote CDDB, which in some cases is more comprehensive, but costs a lot in licensing fees. Regarding your other question, you cannot use custom naming in the code, you can only use the %n %t and the other % flags that are written in the help notes. I will see if your suggestion can be implemented though.
  12. Are you sure the files are mp3 format? iTunes does have a tendency to put files loaded into it into MPEG-4 protected format, so I suspect it may have done that.
  13. dead wrong - we answered this question in the Express Scribe Pre-Sales FAQ: http://nch.com.au/scribe/faq.html
  14. uh, I would like to point out that "Browse Folders" means exactly that - you are browsing for the folder that the file is contained in. Find the folder and select it, and all supported audio files in that folder will load into the Load window in Scribe.
  15. yes there are different types of wav files, in your example of Wave(PCM), think of wave as being the container and PCM being what is inside the container. PCM wave, however, is the most common format on the planet, it is supported natively by Windows. If SonicStage rejects it that is very weird. Maybe try using Switch to convert it from PCM wav to PCM wav, and see if it works. nch.com.au/switch
  16. If it is a CD walkman, copy all the mp3 files to your hard drive using Windows Explorer, and then use Express Burn to burn them to CD, using "Audio CD" mode. nch.com.au/burn
  17. I would advise you to not do that, MP3 is far superior to RM. Your claims that it takes less space are untrue, because a lot of the quality is lost in order to do that. If you stripped all the quality out of an mp3 file it would do the same thing.
  18. We have found out from a couple of customers that there seem to be "unofficial" variations of the act format for some weird reason - I have seen evidence of this myself. Switch will only support "classic" or "official' ACT files, because we are using a plugin developed by the people who made the format. So basically, if it isn't working for you then I don't think its going to work at all. However, in the interests of finding out why it doesn't work, I welcome you to send a sample file that doesn't work to me at tj[at]nch.com.au and I will see if anything is wrong with it.
  19. Hi, This is one of our most frequently asked questions, and as such we have written the answer in one of the FAQ threads stickied to the top of this forum.
  20. recorders supporting dss often support recording in two modes, SP and LP. If your recorder supports such a thing it will be obvious from looking at the recorder itself (and the manual for it too). If it doesn't support it, I imagine it will use SP mode by default. We do not support converting to dss, because dss is owned by Olympus, and they decide whether others can do this or not (i.e. they don't allow it). Switch will read dss, Olympus allowed us to do that.
  21. m4p files are protected, you can't convert them. This information has been written in one of the FAQ pages we link to at the top of this forum, so please read them.
  22. Hi, If you could, we would like to examine on of your aiff files to see what the issue is. Please send the file to tj[at]nch.com.au. This is how we can best help you solve your problem (and we are keen to do that I assure you, since a few others have reported this issue).
  23. The wma file may be protected, to do so right-click on the file in windows explorer, and select "Properties". Then click the "Summary" tab, and you will see a field saying "Protected" - see whether it say "Yes" or "No" for that field. If "Yes", you won't be able to convert the file with Switch.
  24. nchtj


    uh, I'm not sure what you mean here - to load .cda files into Switch you use the Windows browse dialog (built into Switch) to load the files. If Windows Explorer sees your drives then Switch won't have a problem. Are you getting an error messsage?
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