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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Sam I came back to this and tried it with three mpeg2 clips in the bin. Put two on the timeline with a title on Track 2 and then trimmed the unused clip from the bin in preview. Placed it on the sequence at the cursor...Lo and behold it appeared on Track 2 at the cursor! Ah! I thought, I can repeat this ...... So I started a reply here and stepped through the same moves. Believe it or not every attempt to put the trimmed clip on the sequence at the cursor position worked correctly this time! Sod's law. Started again from scratch (didn't empty the cache as I have my project there) I added the same clips in a different order; linked and unlinked, shortened the title clip,left it original length, added the clip from the clip bin using the drop down menu, added it form the preview screen using Place; tried putting cursor on a join etc. Couldn't get it to end up on Video Track 2 at all! So I cant replicate this at the moment :-( On the Plus side VP is working brilliantly with my project with no major hangups or stoppages. Swapped the Lo res clips used for editing for the Hi res clips for the final export. They reloaded perfectly from the lo res .vpj file. Re-edited a couple of the hi res clips and the project Part 2 is exporting at the moment. There's Part 3 another multi clip section to edit and commentary to add to all three so the placing clip problem it may come up again. Thanks. Nat
  2. Hi Yes.That works here too. Choosing the Sequence tab seems to be the key. I was trying it from the clip bin. Never used it like that. useful way of extracting a timeline section. Thanks for the hint.Having extracted a section this way the redo button will reestablish the timeline. Nat
  3. Hi JR I am using VP Professional 6.10 " I think he'll see the Trim buttons if he resizes his clip preview window or maximizes VideoPad. " LOL Gosh! it's getting complex!! and Doh! Just found that if I drag out the preview window to the left the Markers appear for both bin and timeline clip preview. (I had shifted it to the right a bit to show more of the 92 clips in the bin area.) Thanks JR! (Such a little thing!) Having just found this out (after how many years??) - would it not be better when reducing the preview display in size, even to it's minimum, to retain the most useful buttons (the trim markers) and truncate the others? But still.....Why, when the trim is done from the clip in the bin and the the result is placed, does the clip in the bin retain the trim but when trimmed from the timeline it doesn't? Nat
  4. Hi Should be relatively easy to implement and taking a snapshot as JimmyRustle suggests is the way to go. Step through your sequence to a suitable frame Click the Snapshot button. (If you can't find this, refer to the item above) The image will appear in the image clip bin If you haven't moved the cursor line, insert the image at the cursor position. Adjust the duration of the image manually by dragging the ends of the clip out or in. Note: the default value for the still image clip is set under Tools/Options/Media/Default Still image Duration. (The duration can also be adjusted individually in Storyboard mode.) As an individual clip you can add effects or position titles./text etc.on the track above. Nat
  5. Hi Sam Yes it has done it again but can't find a consistent scenario. Might be the position of the cursor relative to the number of following clips as I am inserting at the cursor position and everything must shift up to accommodate it .Might be related to the length of the clip being inserted. Haven't noted if it happens at any time when a trimmed clip is Placed at the cursor from the clip preview screen (This portion of the project contains 92 short clips) There's no problem in practice as just dragging the clip down from Track 2 to make it insert works. As I have a further two big sections of this video to assemble I'll have plenty of opportunity to see if it happens again. :-) Nat
  6. Hi Borate In 6.10 there is no prompt as noted, but If you used a single clip in your project and trim it with START/END markers as you seem to have done then the whole timeline.. your project of a single clip in this case, would be exported giving the impression that you are exporting the trimmed bit whatever the case. Try it again with several clips. I think you will find you can't export just the trimmed portion. I got the impression that philip201129 had multiple clips and selected one to trim and expected to export just the trimmed bit so he could add it back.. This doesn't happen with VP 6.10 as all the clips are exported. Nat
  7. Hi philip201129 & Borate Using 6.10 (Did try the beta 6.11 but swapped back ? ) There is no confirmation prompt given in this version and consequently the whole timeline is exported as philip found. Nat
  8. Hi Borate " Humm... The opposite appears here. The START|END buttons are available only when the clip is selected from the bin, and not on the time line. " Just checking......... ? Nope! I'm right ? If clip selected on the timeline; clip preview shows the START/END buttons (Below) Note timeline clip is selected and VP is in Clip Preview mode. Logically there is no Place button as clip is already placed on timeline. When used with cursor line and the buttons the clip is trimmed on the timeline automatically. The bin clip stays "complete" so it can be reused if necessary. That's fine but....... If clip selected in the bin; clip preview does NOT show the START/END buttons.(below) Logically there is a Place button now in order to put the result on the timeline. Without the buttons trimming the clip has to be done by dragging the square brackets (WHY?) and then placing it on the timeline. It achieves the same end result as the top method, so why no buttons and why does it leave the bin clip "trimmed" My question is:.. Why isn't the preview window the same for both methods (apart from the Place button) and why is the clip left "trimmed" It doesn't need to be. It shouldn't make any difference if you trim the clip before you place it or whether you trim after you have it on the timeline. " .....START|END show up only when the viewing window is in clip preview mode here, not when in sequence mode."  That's logical. Sequence preview doesn't show the buttons as it's not a single clip (even if it were it wouldn't show even them.) No, my comments were concerning Clip preview. But are you sure yours are opposite to what I see (above)? Nat
  9. Hi Under Tools/Options/Editing/Video clip transitioning Click the down arrow and select Ask me Your image shows you have Generate freeze frames as your default. If this is the case then the option window won't come up. Nat
  10. Hi NCH Is there a reason why the START/END buttons do not appear under the Clip Preview window when the clip is selected from the clip bin but they DO appear when the clip is selected from the timeline? It seems inconsistent that one can only trim the clip (using the buttons) once it has been added to the timeline. For some it's more intuitive to.. Select the clip in the bin Trim the clip in preview Add to timeline position using Place. The only difference that I can see is that trimming from the timeline makes the changes immediately (since the clip is already on the timeline) and the changes are not transferred to the clip in the bin. But preview trimming the clip selected from the bin using just the brackets and adding to the timeline with Place gives the same final result but it leaves the clip trimmed in the bin. Does it need to do this? Why does it need to leave the clip trimmed and why can't it behave like the timeline clip preview trimming, and have START/END buttons that jump to the preview cursor line, (then followed if needed by Place?) It would be more logical. Nat
  11. H "....i This seems a little bit complicated than the SPLIT and DELETE method above but I will check it out. So far the SPLIT AND DELETE works for me..... " If deletion of parts of the videos works ....great! " ...I am trying to insert the screenshot here but this type of forum won't let me insert directly into a post ... " Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Go to https://pictr.com/ and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. "...I already chose RED and BLUE bracket on the SEQUENCE but when I export it export the whole video?..." With your complete project on the timeline... Do Save project as.. in case of errors Click the Sequence tab on the top toolbar followed by New Sequence. This clears the timeline Open the Sequence clip bin and place Sequence 1 on the timeline. This your whole project as a single clip In Clip preview use the START/END markers to isolate the section you wish to export The sequence on the timeline will reflect your selection. Now Export the timeline in the normal way. The section selected will export to your selected folder and in the format chosen. Reload your project from the saved .vpj file and add the exported clip and place it where you want. Hope this helps Nat
  12. Hi team2win Please don't shout....(Use capitals!) I was answering a query........ "Is there a video that shows how to to do the unlink?  I'm not all that smart when it comes to written instructions, sorry."  However your comment does explain what you are experiencing. I agree that if the original MPEG4 recorded fine and played OK it's odd it becomes gradually out of synch when dropped into VP. What player did you use that showed it in synchronization before you loaded it to VP? From the point of view of VP a possible correction might be obtained by....Unlinking the audio and video as I described above and then right clicking the Audio track and then selecting Change clip speed. Changing the speed of the sound track slightly (keeping the audio pitch unchanged) will stretch or squash the track whilst keeping the start point the same. This can help where there is progressive de-synchronization of the track not simply a displacement. (A reciprocal correction can be made by treating the video track in a similar way as Borate has suggested.) Nat
  13. Hi Hmmm...That's a difficult one! Try a broomstick up your back! ? Best of luck! Nat
  14. Hi If you have a clip on the timeline with its associated soundtrack (the usual situation) then to unlink the soundtrack... Right click the video track. Select the top option from the menu that comes up which is Unlink from Audio. Job done. If you have a clip on the timeline with its associated soundtrack (the usual situation) then to unlink the video..... Right click on the soundtrack Select the second iten down the menu that comes up which is Unlink from Video Job done. So there you have two ways of doing the same thing.? Once you have the tracks unlinked they can be moved independently. You can restore them to their original state using the same menus which will have the options to Link this time. Note: If you wish to keep (fix) the adjustments you make to the relative position of the tracks, you need to Group the tracks. Press the SHIFT key down and keep it down Left click the Audio track and the Video track.(both will highlight) Right click either track Choose the option Group selected clips. Job done. The grouped clips will now retain their relative positions to each other. Nat
  15. Hi As an alternative which doesn't involve deleting anything you could try this... Place your complete video(s) on Video track 1 and your son's complete video(s) on Video track2 (the overlay.) With the SHIFT key depressed select and drag your son's video (Video track 2) to the right so it starts where yours is to leave off Move the red cursor line to the start of yours son's section Select Video Track 1 Split using Split Selected Video clips Play the timeline to the point where your son's section ends With the SHIFT key depressed select Video track1 and drag your split off clip to the right until it starts at the cursor line. Select Video track 2 Split using Split Selected Video clips. With the SHIFT key depressed select Video track 2 and drag it to the right so it starts where yours leaves off. etc.. Continue like this. Sections of each clip (yours and your son's will follow one another on each track. Nothing is deleted. Don't select to split the Video tracks from the list as this will leave the audio behind...use the Split Selected Video clips option. With a bit of practice you can speed up by jumping the cursor the the start of each clip using the >II button in sequence preview. Your timeline will (should) look something like this....... Sections of each video following one another without any deletions. (Track 1...Track 2...Track1...Track 2..... Nat
  16. Hi As a visual aid for lining up the horizon try this... Open VP and click Add Title Select Horizontal Leave Start and End at 0 and 100 respectively Enter a value for line thickness (Suggest 1) Make vertical offset 50 for a centre horizontal line Select a colour that will be easily seen against your video e.g red or yellow. (Use the pipette to pick a colour) Close the Edit window and scroll to the end of your "Text" Create a Snapshot of the horizontal line. In the destination file label the png image created suitably. You can now use this png on the overlay track to line up the horizon between clips exactly on the centre of the frame. Nat
  17. Hi Use the Zoom effect instead of Pan and Zoom. Click FX Select Zoom Move the clip cursor to the start position for the effect Set the restraint on the AR Adjust the rectangle to outline the start shape and position of the zoom. Click keyframe Move preview cursor to new position Move the zoom frame and alter the size if necessary and generate new keyframe. Proceed along the clip in this way If you just want to just pan across the frame then the rectangle will have to be reduced in size so you have room to move it to the next keyframe position but the size and AR of the rectangle must be kept the same. This goes for the height for a level pan. To just zoom then the rectangle size is altered between keyframes. The rectangle is positioned to outline the area of the frame which is of interest between the keyframes. A combination of these two will give you pan and Zoom The speed of the zoom (and most motion effects) is related to the distance between the keyframes and consequently the steepness of the graph line. The shorter the distance and the greater the changes in the rectangle the steeper the line will be and the more rapid the effect. The maximum speed obtainable over the whole of the clip therefore depends on the length of the clip. A really slow pan can be made on an image as the duration of the image can be set to vitually any value. To vary the speed of the effect gradually once the start and end keyframes are set, simply grab the straight line in the centre (or a suitable point) and drag it up or down. This will change the straight line to a curve. That parameter of the effect will now change at a variable speed depending on the direction in which you drag it and the steepness of the curve produced. You will need to practice a bit with this method using the curve controls above the graph window. Alternatively you can set up multiple keyframes with changes at increasing or decreasing intervals across the clip. Nat
  18. Hi You could try this method. It pretty well ensures I don't get any hangups with large projects on my old slowish Vista system...... MS Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit SP2 Intel Core Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20Ghz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GS This is the general way I work when I have many (100+) clips to edit... I convert the original 1920 x 1080 HD MPEG4 clips to Low res MPEG2 clips of the same size. I use the free Any Video Converter to do this but NCH PRISM will also convert clips. The file size of the Mpeg2 can be further reduced in file size using the AVC parameters to produce files of around 1/4 or even less than the original .(Don't think Prism will do this) Put the original HD MPEG4 away in their own folder. Put the converted MPEG2 clips in their own folder. Ensure that the names are identical to the original clips. (This is important since AVC, as well as producing .mpg files also adds a further tag (which has to be removed) to the original name. If there are a lot of files to rename this can be a bit tedious but I use Irfanview (also free) to do a batch rename in a few seconds. Open VP and load the Low res MPEG2 clips to the clip bin Under Tools/options/Display Set the Preview resolution to 512 x 288 (16:9) Load ALL the clips to the timeline and wait for VP to load cache and index etc. I generally now clear the cache of unused files. I then work along the timeline using the clip preview IN/OUT markers to trim the clips. There are no gaps to close this way. I drag/drop clips along the timeline to change their order if necessary. VP does this with no stops or "Generating preview" messages. I make regular vpj saves (Save project as) saving with incremental numbers each time. When editing is finished I swap the MPEG2 files with the original MPEG4 files and load the last project .vpj save. I Export As the names are the same the project loads with the HD clips complete with all the edits and all effects and titles/texts etc.. Using low res clips and a low res preview screen markedly speeds up the caching etc. Unless you regularly undock the previews and use them enlarged the detail is OK for editing. No problems with adding effects or transitions. In fact with my current project with 92 clips (1/3 of the whole film) I have added crossfades to all the joins and I simply edit them out if needs be as I reach them. Crossfades are retained when the clips are trimmed with the IN/OUT markers and the whole thing works OK. Not tried this method however with multiple tracks.(3+) but it should be just as effective. I don't like using the undocked preview overmuch as it does cover things unless reduced to near the size of the undocked window and even so can be subject to gliches.One advantage is that it can be moved about. Nat
  19. Hi Borate You're right! That's even worse! I didn't actually play the clip or test an export as the timeline length hadn't changed to 1/4 and so I assumed the speed (400) hadn't been transferred. Did you notice the "Hover" durations shown for the replaced timeline clip and the same clip in the bin? The timeline clip showed 1min something when the actual clip in the bin was around 15 seconds.! Nat
  20. Hi " ...can you confirm to me that the Inside videopad option (and not this "exploit") "change file" is bugged with faster and slower clips? " Change file will swap the selected clip in the clip bin for another of the same type..i.e. a video clip for a video clip. The effects applied to the original timeline clip are retained and take effect on the new clip. Change in clip speed..There is a bug somewhere here when change clip is used...... If a clip is placed on the timeline and its speed increased to say, 400 it behaves correctly and is shown as 1/4 of its original length on the timeline. Both thumbnails (timeline and clip bin) correctly show the original clip duration when hovered over. Using change clip to swap the clip in the bin now with a new one the change in speed is NOT transferred to the replaced clip. Even though the replaced clip shows the new speed it retains its correct (original) timeline length - It's not reduced to 1/4 Further, the durations now shown if the clips are hovered over are markedly different. Nat PS. The method I suggested above to change lo-res clips to hi-res clips for the whole of a project is the ONLY one that will work as a bulk change file option is not available and in fact might be difficult to implement.
  21. Hi GK Glad it works OK. I'll try a smaller project with duplicate files and use "Change file" Nat
  22. Hi This particular forum is for Videopad related items. Try here http://nch.invisionzone.com/forum/60-photostage/ Of course you can always create a slideshow very easily with Videopad......? Still stuck? Come back! Nat
  23. Hi "When I make a fade transition between two clips the whole timeline shortens a bit " ignoring for the moment whether the prompt window comes up or not, there are two options....(e.g. with Crossfade) When a transition between clips is set as Yes, Move the clip for an overlapping transition", The clips are in effect overlapped. The timeline consequently is shortened by the duration of the transition and the transition is divided between the clips When the prompt selected is No, Freeze frames at the start/end of transition, Clip 1 fade out over the first frame of clip 2. Clip 2 is fades in over the last frame of clip 1. The overall length of the timeline does not change. What length are your untrimmed clips and what duration have you set for the transition between them? Assuming clips and transition durations are OK then I would have thought that the tick box would only be active for THAT editing session. Nat
  24. Hi I think it might be useful if the cursor stayed on the clip where it was when the modes are toggled. One can easily jump to the start using the I< button if required. Nat
  25. Hi Ivan Glad it plays for you.? For me it says "unsupported viewing environment" whatever that means. (Might be Firefox.) " Doing that procedure with an image that covers the whole screen is gonna result in the corners getting cut off. " Well, if you rotate any full screen image the corners will get cut off. In fact the corners get cut off in the above example but the arrow image is a transparent .gif on the overlay track and the arrow itself, which is the only thing seen, was set up to be less than the screen height in size so it is always visible in itself whatever the degree of rotation. You can of course use the Scale effect to size any full screen image to 2x in which case it will rotate (enlarged of course) but stay within the frame. Nat
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