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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Sam Thanks for the reply. Yes, I realise they are in alphabetical order but (unless I am mistaken) most downloaded clips/files from cameras are numbered sequentially e.g. TOSH0001 TOSH0002 TOSH0003 etc. and so even if you add TOSH0045 the list scrolls back to TOSH0001 as this is the first alphabetically and that's the irritating thing. I can run an independant program to renumber them all as simply 0001 0002 0003 etc. but that's an extra hassle. Any way around this within VP? Nat
  2. Hi NCH Can you do anything about the fact that the media list continually scrolls the thumbnails back to the top when one is adding then to the timeline? It's a bit annoying when you are adding them one or two at a time (and yes, I know you can add them en bloc but there may be clips you don't want to add precisely in chronological order) - to find that after each addition the thumbnail screen has scrolled back up to the first thubmnail again, even if all the ones displayed have already been added. It means that you have to scroll the window down again to see the next clip you want to add. It would be much better if the media list stayed where it was after each addition. Any comments? Nat
  3. Hi Not sure why you are getting what you are getting.With a Windows PC and provided VP is correctly installed you should be first prompted with a Welcome screen which along with any previous saved projects listed prompts for: New Project/Open project/Tutorial/Guide Selecting "New project" brings you into the main VP screen. Clicking the "Add File" tab should then open up an explorer window (Add files to your project) from where you should be able to navigate to the folder where you saved your video clips if the default folder shown does not contain them. If this doesn't happen then something seems to be wrong. The fact that you don't see an explorer screen at all is a non starter. You could try re-installing VP and see if that cures it. Perhaps the iPad version runs differently to the Windows version. Don't worry though, somebody will reply.... Nat
  4. Hi Joe "Also, can someone give me a clue about how 6200+ images generated from a 3 minute video clip can be of practical use to ANYONE???" Here is an example..The ability to extract individual images (even hundreds) from a movie has its uses. In amateur astronomy for example, a single photograph, say, of Jupiter, is normaly unusable as the detail is blurred.due to atmospheric turbulence. The way around this is to shoot a short movie and then extract the individual images which can then be individually examined and the least blurred selected. (There are programs that will do this.) In principle, these "better" images would still not be particularly good but each would hold detail missing from others. So by using a program for the purpose, (often the same program), the images can be "added" together, i.e. aligned and merged. The final composite image is smoother and less "pixelated" and now contains all the detail available. The final step is enhancment at various pixel levels producing a much better final photograph. Nat
  5. Hi Image Fade-Out...... Drag and drop video onto Track 1 Drag and drop Image onto the overlay track. LIne it up and pull out the right hand end of the image so the duration matches the video. Click the box marked FX on the left end of the image line. Click the Green cross and select Transparency Click the down arrow on the default box and select Fade Out. Done! Music Fade-In-...... Drag and drop music clip to Audio track 2 (below Audio track 1) and line it up. If needed you can mute the main track audio by clicking the microphone icon next to the FX box Check duration of the video track that you have. (Hover mouse over the track and the value should be visible.Alternatively go into Storyboard mode and note the duration value shown for the clip) Return to Timeline mode. Right click the music clip on Audio track 2 and select Fade In. Enter the duration you noted for the accomanying video. Done! Nat
  6. Hi In storyboard mode VP only shows track 1 and references it by thumbnails of equal length not ike the timeline where length relates to clip duration. Although I am sure that NCH could implement separate thumbnail storyboard tracks for the overlays, their relation to the main track and to each other would necessarily be lost. However, the option to toggle the single storyboard display to show the individual overlay tracks might have some use as it might save having to scroll along the timeline to find particular overlay tracks that require attention. Nat
  7. Hi This is an inherent problem when synching a separately recorded sound track to a video. You could try changing the speed of the soundtrack keeping the pitch the same. This will lengthen or shorten the soundtrack, the minimum change being about 1%. The aim would be to adjust the total length of the soundtrack to make it the same as the video track length. Worth a try. You may not get it exact but it might be closer.( It's not clear whether you tried this with the sound or the video.) The alternative is to cut the video at a few places where it won't be noticable, drag the right hand section up to the overlay track and pull it back sufficiently to re-establish the synch. Zooming in can help to get a small overlap if required. If the cut does jump noticably you could fade in the overlaid section to make it smoother. Nat
  8. Hi Yes...Adding text by Ctrl-V pastes OK. Don't often use the Hot keys . Thanks. A right click menu in the Add text window would be a logical place to put up any options available. Nat
  9. Hi Borate I actually had the font default set as Balloon in red with a background black, so there is no clash of this type. Typing text was fine; the letters appearing at the cursor line in Balloon red. I was actually looking at the Hebrew text problem where the text in subtitles mode appeared out of order. and was wondering if it could be pasted in the "Add text " window instead, where I had the idea that it wouldn't be rearranged. So I used Google translator to create the Hebrew text and copied it using the right click "Copy.paste" However, pasting this into VP"Add Text" window didn't work as there is no Paste option...at least I cant find it.. ...but......I have just had a thought.....is it because I was pasting Hebrew text?....I'll try ordinary western text... No...That doesn't work either .Right clicking on the text window doesn't give a "Cut Copy Paste" menu. It just brings up the larger Text entry window and right clicking this has no action either. And yes; I can Copy/Paste Hebrew text into the Windows notepad, so why not VP? This is with version 4.40 professional. Nat
  10. HI Although you can paste text into the subtitle editor it seems you can't do this when entering text into the "Add text" screen. Could this feature be added..it could be useful. I am pleased to see that my suggestion re: the font names being listed in the actual font has been implemented. Nat
  11. Hi "I can't figure out how to insert a video clip at the front (the start) of a sequence. Similarly, I can't figure out how to insert a video clip between two other video clips that are already in the sequence" As well as the method outlined by Borate above. You can try this... With your clips on the sequence and the one you want to add between them present in the media list, switch into Storyboard mode. Grab the clip/image in the media list and simply drag it down to the join between the clips where you want to place it. (The clips will be shown as thumbnails) . A grey bar will appear as you reach a join. Drop your clip . It will be inserted at the join you have selected.. Nat
  12. Hi A separate audio track may have its problems. For example I filmed myself playing a violin piece with a piano accompaniment, but the piano part set up as a MIDI file and was playing through earphones via the PC. In some ways it was like a live performance but being driven by the MIDI piano part. (Filming and playing with the MIDI part through speakers didn't sound right.) The video obviously only recorded the violin part. Despite both the violin and MIDI having been played together, once on their separate tracks and with the start synchronised it was obvious that the MIDI recording was slightly different for some reason than the violin part and gradually got out of synch with the violin. It meant that I had to split the audio track where there were silences in the piano part, pulling the track back or forward a tiny amout to resynch it. Just for fun I added images of the sections of the music being played at the top of the screen .....couldn't make a karyoke ball dance along with the notes though. It's something similar that you may have to do. As you have two videos you shouldn't have to split or move the soundtrack. At the points that you change camera angles (Video track 1 and Video track 2) by cutting out the overlay track sections to reveal the main track, you can easily (relatively anyway) resynch the main track by dragging a section of it along to the correct position. It's pretty logical once you get going as you may have to chop the main track also to create a gap to move it left into. Fading in and out the overlay sections will also disguise any out of synch bits. It will work with care. I've done this with my local orchestra using two cameras. Best of luck Nat
  13. Hi all OK I can see it now! It's wasn't immediately obvious as the "Add keyframe at the current position" tab was not active and the tab itself did not "auto" label when passing the mouse over it until the "Show/hide animation line" button(s) had been clicked.(Perhaps a mouseover prompt could explain the required step) But yes, it works fine. On reflection...Why is there a need for showing/hiding the parameter lines? Why not just show them when the pane is pulled out, activate the feature, do away with the four buttons and offer the "Add keyframe at cursor position" button? Hi Borate...Thanks.That was a method I used previously to curve the keyframe line in the earlier versions before Ease in/out curves. It meant a lot of clicking on the line though. :-) Nat
  14. Hi Following on....I want to zoom into the centre of an image..... 1) Put an image on the main track and select it 2) Click the FX button on the thumbnail to get the FX control screen. 3) Click the green cross to select the effect. 4) Choose Zoom. 5) Click AR to maintain AR 6) Slide cursor line to left for start position of zoom........Preview screen shows the zoom area with handles. Now.....How is this initial frame set cos I can't find it.? Moving along the clip and readjusting the corners (like before) to show the zoomed in area at the desired position simply produces a cropped and frame filled image for the whole clip. I can play about with up/slope etc for each value parameter menu but that seems VERY hit and miss and not a bit intuative. Where is the simple two setting zoom now? Nat
  15. Hi Sam Just loaded 4.40 to have a look at it but it comes up as a non-licensed version. v 4.33 is licensed so have gone back to using that. Nat
  16. Hi I have been using VP for some years now and seen a lot of changes in the effects area (and elswhere) but I have to agree...it is not intuative now. How on earth do you make a simple zoom now?? i.e. start full frame and end zoomed in. I can see the corner tabs for the initial frame on the sequence (or clip) preview when in effects mode. How do I now set this initial keyframe starting point? I can slide to the end of the clip and reduce the outlined frame (Like original versions) but that doesn't leave a zoom from start to finish, just a zoomed in frame.. I still haven't worked it out. :-( The help file is not much use. Nat
  17. Hi Assuming both videos were recorded at the same time then you will only need to use one of the audio tracks. Put the first video on the main track and the second video on the overlay track. If they are slightly different then you can bring them together by simply listening to the audio and adjusting the position of one of the videos slightly so the audio synchronises. (You will hear both audio tracks but only see the overlay track at this point. Once you have the audio tracks playing as one, then mute one of them. Now you can split the overlay track where you wish and remove sections so the main video track appears at these points. (Don't close the gaps) With a bit of patience you can dissolve in the edges of the overlay clips to produce a smooth transition between both filming positions. Save the project at various times with different names so you can return if you make a mess of it. Nat
  18. Nationalsolo


    HI Where did you find Fade which refers to frame numbers please? I haven't noticed this before. Fade is usually applied at a split or at a clip start or end and is controlled by duration. Fade in by clicking the "f" on the timeline clip thumbnail and then entering how long you require the fade in to last. Fade out by clicking the transition sign at the end of a clip, select Fade and enter the duration etc. You can also Fade in and out using the Transparency effect. at any point between start and finish. I haven't seen frame numbers...:-) Nat
  19. Hi The area is light blue and directly above the main video track. It's initially unlabelled but contains "Drag and drop your video, text and image clips here to overlay" Once you have done this it becomes labelled "Video Track 2" and the text moves up. Anything placed here will overlay (play over) anything on a lower track. Any sound track associated with the overlay clip will appear below Audio Track 1. You can numerous overlay tracks as Borate says. Note that sound tracks will mix unlike the video tracks. Nat
  20. Hi You can visualise your fade in-Fade out... Click the "FX" button on the thumbnail followed by the green plus. Choose "Transparency" Click the "Default preset" and select "Fade in and Fade out" This should show the straight line up and down transparency level graph. Now grab the graph line a little bit after the start and drag it up to the top. Do the same at a point a little bit before the end of the clip. The graph line should now display a smooth curve rising up to the top--remaining steady and then descending again before the end of the clip. By moving the points you have created to the right or left you can vary the degree of fade in or fade out. Nat
  21. Hi If you download a newer version of VP. Select to "Save" and not to run the exe file. If you have a working version already on your PC you should have the vpsetup.exe file. Change the name of this so it reflects the version... e.g. vpsetup v 4.11.exe If you have downloaded the newer version (e.g. 4.31 which is Beta version,) but selected to run the file instead of saving it first, it will overwrite your current version. However you can easily delete all the references this if it is not to your liking and then reinstall the original from your saved setup file-the one you renamed. If it is a licensed version you should not need to re-enter the activation code again. Nat
  22. Hi If you want to totally remove the track you can right click it and select "Unlink from video" followed by a second right click on the track followed by "Delete" If you feel you require the track to remain but not play you can mute it by right clicking it follwed by "Mute audio" If you want bits of track 1 (or any track) to play then you can split the audio track in the selected places using the "Split" button under the preview screen and with Audio track 1 selected. (Use the down arrow to select the required track) You can then mute or delete the selected split off sections. Audio on track 2 will mix with track 1 except where track 1 is muted or deleted. Nat
  23. Hi "Perhaps "apply to all" can be added - similar to the video transition option." Although it seems you can select and add an effect to multiple video clips (when you get the option to apply the effect to all the clips or just the one,) the effect chosen however is added to all the clips "as is" (At least with Transparency) I originally thought CinemaWinner was referring to video clips and tried using Transparency to generate a multiple clip fade in/fade out. Although I could set up a fade in/fade out preset VP would not apply it to multiple clips...only the 50% opacity default preset could be used. Have I missed something here? Nat
  24. Hi With two videos reduced in size and in different positions....one on the main track and one on the overlay track (or both on different overlay tracks), clicking the background button when using the POSITION effect does occasionally leave the preview screen black. It maybe your PC or a bug as with repeat clicking on the Background button, the videos redisplay and toggle between themselves showing first one and then the other. However all you need to do to position your two videos, is to open the POSITION effect for the first one and drag it to the place required. Apply this and then open the POSITION effect for the second video and repeat the procedure. Both videos will be seen against whatever background you have chosen. Nat
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