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Everything posted by borate

  1. Took another route and extracted the ZIP file, which yielded four folders - containing png, svg, swf and mp3 files. But no vpj program file that tells VP what to load. Include that in your upload please. The file with no extension, titled STRS.explaindio appears to be the program file, but VP does not recognize it.
  2. With your project on the time line, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload all the files to a server, such as DropBox, MS OneDrive, Google Drive or the like. Create a public link and post it here. Someone will analyze your production. You can also zip the saved project files and upload the .zip to the server, if that's easier for you.
  3. Testing here confirmed the freeze, but on the FROM clip alone, and it made no difference whether FREEZE or MOVE was chosen. The TO clip's action appeared to be fluid. In retrospect, the TO clip's speed was not changed. Had it been, it too might have frozen, as Wojtek described.
  4. You may see this behavior on a FREEZE type transition - especially lengthy ones - if there is no pad video available at the end of the FROM clip or at the head of the TO clip. Try, instead, a MOVE CLIPS TO OVERLAP transition. The default is set under OPTIONS|EDITING.
  5. Nat, video clip effected to B/W, speed ramped to 200% (also tested 300%). With or w/o a dissolve to a still, entire clip remained B/W - even with "insert transition frames" checked. 5.31.
  6. Not seeing that in VP Windows 5.20 version. It looked the same for video files and stills; no line between them. Image one was dropped onto track 1. The position effect was clicked, then the preview window was clicked and the cross in the middle used to drag the image left. Image two was dropped onto track 2. The position effect again, with this image dragged to the right, until the track two image left edge just touched the right edge of the image on track one.
  7. borate

    video export fail

    If you can share the failed video here someone may see if they can duplicate your result. With the project loaded, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Then zip all the resulting files. Upload the zip file to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or the like. Create a public link and post it here.
  8. Did you look for the file in this path on your Windows PC? c:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad\videopadsetup_v4.xx.exe" VP usually stores the installation files there. If no go, visit http://www.nch.com.au/support/reg.html Note the contact link at the bottom of the page.
  9. This info should set things right. Note the contact link at the bottom.
  10. One approach... Drop in a SPLIT at the desired start point, if not already extant at the start of a clip. Then use <shift>+left arrow to return to that split point. <shift>+right arrow will jump to the next split point...and so on.
  11. Peinetti wrote: Of course. Have you looked under FILE menu|RECENT PROJECTS? The path here is "C:\Users\username\Documents\VideoPad Projects" ... You can also search for a VPJ file. When editing, frequently click FILE|SAVE PROJECT AS. Give it a unique name or number, so as not to overwrite the existing file. You can also save all project files and the VPJ control file to portable media, using FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. The project then can be reconstructed on another machine, where VP is installed. Bien sûr. Avez-vous regardé sous le menu fichier | Projets récents? Vous pouvez également rechercher un fichier VPJ. Lors de l'édition, cliquez fréquemment sur fichier | Enregistrer le projet en tant que. Donnez-lui un nom ou un numéro unique, afin de ne pas écraser le fichier existant. Vous pouvez également enregistrer tous les fichiers projet et le fichier de contrôle VPJ sur un support portable, à l'aide du fichier | Enregistrez le projet portable. Le projet peut ensuite être reconstruit sur une autre machine, aussi longtemps que VP est installé.
  12. After being certain that your project files are independently saved, attempt an UNinstall of VP via the usual Windows method. You MAY be given an option to use the non-registered version. If not, install the latest version to see if that gives a grace period. Best bet, of course, is to purchase the program.
  13. If your video is on YouTube (and possibly other sites) it can be right-clicked and then click "copy URL at current time." That URL can be embedded in your PDF or WORD doc. When clicked it should open the video at the specific location. Si su vídeo está en YouTube (y posiblemente en otros sitios) puede hacer clic con el botón derecho del ratón y, a continuación, haga clic en "Copiar URL en la hora actual." Esa URL se puede incrustar en su PDF o Word doc. Al hacer clic en él debe abrir el vídeo en la ubicación específica.
  14. No, this isn't a preview window; it's an effects-plot window. Add an effect by clicking the green arrow at the top-left. Then click the squiggly lines to the right of each parameter, to see the plot. Add keyframes with the small green +.
  15. Check this out. In addition, a non-registered (free) version may have export and other restrictions after a period of time.
  16. Video editing is resource intensive. What are your PC's specs: CPU/GPU/memory/free space/hard drive type? For insight on buffering issues, type that term into the search window at the top-right of the screen.
  17. Other than a few flash frames made during editing - such as those at about :40 and :47 - export plays without hesitation or obvious sync problems when exported as an Mp4 or MPG using auto-detect defaults. Give it a minute or so to load.
  18. Please upload a sample AVCHD file to Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here and someone will take a look. Here, several MTS files were successfully imported and exported with Videopad 5.20.
  19. The file you linked loaded and played normally in VP Windows version 5.20 here.
  20. In VP's OPTIONS menu, under the disk tab, clear unused cache files, to see if that action affects the issue. Someone will check it out if you put the project up on a server, such as DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like... Load the project. Click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload all the results to the server, make the link public and post it here. If the project is lengthy, with many files, zip it before uploading.
  21. Upload a sample VOB that doesn't import correctly. Use Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check it out.
  22. Click on your sequence in the MEDIA BIN, then move the tabs to the ends. This should remove the selected area and allow export of the entire sequence.
  23. Did you first select the correct sequence, prior to moving the red/blue tabs?
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