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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. it shouldn't cause the program to crash, the problem may be related to Win2003 more so than a lack of a sound card. It might be that the dss plugin is not working properly on Win2003. I'll see if I can find out more info.
  2. Well if it worked a couple of times, then there is probably nothing wrong with the program, I suspect there might be a problem with either your DirectX or your DVF files. Try playing the DVF files in media player and/or switch first, and see if they play.
  3. I have no idea why nero won't complete the burn, there is nothing wrong with our software in this particular regard. Maybe try using our Express Burn software instead of Nero: nch.com.au/burn
  4. thanks for bringing these issues to our attention, we'll do our best to fix them. Although bear in mind the title and comments tag truncation may be deliberate, because we only currently support ID3 v1.1, we don't support v2 yet. I'm pretty sure only v2 allows longer fields.
  5. Well I tried the link myself (thanks for giving it), and I can't seem to get switch to download the file unfortunately. Having said that, Switch definitely does not crash with any floating point errors, it just hangs/stalls. You may be better off trying to download the file with a download manager instead, and then use switch to convert the file to mp3 (or whatever) format.
  6. You should have read our FAQ links at the top of this forum, which explicitly say we don't support the ATRAC3 omg/oma format! The in-built copy protection is what is prohibiting it from converting any more than the first minute or so. You should have probably also read the switch documentation, which gives a comprehensive list of formats we do support - you would see atrac is not on that list. There are many threads in this forum and the sound file formats forum covering the issue too, you should have probably perused those.
  7. nchtj

    24 bits

    It can load 24bit wavs yes, but you need to email us first and ask for it. It can't save in 24bit format because we rely on the standard windows codecs in our programs, and windows doesn't support 24-bit natively.
  8. nchtj

    G.711 mu-law

    if you want to save to a-law and mu-law, you should save your files in wavepad as .wav files (file -> save as). After that a window will appear asking you to specify what codec you want to use. Select either alaw or mulaw.
  9. nchtj

    Very Frustrated

    reinstall the program, and then enter your registration details again, it should work.
  10. nchtj

    massive file size

    perhaps tell us what format you are saving to, and we can help you a bit more. what format produced a size of 70mb, and what format produced a size of a few mb?
  11. nchtj

    Dell Integrated Audio?

    what did you set the recording channel to? CD Player? Have you tried setting it to "Stereo Mix" or "Wave out Mix" or whatever the "Record What you Hear" channel is called on your computer?
  12. nchtj


    please explain what you mean by "layer", so I can answer your question more correctly.
  13. well it could happen for a number of reasons. If you saved your file with a low sample rate, for example, you would start to lose the treble but retain the bass. Simple solution there is to save with a higher sample rate, like 44.1kHz. In fact, whatever format you are saving to (you haven't said what it is), make sure the quality settings are reasonable, otherwise you may experience a "muffling" effect.
  14. nchtj

    WavePad API ??

    we are looking at developing it, but haven't done so yet. Use Switch to do what you want, it has an API/SDK with it. nch.com.au/switch
  15. nchtj


    try doing the recordings with trx, and if you want to browse through your audio files later then load them in wavepad.
  16. if setting the sound recording channel to "Line In" doesn't work, set it to the "What you hear" channel, which is often called "Stereo out mix" or "Wave out mix" or something like that - it varies from sound card to sound card.
  17. nchtj

    inserting track #'s

    WavePad does have a "bookmarks" feature, which you can use to mark out various points in your mp3 file and label them with whatever names you like. See the Bookmarks menu in wavepad.
  18. what you did should work, if you convert to mono, then back to stereo, it should duplicate the vocals equally on both left/right channels.
  19. if you use RecordPad (nch.com.au/recordpad), set your sound recording channel to "Wave out Mix" or "Stereo Out Mix" or something like that - the name varies from sound card to sound card. If you set it to "Microphone" or "Line In", you will only get your end of the conversation, and not the other end too.
  20. We will have a new product coming out soon that will help with recording from vinyl into wav/mp3 or CD.
  21. nchtj

    Automatic Gain Control

    the Automatic Gain Control does not bring up any prompts, it starts to work straight away - if it brought up a prompt it wouldn't be very automatic would it? :-)
  22. nchtj


    What Windows version?
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