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Everything posted by borate

  1. http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vppsetup.exe
  2. Video editing is resource intensive. It is possible that your PC cannot keep pace. What happens when you lower preview resolution, under TOOLS|OPTIONS|DISPLAY? When the file is exported is it out of sync? If that's the case look here…http://www.nchsoftwa...ad/kb/1433.html Also check whether an updated driver is available at the chip or card manufacturer's WEB site. It would be best to start a new descriptive topic if the issue is not remedied soon.
  3. First off, check for an updated video driver - from the chip manufacturer's WEBsite.
  4. To give folks an idea of your system's resources, please do the following... Click the START button|RUN and type "dxdiag" <enter> After the file loads, click SAVE ALL INFORMATION (to a folder of your choice that you can locate easily). Once saved, open that folder and double-click on the file. This should display the text file (probably in Notepad). Press <ctrl-A> simultaneously to select the entire page, then <ctrl-C> simultaneously to copy the info. Back in this forum, press <ctrl-V> to paste the file into your post. No personal info is revealed. (It would be earlier to attach the file to a post, but unfortunately that feature is not enabled here.)
  5. Essentially what Sam and Connor suggest, approached slightly differently. Sam's method is likely cleaner. The linked video is just a rough demo... Grab a shape from images on the Net or create your own with graphics tool and fill it with a color that does not appear in your video. Place your video on track one and the image you created on track 2 (above track one). Click the yellow star at the bottom-left of the track one image and use the SCALE and POSITION to place it where you want over the background. Move the scrubber (the red line) if necessary, to see the desired portion of the background. APPLY. That becomes SEQUENCE ONE. Click the + just above the time line and to the right of "sequence one." That will clear the time line and you will be creating sequence two. Place your background video on track one. Then click the SEQUENCE tab (top-left) and place SEQUENCE ONE on track two (above track one) Click the yellow star in track two, ADD EFFECT, click on the GREEN SCREEN choice, click on CONFIGURE EFFECT and, lastly, click on the effect you created. It then should be filled with a white/black checkerboard indicating where the background scene will be shown. On the time line, click the yellow star on track one, and use SCALE, POSITION, CROP, etc. effects to fit the desired portion of the background into the "hole" you created in the last step. APPLY. http://hevanet.com/hb/heart.wmv
  6. Try this, just for grins... UNlink the audio (using right-click menu) Right-click on the unsynched audio track in the timeline and SAVE AUDIO CLIP AS NEW FILE. Delete the old audio on the timeline and drag the new (WAV) audio file to the same location. PLAY. Is it still out of sync?
  7. File imports - AVI, ASF, Mp4, etc. - may be different formats than that recorded to DVD. On what equipment are you playing the DVD? Has the correct format been recorded? Does it play in Media Player Classic, a free all-purpose player that has no problem with most DVDs? http://mpc-hc.org/ Can you upload a short sample to FTP/cloud storeage and link it here? Copy the VOB file from the burned disk and send it to the cloud server.
  8. Good advice by Nat. But while you're here, "VLC" is the name of a well-known player. Did you use it for a conversion?
  9. The timeline can only reflect what's in a clip. It cannot extend "beyond the file." Of course a clip can be shortened ... or lengthened, as with the speed effect. To eliminate unwanted space between clips, expand the timeline by either dragging the slider (left-bottom of window) to the right or, in some versions, clicking the two-sided arrow at the far-left bottom of the window. That will show the entire region. Click on a clip adjacent to the black frames and drag it left/right to butt to the desired clip. It should snap into place. Or, if this is a gap, with no video in it, just right-click the gap and CLOSE GAP. Experiment with both methods to see what works best in your case. Remember, if you make a mistake, immediately press <ctrl-Z> to undo it.
  10. Try exporting instead to a YT-compatible format, instead of directly from VP. Then import that file into YT. Report results here please.
  11. Yes Steph, it can be confusing. As Nat noted, every track overlays the track or tracks below it. But the word "overlay" is no longer seen in the latest VP versions. Try this... Place an image on track one. Place another just above it on track two. Select that image and click the yellow star at the left of its thumbnail in the timeline, or click VIDEO EFFECTS on the menu bar. Now choose the SCALE effect. Drag the dotted boxes that you see on the image so that the pic becomes smaller, or move the sliders at the top-left. You should see the image on track one in the background. Thus, you are overlaying track one with track two. If you added a track three, it would overlay tracks 1 & 2.
  12. Ability to shift selected subtitles would be handy.
  13. Some tips here... http://www.nchsoftwa.../subtitles.html After experimentation, there appears to be no easy way to shift subtitles, even when loaded via an SSA file. Go with Nat's suggestions, for maximum flexibility.
  14. Don't think that's going to happen - long after the fact. Next time you make any mistake, immediately press <ctrl-Z> to backtrack through past changes. Same as EDIT|UNDO.
  15. borate

    3.85 is up

  16. Four clips on the timeline were shuffled here - left-clicking on one, moving it left or right to swap its position with another clip. In each case, the result played in the order shown on the timeline. It's also possible to click on a timeline clip, then right-click|COPY. Position the scrubber (red line) where you want the copy to appear and right-click|PASTE. If the clips do not play in the order that they are shown on the timeline - no matter at what time they were placed there - then something is wrong.
  17. borate

    VOB files

    VP 3.81 on Windows 7 here. Loaded two VOBs to the clip area and the timeline - 18Mb and 189Mb respectively. No problem, played fine.
  18. My test hints that exporting an .avi does not retain bookmarks. Verify this by burning your .avi to a (rewritable) disc, to see if chapters appear where you set the marks. Instead, suggest that you save the bookmarked project with FILE|SAVE AS as a .vpj (project) file. When that file is later reopened, the bookmarks will be there. Additional material and bookmarks can be added. Be careful: when SAVE PROJECT is used, it overwrites the existing file. It's wise to always use FILE|SAVE AS and give the project an incremental name. That way, if mistakes crop up you can return to an earlier incarnation of the project. When all is as you want it, THEN export to DVD. The bookmarks should create chapters, according to the VP HELP file.
  19. It's best to start a new thread - with a descriptive subject line. But now that we're here... You can create multiple sequences, then FILE|SAVE AS a .vpj file. To create a new sequence click the + to the right of "SequenceX" just above the timeline. OPEN that .vpj file later and the sequences should be restored, including files (clips) that you imported to bins but that were not loaded into any sequence. Test this - for familiarity and accuracy. Careful, though. after specifying a new sequence, and importing new files, I've seen VP unnecessarily double-import them into bins. And sequence thumbnails in the bin area may not reflect what's in that a particular sequence. Clicking a sequence just above the timeline will load the correct clips for that sequence, however. Back up project files via the FILE menu, for safety and centralized retrieval. If you want to export a sequence, and later load it (as just another clip) I suggest using a format as close to the original clip format as possible. Others may chime in with better suggestions.
  20. Nat's method is a good one. When I apply a 1.5 FADE to a single three-second image, it goes to full black in slightly more than .5, as Omnizoa noted. But when I instead use CROSSFADE, the fade extends to just under 1.5 seconds - as desired. Interestingly, the usual fade line on the timeline does not appear when CF is used. This is 3.81 on a PC.
  21. Policy on this can be confusing. Some time back, when the 30-day trial expired, there was an option to revert to a "free" version that disabled some features (and export formats). That option appeared when clicking Videopad UNinstall in Control Panel|Programs and Features. Last time I checked, which was several versions ago, that was gone and the word "free" with reference to Videopad no longer appears on the VP page.
  22. Assuming that you are employing the FADE effect, use CROSSFADE instead, and see if that does the job. You can update to the latest version by clicking this link... http://www.nchsoftwa...ad/vppsetup.exe However, if it's been some time since you purchased 3.34, you may have to pay to retain your license/registration. If that occurs the new install may run as a crippled trial version. Retain your 3.34 installer as a back up, just in case.
  23. And I might add that the dual windows of past versions - separate CLIP and SEQUENCE displays - can be seen by clicking the VIEW menu and checking "show dual previews."
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