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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. HI Try Borate's resolution settings but an MPEG4 (Native) in the avi container with settings below.. Don't use Preset Detect. Set Advanced Encoder Options as below.. This exports fine here. (Note: Keep the grey background color for the first text overlay....Otherwise it becomes just an outline text) Nat
  2. Hi Seemed to work OK here... Your files downloaded OK and exported to 100% as an MPEG4 with VP6.20 This didn't play too well in VLC on my PC though but that may just be my end of things as MPEG4 never seem to play well . Because of this I re-exported the project as an .avi 1280 x 720 and which rendered much more quickly (But as reported it exported OK but crashed VP 6.20) The .avi played perfectly in VLC. Used EXPRESS BURN to create a Video DVD from this .avi file on a DVD+RW disc. This played perfectly. Reloaded the autosaved project after the crash and exported direct form VP as a DVD Movie Disc with simple menu. This played perfectly PS Liked Abby ..(Spitting image of my Tigger ) I can only suggest you load the project and then clear the cache and try an export direct from VP to a disc. Nat.
  3. Hi Is VP 6.20 been officially released or is it still Beta and under test? I have reported a bug in this version where export of .avi files crashes the program although the file appears to have exported correctly. MPEG4 (Native) exports OK. See... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26237-vp-beta-620-crashes-on-avi-export/ Nat
  4. Hi Further to above... If you create a video with VP and set bookmarks and export that project from VP using the Video DVD option. You get the choice as to whether you want the bookmarks to act as chapters. Responding "YES" to this option allows the resulting DVD to step to each bookmarked point with the skip button on a suitable DVD player. i.e. chapters are created. The names you set for the bookmarks are not used except during editing. If you want to use Express Burn to create a DVD with multiple projects and you export your project(s) with their bookmarks to your PC as a video file..e.g. as mpeg4 for example the "Chapters" are not apparently saved. Express Burn however will create a list of included Videos (see above post) to to be burnt to the DVD you can click on any of these and re-create new chapters using the "Manage Chapters" button. (This seems a bit of a backward step as you may have set many during editing ....it involves playing or jumping through the video and adding markers again where required....Your original bookmarked positions do not appear ) Express Burn will load a pre-saved list of chapter positions although I haven't found how that can be created yet. The option does not seem to be present in VP. Nat
  5. Hi The burner built into VP will only burn the project that you have in VP with the one menu. If you want to burn several projects to a DVD disc you will need to use Express Burn. which will do most of the tings you want. This will let you add numerous projects as individual files and create a Video DVD. Each of the projects have to be exported to your PC as a video file first. The interface is pretty intuitive. The Menu will produce a list of the projects and each can be played by selecting it on the menu list. e.g. Express Burn with 7 files waiting to be burnt to a dvd. The Create menu button will set up a list of the videos and assign a select button etc. It's a fairly basic burner but does the job. If you want a but more control over buttons and menus and images for the controls there are are several alternative DVD creator programs on the web. Try for example the Open source DVDStyler. It's free. https://www.dvdstyler.org/en/downloads Nat
  6. HiWell...Shouldn't really mention this...but . I think it's valid to suggest that..If you find VP doesn't fully do the job you want you could simply export your project to your PC as a straightforward file and then use a third party burner. Nat
  7. Hi Have you tried going through the steps you describe in your post but not asking for multiple copies? i.e. just leave the default. When finished and verified VP will ask if you want another copy anyway. I have just copied a short project with menu repeatedly onto the same DVD+RW disc, verified and checked for playing correctly in VLC. after each burn. Being an RW disc VP erased it before each burn. All five repeats played OK. Did not set 5 copies but replied yes to a repeat when asked. Nat
  8. Hi .........If there's a gap..You'll see it Nat
  9. Hi Borate Well that is odd!! AS a check, I completely uninstalled VP 6.20 and re-installed 6.10. I then repeated this test export with the same clips exactly as shown. It exported perfectly and played perfectly in vlc without any hangups/crashes and the export queue window was complete. So I saved a vpj file Having checked this out, I completely uninstalled VP 6.10 and re-installed 6.20 using the exe file you linked me to that I had downloaded and saved. I repeated the test, loading the mpeg4 clip and converted mpeg2 clip from the newly saved vpj file mentioned above. I used exactly the same export settings and it CRASHED as before (shown above.) The .avi saved but the export queue screen remained incomplete and caused a crash when attempts were made to close it. The only difference I can see is the version number. Nat
  10. Hi What are your orders?......What are your orders?.......... What are your orders?.......... Might it be due to the animation of the pixels in the diminishing stripe width.i.e. Those near the centre not being moved for several frames whilst those near the edge being shifted several pixels per frame. A bit like the resolution "steps" effect you get if you angle a straight line. Nat
  11. Hi Don't fret about asking questions, that's what the forum is for. Most times someone will reply.? Yes..The versions of VP do differ. If the choices are not seen just drag and drop the audio mp3 clip onto Audio Track 2. (Which is the space below Audio Track 1 labelled " Drag and drop your audio clips here to mix" .) You should then have this...... I agree with Borate regarding your end title but as well as doing an Enter after the word "SEASON" I would also swipe the whole text to select it and reduce the font size to 13. It should then fit better. Note that the text edit window layout does not relate exactly with the project frame layout and what seems OK in the edit window may be too wide or large for the underlying clip. Hope it works out OK. Nat
  12. HI Borate's suggestion is the way to put things right. In essence you are keeping the current project muted and adding the mp3 again to Audio Track 2. You could also simply drag it from the audio bin down the area marked "Drag and drop your audio clips here to mix" and then move it left or right so it starts playing where you want it. The question is how did you manage to mix up the sound? A simple way to create a clip/image project with accompanying music track is as follows in this order.. Load all the clips to VP Create you Start and End titles. Open the video clip bin Add all the video clips to the timeline in the required order. (You can drag and drop them or use the right click place options). If required step along the timeline and trim the clips in the Clip Preview window using the Start/End markers. Open the image bin and right click each title and using the prompts placing them as required at the start or end of the sequence. Go into Sequence Preview and click the I< button to move the red cursor line to the start of the timeline. Use the >II button to step along the timeline Add your images at the desired points by right clicking the required image and selecting Place on the sequence at the cursor Return the cursor line to the start using I< Open the Audio bin, right clip your mp3 (or your accompanying sound clip) and Overlay on sequence at the cursor This will place it on Audio track 2 at the start. If you don't want any of the video sound to play from Audio track1 you can mute them individually by clicking the loudspeaker option on each clip or click the loudspeaker icon at the left end of the audio track which will mute the whole track. The above steps will insert the images between the video clips. The duration of each image will be the default time set in Tools/Options but each can be adjusted individually by dragging their ends (joins) right or left on the timeline using the square brackets that appear. In this way you can adjust Video track 1 to match the length of the mp3 playing on audio track 2 Note: This produces a simple video. It can be obviously enhanced in many ways..adding effects and transitions overlaying the titles etc. Hope this helps Nat
  13. Hi Click the FX for the sound clip being dealt with. Click the green + and select Equalizer. Click Configure Equalizer Make changes as required by grabbing adjusting the yellow line. Set Flat to reset the line. Click Apply and check clip. (Effects box remains open) Configure Equalizer to make any changes If you want to keep the configuration click Save Preset Give it a name.and click OK. Your Preset configuration will now be available for any other sound clip by clicking FX etc and Opening the Equalizer and then clicking the Select Preset button. Your preset will now be on the list. Nat
  14. Hi Can anybody testing 6.20 check this out please... Loaded an MPEG4 and an identical Mpeg2 clip. Both1920 x 1080. Both placed on the timeline with a small blank clip between them. The Timeline played correctly Export video...Click Detect = (1920 x 1080 - You Tube 1080p). File Format = .avi Advanced Encoder Options = MPEG4 (Native) Compression settings = Default quality Create Export queue window appeared and progress bar loaded to the end. Just before 100% the bar disappeared and there was no export message... (It's a french version of Vista hence the Ne répond pas but this doesn't cause any problems) Note that "Remove" has no "e" and that blue bar reads 0 of 1 Complete VP has crashed in fact as clicking Close or X sends the whole screen white. .......... VP tries to recover data and Bug report window appears behind it but can't be accessed without closing VP down entirely whereupon it is lost as desktop is returned. As the bug report window appears VP knows there was a crash and tried to get the data back. The project Untitled .avi has in fact been exported and the work was Auto-saved. Can anyone verify this crash scenario? Exporting the same project (from the saved .vpj file) as an mp4 this time proceeded normally... Later....wmv export was OK, mov played but sound was crap, mpg export ok......Just .avi export that seems to crash. In all cases the exports played normally.(apart from .mov in which sound kept breaking up.) Nat
  15. Hi Miggy Nice little first project. I was waiting for him to return the other way! (or change into a different dog.) Was the title meant to be shaky? Don't forget VP has Titles and Text effects. Nat
  16. Hi The audio and the video are initially associated. You have to think of them as being one track. If you split the clip it splits the audio as well and deleting a section of the clip deletes that section on both tracks. This is analogous to cutting out a section from cine filmthat has a soundtrack. VP however, has the option of unlinking the tracks making them independent. If you right click either track there is an option to unlink. This means that you can now edit the video on its own or the sound on its own. You can also right click the audio track and create a stand alone audio file copy that can be useful if required. Once you have split a clip and moved bits about the splits remain (unless you you "redo" your moves) so to prevent the bits from getting moved you can select the first clip and last clip in a selection with the SHIFT key down and from the menu Group them. They will then stay together. You can do this on individual tracks if they have been unlinked. If you have unlinked an audio track and want to synch it in again having done some trimming you can zoom in a bit and then drag the audio whilst holding down the ALT key. When you release it, it will stay put in it's new position. VP is very versatile and the options are numerous. Keep practicing with small numbers of clips Hope this helps. Nat
  17. Hi Luis2 Gosh! 15 hours! Well I'm not actually surprised it might be too long. . However...If your project is so long that VP can't cope with it, (NCH might comment as there would appear to some inbuilt limit on the duration hence the message,) I would suggest you cut it into convenient lengths using the Sequence option and then export these separately. Nat
  18. Hi Offhand I can't see without knowing what you did how the gaps occurred. Obviously the soundtrack for your videos will be interrupted if you insert an image or if you set the cursor to a point within in a video clip and add the image to the cursor position, but that should not create a gap in the mp3 track. I suggest that if your clips/images play as you want them to, that you delete the mp3 track entirely and then set the cursor to the start of the timeline (if that's where the mp3 is to start) Then click the mp3 in the clip bin and "Add to the overlay track at the cursor position" This should place the complete mp3 on an empty track and it should play for the whole timeline. Note that the soundtrack for the clips will also play (mix) when each clip is reached during playback. If you don't want this to happen you can mute either the whole clip track or individual clips. Nat
  19. HI Yes... You have gaps in both Audio tracks Difficult to say how they occurred. Follow Borate's instructions to share the files and it might become clearer. You may have dragged clips down from the overlay track which can cause gaps in the audio but not quite like you have. Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Goto https://pictr.com/ and click Start Uploading This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. Nat
  20. Hi I presume that the audio is your mp3. This should be on its own track (Audio track 2 in the image below ) and should play throughout. If your clips have sound that should mix in with the mp3. Can you send a screenshot of the tracks on the timeline as it might be possible to spot an obvious editing problem. e.g. Nat
  21. Hi " (I'm gonna assume windows 7) " Wrong! I am using Windows Vista. with Windows Classic colour setup. "I'm on windows 10, could that have anything to do with it? " From the point of view of the blue border colour-no that's just my PC setup. VP runs OK on Windows 10 apparently though. Above screenshot is VP 6.10 and its the normal colour scheme for this version. (Previous versions of VP had a different colour scheme.) All the same your video seems to run just fine on it.. Nat
  22. Hi Try reducing the preview resolution under Tools/Options/Display. That might help Nat
  23. Hi Just downloaded your project. Seems to play fine here....Intro music then swirly background with head jumping in and out..... Sequence preview....... Quite effective actually Nat
  24. Hi Your background swirling clip is on Video track 1 and your .png image with transparent background that you want to animate (add effects to) is on Video track 2. the overlay track. So far you have them on the correct tracks. before adding any movement effects to he image clip, check these points... Both the video clip and the image clip should be one above the other. Put the red cursor line so it passes through both clips.and look at the Sequence Preview. You should see the background clip on track 1 behind the png image on track 2. Select Video track 2 and switch into Clip Preview. You should now see the png image with a black background Select Video track 1 (still in Clip Preview) and you should just see the background clip. This is as it should be. Now click the FX button at the left end of Video track 2 and add an effect. e.g a rotation... Slide the cursor to the start and Select Motion Set the first keyframe Slide cursor to the end Slide the Rotation slider to the right. Play the timeline in Sequence Preview. Your image should rotate whilst the background clip plays. Nat
  25. Hi B Well, It's better! Presumably the Beta Version.6.11 ... 6.20 ....6.30 ???...(Gota link?) Nat
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