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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi You wouldn't be able to do it with one click as with VP you would need to add at least a couple of effects. I got fairly close by using.. Saturation.... -40.2 Hue.............342 .29 Temperature..-16.28 also Hue.....330.48 Saturation -18.92 Brightness/Contrast/Gamma -8 / 3 / 0.98 However once you set up these presets a whole clip could be converted with just the three filters which would take no more than a few seconds to apply. but there isn't a simple one click action. Why not suggest it to NCH. Nat
  2. Hi There are no Instagram filters by default in VP but you can easily create your own or something similar and then save them in each effects Preset list. As a simple example... Select your clip on the sequence line and then click the FX on the thumbnail. (Or add effects from the toolbar) Click Add effect..drop down menu arrow and select an effect .e.g. Vignette Adjust the settings to your requirements. e.g. a Green vignette Click Save In the Save dialogue box give your preset a name e.g. GV This preset will now appear in the list of presets for Vignette and can be used on any future clips simply be selecting VG from the list of presets in the Vignette effects window. In this way you can create any number of presets for each of the effects. With a bit of experimentation you can easily create any number of Instagram and Lomo type effects. Nat
  3. Hi With version 3.89 this doesn't happen here. Clips play from one to another correctly...no still image of previous clip. Dragging the cursor along the timeline into the second clip, the preview pane (sequence preview) shows the sequence frames correctly as the the cursor is moved. Playing from the point selected in the second clip is normal...just plays from the cursor point. Does the sequence output correctly, say, to your PC? (Haven't seen it) There may be a glitch with your PC. You could try reinstalling VP from the vpsetup file and see if that cures it. Nat
  4. Hi Seems to work OK with version 4.0..............although I did experience a "black preview" for a start and a non-playing sequence, similar to what you describe. I started again and it was OK. I think you have to allow time for the effect to be generated...my PC is not particualarly fast and if I try to play the clips too soon it can stop. Nat
  5. Hi The other problem that you may have, is that even if you had the earlier version of VP you would also have to have all the original video clips in the same folders as before so that the .vpj file could reconfigure your video. Borate's suggestion is all you can do on the face of it, but the problems above would still apply. If it's just a matter of re-editing your film probably the best way to go is to load the finished version you have to the latest VP and then use your original clips again to do a re-edit. Nat
  6. Hi The chequered background you see is the area in the video frame that does not contain any of the image/clip. It appears when your image/clip is either smaller than the VP frame size or, more commonly when your image/clip has a different aspect ratio to the 16:9 ratio of the VP frame. e.g if your clip/image has a 4:3 ratio like a lot of camera images, then there will be a chequered area to each side of the clip when you preview it. It's a similar case if you have used a portrait orientated image. VP will shrink it to fit into the height of the frame leaving a space on each side. It will not "stretch" or crop it to fill from side to side......that is somethig you must do yourself..see below Note, the chequered areas will only appear in the preview pane and will be replaced by black bars in the sequence preview window. If you have used a small overlay image or a text image, they will also be present in the thumbnails for these. The simplest way to ensure you don't have this effect (remember, there are no chequered area is the outputed video) is to only use images and video having the 16:9 horizontal aspect ratio. They will all then fill the normal frame. If this can't be done and you don't want the black bars, (a lot of digital cameras produce images of a different AR), the normal workaround is to apply the CROP effect to your clip/image, forcing a 16:9 AR and then altering the crop box to suit your requirements, and then clicking the "Zoom to cropped area" box. Inevitably you will lose some of your image at top and bottom if you do this but you can move the CROP area about so it contains as much of the image as you can get in, and it will, at least fill the frame now. You can also use the SCALE effect to stretch one (or both) of the axes of your image and so cover up the chequered area. Again, inevitably, the trade-off is that your image will now be distorted. But..In short...If all your clips/images are 16:9 is aspect ratio at the outset there should not be any chequered areas. Nat
  7. Hi It could be that previously, if you exported manually you used the encoder video bit-rate set at a different value. Exporting a clip in wmv format with a lower value will produce a smaller file. As an example the same small clip exported to PC as a 1080p wmv file.... Bit rate set at 512 b/s (smallest value) gave an output wmv clip of 833 Kb. Bit rate set at 16384 b/s (largest setting) gave an output wmv clip of 15.9 Mb. The VP auto upload to youtube (if you used this) may have a different default bit-rate value to the previous versions, perhaps higher, but there isn't a setting to change it under the utube window. It may be that the default value that you set under the Computer/Data tab are implemented when you subsequently output using the Upload utube/facebook/Flikr tab. Nat
  8. HI I am pretty sure that it is connected to the PC which is still busy and that you may be trying to play your clip before all the rendering has completed. When the red cursor line jumps back..does it "split" leaving the top section in the original start position? Nat
  9. Hi That doesn't happen here. (V3.89) So I don't think it is a "new feature" For me the playback starts exactly at the cursor line irrespective of which way I start the playback. I don't get a silent second at all. What sort of clip are you using? Nat
  10. HI This bug has been present since version 3.60... i.e. V3.60 V3.61 V3.70 V3.72; V3.74 V 3.79 V 3.81 V3.85 V3.89 2.41 and 3.04 were OK. Nat
  11. Hi Hilfe It's quite useful in video editing to be able to see the file extensions. This is a Windows setting. To turn these on...(In Vista at least..) Click the Windows start button at the bottom left of the screen and choose the Control Panel. In the Control Panel screen look for "Folder Options" (My version of Vista is French but you will see which icon I mean) Double click this and then the "Appearance" tab at the top of the window that opens.(The middle tab) Scroll down the list of boxes and untick the one labelled "Hide the file extensions of known types" (or something similar) Click the OK button and now when you open folders the files they contain will have their extensions showing. You can reverse this at any time by putting the tick back in box. Nat
  12. HI Version 3.89 My first impression was that things were working OK but I was using a clip with little movement but having changed to a clip with a lot of right to left motion... Yes.....It's the last clip split off that, when reversed is changed to the first clip reversed. The thumnails also revert to the first clip thumbnails. How much of the first clip is seen depends on the duration of the actual last clip. However, whilst looking for a possible workaround I found the reversing option seems to be quite messed up....viz... e.g. with a clip split into 5 clips... If you reverse the first clip it becomes the last clip! (limited by duration) Reverse the second clip it becomes the last clip! (length, again dependant) Reverse the third clip it becomes the last clip! Reverse the fourth clip it reverts to the second clp Reverse the last clip and it becomes the first clip. Same thing if you reverse clips in storyboard mode. Preview a clip from the media list and trim a bit from the start with the IN/OUT markers and the green arrow and it still reverses to a section from the end of the original clip. It's a bit of a mess and needs looking at One workaround is to add the whole clip to the timeline and reverse it. Split the reversed clip where you want the reverse to finish and delete the remainder leaving your reversed clip. Now re-add the full clip again and repeat where needed. Your reversed selections should stay reversed. Nat
  13. HI Version 3.89 Added a short clip to the timeline 6 times. Reversed clip2, clip4 and clip6. Everthing played as expected. Added zoom effect to clip3 (a normal clip). Everything played as expected. Added a zoom effect to the reversed clip4. Everything played as expected. Added zoom effect to the normal clip5 and then reversed clip5 Everything played as expected. This time I previewed the clip in the preview window and split off a section with the IN/OUT markers, using the green arrow to drop the selection onto the timeline. I reclicked the clip in the media list and repeated the procedure. I did this 6 times to give 6 identical sections of the same clip on the timeline. I reversed every other one. The whole timeline played correctly. So far I have not been able to reproduce your fault. :-( How have you duplicated your clip? What effect did you add to your clip that did not play when the clip was reversed? Nat
  14. Hi It's not quite clear from your description what you have exactly done. "I have a 3 minute long video, which I split at about 5 seconds in -"........OK.... split bit - rest "I then duplicated it 2 times." How are you duplicating and are you duplicating the whole of the split clip twice? (i.e. split bit - rest - split bit - rest -split bit - rest....which would make the timeline 9 mins) or just the first 5 second portion- split bit - split bit - split bit - rest Assuming one of these is right, which bit is set to reverse? I would like to test it out but am not clear on what you have on the timeline. So far all the splits and reverses I have tried seem to work correctly with 3.89 There was a problem with an earlier version where the fade points used in the clip didn't start and finish properly as it seemed that VP forgot to calculate the position relative to the point selected and instead used the end of the clip, perhaps this is similar??. Nat
  15. Hi If you are using VLC.... Click the Tools tab at the top of the window Now select Preferences Now click Subtitles/OSD Unclick the boxs labelled Onscreen display and Show media title on video start. Now Save Your video should now run without the file same appearing. Nat
  16. Hi What steps are doing to output your video and what version are you using and can you save it to your PC? It may be that you have an unregistered version of VP. If so, you can save the project (.vpj) file but not export it. Normally this would show a standard "Buy now" message. Nat
  17. Hi First set your Options/Media/Default image duration to the value you require for each image. Set the Add new clip to the following position to Place on sequence at end You will need to have all your images in numerical or alphabetical order. e.g. image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg etc. If they are not numbered in sequence they will be placed in the media list in alphanumeric order. (Which may not be the order you actually want.) I don't think you can alter this. Note: Even if you add them to the media list in the order you want them to appear on the timeline, they will be re-arranged automatically. So...Once on the list (in order) Click the image at the top of the list........hold the SHIFT key down and click the last item on the list. You can scroll the media list down if necessary. (Keep the SHIFT key down) They will all then highlight blue. Now click on the highlighted block of names and drag them down to the sequence line and release them. They should now appear on the timeline in order, each with the default duration. Nat
  18. Hi I haven't noticed anything particularly different between the versions saved when I do this, but why not do it and see? Try it with a smaller video clip and do it multiple times. Its your opinion that counts. Just keep your original project .vpj file before you start so you can go back to square one. Why not post what you find back here? Nat
  19. Hi IMHO "Zoom to cropped area" was never particularly intuative. Zoom now works like it did in the past..... Open the Zoom effect window. Place the red effects cursor line at the start position for the zoom action. Adjust the yellow corners to the area outlining the start frame of the zoom. (You can force the Aspect Ratio if required) Click the green cross (top one will do) to set the first keyframe. Move the red cursor line along to the frame where you want the zoom to finish. Adjust the yellow cormers for the the frame size you want at this point and click "Apply" to set the keyframe and return to the main screen The sequence will now zoom, full frame into the area required. If you want to zoom a cropped frame you can use zoom to do this by setting more keyframe positions, the first two constituting the "Crop" having the same zoom values. Alternatively you can crop the clip and follow it by a zoom. I think it's better than before once you give it a try. Nat
  20. Hi c-major The exported avi was fine. I export from 3.79 as version 3.89 has this option inactivated for me, but I am using it for evaluation. The editing in version 3.79 was as expected...I could grab the audio track and drag it into synch with the audio of the main clip, and although it didn't move along with the cursor, it remained visible and the same size. It moved to the cursor position when released. So it was OK. In version 3.89, clicking the soundtrack to grab it reduced it virtually to a line, so removing the peak which had been grabbed. (looked like it was instantly zoomed in to a different point in the track) Although you could drag it (apparently) it was not particularly accurate. Also the red cursor line jumped about. (Which may have been due to the fact that both tracks had their speed altered a few percent to make them absolutely the same duration. Here are two screenshots from 3.89. The first is the normal soundtrack with piano chords on Audio Track 2 visible before clicking and the second shot is the appearence when one of the peaks is clicked prior to dragging . Although the cursor is not shown, this is the Audio track appearence when the track is clicked for grabbhing. The peaks have disappeared... Nat
  21. Hi As ypou say.... Click the file in the media list window and it will appear in the CLIP PREVIEW PANE. Now set the IN/OUT points followed by the GREEN DOWN ARROW. This places the selected area of the clip between the IN/OUT points onto the timeline. The Clip preview pane changes to the Sequence preview pane. (In version 3.79) You cannot now select another part of the clip on display as the Green arrow has disappeared (as you are displaying the Sequence preview pane. So..To add further selections from the clip... Click the clip once more in the Media list and the CLIP PREVIEW PANE will reappear exactly as it did at the start. The only difference now is that the IN/OUT pointers are still where you left them. *** Slide the markers to isolate a new section of the clip and click the GREEN DOWN ARROW again to add the new selected area to the timeline. *** You could click the Green Down Arrow immediately to add the same slice of clip to the sequence and repeat the above steps as many times as you wish. So you could show (for example) a dog seemingly repeatingly bouncing a ball on its nose....you get the idea. Note: For any selection, the IN marker (Red) must be to the left of the OUT marker (Blue)...You can't finish the selection before you have started it. :-) If VP does not behave as described....you should be able to move the IN/OUT markers to any new position irrespective of the place they reappear at when the clip is reselected... then there would appear to be something wrong. Nat
  22. Hi c-major Synching to the visuals is not particularly easy with VP at present. I have just tried to match a piano part (mp3) to a violin solo What I needed to do (with version 3.89) was to grab the piano Audio track (on audio Track 2) and drag it left or right to match with the violin sound track. However each time the audio was moved (with the Ctrl key), the wave form on the track being moved disappeared leaving a line with no particular peaks visible which meant one had to guess the movement and made the adjustment somewhat hit and miss. In earlier versions one could grab the waveform peak and pretty well match it to the waveform peak on the upper track. Is this losing the audio wave line when moving the track normal now? Nat
  23. Hi Just tried to send a project to my Facebook page using VP 3.79. Authorisation apparently passed OK but upload failed due to SSL problem. However, Videopad reported the .flv file that it created had been stored in.... C:\PP\AppData\Local\Temp\1492-1292-124.flv This file does not seem to exist in the Temp folder Is there a reason why? (If I open the VP cache folder, the thumbnails frames for the project are listed (....1492 etc) Anybody from NCH know? Nat
  24. Hi As it stands at the moment you can't apply the same effect to multiple clips except one clip at a time. (Willing to be shot down on this though ) The way around this is, once you you have finalised the editing of your Timeline, SAVE THE PROJECT.(It will enbale you to come back to it in the event you cock anything up) Now, save your timelineas a Sequence by clicking the + sign that follows the "Sequence 1 x" This will save all the clips on the timeline as a single clip under the media list "Sequence" tab and also clear the timeline. If you now load back the sequence onto the timeline you can apply an effect which will work on the whole of the timeline, that is to say all the clips at once. If you want to apply different effects on different numbers of clips then you can do this as outlined above but by creating multiple Sequences of the different clips. Remember to save the project "as" with a different name each time in case of problems. Nat
  25. Hi Normally you won't need to drag the sequence to the right. If you want to add some more clips to the start of your timeline, you can drag and drop them directly from the media list window. Pull them with the cursor from the media list down to the timeline where a yellow box will appear. Drag the clip (plus the box) to the left and it will be attracted to any of the clip joins where you can release it. Drag it to the extreme left and it will be added to the start of the timeline. Clips already on the timeline witll be moved to the right to accomodate the new clip. I think this is what you require. As an alternative you can open the Options screen (Click the chevrons at the RH end of the toolbar.) Under the "Options" "Media" tab change the "Add new clip to the following position" to "Ask Me" followed by OK. If you now right click any clip on the media list and select "Place on sequence" you will be prompted for a position. eg. "Place on sequence at start" In the latest version of VP you can set the cursor automatically at any join and then use "Place on sequence at the cursor." Nat
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