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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi I am assuming that what you refer to as the "Add clip" command is the green down arrow under the clip preview pane (left pane). If this is so then yes, you are correct....Once you have selected a section in the preview pane by setting the IN/OUT markers, you can place it onto the sequence line by clicking the Green down arrow, Then, as you have found, the Green down arrow becomes inactive (or disappears in V3.72) and you must reselect the clip again from the media list window to get the Green arrow back when you can reuse the IN/OUT markers once more to select and add a further section of the clip, (or even the same section.) Although you may find this a bit annoying, it because you are editing from within the preview pane and I have a feeling (probably incorrect) that VP stores each selection you make as a separate reference to the clip,(start value and end value) so the clip has to be reselected each time a new selection is made, However, on the plus side you may have noticed that the IN/OUT markers do remain in the same position when the clip is reselected from the media list. This should make it easier to carry on from where you left off. (Don't move the markers again before you reselect the clip as you will be editing the newly added section on the timeline) You do mention a need to "reset" the markers but where would you want to be reset to? Nat
  2. Hi Is it a case of ALL the movie being there but it's running faster, or has it actually been truncated by the three minutes or so? Nat
  3. Hi Obviously the developers felt that the layout was the most logical. More so than having lots of separate screens for the different functions.Why make a change for changes sake? Nat
  4. Hi I have no idea why your video "stalls" for a couple of seconds at the start, but the problem you now seem to have is similar to a recent short film I made of a fireworks display where the distance of the camera from the event resulted in a 2.5 second delay between the visuals and the sound. Yours seems to be the reverse of this. In practice this should be fairly easy to resynch. Assuming that the desynch lasts the whole length of your film and stays constant.... I gather from your description that when played in VP the video track just shows a "stalled" bit of film at the start. So...Load the clip/film to the timeline. Right click the video track and select "Unlink from audio" Grab the audio track and drag it to the right a little, just to separate the tracks. Now look for a visible "peak" in the sound track at some point that corresponds with a visible effect in the video track. You should be able to estimate the amount of desynch you have by referring to the timescale values in the small window below the right hand preview pane, for both positions. Set the red line cursor on the visual effect and then drag the sound track peak to the cursor line. Play the clip to check it looks OK As regards the section of clip that now has no sound at the start; presumably the visuals are not playing at this point, being "stuck". There's little you can do about this apart from probably splitting this bit off, unless you can drop something onto soundtrack 2 there from elswhere in the soundtrack that is similar and blend it in. Nat
  5. Hi Regarding the Zoom obtained with the Crop effect. This is a reply I gave to an earlier post regarding this.. ............ e.g. to zoom into a frame. Select the clip, Click the Add effects tab and select Crop from the displayed items. This will open the Effects window. Click one of the green crosses to create a start position or keyframe. (Shown by the orange squares that come up on the blue lines.) Click the Zoom to cropped region box to ensure the cropped area always fills the frame, and then click the Force Aspect ratio and select the value for your clip. (Normally 16:9) Now slide either of the red cursor lines along to the right to the position in the clip where you want the zoom to finish. and adust the final image frame size and position by pulling in the yellow boxes on the preview image. (Note you will be zooming in to a smaller area in the frame) The whole rectangle can be dragged to a final position. Review the zoom by playing the clip in the preview pane and adjust if necessary Click Apply and wait for VP to generate the frames. Your video clip will now zoom in with the parameters you set. You can produce any number of effects (Zoom in/Zoom out/Pan left,right or diagonally with or without zoom etc.) by varying the start and stop frames position and size. The cropped area can also be made to move about and rotate with the Position and Rotate effects. Note that the preview may look a little juddery as the resolution is much less than your actual video but the effect will be OK once the video has been rendered. ............... The four blue lines to the right of the value boxes reflect the position of the four sides of the image one for each side. The left end is the first frame of the clip and the right end is the last frame of the clip. The zoom effect described alters all four sides simultaneously to retain the desired aspect ratio, but there is nothing to stop you setting the values differently so as to obtain any number of distortion effects...squashing or squeezing the image if the Fill to cropped area is clicked or just plain cropping if not, at the same time you can fix any of the values (create keyframes) on any of the lines at any point between the start and finish frames by clicking the appropriate green cross...just experiment. Nat
  6. Hi Yes. In older versions of VP there was a Zoom effect where you could set start and finsh frame position and sizes for a clip. In the later versions including 3.72 you can acheive the same result using the Crop effect or the Position effect. e.g. to zoom into a frame. Select the clip, Click the Add effects tab and select Crop from the displayed items. This will open the Effects window. Click one of the green crosses to create a start position or keyframe. (Shown by the orange squares that come up on the blue lines.) Click the Zoom to cropped region box to ensure the cropped area always fills the frame, and then click the Force Aspect ratio and select the value for your clip. (Normally 16:9) Now slide either of the red cursor lines along to the right to the position in the clip where you want the zoom to finish. and adust the final image frame size and position by pulling in the yellow boxes on the preview image. (Note you will be zooming in to a smaller area in the frame) The whole rectangle can be dragged to a final position. Review the zoom by playing the clip in the preview pane and adjust if necessary Click Apply and wait for VP to generate the frames. Your video clip will now zoom in with the parameters you set. You can produce any number of effects (Zoom in/Zoom out/Pan left,right or diagonally with or without zoom etc.) by varying the start and stop frames position and size. The cropped area can also be made to move about and rotate with the Position and Rotate effects. Note that the preview may look a little juddery as the resolution is much less than your actual video but the effect will be OK once the video has been rendered. Nat
  7. Hi Can't get your example to play but I haven't noticed the effect you mention here with version 3.72. A wav file of 23 min 5 sec length (253 Mb) was 23 minutes 5 seconds long when placed on the VP timeline soundtrack. When played in VP there was no change in pitch or speed when compared with the response in Windows media player, Irfanview and VLC which also showed 23 min 5 seconds as the length. Check that your clip speed setting is 100% Nat
  8. Hi The VOB file(s).contained in the VIDEO_TS folder also have the attached sound tracks. The AUDIO_TS folder, despite its name, is usually empty as the protocol for creating the DVD does not use it (although it continues to be created,) As Borate suggests, test the VOB files out. It won't cause any problems. Use the procedure I mentioned above. Nat
  9. Hi Put the DVD in the drive slot on the PC and right click the CD drive icon. If the DVD starts to play, stop and close the player and right click the drive icon again. Now select to "Explore" the contents of the DVD from the menu that appears. You should see an AUDIO_TS folder and a VIDEO_TS folder. Double left click the VIDEO_TS folder. Inside you will find, (among others) one or more VTS_xx_x.VOB files. You can drag and drop these VOB files directly into the Videopad media list window, or drag and drop them to a folder on your PC first and add them to the media list in the normal way. Nat
  10. Hi The short answer is no. If you fiddle with the timeline zoom (zoom in) you can arrive at a point where the time divisions equal one frame but the sequence line would still registers time. It might be nice to display all those frames with numbers above them since you would feel you were using actual film, but the frame is shown in the right preview pane, That's not to say it would be impossible to implement. but the values shown would have to reprinted with gaps like the time values do as the sequence is zoomed in and out. I think one of the difficulties of implementing this idea is the fact that the clips you see on the timeline have been (in most cases) shortened by time ...not actually cut physically and transitions like crossfade can contain one or more images from each participating clip depending on how you have created them. Counting these and setting up the figures would have to be continually calculated and updated as you add/cut/remove overlap sections of clip, and would also have to refer to possibly several overlay tracks. It would be a difficult task to set this up as numbers of frames and I think it would prohibitively slow the program down. Even now some moderate PCs have to work really hard to run the numerous features VP currently has. Time divisions are more easily calculated and reasonably simple to show. Although a continuous frame number sequence might be complicated, I suppose that the cursor position (timewise) could be converted to seconds and then divided by the frames/sec value of the clip to produce a frame number that might be displayed in a small window somewhere........?? Easily done I should think with few overheads but perhaps not that accurate. You can always suggest it to NCH. Nat
  11. Hi Borate. I have used this procedure quite a few times to create avis of animated gif files using the individual .gif images. Why, you might ask?... Well, I give a number of illustrated talks and use a version of Irfanview for this as it will play animations (avi as well as gif) which I make as part of my talks. But it also has the ability to produce an auto exec file of the talk that doesn't require irfanview to run it. This is OK for people who want a copy of the talk. Unfortunately the autoexec file won't save the gif animations in a playable form and will only display the first image. (It will play avis.) So I use VP to convert the gif image sequences into avis I found that third party conversion programs didn't give a very good result as it ignored or speeded up the gifs that had their duration set differently. VP is easy to use in this respect as you can easily pull out images to display for longer. The downside with VP is that the contrast in the output avi is always lower than the original gif. But now there is a effect option for this..... Normalise would be great if it didn't try to brighten up fades....or black frames! Nat
  12. Hi VP will not display individual frames on the time line. As these are generated as thumbnails and stored in the cache, that would take an age. If you want to step through your video a frame at a time then look under the right hand preview pane. (Left pane is the same but only for the selected clip). Bottom left you will see the large triangular "Play" button. To either side of this are the Previous Frame and Next Frame tabs (Upper pair) and the Goto Start and Goto End tabs. (Lower pair) If you click these, the preview screen will display the next (or previous) video frame and the red cursor line will move along the timeline to keep pace. Nat
  13. Hi Although I don't use this image format normally, I downloaded some examples and find they do load into VP, both in the 2.41 version and the latest version. (.tga format) If you have your individual images that make up your animation and know the interval required between each one, you should, if it behaves like my version, be able to set the VP default image display time under options tab to the required value and then open the folder with the images and block load the lot. If you set the options to always load new clips to the end of the sequence then you can select all the images now on the media list and drop them onto the sequence line where they should produce the animation. Nat
  14. Hi Sounds like your project file might be corrupted in some way. Have you checked the process is actually working by creating a new project with, say, just an image on the timeline and then saving this as a "TEST" .vpj file and seeing if this saves and loads in to VP OK? Nat
  15. Hi I have not come across that particular message. Sorry. What do you get if you load VP, create a new project to get the basic home screen, click on the "File" tab and hover the cursor over the option "Recent Projects" (3rd one down)? This should give a list from which you could try to load something. Not sure where the autosaved project is stored but I don't think it can be opened in the conventional way anyway. Nat
  16. Hi The overlay track is not immediately evident until you place a clip on the main sequence line (Video track 1) when it becomes labelled with a prompt.. Drag and drop your video, text and image clips here to overlay. It is situated just above the main sequence line and is labelled Videotrack 2....Videotrack 3 ... Videotrack 4.......etc. if and when you add any clips to them. You can have many of these extra tracks. Each one is an overlay track and plays preferentially over anything placed on the lower tracks. The soundtracks for these extend below the main sequence soundtrack (Audio Track 1) and are labelled in a similar way. However these tracks mix together and don't overwrite unless you choose to mute a selection. Nat
  17. Hi Borate. I don't have a proxy site at the moment and my Orange site has stopped using the old IE. However, it's not a big deal, since after playing with it a bit, I think it may just be a graphic effect. If one splits the clip at the cursor line and without moving the cursor, looki closely, The left hand soundtrack finishes exactly against the red cursor line but the right hand soundtrack restarts a tiny distance to the right of the cursor line, but as I said it may simply be a graphic effect not connected to the sound play. I just created an apparently bigger gap by making a large number of splits, each one at the end of the tiny straight line (1/4 second long apparently. The sound played through this. and seemed OK, so....... being pedantic. Nat
  18. Hi I think you will have to loacte the project file yourself for a start. When you say that you saved your project many times, did you take the option to "Save Project File" or "Save Project File As.." If you simply used "Save Project File" there will only be one copy as this choice overwrites the old work each time. It's not a bad idea to "Save Project File As..." a time or two so you have another copy in case of a problem. Now..Do you know the name that you gave to your project file (the .vpj file) If you do, search for this from your start button. (Windows) and it should come up. If it doesn't most likely you have deleted it somehow. It will have the icon that looks like a piece of film with a yellow star in the centre. If it comes up then double left click it. VP should open it. (You won't be able to drag/drop it into the open program but you can drop it onto the VP program icon when it should open) If you get the opening splash screen when you load VP, there should be a location indicated after the prompt: "Open Most recent Project" The .vpj file should be there. Nat
  19. Hi Just been editing a section of video and tried to pull back i.e. drag to the right, the front end of a clip (last clip on the timeline) to eliminate a very small silent section of film soundtrack shown as a tiny horizontal line at the start of the clip sound waveform. I found the new "handles" appeared OK and both Video Track 1 and Audio track 1 highlighted as normal, but dragging the end of the clip to the right and releasing it had no effect on the tiny silent spot although the clip did shorten. As the sound between the successive clips is a jet aircrtaft engine sound it resulted in a stutter in the audio, Consequently I have had to drop in a sound bite to cover the tiny gap in the join. I tried eliminating a bigger section of the clip cutting back to the top of a louder section and had the same result. I couldn't get rid of that tiny silent spot. Is this an introduced "bug" associated with the adding of the "handles" or the thick line at the front of the yellow box? Splitting the clip at the cursor position also leaves a short silent instant at the start of the bit that remains. By contrast the leftmost clip sound track cuts off perfectly when dragged back.. Anybody else found this? Nat
  20. Hi Tried to upload similar "TEST" screen to Utube using the VP uploader.screen displayed above in your post. As I am using VP3.7 demo version, uploading is not implemented, (Indeed the "Export" tab is missing from the toolbar)so I have no export screen. Same with version 3.61 I therefore loaded up and used version 3,60 which worked OK last time. I clicked "Export" Selected YouTube Format: Youtube 480p Entered Username and Password and entered a name for video. Message "Unable to log into UTube" appeared Then Message "Failed to create your movie. Could not connect to You Tube" So it appears thatUT uploading is not working for some reason. On the other hand, I easily uploaded the clip to my facebook page. Nat
  21. Hi Borate Well, checking the Close gap in track option I did highlight all the tracks but only Tracks1 closed. But--Yes..Delete (Ripple) after selecting a clip section shunts the tracks down OK. Hadn't used that option. Being used to film I tended to use just delete. I also noticed now, that there is an option when closing a gap of "Close gap in Sequence". This was greyed out in the earlier version. This option produced the same final result as Delete(ripple). Selecting this after deleting a segment, all the following tracks (extra sound tracks and overlays) all moved down correctly. Also..Yes! If I undock the preview pane by clicking the top right hand corner it can be enlarged to full screen. The playback is much better as well than in the previous larger preview screen. Nat
  22. Hi As subject line says, the defect in closing the gap in the track when clips are deleted has been corrected in VP version 3.7 but only track1 and audio track 1 move. All overlay tracks or spot sounds on other tracks stay where they were and would have to be manually repositioned. http://www.nchsoftwa...ware/video.html Also like the way there are now "handles" when clip ends are adjusted on the timeline. In the earlier versions there were none and even when you approached the join from the clip you had selected, focus often would suddenly jump to the other clip which was a bit annoying. Thanks NCH. but where is the large preview screen now? Nat
  23. HI If that is the case the use of the IN/OUT markers may be version specific. In version 3.6 once you have "used" the green arrow to place your clip bit on the sequence,(set the options "Ask Me",so you can choose where they are added,) moving the the IN/OUT markers again has no effect. Even if you slide them both left of your initial selection as you suggest. However, as I mentioned, with this version just re-selecting (left clcking) the clip in the media list will redisplay the clip, reset the geen arrow but leave the IN/OUT markers where they were and allow you select a different part of the clip (or the same section again) and repeat the procedure. It makes producing multiple repeating sections easy. Nat
  24. Hi Having used the IN/OUT markers to select a section of your clip (in the clip preview pane) you have used the green down arrow to place your selection on the sequence. Once this has been done the green arrow no longer shows. You now need to re-select the same clip in the media list so it appears renewed in the clip preview window. You can use the IN/OUT makers again to make a second selection from the clip and the green arrow to place this onto the sequence. Nat
  25. Hi With version 3.6 I can cut a clip multiple times and insert other clips and not see any black frames between the clips or at the ends of the cut clips or where the join is made. (I am keeping the clips on the same track) Previously in the forum there had been a "black flash" reported at the joint between clips with earlier versions. I can't reproduce this yet with this version so it may have been a bug NCH has corrected. e.g. (Among others) http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/21380-when-i-cut-a-clip-it-creates-a-small-gap/page__hl__+black%20+flash#entry48619 These were definite black "frames" and were associated with the join between clips. Looking at it at the time, it seemed to be a problem of a small (tiny) space between the clips which played black for an instant. Closing the gap did not work as you couldn't zoom in enough to see the space.Neither did dragging the right clip back in an attempt to get a closer join. The line at the join also looked wider. If this is what you are referring to, you can get around if, when you have trimmed a clip, you place the following clip onto the overlay track and adjust its position so it starts at the required place. As it overplays the main track clip any "gap" produced by trimming and joining will not occur. As regards how a clip finishes...Using the VP app the preview of a clip finishes with the last frame. Depending on your external player, the exported video may finish with a black screen or a still of the last frame. Nat Nat
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