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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. Well we have looked at this issue at length, and its difficult to solve. The Windows operating system was never designed for applications like Switch which has both GUI and command line aspects to it, and as such we do not know yet how to block the command line when running Switch conversions. A command-line only program does not have this problem, but since Switch is hybrid software it does. We are determined to come to some sort of solution that can make things easier for other developers, so all we can say is to bear with us while we examine the issue. If you have suggestions to help us out in this sort of thing, feel free to pass then on to tj[at]nch.com.au
  2. Hi Gart, Glad to hear you figured out at least one issue. If you are trying to play a CD on your computer and its ok, and in your car CD player its not ok, its possible the car CD player is at fault. Perhaps try playing other CDs in your car to rule it out. It's also possible there are some minute scratches on your CD that your computer player compensates for, but your car player can't handle.
  3. Switch uses Microsoft DirectX to read asf files. If it is having problems reading asf files then something about DirectX is likely at fault. In the interests of resolving issues with customers as quickly as we can, we always invite people like you to send us a sample file that is causing your problems. We will then examine it to see if converting the file is possible or not. submissions can be made to tj[at]nch.com.au
  4. Sony does not release information to other software developers about it formats. The only formats they let other companies support are DVF and MSV, through the release of a plugin utility (which is far from perfect). Other than that, you must resolve your issue with Sony. ps. why are you shouting??
  5. weird, for some reason I never noticed this thread even though it was started in March.... Switch should be able to convert unprotected m4a files to whatever format you like. Remember if you bought the audio from the iTunes store or some other online music store then it is protected and can't be converted.
  6. sorry, but it doesn't say anywhere in the Switch help file that it can convert to wmv format, I wrote it so I would know. Although converting an audio file to a video file doesn't make any sense to me, perhaps you mean wma instead? Switch doesn't convert to either wma/wmv in any case. Also, the latest version of Switch is 1.05, not 1.5.
  7. If you read the Switch Help documentation -> General Usage section, you can find out more details about what formats are in the free and pay versions of Switch.
  8. why would you try to convert a wrapped album to another format and then unwrap it? You are supposed to do it the other way around. AlbumWrap uses a special method to wrap the files, and obviously Switch will not preserve that format. Unwrap it first!
  9. latest news: Linux users should try using the Wine Windows emulator to run our software. 100% perfect performance is not guaranteed, but if you try some software and have problems, you can let us know about them.
  10. anyone experiencing problems with Express Rip not recognising their CD-ROM drive please send me an email at and I will arrange to give you an unreleased version of Express Rip for you to try out. In your email, please tell me if you would like the Express Rip free version or the Express Rip Plus commercial version. Update 2005-12-21 Express Rip will be updated shortly with the CD drive detection fix and put on our website. Please wait for that version.
  11. I don't see any problems - in both cases the converted files were the exact same length as the original files! i.e. the first converted file was 28:58, the second was 22:42.
  12. I will examine it and see if anything can be done - thanks for giving us a file to work with, it really helps.
  13. try downloading the GSpot codec tool here: http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ load your files in this program and tell me what codec it says the files are using.
  14. only if the software you are using supports reading+writing to both formats.
  15. M4P is a DRM'ed format - please read the FAQs at the top of this forum.
  16. If it's asf video we don't support that. ASF audio should work though. Check that your file is not really an ASX file, we don't support that. ASX files are very small in size.
  17. what type of wave file is it? For example, have PCM wave, GSM wave, G.729 wave, etc. In the case of wave files, Switch supports whatever is supported on your computer - if you can find the codec needed for a wave file, you can install it and then Switch will work with that format.
  18. got them, will analyse them and see what's going on.
  19. our software only handles RealAudio files, it can't do RealMedia (video/audio). So basically if the file is audio only, you can load it. If so, try loading it in Switch and converting it to mp3 format. Note that not every single Real file out there can be converted due to complications in the format, but most should work.
  20. any chance of giving the file to us to examine? we have had a few reports of aif files not working, but none of the aif files we tried to convert gave us any problems. If the audio file in question is too big, any chance of creating a smaller aif file using Pro Tools and sending that to us? I guess if one file created by Pro Tools doesn't work, then they all don't work either.
  21. We believe we have fixed the issue for the next release - it works on Vonage from PSTN to SIP, so it should work for other providers too. The next release is coming within the next couple of weeks or so.
  22. Hi, Use Express Burn and burn your audio in "Audio CD" mode. nch.com.au/burn
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