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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Yes that's a simpler answer! Basic "central" position..Rotation point high. Rotation point centred using the vertical position of MOTION effect. BUT why does the sequence line and the thumbnails of the text disappear when the box values are altered? Nat
  2. Hi You show a letter "a" rotating. In fact it IS rotating around its centre. With this font the character "square" is actually a rectangle with the letter set below the centre. .... When printed in the centre of the screen the rotation effect rotates the screen image around character RECTANGLE centre and not the centre of the actual character which is slightly lower (Yellow box). The black cross represents the screen centre and the character rectangle centre which are coincident. The clip frame or any correctly centred regular shape would rotate correctly around its centre. A line of centred text would actually appear to rotate reasonably OK (depending on the font) but would still be be doing the same but in this case the displacement of the height centre would be tiny compared with the length of the line. Borate has one solution.....and another which might work is to use the POSITION effect to pull up the character and centre it by counting the chequer board squares on each side. Now apply the rotation effect. Note that this solution rotates the FRAME containing the text around its centre. But as the frame has been displaced it should correct the fault. Although probably not relevant , Webding characters are square. Nat
  3. Hi Well, the Zoom effect in PC version 6.01 works fine here. I would have thought that the Mac version ought to be OK. It's a pretty fundamental effect. What steps did you do? Nat
  4. Hi The Glow effect will only work on the bright areas of the clip. personally I don't think it is very effective and is best seen if animated in and out. Try this to see the effect. Add a white text line to the centre of the screen and then add a blank black background. Add the glow effect at 100% to the text and then use the keyframes to make it animate UP/DOWN/UP/DOWN...... When you play the clip you should see a glow appear in and out around the text. It's not particularly great however. Nat
  5. Hi "In the preview settings: text clip width 800, height 450, what unit is this? is it in, mm, pixels, or what? " This is the size of the preview image in pixels. If you click Tools>Options>Display. and then look at the choices in the Preset drop down menu you will see all the VP preset image sizes (resolutions) with their AR. Choosing one of these sets the Width and Height of the Preview Display. This can only be seen if the preview pane is undocked by clicking the arrowed box in the top right hand corner. Note that the larger this display is set the longer it takes VP to make any editing changes before it can be previewed and can result in the "Building Preview" message. However the image in the undocked window will have higher resolution. If you never intend to undock the preview pane you may as well leave the display with the lowest values that have the same AR as your clip. (Not the resolution.) i.e. if your clip has an AR of 16:9 then you could set the preview to 512 x 288 pixels or 640 x 360. The preview and timeline images will look OK and you should find that processing goes faster. The resolution of the preview display will not effect the export resolution as you set that in the export parameters. What I mean by that is for example: If your raw clip is an MPEG4 of 1280 x 720 pixels.(16:9) . You can preview this if required at 512 x 288 (16:9). This looks OK on the timeline and in the docked preview pane...as despite the lower resolution the image is smaller and appears clear. However if the pane is undocked and enlarged to full size it will appear blurry. As mentioned above if you are intending to undock it to do more precise editing then a higher resolution will make the preview image clearer (but processing any editing changes may take longer with possible "Building Preview" warnings. A lot depends on the PC.) Even though your preview is low (512 x 288 16:9) It's only for previewing. it won't affect your export and you would export the clip for example as a 720 MPEG4 using the highest quality setting in the export windows. The result will have the same quality as the original clip. Note you say your clip is 800 x 450 i.e. 16:9 (AR =1.777) so either of the settings mentioned above should show the clip on the timeline and in the preview screen full frame with no borders reasonably OK. You could also directly enter these values as a custom preview setting. For exporting you can set the format in the same way under the Custom option or use the Preset Detect option. Nat
  6. Hi Although VP originally loads with certain settings these are not optimal default values as far as I know; you change them to suit your own requirements and everybody usually does this. I am not aware of a control that resets the software back to the original install settings....perhaps there ought to be. Which actual values have you in mind? The only way I can think of to "reset" to the original values is to totally uninstall the software, registry values included and then reinstall it. You could also try simply reinstalling over your current install by double clicking the vppsetup.exe file and see if that alters anything. Nat
  7. Hi I think the thing to note here is that as you use VP the cache becomes filled with essentially copies of all the clips used and index data of relating to them. (Around 5 files per clip and occasionally more.) Even if you have finished a particular project and started another, the store of data created is not removed so large numbers of files can be present that are mostly redundant. This can cause problems with the functioning of VP as it has much more data to sort through. If you have saved your project regularly as a ,vpj file and particularly when all the editing is completed and exported, those cache files are no longer required and can be deleted. The small.vpj file you create when you save your project is all that is required to restore the project from the original raw files provided they are still on the computer or can be reloaded back. It is a longer process however as the cache has to be rebuilt but If the cache is not regularly cleared of unused files it could contain hundreds + of files and use up a lot of space. Nat
  8. Hi Great! Glad it's working OK now. I just reinstalled 2.41 again here to check other controls and as before it's OK....So now I'll swap it back. ! It's usually something simple in the end or "I've forgotten where that button was!" BTW 6.01 has many more features than 2.41 (which I used back in 2011)...Still worth a good look at all the same. Best of luck. Nat
  9. HI Daft questions I know but I take it there is a soundtrack showing when the clip is loaded to VP? Does the clip play the sound in VLC? Have you tried loading an mp3 or wav file that you know plays? Nat
  10. Hi This really ought to be a new thread. If you create a text file in VP, an image of the text on a blank background is produced that is stored in the cache file. Your text is in fact a .jpg file with a different extension (.cache) As such it can't be opened in regular viewers but you can change the extension to .jpg and then open it. (There will be two copies of the image file in the cache along with 2.kb INDEX files ....the second image file will be the the image file you require) The cache file is usually to be found in Username/AppData/Local/temp/VideoPadCache Nat
  11. Hi I have no idea why you have no sound but downgrading to the previous version may be the reason. I quite regularly revert back to an earlier version of VP to check up various queries and delete my current version via the Windows control panel removing any data files at the same time. (Indeed, I did just that to look at you initial query.) This means that the new install made from the setup.exe file whichever it is runs OK. So if you have your 2.41 vppsetup.exe file, use the control panel to remove 6.01in the normal way. You might then manually delete all references to VP and NCH in any relevant folders which may be left and if you are experienced,also any registry entries. (Make a backup in case of problems or create a restore point before you do this.) There are also removal programs such as REVO.. https://www.revouninstaller.com/ which will do a clean install. Nat
  12. Hi duvivier Both your files downloaded from google drive OK. untitled.vpj and P4020049.MOV When it was opened, the .vpj file required two files.......P4020049.MOV and P4020049(1).MOV so I created a copy. and your project was completely loaded as shown here..... The first clip is P4020049.MOV (21 seconds) is now 7 seconds on the timeline....(Speed 300%) The second clip is P4020049(1).MOV (26.5 seconds ????) and is reversed (I can't explain the clip duration change) The video exported and played normally in VLC when exported as as an MPEG4 (not H264) So export as MPEG4. Nat
  13. Hi duvivier According to N-C-HJosh (NCH Team) you can download a free version from here:- http://www.nchsoftware.com/software/free-downloads.html Nat
  14. Hi Consti "Any solution is welcome ........."" (But then...perhaps not.) "Please refrain from sharing irrelevant information (no offence). " Forum members contribute with info and suggestions that they think might be useful In this case obviously not. Your explanation above makes things clearer and your solution is worth looking at. It may be NCH will incorporate something like you suggest You obviously felt your comment was offensive otherwise you wouldn't have asked me not to be offended. However no offense taken . Nat
  15. Hi Not exactly clear what you might be after but VP 6.01 has an option on the main toolbar labelled NCH Suite. Selecting this option opens a window with shortcuts to other NCH programs. If you have downloaded and registered any of these previously then you are prompted to Run it Now. Alternatively if you haven't downloaded the program you are prompted to Try it Now . Nat
  16. Hi The filename extension for an mpeg2 is usually .mpg If you use DVD Styler (or other DVD authoring software) the resulting files on the DVD are usually found in a folder called Video_TS Opening the Video_TS folder you will find a Video_TS.BUP file and various others which include Video_TS.VOB ; IFO files ; and various other VOB files. The number found will depend of whether you have created DVD menus or not. VP and VLC can open VOB files. Nat
  17. HI To use the Subtitles option you must have a clip on the timeline. With a clip on the timeline click the Tools option on the toolbar and then select Subtitles. This opens the Text editor window but initially property options are not available. Start and end positions can be adjusted with the red and blue brackets. The highlighted area shows where the subtitle will appear. Type your subtitle text. The options (Font/size/colour etc.) now become available and when chosen, the preview pane shows the result in real time. NOTE: picking a colour can be done by direct selection with the mouse on the colour square or the spectrum to the right and then selecting OK; but not all the options work with the mouse as the selector. Outline for example, needs the shade to be selected with the pipette icon. It is therefore (IMHO) better to always use the pipette to select the required colour. A Basic spectral colour can be selected with the vertical slider to the right of the Spectrum and the shade of the selected colour from the square to the left. Click OK to apply the selection. Click Apply to set the subtitles on the video. Click the Add green cross to clear the edit box for a subsequent subtitle. Don't forget to set new Start and End positions for the new subtitle. To re-edit any subtitle: Click Tools followed by Subtitles. The Edit window appears showing existing subtitles Select (left click) the subtitle to edit from the list on the right. The text is now shown in the edit window. Individual subtitles can be removed by right clicking it and selecting Delete. To change a subtitle text click the subtitles and edit it in the edit window. To alter the property select the subtitles and then the property to change.(Font/Size/colour etc.) Changes occur in real time and are seen in the preview window. Click the colour boxes to change font colour/font outline colour. Select the new colour with the pipette (or enter the shade details with the sliders or direct numerical values) Click OK to effect the changes. Click Apply to set the changes. Come back to the forum if you are having a problem with Adding Simple Text/Text Effects or Adding Text Titles. Hope this helps Nat
  18. I checked this out by uninstalling version 6.01 and loading version 2.41 with which I generated a small project. The vpj file started "version=5hindex.... etc) as expected. On reloading 6,01 I found that this project loaded OK.So I think your query is answered. If you have always used the free version then I assume your vppsetup .exe for 2.41 is a free version and as such will work as it did before with some limited features as presumably you didn't use a registration code. Uninstall it from the control panel in the usual way and then download the latest free version from here: http://www.nchsoftware.com/software/free-downloads.html Double click the vppsetup.exe file for 6.01 You will find there has been many enhancements since your old version and it may take you a little time to find your way about. Nat
  19. Hi Open one of the vpj files in notepad and check the first line. If it reads version10indexxxxxxxx.... then it will probably load in 6.01. but at the end of the day it's a case of suck it and see. (VP 2.41 is quite old and format of the data may have changed.) and if VP does try to load the files required to reconstruct your project then they would have to be on the PC in the original folders. If not you will get a message up with the original location details and you will have to "Resolve" the problem by browsing to the missing files. If you still have your vppsetup.exe file for 2.41 and the original registration code then you should be able to safely uninstall the program and install 6.01 If you don't find version 6.01 satisfactory (it will take a bit of getting used to as there have been many changes) you can safely remove it using the control panel and revert to 2.41 by double clicking the old exe file. You will need to enter your original registration code. Nat
  20. Hi If you don't want your text to move then select No Scrolling as Borate advises. If you want your text on a coloured background then in the Text Editor window:.... Click the down arrow for the lower box in the centre section of the editor window. it will probably be labelled Editor Background which is the first of three choices. Editor Background/Text Background/Full background. Select the option Full Background and click the colour box to the right of it. Select your background colour with the colour pipette or click the shade required Your text will now have a full background in the shade selected. Note that the text image will normally be placed by VP on the overlay track (Video track 2) and with the full background colour set it will obscure any video on Video Track 1. Nat
  21. Hi There are no controls I am aware of to do this and as I understand it you will need uninstall your current version and reload VP as it seems there is a 50% chance that the theme setting will change . Although referring to enabling Dark mode this previous post might help.... It might also be relevant if, when you do this you tick the Delete VP data box. Nat
  22. Hi Having a consistent font size in the editor window with the preview window reflecting the actual state of the editing ...size/formatting etc. would seem a reasonable idea and I think earlier versions did work like this , albeit with a much smaller text entry area. But the problems then were related to line lengths,spacing and text editing when different font sizes were set. As well as changing the font size post entry as Borate suggests you could also compose the text in a separate program like Notepad where you could use any font size. Copying and pasting this to the VP text entry window would work as VP will default it to the properties you have set. A lot depends on line length and character size....the VP editor window is much wider than the screen when it comes to the number of characters visible and its difficult to relate one to another. If you use Copy/Paste and Notepad (any font size) then as a thumbnail rule you can type 42 characters and with font size 10 set in VP the resulting text line will just fill the VP image frame. Font size 20 will produce a single line also but will spill over the screen. etc. Nat
  23. Hi I have just tried this procedure out with my A/D "One Touch Grabber" card and Yes, VP loads both video and sound direct via the Record button. It wouldn't be necessary in fact to use the "Grabber" software that came with this little device although the interface for this allows you watch the tape and to check the contrast and colours etc. before you set it off recording. So I create an avi file first and then subsequently load this into VP. However, although not the same as the Vidbox with regards the leads, my variant of the "Grabber" has the 3 composite connectors plus the svideo plug that connect to the tape player and at the other end the USB input cable to the computer plus a separate audio 3.5 mm colour coded jack plug. This jack plug is Pale Green. (Note: most of the "Grabbers" don't seem to have this particular cable but it may be relevant) When I first used this device it failed to record the tape audio in the output video but as it was colour coded I had logically plugged it into the green audio socket on my PC. However that was the earphone socket. I needed to plug it into the Pink microphone socket! if your leads are similar it might be worth checking out. Audio Out should go into the microphone input. Also check the VP mike input recording setup. Click the Red Record button on the toolbar and then select Record Audio. Here you can check the Windows record mixer as well as make a VP test audio input. Nat
  24. Hi Borate Many thanks! That works! I very much appreciate that post! VP now opens just as it used to in earlier versions. I guessed it would be a Registry entry somewhere but wasn't sure where it would be. I really don't know how you found it. I already went through everything that looked relevant but the string in question was longer than the containing pane and that section wasn't visible. Thanks again! Nat
  25. Hi NCH I find it quite annoying and frustrating that VP loads the previous project automatically when it is opened. Is there a setting to stop this happening?? If you just want to load a couple of clips to check on something or to revue the latest output from your camera, you have to wait until this process finishes. I may have several projects on the go and may not want to work on the last one I had open but currently I still have to wait while it loads! The VP version splash screen which comes up for several seconds at the start covers the loading project screen so you can't get at it and then behind this, in my version at least (VP 6.01) the VP Welcome screen appears with choices and a list of previous projects as it always used to. Nevertheless the previous project continues to load in the background even though in previous versions I could easily select it from the Welcome Screen if required as it was at the top of the list. As shown above VP can still be loading the previous project which is not wanted. This can take some time if it was a large project and the cache had been emptied since VP has to load it all in again. Once the Splash screen has vanished, clicking "New Project" from the Welcome window can lead to a hang up of the program as behind this VP is still loading but if a hangup doesn't happen the "Restarting Threads" window appears followed by "Stopping queue Process Threads" window. This is all unneccessary. Previous versions just loaded VP as an empty GUI and then put up the Welcome screen with the Load Project options. Logical and intuitive. Can we go back to this? Anybody else find this a bit annoying? Nat
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