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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate

    Text clip

    Either subtitles or text clips can be edited. For the former, click SUBTITLES on the menu bar and, at the left, edit the text. For the latter, don't click ADD TEXT. Instead, click the existing title clip in the media bin, then click on the text box. Edit as needed. No new clip will be created.
  2. borate

    Text clip

    If you simply want static text, be sure that NO SCROLLING is chosen in the text editor. But if your goal is to scroll text over a colored background, click ADD OBJECT in the tool bar, click ADD A BLANK CLIP, then click the color box. Place the clip on the time line. To superimpose text click ADD OBJECT|ADD SIMPLE TEXT. Compose. No scroll. Exit the text editor to create the clip and place it on track 2, just above the color background. To animate it - in this case scrolling from the left, stopping, then scrolling off screen... (See keyframes for a tutorial.) Click the FX button on the text clip in the time line, click the green + at the left of the toolbar and choose the POSITION effect. The smaller green + near the middle of the effects window toolbar will add keyframes. Or create them by dragging the blue line in the graph. Once created, a keyframe can be dragged around in the graph. To achieve this effect, the graph will look similar to this... The result will look like this... Note: If prompted to sign in, just X-out. No need to sign in.
  3. File a report. http://www.nch.com.au/software/bug.html?software=VideoPad Tested the file with various encodings in another editor. Clean.
  4. THAT'S your result. (May take a minute to load.) Looks similar as the original - which had a few bumps. Right-click on the screen to save the file, then view it locally.
  5. Turn on hardware acceleration, under OPTIONS|EDITING. Then click EXPORT in the top toolbar and choose LOSSLESS VIDEO. This will output an Mp4 in about one second's time.
  6. If you have a short project that exhibits the fault please upload it for inspection... With the project on the time line, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload ALL the files that result to Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like, make the link public and post it here. If there are numerous files, zip them first, then upload the zip file.
  7. Use the free version REVO uninstaller, reboot, reinstall and see if that restores the function.
  8. Earlier this year c_major (from NCH) commented: "We are planing a darken look for VideoPad (in fact, for all NCH products)." What you now see is likely what you will get, which is more in line with products from other companies. There's no UI option to change it.
  9. Good thought. A workaround would be to compose with a large font, select (hightlight) all the desired text and then change the font size.
  10. It's not clear what you mean by this. On the time line, if the right edge of a clip is dragged to the left, the clip will be shortened. No <shift> required. A ] bracket with two opposing arrows will appear at the cursor when clicking. If <shift> is held down while doing this, a gap will be left between the clip being shortened and the clip that follows. If you want to leave a gap when a clip is dragged from its left edge to the right, hold down <alt> while dragging. A [ bracket with opposing arrows will appear at the cursor when clicking.)
  11. As Nat suggests, above, check the Windows 10 audio settings to verify that recording is enabled for the correct source. Right-click the speaker icon in the notification area (bottom-right), than click on RECORDING DEVICES. Open the Properties dialog for the device/s and enable them, if that's not the case. Make the chosen device the default and see if that helps.
  12. Perhaps the converter is not outputting audio. That needs to be determined first. If indeed there is audio, you should be able to hear it on the PC - irrespective of Videopad.
  13. You hear the audio on the PC (from the converter) as the material plays? VP can handle many sources. http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/mac/content_capturingvideo.html
  14. Nat, In the registry editor, drill down to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NCH Software\VideoPad\Software On the right pane, right-click on Svar, then click on Modify In the long string you will see VIDEOPADOpenRecenton Change just the ending letters "on" to "off"
  15. That missing + on the bin tab may be a buglet; same here but on only one of two 6.01 installs. Did an over-install on the one where it was missing and the + returned. There is a method of generating VIDEO bin clips from time-line seqments... Place the full film, a single master clip in this case, on the time line. Click the preview tab and set the IN/OUT points. The time line then shows only the video between the points. Left-click and drag that into the media area. A new clip appears under the VIDEO tab. Same name, incremented number (1), (2), etc. The time line goes blank. Click the master video clip and again drop it onto the time line. Repeat steps 1-4, generating new clips of specific video segments. Each new clip can be renamed via a right-click.
  16. Another approach to consider... Place the project on the time line. Drag the scrubber (red line) to where the selected portion will begin and click the SPLIT icon (the scissors). Drag the scrubber to where the selected portion will end and click the SPLIT icon. That will isolate the split-out portion as a clip. Click that clip, to select (highlight) it. Press <ctrl-C> to copy it. Click the + to the right of any sequence tab that's just above the timeline, to create a new sequence. Click the area to the left of the scrubber (which should be parked at the start of the time line) to select (highlight) video track 1. Now press <ctrl-V> to paste. (If desired, rename the sequence by right-clicking on its tab.) Repeat the process by returning the sequence 1 and isolating another clip. If sequence 1 is getting cluttered, it can be cleared by clicking on it, pressing <ctrl-A>, then DEL on the keyboard. New sequences will not be affected. Now the original film, under the video tab in the media bin, can be dropped back onto the time line.
  17. Consider testing the latest version. Though it may be a trial (not registered), you should be able to revert to 5.3 if necessary. If no joy, with the project on the time line please click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload ALL that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. If there are numerous stills, zip all the files and upload the zip file instead. Someone will check it out.
  18. Click the + sign that's to the right of the bin tabs. This will prompt for the name of a new bin. Create as many as you like. Same thing for the + to the right of the sequence tab.
  19. Strange. I viewed the file at DropBox as well as downloaded it. Jitter in both presentations on Cam 1. It's a subtle, intermittent, primarily vertical shake.
  20. The jitter is evident here on Cam 1 when played directly from your server - before being loaded into VP as part of your project. Hummm...
  21. Using a PC, did you right-click on the video clip in the media bin (NOT on the time line) and click on STABILIZE VIDEO? That should create a new stabilized clip.
  22. Sorry, no answer to the jitter issue. You have linked the project here, so perhaps others will analyze it and chime in.
  23. Exported your project with VP 6.01, using auto-detect settings, and all effects were present. There was a bit of jitter on some zooms and pans.
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