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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi What version are you using? With VP 6.10 if you right click a single clip and change the speed to more than 100% then the clip shortens as expected but the gap automatically closes. If you select a group of clips (consecutive clips) using Click first and last with Shift and then increase the speed, all the clips or reduced in length without gaps. If you group multiple clips and change the speed of the group then each clip is shortened leaving gaps. Not sure if there is a way to remove multiple gaps apart from one at a time. Nat
  2. Hi If I understand correctly you would seem to be using the same text image for each of your templates. This means if you change the text on this image then all the clips on the timeline using this image will reflect this change. (even though you copied/pasted or used the text editor from the clip preview window). If the text is different for each chapter you will need to create a new image for each one. This migh sound a bit of a phaff but the last text entered comes up as the default so might entail minimum alteration. You won't need to add all the effects again........... If you have added an effect or group of effects to the first text using the FX tab on the timeline to create your template and you want to retain these then you can save those effects as a New effect by creating an Effect Template. Once you have completed your effect on the first text image ( e.g.Position/Rotation/Scale etc.) click the Blue Floppy cassette button and give it a name. Your new effect will now appear under the Template heading in the effects page. You can now create another text and add this new effect to it. Nat
  3. Hi " That's strange that you say i cant position it other wise as ive been able to drag it before. " OOPS..Sorry!.....My mistake. ? ? !! Forgot that...You should be able to drag text within the editor window to position it. Even if you have already added the text to the timeline, left click the text image in the image bin and then drag the clip preview screen to where you want it. The timeline thumbnail will update automatically. There is no need to open the editor again unless you want to alter the text. Are you saying that VP won't allow this? Nat
  4. Hi Apart from the limited movements and positioning provided with the text editor in the way of top/middle/bottom, scrolling and justification (as well as the styles provided from the Add Text menu,) you cannot move text without using an effect which you say you don't want to do. Wrong!! Forgot you can drag it in the editor. Positioning the text on the timeline (which is possibly what you are referring to?) should be straightforward. You can either drag it manually left/right or set the red cursor line to a particular position and then in clip preview use the Place tab to put the text at one of the choices shown. These methods should work every time. Nat
  5. Hi Question 1. I don't think there is a way to prevent this. Track options only work on the selected track, and even if you link or group tracks only the selected track is expanded/collapsed. Why it should expand after moving is perhaps an oversight. Put in a suggestion to NCH to have the selection permanent until a change is required by the user. Question 2. Move the red cursor line with the SHIFT key pressed and the Split All prompt will not appear. For minute changes in cursor line position use the Next frame l>and Previous frame <l buttons under the Sequence preview screen. Nat
  6. Hi "If your window is too small, the snapshot button is not visible. " Correct, but only if the SVar registry entry line is set to VIDEOPADSnapshoton. If it is set the button will be there (but possibly not visible as you mention) but there are no right click prompts. If it is set to VIDEOPADSnapshotoff then the button will be absent but the prompts will be there. Nat
  7. Hi Plug in the mic and when you click the red button and select Record Audio and then click the red Start button...Do you see two responsive yellow channels? If you do then you should have stereo (even if mono input is split between the channels.) Are they the same length? If they are not the same length then you will need to adjust the balance for either Mic or Stereo mixer Nat
  8. Hi It seems that the green line represents the WHOLE original clip and this won't extend beyond the end of the clip. Slow motion is created by duplicating frames at regular intervals. The original clip remains cached and unaltered . No extra files are created in the cache and hence the green bar is shown unchanged in duration. On the timeline however the clip is shown extended to give the calculated duration. In other words a 20 second clip has a 20 second green bar. If the speed is changed to 50% the green bar remains at 20 seconds as this is the original clip but the timeline is extended with the inserted frames to show a duration of 40 seconds. If the speed is altered to 200% the whole of the clip is still present on the timeline but only half as long and so is the green bar as this still has to extend to the end of the original clip. As with Slo-Mo there are no changes to the cache. The whole clip is used and VP plays (in this case) every other frame to give 2x the speed. Nat
  9. Hi In the latest version of VP (6.10) place the clip on the timeline and move the red cursor to the frame you require to snapshot. Go into Sequence Preview and you will see the Snapshot button under the Preview window to the right of the Split button. Click the down arrow to right of the snapshot button to select the size of the image to make. Click the button to create a .png image of the selected frame. This will be placed in the Image clip bin. Snapshots will also be saved to the default folder you have set up under Tools/Options/Disk. Here's the Snapshot button....... If you can't see the Snapshot button you will need to change a setting in the registry entry for HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/NCH Software/Videopad/Software/SVar Nat
  10. Hi elton if I cut (or trim) a clip I usually step through a frame at a time until the scene changes and then step back a frame (or two) and then use that point to cut. I feel that ensures that the next clip has been decidedly marked "no entry" As nothing is actually "cut" but simply marked and particularly if the clip has an effect the point may not not always be accurate. Some animations add extra frames. In the old days when I used film you new exactly where you were making a cut. However if you find you do have an "intruder" at a join you can always drag the join along to eliminate it. (Drag it out of sight as it were) But only to the left. if you do this to the start of a clip with effects and drag to the right ALL the effects added are removed. Nat
  11. Hi elton I think in some situations enhancing a program, for example to be able to use new technology/file types etc, inclusion of new effects, increasing the speed at which certain procedures take place means a program algorithm has to change making earlier productions unusable. (e.g. W98 programs no longer work on later machines etc.) VP is no exception. Earlier versions only had a single track to work with like WMM now it is much more versatile, but this comes at a cost.At some point the developers had to make changes. The cache format since 5.xx has changed a lot to make the process faster and in a lot of cases the .vpj from these early versions can't rebuild the cache correctly with the later version as the names are not used now. I think we have to flow with the river Nat
  12. Hi again @elton...OK see why you have blanks. Motion is an effect that uses a combination of image manipulations including rotation, frame movement up/down/left/right and scale which in effect a zoom. Zoom as a single effect is still there in 6.10 . and without keyframes acts as a simple full frame enlargement of the outlined area. (Crop doesn't enlarge) The normal ZOOM (in or out) is obtained by setting keyframes at different point in the clip having different zoom factors. The enlargement, or reduction (full frame) is then animated between the keyframes. The clip bin is the area at the left of the screen where your clip/image thumbnails appear. There is one bin for each type of clip used as Borate describes. @Borate Hi Borate AS your replaying of this scenario on the timeline didn't have a jump etc at the join, the stop/start I am getting with a flash 0f "Building Preview" might be a PC related problem. (Old Vista dual core machine Doh! ☹️) Interestingly everything previews without a stop when the cursor line is manually dragged across the join even when this is done much faster than "playing" the preview. However as doing this does not play the sound track, the stop/jump when the clip is previewed normally would seem to be connected with the sound track having to play as well. Plays without a jump though when scrubbing is turned on. At the end of the day it exports OK. Nat
  13. Hi Your downloaded project did show some glitches as you describe. The timeline also showed some odd features....a blank white area at the end as well as a blank "frame" in storyboard mode. As it is difficult to know how these occurred I decided to re create your project from scratch using the RAW downloaded file... Untitled 5110.avi which played perfectly both in VP as well as other players. The procedure was as follows. Cleared the cache of all files. (Manually deleted them) Opened VP and loaded Untitled 5110 ,avi to the Clip bin From the clip bin, In Clip Preview the IN/OUT markers were used to select the the section required. Cutting the lady with glasses from the start and end of the clip. Used the Place option to put the resulting clip on the timeline at the start. The timeline played perfectly showing just the section with the inset of the small child with the ball plus the background of the lady with the glasses. Using your values added the Sharpen effect (=1) The clip and sequence preview both played correctly Added the Crop effect. This was done by undocking and enlarging the Clip Preview window and setting the border around the insert image. The values were slightly different to yours because of this. The clip and sequence played correcty. Added the Motion effect. (as you did). But why did you do this as no values had been inserted?? Nevertheless the clip and sequence played correctly. The question now was what steps did you follow to add the second clip. Did you use Copy/paste or did you re-add the original clip from the clip bin and repeat the steps mentioned above? I tried both... Shifted the red cursor line to end of the timeline. Right click timeline and Copy, followed by Paste (insert). The effects copied and When played in VP there was a stop/pause and jump at the join.(Iinitially presumed this was due to VP having to re-load the clip from the cache but thought differently later (see below.)) An export at this point played perfectly. Reduced the speed of the pasted clip to 65%. (Your figure). The pause/stop and jump at the join was still there but the clip slowed correctly. The full project exported and played perfectly. I can conclude from this recreation that glitches are seen in VP when the program has a lot to process..e.g when it has to copy/reproduce new clips from the cache. I therefore ran this again but this time re-added the original clip to the end of the timeline and re-did the effects instead of simply copying it. (Note that the trimming of the clip was done from the Clip bin so the clip retained the trimming points.) There was no difference in the result. The clip still paused/jumped at the join but the export was perfect. Following a further test where the end of the first clip and the start of the second clip were NOT trimmed the join played in preview perfectly (The effects were kept) The stop/jump faults were then IMHO due to the way VP deals with cuts. Even though you use IN/OUT to cut a clip or use split and delete etc. The clip remains complete within the cache which presumably just stores marker points. The result of this is that when VP reads through the WHOLE clip during preview it pauses in order to read over the section not required. It then catches up with the sound track. The result is a pause and a jump, possibly with a message if the jump is large. Although this is a nuisance when editing the resulting video exports OK. I may be wrong in this but it seems logical. VP is non destructive and is designed in this way. Nat
  14. Hi Even without a mike plugged in the resulting empty (silent) My audio .wav shows its 2 channels.? Should be 2 channels then if it records OK. Works OK here.... Daft question I know....Are earphones fully plugged in? Nat
  15. Hi " The original clip had points of hesitation when viewed in several players, including when the gal raises her palm during the portion you isolated. So the clip itself may have problems. " (Borate) I think this is the case. Stepping through your original (unedited) .avi clip one frame at a time shows there are numerous points where several frames are duplicated presumably so as to keep the 30fps video in step with the audio during the original copying from utube.. e.g. at the start nearly 2 seconds do not show motion. (Your editing removed this,) but the small pauses in the rest of clip display remain. The problem now is that when you reduce the clip speed as you did to 60% , VP inserts extra copy frames. The short pauses already present (but hardly visible at 100% speed) now become more noticable leading to the stop/start of the movement. Although not sure, zooming (and other motion effects) in VP may do the same thing making things worse. Nat
  16. Hi You could also right click the longest (slowest) of the two videos and select Change clip speed. Increase this by small percentages so it shortens to match the companion clip. Or decrease the clip speed of the fastest clip (the shortest) to achieve the same thing. Or do both. Nat
  17. Hi There are loads of free fonts available on the web. e.g. https://www.1001freefonts.com/ Download the font required. Usually zipped, so unzip to a suitable folder to obtain the ttf file (True Type Font) To install the TrueType font in Windows: Click on Start, Select, Settings and click on Control Panel. Click on Fonts, click on File in the main tool bar and select Install New Font. Select the folder where the font is located. The fonts will appear; select the desired font that is titled TrueType and click on OK. Once installed they should appear in the font list in VP Note that (at least in my Vista PC) the browse program is in rather an old Windows format and I couldn't find the font folder or desktop!). So unzip the file and move it onto the desktop (or a suitable folder) Open the fonts folder from the Control panel and drag the font to it. Nat
  18. Hi The message you are showing refers to the green bar that runs along under the thumbnail in the clip preview pane and appears if you hover the mouse cursor there. (They would have to be BIG clips or a very slow PC as mine complete pretty quickly) HOWEVER the message also appears under the thumbnails if you are in in the Sequence preview (which is what your image shows) There is no green bar actually there in this preview mode although the message box appears, so ignore it if you are in sequence preview.(Doesn't really need to appear here IMHO) BUT the message will also appear if you hover on the green line track over the thumbnails on the sequence line. It will appear here even when the caching is complete. It's a reminder that whilst the green bar is progressing , and it may take some time to do this, VP is caching the files and rendering things.Although you can continue to edit, changes you make may be slowed down. Note also that some changes made may restart the caching process anew as some of the files already produced would need to be recreated. I think that the message ought to be suppressed for the sequence preview window as I've never seen a green bar there. It might be a hangover from the versions that showed a thumbnail line under the sequence preview window. Can't comment on Dropbox as I don't use it but have to assume it works............ Nat
  19. Hi You don't HAVE to but it's free, you don't need to subscribe and it works. ? Just have your jpg ready, Go to the site and click "START UPLOADING" Nat
  20. Hi Assuming you have unlinked, copied and treated your original soundtrack in wavepad as Borate has suggested. Load it back to VP. Drag it to audio Track 2 and line it up with the original mono clip on Audio track 1. Delete the original unlinked Audio track 1 Drag the new stereo clip vertically up on Audio track 1. Check it has remained in synch. Left click the Video clip to select it. Press SHIFT. Keep it down and left click the new clip on audio track 1 Keep SHIFT key down and then right click either clip. Select to Group Selected Clips from the menu. This in effect will re-link the sound Nat
  21. HI elton Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Goto https://pictr.com/ and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. Nat
  22. Hi elton Zoom effect in 6.10 With NO restraint set , all eight handles are active. The top and side handles enable you to change the AR of the dotted rectangle whilst the corner handles enable you to retain the AR that you have set in this way. If you set one of the AR in the Restraints list only the side handles will be active and these will resize the rectangle retaining the the selected AR. In either case the re-sized dotted rectangle (whatever its AR) can grabbed at any point with the mouse cursor and be moved by dragging it to a new position within the frame. Note VP is constantly evolving and the help files don't always keep pace. In 2012 you were probably using version 3.xx.or thereabouts. The vpj files were constructed in a different way in the earlier versions and probably explains why they don't work correctly in 6.10. If you have added a zoom effect as well as a sharpen effect it can take a bit of time to render the cache files. Check that the green bar under the clip preview has completed before adding or doing further editing to the clip as each time it will restart. I use an old Vista machine and applying those changes to a 25 second clip it takes around a minute for the effects to complete. ? However whatever difficulty you come across (even something really simple) post it here and someone will usually answer. Nat.
  23. Hi Have you inadvertently clicked the "EYE" on the overlay (At the left end of the timeline) If you have there will be a red cross over it and the track will not export. VP version 6.10 overlays and exports mpg4 OK here. Nat
  24. Hi Check this thread.. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/24330-how-to-adjust-scrolling-text/?tab=comments#comment-59319 Basically you can use the POSITION effect. For a horizontal scroll with pause.... Write text and place on timeline Click FX and open the POSITION effect window. (Including graph pane) Clip preview will now show a dotted rectangle Drag red cursor to the start of the clip in the graph pane. (LHS) Drag rectangle in clip preview off to the left and click keyframe tab (small green cross with red vertical line) Drag red cursor to the "stop/pause" position Drag rectangle to Pause position and create a second keyframe Drag red line to end of the Pause position and create a keyframe Drag effects red line to the end of the clip Drag rectangle off screen to the right an create a keyframe. Effects pane should look like this... Text will scroll in from the left, pause and then scroll out to the right. Adjusting the position of the two inner keyframe markers will alter the duration of the pause. Nat
  25. Hi VP version 5.03 DOES have a Fade problem noted above when a TRANSITION is used. (Fade or Crossfade) HOWEVER ..I have just tested this with VP version 5.03 and even when the TRANSPARENCY EFFECT is used, the fade-out behaves in exactly the same way as the FADE TRANSITION. i.e. It fades and then reappears again. So your observation is correct. Offhand I can't think of a way around that ☹️ except to try 6.01 (Or until NCH take a look. (I filed a bug report) Using the Transparency method though does seem to work in VP version 6.01 Although your version of VP (5.03) does behave incorrectly, your reply I think suggests you didn't set it up correctly in any case.. " Ok so I tried adding Transparency (opacity) effect instead of the Fade transition for the final two seconds of each clip. I also staggered the text clips as suggested...to no avail. It's still fading to grey before disappearing. " It's not the final two seconds of each clip.? If you overlap the clips by, say by 2 seconds on the different overlay tracks as mentioned in the posts above , it's the LAST 2 seconds of the LOWER clip should have a fade-out of 2 seconds and the START of the UPPER clip should have a fade-in of 2 seconds. This means that one fades out as the other fades in. Nat
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