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Everything posted by c_major

  1. I've tried and couldn't reproduce the Start/End editing problem. I'll investigate more. Current subtitles don't related to clips. However I understand the need for subtitles sync with the A/V. We'll review this feature and find a ways to solve the problem. You can do that in Subtitles dialog, File menu, Save SSA File or Save SRT File.
  2. @johnywhy Hi, Mind I ask how did you get 6.01? It's in testing and still being changed every day. Thanks
  3. 6.01 is still in testing and not yet released.
  4. c_major

    Using mask

    Thanks Nat for pointing it out. I've filed a suggestion that adding widget handles to move/rotation the mask in a whole.
  5. @johnywhy You can enable audio scrubbing by click on main tool bar -> "Audio" tab -> "Scrubbing".
  6. Try remove the video from the project, clear the cache (Options -> Disk -> Clear unused cache) and re-import it back.
  7. Thanks for reporting the issue. We'll look into this. BTW: Dark theme will no longer be able to turn off for the later versions since we don't want to maintain two different features. We can always make adjustment according to user feedback.
  8. The latest version of VideoPad (v6.00) has better capability to handle big files.
  9. What's the model of the DVD player? Have you make sure the DVD players can play the type of disk (e.g. DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD_RW etc.)?
  10. You don't need to hold Shift to snap. Shift is for selecting multiple clips (Shift + Click).
  11. Can you please share one of the AVI file (on Google Drive or DropBox etc.)?
  12. There should be no difference for loading clips on licensed and unlicensed version. It could be an issue with that particular AVI file. Have you tried a different clip with similar length?
  13. @Nathan J We've fixed the bug reported by OP. The fix included in the latest release (v6.00). If you still having problem with the latest version please shard the files to us so we can diagnose the issue.
  14. New: Added Tutorial page. New color picker dialog. Added 3D stereo preview options (instead choose from the options when opening clips). Fixed: Preview cursor skip to end when an effect is applied to the Sequence.
  15. This problem is now fixed. The fixes will be applied to the next release. Thanks everyone in this thread for reporting and analyzing the problem.
  16. I've found that a Color Curve effect has been added on to the sequence "Ingredients". The effect looks like has been added unintentionally (no actual effects). Removing the effect from the sequence can get the problem fixed. We are still investigating why adding effect on the sequence caused the problem.
  17. I've reproduced the issue by using the files from NLP but not other files. We'll investigate and try to get it fixed.
  18. Uninstall and reinstall VideoPad again will have 50% chance to get the dark mode. No redownload needed.
  19. There is a limit for number of audio samples you can have in one file - about 12 hours at 48kHz. You can lower the sound sample rate (in some of the codec options or lower the sample rate when recording) to make longer video. We are working on remove this limitation.
  20. This statement doesn't make sense. VideoPad can definitely handle files bigger than 3.5gb. "Building Preview" normally happen when generating cache files. Once the caching is finished you should be able to preview video of any size smoothly.
  21. Try export to Lossless Video in VideoPad. This export mode will put video clips together without decode and re-encode them.
  22. That sounds like a problem. Could you please share the .vpj file (no media files needed) via a file hosting service (e.g. Google Drive, Drop Box etc.) so we can investigate?
  23. This issue will be fixed in next release.
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