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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Should be no problem... For CLOCKWISE rotation of the image the START value is set to 0.00 and the END value is set to 360.... If you want the image to rotate ANTICLOCKWISE the START position is set to 360 and the END position is set to 0.00 ..... Obviously you can use a different value other that 360 to obtain degrees of rotation. Nat
  2. Hi Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Goto https://pictr.com/ and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. With regards to the fade problem.. You could try a straight forward videotrack Crossfade transition between the clips, either with or without clip overlap. The soundtracks will fade-out and fade-in over each other for the duration of the transition. Nat Nat
  3. Hi Your settings are correct so clip 2 should fade in from the start of the transition marker bar.. I notice however that you seem to have added a soundtrack fadeout to clip one which may be affecting it .This is not really necessary as (normally) crossfade does this within its duration but should make the Clip2 soundtrack fade in more easily heard. I checked this out and found that with the soundtrack fadeout to Clip 1 , Clip2 did not fade in during the transition, it started at the END of the transition. So remove the soundtrack fadeout and see if that cures things. Nat
  4. Hi The transition is applied by clicking the X that is between the clips.It doesn't make any difference if you select the left hand clip first. Choosing the Crossfade transition the audio should also cross fade irrespective whether you have chosen to move the clips (overlap) or keep single frames, provided the Option box/Editing Apply sound crossfade for video transition is ticked. The fade out/fade in starts at the left edge of the transition blue bar. trimming the clips does not prevent this action provided you have closed any gap correctly. If this box is not ticked then irrespective of the crossfade options the sound cuts immediately at the join between clip1 and clip2. That's the way it is meant to work. If it doesn't do this something is wrong. Does the blue transition bar at the top of the clips sit centrally on the join? or is it all on the left clip? If so it may indicate that you have a very small gap between the clips. Older versions of VP used to show whether there was a sound track crossfade. The latest version doesn't. Run a test with a voice soundtrack on clip 1 and a music track on clip 2. Set a crossfade transition od 6 seconds. If all is well you should hear the music fade in 3 seconds before the end of clip1 when the cursor reaches the transition marker. Nat
  5. Hi " 1. I can fade out audio at end of sequence but cannot figure out how to fade out/fade to black the video. " Left click the X at the end of the last clip and select the fade effect. Enter a suitable duration in the effect selection window or drag the end of the fade bar (the dark blue above the timeline thumbnails to the right or left to adjust. " 2. After saving/exporting a Project could not save another Project. Have followed instructions for exporting & saving as an .mp4 but seem to have lost my way for a second save. " if you use Save project option it just overwrites your first project with a new .vpj file.There will not appear to be any changes if you didn't edit anything.Use Save project As and enter a different name. If you want to Export again simply click the Export Video tab and select the same export option again.. VP will automatically use the previously set up parameters. Enter a new name. " Exporting saves the whole sequence instead of from where I chose to start even though I did remove the video & audio before my startmark . I end up with a blank beginning which runs until the start where I originally chose to start. " If you have removed a portion of your project (e.g. a section from the start) and not subsequently "Closed the gap", the exported video will play black where the gap was left. To remove a gap from the timeline right click it and then select the option Close the Gap from the menu that appears. Nat
  6. Hi "... Mind you in the three years I have used it there has never been a single update of any kind ..." Since January 2015 (In the last three years) starting with VP v 3.85 and finishing with the current version VP v 6.1 there have been at least 30 upgrades. Although initially I found the "Dark" version a bit "different" , it does quickly become familiar. If I revert now to an earlier version now THAT is the one that seems "different". ? Nat
  7. Hi You could also try this... Place both clips on the timeline Drop a blank black clip in between them Right click the blank clip on the timeline and from the menu change the duration to 0.1 seconds. Now zoom in to the timeline (or use storyboard mode) and delete the blank clip. The two clips will remain separated by a 0.1 second gap Add your fade transition to clip one.(Make it 3.9 seconds) Group clips if required. The fade will not cross the tiny gap.Clip one will fade out for 3.9 seconds, the gap will play black for 0,1 seconds and the total time from the start of the fade before clip 2 appears will be your 4 seconds. Timeline will look like this... Storyboard mode is probably clearer...... Nat
  8. Hi Tiny clips which are not readily visible in timeline mode at "normal" zoom levels can easily be found if you switch into storyboard mode as then every clip, no matter what its duration is shown as a single thumbnail "slide"and can easily be detected and deleted. Nat
  9. Hi With your project on the timeline.... Save your project in case of accidents. Click the Sequence tab on the TOP toolbar Select New Sequence from the menu options. This will clear the timeline and place a copy of the project in the Sequence bin. The Sequence bin will contain two sequences...Sequence 1 (Your project) and Sequence 2 (A dummy) Open the Sequence bin and left click Sequence 1 Open the Clip Preview window Slide the RED bracket on the left end of the thumbnail line to the Start of your selection to export. Slide the BLUE bracket at the right end of the thumbnail line to the End of your selection to export. Your selection to export will be highlighted. Click the PLACE button under the thumbnail line. This will place your selection onto the timeline. Export your selection. Nat
  10. Hi The stuttering with "Building preview" message shouldn't happen. I just cleared the cache and set up a 30 minute timeline with multiple HD mpeg4 clips and numerous jpeg images and this, once cached, previews normally with the preview screen set at 512 x 288 (16:9) and this is on an Older Vista PC with CPU usage during preview was 64%. There was no message or stuttering. When I increased the preview resolution to 1280 x 720 (16:9) the CPU usage rose to 100% whilst the cache was being reformed and the timeline was being rebuilt and this took quite few minutes to complete. Previewing the timeline when the CPU usage had stabiized (to around 60%) resulted in numerous stutters with the "Building Preview" message coming up and which appeared when the CPU usage rose to 100%. To make things run smoothly then I keep the preview resolution to no more than 640 x 360. You can always undock the preview window and even full-screen it if you want a closer look during editing. Nat
  11. Hi You could also try this: Put the red cursor at the point where you want the tracks to move from. Add a blank clip to the clip bin Left click the blank and then use the PLACE button in clip preview to place the blank on the sequence at the cursor. All the clips to the right of the blank including overlays will move to the right. Adjust the duration of the blank by dragging the ends on the sequence line to suit the movement required Delete the blank from the sequence. All the clips will remain shifted. There is no need to group them or drag and drop them. Nat
  12. Hi " Is this behavior typical " Obviously not! Low preview setting.and fully loaded to timeline; doesn't seem to have any edits......If you haven't already done it I would clear the cache and see whether that makes any difference. If all else fails save the project and reinstall the software. Nat
  13. Hi You should be able to export your project with any version of VP although the free version will have limited export options. I would uninstall (Completely) all references to VP from your PC and then download the most recent version (6.10) from the NCH download page. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html If you still have the original version 5.03 .exe file you could also reinstall THAT version if things still don't work out. Nat
  14. Hi " The problem now is that after moving them all out of the way, inserting the new clip at beginning - how do I move all the clips back together to seam up with the new clip? " Grabbing all the clips or grouping them you can move them to the right and they will stay put if you press Ctrl +Alt. Now having moved all your clips along to make enough space for inserting a new one you will have a gap. Simply right click on the gap and select Close Gap in Track from the menu that comes up.All the clips to the right of the gap will shift left. However from your original post you say you wanted to add a clip to the begining of your timeline. To do this without all the grouping phaff, left click (select) the clip in the clip bin and under the Clip Preview window you will see a Place button.Simply click the down arrow to the right of this button and select Place on Sequence at Start. (Ctrl+SHIFT+HOME). ..and when I want to cut a clip to splice on in to the middle of a video, all the following clips automatically jump the the left locked to the clip that was cut - If you want to insert a clip at any point, move the red cursor line to the insert point, select your clip in the clip bin and as above, use the Place menu to Place on Sequence at Cursor option. You could edit the clip in the Clip Preview window before doing this using the START and END markers or edit in the usual way after insertion (like film) by splitting and deleting unwanted bits (followed by closing any gaps produced.) Nat
  15. Hi Confirmed. Your intro clip was placed in front of and after a normal mpeg4 clip and all played normally. Nat
  16. Hi Even though both audio and video tracks are at the "start" of the track you can still drag the unlinked audio to the left (before the "start"). This action will push in effect the video track to the right. Note that snapback occurs if you displace the video track by dragging it to an audio peak but does not happen if you drag the audio track to the visual clue. If you can place the red cursor line exactly at the visual clue you can (or should) be able to easily drag your selected audio point to the cursor without difficulty. Nat
  17. Hi As you export projects they are saved in the format etc. set up in the export parameters to your designated destination folder but appear listed as shown in this example of 4 exported videos... Clicking the Clear Completed Items button will remove the said items from the queue. Individual items (completed or not) can be removed using the Remove option. (This action does not remove the exported video) Whilst the list is open you can Play the exported video or open the destination folder. The list is automatically deleted when a new editing session is started with VP. (i.e. you close VP and then reopen it.) Note: The options do not remove the exported work. It just clears the list. Nat
  18. Hi An EXPORTED image will not show a chequered background. It will simply play as a black screen, or have the chequered ares show black. I assume you mean that it shows a chequered background when the image is IMPORTED into VP. i.e. previewed in the clip window or seen in the clip bin or the timeline. This would indicate that it has a transparent property like .gifs or a .pngs can have. Any part of the image will show a chequered area in VP if that part of the image is transparent. It's unusual to have the WHOLE image show as chequered as there would be no image actually visible. What format is your image? Have you set any transparency effects before you exported it? Nat
  19. Hi I had a look at one of your unplayable files..Marijke_Shoot_3.mpeg4 , an H264 MPEG4 1920 x 1080 25fps clip. This loaded into VP but did not produce a thumbnail in the clip bin. Dropped into the timeline It did display a thumbnail but the clip did not play in either the clip preview window or the sequence preview window. It just showed a thumbnail whilst the soundtrack played. I then checked the VP cache and found there wasn't a full xxxx-xxx-x.video .cache file which suggests VP could not properly index it. It may be a corrupt file (files) However I converted this video to an mpeg2 video with the same resolution and this played perfectly in VP. (I used AVC) Out of curiosity I then converted it into an MPEG4 file (even though it was already an MPEG4) and this also played perfectly. NCH may be able to see where the glitch is but I would suggest you simply convert all the unplayable files "back" into MPEG4.(or use MPEG2 which looks almost as good.) If these are files you originally exported with VP I would suggest you export using the basic MPEG4 settings and not H264. under the encoder options. Then see if you have the same problem. Nat
  20. Hi A screendump of the VP interface posted here and showing the clip bin contents and the timeline might also be useful. It would also be interesting to see the same when VP is in Storyboard mode. Nat
  21. Hi Using the Transparency effect as Borate describes will give you what you want. The basic Fade-in and Fade-out keyframe graph looks like this but is a bit abrupt and in this case would have the maximum duration for both, each being half the duration of the text clip.... You can easily drag the blue line up to the top to make either fade shorter........ Here the line has been pulled up to the top (0% transparent) to produce the he yellow keyframe marker. The Fade-in is now short but the Fade-out still starts half way through the clip . Of course you can also shorten the Fade-out in a similar way.... Now the Fade-in and Fade-out are more rapid but leave the text visible for longer. Experiment with the Transparency effect to get the timing you want. Nat
  22. Hi Gracie Pictr.com works just fine and is for Secure Image hosting, and there is no need to create an account. I use this site quite a lot and have no problems with it so not sure why that message came up. e.g. This a .jpg screendump (Alt+Print Scrn) of their main screen placed in this post using the steps I have described...... But by all means try the other options. Nat
  23. Hi Gracie You quite properly dragged and dropped your video clip (.avi) to the timeline to edit it. VP won't ask if you want to........THAT reference in my post was related to deleting a clip from the clip bin that was already on the timeline. i.e. deleting a clip containing a green tick.? If you manage to get your work back or manage to recreate it: Save it....... Click the Green File tab and select Save Project File As or click the down triangle next to the Save Project tab and select the same option. Enter or navigate to a suitable destination folder Enter a suitable project file name Press Save That should save your project as a .vpj file at the stage you have got to. Nat
  24. Hi Gracie Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Goto https://pictr.com and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. Nat
  25. Hi Gracie Any clip, whether it is in the clip bin or any of the timeline tracks can be selected and previewed in the Clip Preview window. If the clip in question is only in the Clip bin and you click it, it will appear in the Clip Preview window, but Not in the Sequence Preview window which only previews the timeline. In a sense the clips you have added to the timeline are the only ones you have "opened" You can delete any of the clips in the clip bin as Borate says (opened" or not but if you have "opened" them (i.e. put them on the timeline), VP will ask you if you want to do this action as it will also remove the clip from your sequence. If, on the other hand you select the clip on the timeline and delete it, it will be removed but remain in the clip bin. As you edit your video....add clips to the timeline and then split and add effects etc. The steps you perform are saved in the background by VP. If, at some point you Save the project, VP creates a text file containing the names and locations of all the clips you have in VP as well as details of the effects, edits etc you have made. This is given a name by the user (e,g, "My Video") and is saved in a designated folder as My Video1.vpj VP also saves copies of all your loaded clips as well as thumbnails and stills in a Cache folder. When you open My Video1.vpj VP reads the text data and then recreates the project using the files saved in the cache. Now.....if you continue to edit and then use Save project once more, My Video1.vpj is overwritten by a new My Video1.vpj You won't get the opportunity to alter anything the old file is simply overwritten and your original edit and its .vpj file is lost. This is OK in some respects but it is sometimes useful to be able to go back to the previous edit. If you think you may want to do this then you should use the option to Save Project As. This allows you to enter a new (and different name) ...e,g, My Video2. There is no overwriting and you will have a second .vpj file to return to. If you did this then you should have a .vpj file called project-2.vpj (somewhere) Nat
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