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Everything posted by borate

  1. As Nat suggests, please Upload your video to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and link it publicly here. Or upload the project, after saving it as FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. That will allow others to reconstruct it.
  2. Is the poor preview resolution the same as that of the exported video file?
  3. It appears that the overlay scale differs. Confirmed here when exporting the project at 720 x 480. Mp4 insert sizing wasn't the same on the DVD... Suggest that you set both the VP preview and export res to 768x432 (CUSTOM size). Then what you see while editing should be what you get. Below, an Mp4 output, shown at the left, whose insert size closely matched the DVD presentation. Right-click on the preview window to set its resolution.
  4. As the text at the link above notes, you may need to purchase an upgrade if your license is older than six months. Here's the link to determining what that will cost. Have your previous registration code on hand.
  5. Simply to position the pointer on the clip and left-click, to be certain that this is the clip to be actively worked on. Group the clips first, by selecting (highlighting) each while holding down the <ctrl> key. Or select the first clip, then hold down the <shift> key while selecting the last. Standard Windows procedure. Then that method should move all selected clips to a later timeline location.
  6. http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html
  7. borate


    SPLIT at the head and the tail of the material to be removed. Right-click|CUT or DELETE on that newly isolated clip - between the splits - or press the DEL key. If something isn't right, press <ctrl-Z> to UNDO the last, and earlier, actions.
  8. SPLIT at the head and the tail of the clip to be removed, if necessary. Click the focus to that clip. Press the <alt-del> keys simultaneously. This will leave a gap into which the new clip can be inserted. If the new clip is longer than the original, click on the clip that is to the right of the gap. The, while holding down <alt>, drag the clip to a time later in the timeline, so the gap can accommodate the new clip's length. Insert the new clip into the gap. If gaps remain. right-click|CLOSE GAP. Experiment... <ctrl-Z> will UNDO an action or several, if there's a mistake. It's also wise to FILE|SAVE PROJECT AS, using a unique # or filename, so as to not overwrite the existing file. This will allow restoration to that point if needed.
  9. Perhaps a hint here that doesn't require Virtualdub, though the crude tutorial utilizes an old VP interface. Some possibilities... http://bestgreenscreen.de/?s=fire http://bestgreenscreen.de/?s=lightning
  10. Odd indeed. Two things to try... Clear unused cache files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab. Uninstall the program via Control Panel|Programs and Features and reinstall Videopad.
  11. borate


    If possible, upload the elements of the background and effect to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or similar server and publicly link them here. Describe the outcome you're shooting for, and someone will experiment.
  12. You create a sequence 2 and drag sequence 1 to it. So far so good. Now, above the timeline, you click the sequence tab, then on sequence one. Up in the media bin you click on sequence two and attempt to drag it to the timeline of sequence one. That results in the second message that you quote, because clips from sequence two contain clips from sequence one. New material can be added. Keep in mind that a sequence can be exported, then brought back into VP as a clip. Individual clips within that clip can no longer be edited, but the new clip can be added to any sequence. Check this out to see the various actions.
  13. Select clips on different tracks, then right-click to GROUP SELECTED CLIPS. Is that what you're thinking? And, just a tip for Creamers that <ctrl-Z> will UNdo any action; it's the same as EDIT menu|UNDO.
  14. Unless every track in the sequence has a gap, Close Gap In Sequence won't be available. Close Gap on track will.
  15. Create a sequence. The sequence tab in the media area (where the clips are stored) lists it as SEQUENCE 1. Now, just above the timeline click the X at the right of the sequence 1 tab. This clears the sequence, and adds a blank sequence 2. To add sequence one to sequence 2, click the sequence tab in the MEDIA area. Right-click on sequence one and click Place On Sequence (or drag it to the timeline). This adds sequence one to (the initially blank) sequence two. Multiple sequences can be embedded in this way.
  16. Consider using ADD TEXT, in lieu of subtitles. If desired, overlay a png graphic of a box - perhaps something like this.
  17. Upload an example that displays the behavior and someone will take a look.
  18. You might also look under the OPTIONS|EDITING tab. Check or UNcheck the "use hardware-accelerated video effects" box to see if that affects performance.
  19. Choose a lower preview resolution to see if that helps. If practicable please share the project so others can attempt to duplicate your issue. Click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the resultant folder/files to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and post a public link here.
  20. Upload the image, if possible, as outlined above.
  21. You placed the logo on the time line and clicked the FX button in its thumbnail? Then did you click the green + sign at the top left and choose the SCALE effect? What format is the image? Can you share it by uploading to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and posting the link here. Someone will test it.
  22. A bit of corruption on the time line. Glad the fixed 1024 x 576 @ 29.97fps file worked out for you. Boogie!
  23. Don't spot an option to do that. And when saving a project, use SAVE AS and give it a unique or incremented name, so the original won't be overwritten.
  24. You've tacked onto an old thread. Best to start a new topic, with a descriptive subject. The link you provided cannot be seen, as it's internal to your PC. To post a picture here check out the 'sticky' at the top of this forum, titled "tips for getting help." For registration problems and support see http://www.nch.com.au/support/reg.html
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